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The Secret History of The World by Laura Knight-Jadczyk

Discover the Secret History of the World - and how to get out alive!


Adventures with Cassiopaea








Adventures With Cassiopaea

Chapter 30

Practically next door to Princeton is the Institute for Advanced Study. This ivory tower of academia, if ever there was one, was the result of a "synchronous" act of philanthropy. The Institute was founded in 1930 with a gift from Mr. Louis Bamberger and his sister, Mrs. Felix Fuld, under the guidance of the famous educator Abraham Flexner, who originated the concept from which the Institute took its form. The Bambergers originally thought of endowing a dental school, which is probably why they consulted Flexner when they decided that they wanted to give some of their fortune away.

Flexner was a high school principal who wrote a report on American Colleges. Based on this report and the recommendation of his brother, a pathologist with connections to existing medical schools, he was chosen by the Carnegie Foundation to do a study of American Medical Education just after the turn of the century. Flexner visited medical schools across the nation on a schedule that barely allowed him a whole day each for the evaluation of some schools. His efforts were closely linked with the American Medical Association, who provided resources. Although purporting to be objective, the Report actually established guidelines that were designed to sanction orthodox medical schools and condemn homeopathic ones and alternative therapies. In short, it was biased toward allopathy and the AMA.

Is this evidence of a conspiracy to gain control of medical education, doctors, and thusly the entire population by means of promotion of certain drugs designed to control human beings, or to modify their behavior? I can't say. All I notice is that there seem to be so many "coincidental" threads that weave together, bringing the inhabitants of our planet to the present state, that it is truly difficult to not see some "grand design" behind it. But can it be a human design? It doesn't seem so. When you track such conspiracies back in time and space, you discover that there is so much historical evidence that the groundwork for the present conditions was laid long, long ago - back in the mists of prehistory even - that conceiving of it as just human activity, or the results of human nature is extraordinarily difficult.

In any event, Flexner's report had a tremendous impact on American Medicine, and it was to him that the Bamberger's turned for advice regarding the founding their proposed dental school. Who knows, maybe they suffered from frequent toothaches?

Flexner had a better idea: why not found a research institution with no teachers, no students, no classes, and only researchers, shielded from the cares of the real world so that they could just hang out and produce great thoughts?

Believe me, I think it was a great idea! The only problem is: who's on first? Just who might be "influencing" those thoughts? Just what thoughts might be being encouraged and rewarded? This is not a rhetorical question, as we will see.

One of the more curious things about Flexner's idea was that he initially thought that a school of economics ought to be at the core of the Institute, but decided on mathematics since it was more "fundamental."

Once the Institute was setup, Flexner set about finding talent. This "just happened" to coincide with Hitler's takeover of the German government and the mass expulsion of Jews from German Universities which had, until then, been the seats of higher learning in math and science. Negotiations were begun to get Einstein, who finally agreed to become the second member of the Institute's School of Mathematics. Kurt Godel came, followed by Hermann Weyl, who wanted Von Neumann. In short, overnight, Princeton had become the new Gottingen.

Q: (A) What I do not understand is why, a few years later, [Einstein] completely abandoned [UFT in terms of Kaluza-Klein theories] and started working very hard on a completely different solution. If he knew...
A: Was under control.
Q: (A) Can you control somebody and make him spend years.... Oh! Mind control! They got him!
A: Why do you think he emigrated to the United States in the first place?
Q: (A) Well, that is not a surprise. He was a Nobel Prize winner and America was getting together every possible Nobel Prize winner, and also there was the persecution of the Jews, so it was natural.
A: More to it than that. What about Freud?
Q: (L) I guess they didn't want Freud! He didn't know anything about UFT! (A) Now, apparently Von Neumann was also involved in application of UFT. But, Von Neumann was, as far as we know, doing a completely different kind of mathematics. He didn't even really know geometry, differential geometry. He was doing completely different things. [Game Theory, to be precise.] So how come the UFT that was discovered by Einstein, involved Von Neumann? What did Von Neumann contribute to this project?
A: Von Neumann was one of three overseers at Princeton with level 7 security clearance, and a clear budget request permittance.
Q: (L) My question is, about Von Neumann, as I understand it, Von Neumann was supposed to have been involved with the creation of a time machine, right?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Did he succeed in such a project?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Well, why was it that, when he developed a brain tumor and realized he was going to die - and I read that he screamed and yelled like a baby when he knew there was no hope - if he was somebody who had access to a time machine, why wasn't he able to do something about it instead of carrying on like a madman? The stories about his screams echoing all over the place, are horrible. He realized that his great mind was going to soon be still; if he had access to a time machine, one would think that he would have used it, would have pulled every string he could, to forestall his own death.
A: No Laura, it does not work that way. And besides, if you had a brain tumor, you could be forgiven for a few mental peculiarities too!
Q: (L) I just don't understand why, when he knew he was sick, that he didn't just use the time machine to go forward in time for a cure, or backward in time to correct something in his past...
A: The time machine was not his property.
Q: (L) So, they got what they needed from him and let him die. (A) It is not clear. He got this cancer so suddenly, it may even have been induced. (L) Well, that's a thought.

What we are basically seeing in the above recitation of the endowment of Princeton as a mathematical center, and the luring of scientific talent to America, is part of the truth of one of the ideas of Alternative 3. It was effectively, a "brain drain" on Europe. All the geniuses who were capable of certain, specific things, were being brought to America and settled in Princeton. This produced an almost immediate scientific earthquake. Of course we see that the scientific revolution in America did not begin after WW II as many conspiracy theorists would like to believe, but rather before. In the 1920s, to be exact.

Something happened to stimulate this activity. In the 1920s, during which time the Rockefellers and other monied groups made enormous contributions to "education in America," and during which the preparations for the Hitler drama were underway, another event that may or may not be connected took place. In Mark Hedsel's book, The Zelator, we discover the "intimations" of this event. In Chapter Five of the referenced work, Hedsel informs us that:

At the end of the last century an astounding revelation was made, as a result of dissent among members of secret Schools. Information, hitherto guarded jealously by the most enclosed of the inner Orders, was made public. The secrets disclosed pertained to a far deeper level of knowledge than has hitherto been made exoteric by the Schools - even in this enlightened age.

Our purpose here is not to document how so deep an esoteric idea was made public - or even to assess whether it was wise for this idea to be brought out into the open. All this has been dealt with in the literature… [Hedsel, Mark, and Ovason, David, The Zelator, 2000]

The speaker in Hedsel's book, his teacher, promises to provide titles by which this most curious item might be researched, but dies before doing so. He later mentions A.P. Sinnett and Hedsel himself speculates that it is the Theosophical ideas of A.P. Sinnett and Helena Blavatsky. I don't agree because of what the teacher says next:

In a nutshell, what was made public during this conflict in the Schools was the truth that our Moon is a sort of counterweight to another sphere, which remains invisible to ordinary vision. This counterweighted sphere is called in esoteric circles the Eighth Sphere.

The truth is that this Eighth Sphere does not pertain to anything we are familiar with on the physical plane, yet we must use words from our own vocabularies whenever we wish to denote its existence. Were we to use a word which fits most appropriately this Sphere, then we should really call it a vacuum. Certainly , Vacuum is a more appropriate term than sphere, for the Eighth Sphere sucks things into its own shadowy existence.

The reference to the Moon brings us back in a loop to the so-called Philadelphia Experiment which was promoted on the platform of the death of Morris K. Jessup. What the Philadelphia Experiment distracted attention away from was Jessup's ideas about the gravitational neutral zone of a three body system which we have also identified as being connected to the Chandler wobble cycle of 18.6 years, which then connects to the "dancing of the god" at Stonehenge every 19 years, which is called the Metonic cycle. And /f course, we are beginning to realize that all of this connects to the ideas of the Holy Grail, the Ark of the Covenant, and certain periods - cyclical in nature - in which transfer of perimeters is most easily accomplished! Remember what Jessup wrote:

While I believe that these space islands probably use both earth and moon for their own convenience, I suggest that their most natural and permanent habitat is at the gravitational neutral of the earth-sun-moon, three-body system which is well within the orbit of the moon.

It has been postulated that gravitation need not be considered as acting with uniform continuity, from the center of the attracting body outward, even if subject to the inverse square law. Such a concept, today, would be especially horrendous to physics and astronomy.[…]

Refinements of Bode's law indicate nodes in the gravitational field, at which planets, asteroids, and possibly comets and meteors tend to locate themselves. An extension of the theory to the satellite systems of the major planets indicates a similar system of nodes on smaller scales, where planets, rather than the sun, are gravitational centers. …it might well be that these gravitational nodes are occupied to some degree by navigable constructions.[…]

Many researchers have extended the law so as to establish nodes right down to the surface of the central bodies, and in so doing the nodes become closer and closer together so that there may be many of them at short distances from the parent body. Thus, if the law or its derivatives have significance, there could be a number of these orbital nodes between the moon and the surface of the earth. […]

There may even be hints available to us regarding gravity. For instance, no final settlement has ever been made of the argument over the opposed wave and corpuscular theories of the propagation of light. An assumption that the ether, a necessary adjunct to the wave theory, is identical with the gravitational field, whatever that may be, would reconcile the opposing theories and a quantum of light would then be merely a pulsation or fluctuation in the gravitational field. Intense studies of the movements of space-navigable UFO's might furnish vital clues to such problems.[…]

Let us stop right here and consider the above remarks. Jessup has suggested that a "quantum of light would then be merely a pulsation or fluctuation in the gravitational field." And this connects us directly to several remarks made by the C's, curiously in the context of questions about Sufism:

A: Now, learn, read, research all you can about unstable gravity waves. […] We mean for you, Laura, to meditate about unstable gravity waves as part of research. […] Unstable gravity waves unlock as yet unknown secrets of quantum physics to make the picture crystal clear.
Q: (L) […] Gravity seems to be a property of matter. Is that correct? […]
A: And antimatter!
Q: (L) Is the gravity that is a property of antimatter "antigravity?" Or, is it just gravity on the other side, so to speak?
A: Binder. […] Gravity binds all that is physical with all that is ethereal through unstable gravity waves!!!
Q: (L) Is light the emanation of gravity?
A: No.
Q: (L) What is light?
A: Gravity. […] If gravity is everything, what isn't it? Light is energy expression generated by gravity.
Q: (L) According to what I understand, at the speed of light, there is no mass, no time, and no gravity. How can this be?
A: No mass, no time, but yes, gravity.
Q: (L) A photon has gravity?
A: Gravity supersedes light speed.

Returning now to Jessup's comments:

…There is increasingly strong evidence that gravity is neither so continuous, so immaterial nor so obscure as to be completely unnamable to use, manipulation and control. Witness not only the documented movements of UFO's in the form of lights, discs, nebulosities, etc., but the many instances of stones, paper, clothes baskets and many other things which have been seen to leave the ground without apparent cause. The lifting of the ancient megalithic structures, too, must surely have come through levitation.[…]

It is my belief that something of the sort was done in the antediluvian past, through either research or through some fortuitous discovery of physical forces and laws which have not as yet been revealed to scientists of this second wave of civilization. […]

It is my belief that the possibility of gravity control, or at least gravity reactance, has been strongly indicated by the phenomena listed in this book.

There seems to be something of periodicity in events of celestial and spatial origin. This has been called to our attention by John Philip Bessor in the Saturday Evening Post as early as May, 1949; but no one has thus far been able to catalogue and classify enough of this data to determine for certain whether such cycles exist, much less their time period or cause. It is not particularly astonishing that these phenomena should be cyclic, for practically everything astronomical is periodic. If periodicity could be firmly established for these phenomena, that fact alone would be proof of their reality and integration with the organic world about us.[…]

It is no longer necessary to explain [aliens] as visitors from Mars, Venus, or Alpha Centauri. They are a part of our own immediate family -- a part of the earth-moon, binary-planet system. They didn't have to come all of those millions of miles from anywhere. They have been here for thousands of years. Whether we belong to them by possession, like cattle, or whether we belong to each other by common origin and association is an interesting problem, and one which may soon be settled if we keep our heads.

In final summary, the UFOs have been around us for a long time and probably are a connecting link with the first wave of terrestrial civilization. [Jessup, op. cit.]

Now, the question is: who was it who revealed this "great secret of secrets" at the end of the last century, as Hedsel's teacher has remarked? We have been directed to think about Sinnett and Blavatsky, but we are already wise to such tactics. It is important to know WHO the "revealer" was in order to know what was revealed. This will then lead us to understand WHAT was done with that knowledge and how it affects us today.

We have also been directed to look at a certain time period which would correspond to the activities of such sources, and so we might wish to look at the vast array of literature for internal clues. In reviewing all of this literature, in casting our net far and wide, there is only one source that "fits" the description: Gurdjieff's metaphor of "Food for the Moon." There is, in fact, a singular remark made by Gurdjieff in conversation with P.D. Ouspensky, recorded by the latter in his book, In Search of the Miraculous that confirms that the information revealed by Gurdjieff was, in fact, related to the cyclic catastrophes and their relations to hyperdimensional realities. It also confirms that he was the one who really "knew" something:

"The intelligence of the sun is divine," said Gurdjieff. "But the earth can become the same; only, of course, it is not guaranteed and the earth may die having attained nothing."
"Gurdjieff's answer was very vague.
"There is a definite period, " he said, "for a certain thing to be done. If, by a certain time, what ought to be done has not been done, the earth may perish without having attained what it could have attained."
"Is this period known?" I asked?
"It is known," said Gurdjieff. [Ouspensky, In Search of the Miraculous, Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich, New York.]


Continue to page 269

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