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Article - Laura Knight-Jadczyk
Chapter 30 One of the primary problems of dealing with a large human population in terms such as the above seems to be Economics and most particularly Game Theory. And this brings us to John Forbes Nash and his time at Princeton which is where he came up with his ideas about "Game Theory." Keep in mind, of course, what we discussed in a previous chapter about the "economics" of Stockholm Syndrome - it's a lot more energy efficient to get the victim to like his captivity and even to help you to use and abuse him or her. It's all a matter of Economics. It was a curious set of "coincidences" that led me to the subject of John Nash, and the insights of his life story and how it relates to our subject of "Economics" and the mysteries behind our apparent reality. For me, the issue right after finishing chapter 24 was how to move back into the past - the recapitulation - and I did as I usually do when preparing to write, I sort of pace around the house, looking at things, doing a little cleaning here and there, maybe cook a little, do a little gardening, or whatever attracts me in an instinctive way. After some time of allowing my mind to lie fallow, the flow will begin again and I will get an "urge" to do something that opens the door to the clues. During this process, I remembered having read some things that would be useful in explicating this deep level reality, since grasping 4th density is what seems to be the big chasm over which so many people simply cannot cross. The book was Nigel Pennick's "Secret Games of the Gods." I pulled it out and put it on my desk. A bit later, Ark and I were discussing several other individuals we were aware of who met unusual ends - either through death or insanity - while engaged in research on the boundary of physics and mathematics. One case in particular always intrigued us was the story of Armand Wyler. Ark also mentioned that Hugh Everett mysteriously dropped out of academic physics, and later died rather young. As I was thinking over chapter 24, I kept coming back to this issue of M1 and G5, and the "economics" reference. This, in concert with the recent Enron debacle, and several discussions on the egroup kept popping up in my head. What the heck did "economics" have to do with anything? Was Enron involved? Are all of these things occurring at the present time simply the moving of the playing pieces in the Secret Games of the Gods? I mused over the fact that the guy who visited us just before Maynerd Most entered our lives in a direct way, and "Frank Scott" exited, was an ECONOMIST. He had done his Ph.D. under Milton Friedman, the 1976 Nobel Laureate in Economics. One thing that bothered me was the fact that Most had pretended not to know this guy when I first wrote and told him about the impending visit. Most had, in fact, been planning to visit and attend a session, and after I wrote and suggested he might enjoy meeting this man, there was about 10 days of no response. The guy came and went with no news from Most about whether he was coming, and if not, why or anything. Then, what was more puzzling was the fact that it was just a few days after this visit, Most wrote to inform me that whatever I was doing it was "hot," and he had been under severe attack from dark forces - both physical and ethereal - for even TALKING to me! But, not to worry! He was so determined to help me that he would manage somehow. And of course, it was obvious to him that I needed help, and FAST! At this point, Most began "winding" me up to think that I needed his services as a hypnotherapist and specialist on government/Satanic mind control programs. (We will describe this process thoroughly later, and include the pertinent correspondence that demonstrates the dynamics.) Seven months later, when I mentioned this economist again to Most, with the idea of identifying who was or was not part of a COINTELPRO operation - though I didn't call it that then - Most suddenly revealed that he had met him in Egypt in 1995 - they were in the same "tour group." He effectively deflected my suspicions by describing the economist as just a "harmless New Age groupie," and I was not to worry about him! The reader should keep in mind that this was at a point in time when Most was working very hard to convince me that everybody in my environment was an "agent" out to get me, and the only one I could trust was Most himself. Meanwhile, there was a whole series of truly bizarre behaviors being manifested by people in our egroup so that everything Most was saying seemed to be backed up by evidence in the environment. So, the question becomes: why did he wish to deflect my attention away from this Economist whose presence at our house was immediately followed by serious maneuvers by Most to gain our confidence, control of our material and ME? What does this have to do with the almost simultaneous sudden defection of "Frank Scott" for the most absurd reason that anyone can imagine? Also, how was this connected to the sudden appearance of several people who wanted to join our egroup, to get inside the research group, and who later turned on us viciously and became, effectively, clappers for the Williams/Most gang? Was this entire scenario set up and scripted and controlled from higher levels in order to "herd" me into a corner where Most would be able to accomplish certain aims on behalf of these forces? Even if there was the possibility that he and the other players were unconscious of the maneuvers? After the research team and egroup had investigated the matter, after we had assembled any private emails that any of us had received from the various parties involved, the "scripting" became even more evident. Each individual involved seemed to have been scripted to write and act in certain ways designed to "trigger" certain responses in myself and the group at large. The chronological assembling of the emails and comparison of one thread to another demonstrated clearly that there was a concerted, unified intent behind them. However, unless it could be determined that they all knew each other prior to joining our egroup, or that they had connections to some human COINTELPRO operation - and that did not seem likely - then the only conclusion that could be drawn was that each of them was, more or less, an "alien reaction machine," or a playing piece on the board of the Secret Games of the Gods. Most interesting of all, the one theme that they all had in common was Time Travel, the search for the "deepest secrets," which they all sought to extract from me by emotional button pushing, manipulation, and later, intimidation and threat. However, even when Most wrote about his connection to the economist, the lightbulb did not go on in my head. It was to be many more months before we even had the idea to investigate the many links between some of these people, coming to the realization of what we call the Cosmic COINTELPRO operation. Could it be a human orchestrated operation? Well, sure; it's possible. We have certainly found enough links, nebulous though some of them are, to suggest that all the "players" know each other at the human level. But I am still inclined to think that most of the parties are being manipulated hyperdimensionally and that some of them are even unaware of the fact that their actions are "agent oriented." Perhaps that is my failing: that I cannot conceive of all of them being deliberately evil and manipulative to the extent that the evidence will show. But, I am going to describe it in detail further along, and the reader will be able to make their own assessment. Among the things that this economist who visited us revealed about himself was a close relationship with Drunvalo Melchizedek as well as certain members of what we now know of as the Aviary. He also claimed that he worked under a security clearance at Wright Patterson AFB, famous for the Hanger 18 legend. He regaled us with stories about the underground storage facilities there - under a golf course, he said - and confirmed the rumor that there were "alien craft" stored there. We were suitably impressed that an individual with such credentials and obvious intelligence was giving such open credibility to some of the stranger stories of UFO mythology. He was also a past president of the American Cybernetics Society, a group with a very interesting membership. At the time he was telling his stories, it never occurred to me to ask what in the world an economist was doing at Wright Pat. What the heck did they want an ECONOMIST for? After posting chapter 24, I brought up these questions to Ark. He agreed that there was something strange about all this that we ought to think about. Right after placing the Nigel Pennick book on my desk, I had an overwhelming urge to go to Sam's club and see if I couldn't find my son a new shirt to wear to a webmaster's conference he was going to attend with his employer. I could have gone the next day. But, for some reason, I wanted to go right then. I had that "antsy" feeling that I just had to DO something. We went and, after finding a shirt, we strolled through the book aisle and Ark noticed the book "A Beautiful Mind," about John Nash. He picked it up and read the blurb on the back where it tells how the guy spent most of his life as a schizophrenic, who thought that aliens were communicating with him, and how he had been awarded a Nobel Prize in ECONOMICS for his contribution to game theory - and had the idea that perhaps I ought to read this book for clues. We bought the book. The history of the rise of Princeton as the "mathematical center of the universe," and Nash's interactions with Johnny von Neumann and Einstein was most revealing. CNN published an article on March 18, 2002, which began:
I nearly choked when I read that both Nash and his wife denied that he was "gay, anti-Semitic or a poor father," when the book is full of evidence that Nash was all of those things, and his wife was certainly an enabler, Nash's quoted remarks above "I did have strange ideas during certain periods of time. It's really my subconscious talking. It was really that. I know that now," raises the important issue of how such things "arrived" in his subconscious mind. There is, of course, the ever popular "my parents damaged me as a child" routine that he could adopt to back this one up - after all, his parents are conveniently dead. And, if he is going to denigrate his "strange" subconscious ideas about some of the "politically incorrect" subjects, what are we going to do with the ideas he claims came from the same source for which he won a Nobel Prize? An interesting exchange between Nash and Harvard professor George Mackey is described in the prologue of the book:
The entire time I was reading "A Beautiful Mind," I kept wondering when we were going to get to the part where the mind became beautiful. Everything in the book describes something repellent and cold and barely human. John Nash's brain was brilliant, oh indeed! But at the end of the book there had not been a single thing of "beauty" about either his thinking, or his life. In fact, as I read, my skin crawled with the realization that I was reading about a person whose life story was identical to that of Frank Scott.
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