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Article - Laura Knight-Jadczyk
Chapter 22
As I go through this recapitulation, I have found my email files to be utterly invaluable in helping to jog my memory about the events of the past few years. They are also something of a daily diary of my dreams and thoughts and activities, so the reader may be assured that I am utilizing every tool to make the story as accurate and objective as possible. As I have already noted, after the "used soap" clue played out, Ark and I were so shocked that we almost decided upon the instant to entirely terminate any future interactions with Frank. We realized at that point what the many clues throughout the years had meant, and that the Cassiopaeans were communicating with me directly in my dreams, and providing me with a series of "green language" clues about future actions of Frank that would enable me to "see through." However, there was still sufficient blocking from my conscious mind so that the drama of the dream had to be expressed in terms of Terry and Jan rather than Frank. In this way, a "partner at the board" was emphasized, only the future event was actually played out by Frank, the point being to show me from the dream Frank's true role. But, at the time of the dream, I was simply not ready to consider the idea that Frank was a "mole." And of course, at the present time it relates to the fact that Frank is illegally and fraudulently trying to claim "ownership" of the C's material based on his claim that there would have been no C's without him. That is clearly not true, as the C's themselves have made clear. Frank never was The Channel. The C's were not "connected" to him in any way; the overwhelming evidence is that he was actually incidental to the process, the channeling was done on enough occasions without him present to make this clear, and has continued without him. But for a long time, in my ongoing effort to try to give to Frank some "sense of accomplishment," to try to use positive reinforcement to stimulate activity on his own, I would post material with the header: "Channeled by Frank Scott and" myself. I always put myself in second place and tried to give Frank the honors because he was always ranting about how completely he had been ignored and pushed into a corner by his parents. I never dreamed that this simple act of courtesy, of effort to help him feel better about himself, would be seen by him as "proof" that he was The Channel. But, as the C's had already confirmed, any "energy of giving" that is given to those of the STS persuasion only fuels their descent into STS. It never converts them to STO. Never. After many long discussions about the "Frank problem," Ark and I both saw rather plainly that any continued interaction with him would be under the exact same conditions as we had each continued in our respective marriages even after realizing that there never was and could never be any real "meeting of the mind" or colinearity of souls with our former partners. The Cassiopaeans had told us over and over again that there was a "mission" of some sort, even if only that of sharing our information, and that it could not move to the next level as long as Frank was involved. We had observed evidence and clues galore that Frank's path was not just "different," but rather diametrically opposed to our own. It was, indeed, a real "twist." The fact is, as one reader of this series has pointed out, manipulation and betrayal of trust is a constant in human dynamics. But in another sense, it is our choice to experience it. The C's have said we were "lured" to the threshold, and once we had "gone for the gold" of 3rd density experience, we, in some sense, agreed to have our genes altered. But, in the end, it still comes down to the fact that Free Will cannot be abridged unless we oblige. This then brings us to the point where we are required to address the unresolved issues in ourselves that make us vulnerable to manipulation and betrayal of trust. Indeed, as innocent children, we are programmed to feel unworthy, and because of this "unworthiness" programming, we repeatedly accept manipulation and betrayal of trust as our due. Another reader has written so eloquently:
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