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Article - Laura Knight-Jadczyk
Chapter 16
Getting back to our narrative, the reader may want to remember that there were several things going on during the summer of 1997, including the necessary work to get all the details of the Xth Max Born Symposium hammered out. The Conference was scheduled for September 24th through the 27th, and Ark already had his date to return to the States scheduled for October 12th. Things had been timed so that he would be able to obtain his return Visa - but that depended on him being in Poland long enough in advance to get the paper work done. The divorce hearing was supposed to be held on July 22nd. All the while Ark was working. Threaded throughout all of this was the fact that we were puzzling our way through the transcripts, searching for clues. Back in the states, I was dealing with the daily issues of house, children, and the ongoing struggles with my health - trying to achieve some sort of stability after all the massive changes of the previous year. The children were struggling to stabilize also. My eldest daughter was being caught up in a fast crowd and was spending all her money for "appearances." She was not taking the responsibility of being behind the wheel of a car as seriously as she ought, and I could not figure out what had happened to my serious, responsible child. She was involved in a small accident, and she gave me one version of it, and the policeman who took the report gave an altogether different version based on witness testimony. I advised her that if she was going to drive that thing like a 747 that she ought to increase her insurance coverage. She said she would. Daughter number two had recovered from her depression and was now enthralled with inline skating - to such an extent that her health was suffering from the endless hours she practiced. What was worse was the crowd of kids she was meeting while skating. My son was determined to break every bone in his body on a skateboard. There was a group of Christian Fundamentalists who were always stalking about where the kids were skating, handing out tracts about hell-fire and damnation, scaring the kids so they would go to church and get "saved," and this concerned me a great deal. This activity ultimately led to a terrible tragedy when my son's best friend was induced to go to a revival by this group, and was in a terrible automobile accident and was left permanently crippled and brain damaged. So, there were Pied Pipers everywhere, and I was trying to find some reasonable activity for the children that would engage them and keep them safe. I was also trying to get caught up on all the transcribing. I still had a big box stacked with tapes from past sessions that had not been transcribed, and I struggled against the partial paralysis of my hands to get them transcribed so that Ark could read all of them. In this project, I received some assistance from Jan, but NO help from Frank at all. It was a protracted and painful struggle, but eventually it was finished. Even though I have decided not to include the massive numbers of emails we exchanged during this period in the narrative, there really is no way to understand the dynamics and flow of energy behind the scenes without them, so I have assembled a selection into a separate file, chronologically, for those who are patient enough to wade through that sort of thing, and who may be interested in discovering exactly what we were discussing at the precise time of the "disaster." (Ark and Laura's July 1997 Correspondence) Many of the "clues" to the great mysteries on the planet were discussed in these exchanges, and there were a number of dreams that were significant, and later mentioned in the transcripts without being fully explained, as they are in the emails. My guess is that we were getting too "close" to some things to allow this exchange to continue. These emails also chronicle the beginning of the C's website. The main purpose of publishing this correspondence is because it is both a sort of "map" of the areas we were investigating and our thinking about them at the time of the flood in Poland - which I have the idea is sort of synchronous - and a historical document as to what ideas were discovered at what point in time and how. It also provides some sort of idea of what was going on in our lives, which is part of the process of "realizing the Matrix" by experiencing it. One of the things I was learning was that anybody in our lives, our children, partners, friends, etc, could and would be used to bring pressure to bear - to whatever level they do not realize that they can be controlled and manipulated and used as an "agent of the matrix." This is a tough problem to deal with because, very often, we are very much involved with people who are not yet ready to even consider the idea much less begin the process of observing their own mind to watch for signs of manipulation. And it is particularly difficult when we deal with our children. It's almost fatal if it is our mates or partners - because, in the Biblical sense, we are "one" with that person, and their "karma" sort of becomes ours. That the flood in Poland was, most assuredly a disaster, is without question: it was a flood of sufficient significance that it threw all our plans into confusion. Apparently, it had begun to rain in Poland early in July, and continued to rain daily until the rivers swelled to overflow, and the water was everywhere. The Polish authorities called it the Flood of the Millennium. There had not been such an event in a thousand years. It was a National Disaster. The strangest thing about it was the fact that almost nothing was published about it in the U.S. Roads were washed out, railroads and communication lines were cut off. Food and water supplies weren't getting through; there was loss of life, and significant loss of property. Ark was in Florence, and couldn't find out what was going on - if his family was safe or not - for several days. Obviously, under such conditions it was unsafe to travel, not to mention the fact government buildings were reported to be flooded, documents and files were floating in the streets, and there would certainly be no divorce hearing. It was even possible that he would not be able to obtain his Visa in time. Everything was turning into a disaster. When all of this began to manifest, I called Frank for an "emergency" session. In this session we were given several huge clues to exactly how the Matrix illusion was maintained in our reality, as well as some hints that our mission was significant, though again, nothing specific was mentioned.
Ark made the decision to return to Poland in the middle of the disaster, and it was quite a journey since what few trains were running were crowded with people trying to get back to take care of their families. It was practically standing room only. All trains to Poland were cancelled and he managed to get a train to Wien. From Wien, he had to pay an exhorbitant sum to a driver to get him to Poland, and he spent some time sleeping on his luggage before he finally made it. By this time, the waters were receding, and the mud and mess was everywhere. There was no safe drinking water and it had to be brought in by truck, and there were long lines to get water from the trucks. During the period of time right after he returned to Poland in the midst of the flood, there are no emails. We communicated by phone, for the most part - only after the phone lines were back in service.
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