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Article - Laura Knight-Jadczyk
Chapter 29 So, what happened here? They are all screaming because some scientists whose field was not archaeology came along and applied some scientific dating techniques to the eruption of the Theran volcano, and it really upset the apple-cart. Manning writes:
To make a long story short, years were spent by archaeologists arguing that Radiometric dating had to be thrown out because it contradicted their intricately constructed house of chronology cards. In an article titled The Minoan Eruption of Santorini in Greece dated to 1645 BC, written by C. U. Hammer and H. B. Clausen, published in Nature, August 1987, the authors, both members of the Geophysical Institute of the University of Copenhagen, along with W.L. Friedrich, Geological Institute, Aarhus University, and H. Tauber, Radiocarbon Dating Laboratory, National Museum of Copenhagen, suggested that a 1645 BC event may have been the cause for the destruction of the island of Santorini, home to the volcano, Thera. Then along came tree-ring calibration. The end result was that the ice core data also showed something remarkable occurred starting around 1644 BC with an increase in the level of volcanic sulphuric acid in the earth's atmosphere. This was followed by an absolute tree ring date of 1628 BC, give or take a year either direction, of some event that is now considered to be the cataclysmic eruption of Thera. Glass shards were also found in the 1623 BC layer of the ice cores, connected in some way to this two decades long time of trouble. [Another event was identified as occurring at 1159-1141 BC, some 460 years later. These are the only tree-ring growth anomalies in the second millennium BC. The latter event is obvious in terms of climatalogical effects, but does not seem to denote a single, specific event, as does the former. Even the eruption of Krakatoa in modern historical times, did not have the impact on the planet that the event of 1628 apparently did] So we discover that the confirmed lynchpin for the fall of the late Bronze Age cultures, the Middle Eastern Civilizations, and other recorded disasters that are found to be "around that time," seems to be the period from 1644 BC to 1628 BC, possibly running through 1600 BC. The Cassiopaeans gave the date for the closest passage of any of these bodies as being 1588 BC. That's close enough to be in the ball-park, and may be, in fact, the correct date. The ice cores show the disturbances starting in 1644 (registering in 1645) and the tree rings show a big spike in 1628 which was probably the eruption of Thera, though the entire period was disturbed long after. At that point, the planet would be so shrouded in volcanic debris that subsequent tree rings would probably show little further variation due to adaptation. Yoshiyuki Fujii and Okitsugu Watanabe demonstrate that "large scale environmental changed possibly occurred in the Southern Hemisphere in the middle of the Holocene." [Microparticle Concentration And Electrical Conductivity of A 700 m Ice Core from Mizuho Station Antarctic, published in Annals of Glaciology (1-, 1988) pp. 38-42] (Within the last 10,000 years). Their depth profiles of microparticle concentration, electrical conductivity and Oxygen 18 at circa 1600 BC indicates a spike in readings for all of these elements. The evidence shows that this disturbance covered this designated period, but with a "huge spike" at c. 1600 BC. Similar evidence exists at 5200 BC. This period shows less severe but similar climatological stress. The oxygen 18 profile is close to normal, but there is a visible volcanic dirt band. The dating of this segment is less close because it is clear that nobody is really looking for this cycle, but it appears to correspond to the ash band from the Byrd station core. [ cf. G. Cope Schellhorn, Ph.D.:Evidence of Cyclical Earth Changes, from When Men are Gods] In an article in Nature, November 1980, C.U. Hammer, H. B. Clausen and Dansgaard date a disturbance from the Camp Century ice core to 5470 BC +/- 120 years. This compares to the proposed Hekla eruption which was radiocarbon dated to 5450 BC +/- 190 years. There is an appreciably high acidity signal at these sections of the core which indicates a high level of volcanic activity - again, right at the 3600 year cycle mark. It is conjectured that the cycle goes unnoticed because of long-term after-effects, such as cooling climate, as well as the fact that each cycle has greater or lesser effects on the earth depending on the particular dynamical interactions within the solar system at any disruption. What is clear is that something happens at 3600 year intervals as shown by the ice cores, and is capable of setting off prolonged periods of earth changes that are above the levels of ordinary uniformitarian geologic and climatalogical changes. Looking further: Michel R. Legrand and Robert J. Delmas of Laboratoire de Glaciologie et Geophysique de l'Environment published an article "Soluble Impurities in Four Antarctic Ice Cores Over the Last 30,000 Years" [Annals of Glaciology (10, 1988, pp 116-120)]. In which they graphed the Oxygen 18 variations and the ionic components Na,NH 4 and Ca2 and H and Cl and NO3 and SO4. The time scale for each ionic component level as well as the O18 levels stretches back 30,000 years. The graph shows correlations to spikes at 5,200 BC, 8,800 BC, 12,400 BC, c. 16,000 BC, c. 19,600 BC. All of these were times of great geologic stress. When looking at the data and taking into account the acknowledged dating inaccuracies (some of the ranges of dates can go 100 years in either direction of the spike, even though the spiking is regular and rhythmic) for the more recent dates, and 3 to 600 years variance for the older dates - especially when one considers that these are broad analyses and nobody was really looking for anything specific - they just said "wow! look at that wavy line!" - we find that the southern ice cores do not always register the same as the northern ones. The 1628 BC event that really slammed the tree rings in the northern hemisphere shows almost no registration in the Antarctic cores in terms of volcanic activity. But the northern cores show the activity beginning 1644 BC. The evidence for the 5200 BC event is strong in the Dome C core. The 8,800 BC event is well marked - in fact, seems to be the strongest of them all. Keep in mind that this was 10,800 years ago - exactly within the range of dates reported by Herodotus and Plato. The oxygen 18 isotope variation is noticeable, the rise in sea-salt, elevated levels of C1 and C1/Na. There is an extreme spike in SO4 and H readings suggesting widespread volcanic activity - great earth changes were happening at that time, and they registered in the climate, the oceans, and were preserved in ice. The 12,400 BC event is also extremely pronounced in the cores. The graphs show a quick, vast change including the end of the Wisconsin Ice Age. This reminds us of our evidence of Nuclear Activity in Paleoindian Times presented in a previous chapter. There is a great Oxygen 18 isotope variation as well as peaks of Na and very pronounced spikes in Ca, SO 4 and H. There is absolutely no question that the Santorini event occurred. The acid signal in the ice core is very strong. Which means that there is very little question about when it occurred. Something very unusual and specific happened then, starting in 1644, and culminating in a major cataclysm, and it seems that it walked all over the Aegean and Anatolian area, leaving tracks that are impossible to miss. Impossible for anyone, that is, except Egyptologists and their kin. In his book Stratigraphic Comparee et Chronologie de l'Asie Occidentale, [London, Oxford University Press, 1948] Claude Shaeffer's lifelong archaeological investigations led him to propose that a great natural catastrophe brought about the end of the Middle Kingdom in Egypt, and also devastated by fire and earthquake almost every other populated region of Crete, Cyprus, the Caucasus, Syrian, Palestine, Persia, and Asia Minor in general. That's one heck of a "local event." It is only logical to conclude that the Santorini event and the end of the Middle Bronze Age are one and the same event. As a result of this absolute dating, a firestorm of controversy erupted. This argument between those who deal with scientific dating, including tree rings (dendochronology) and ice core dating, and radiocarbon dating, and the archaeologists who don't like their results, has been raging for over twenty years. All over the Mediterranean there were kingdoms and cultures that communicated and traded with one another. Reading the many books on each region, produced by the various experts on the different cultures, again and again one encounters the fact that a period of severe disruption was noted in the historical and archaelogical record. Somehow, such an event in one region is not necessarily connected to a similar event in another region. The idea that all of the disruptions in a given general time period may be simultaneous cannot be considered because it would disrupt the carefully constructed chronology that is based on endless acts of tetraphyloctomy. [Splitting a hair four ways; coined by Umberto Eco in Foucault's Pendulum]. It is only in recent years that these disruptions have been related to celestial phenomena by serious scientific researchers, and even their observations have not moved the Egyptologist one inch from their firm adherence to their chronology. After corresponding with a few of them, reading their books and technical papers, I finally realized that Egyptology is actually a mental illness. I am not joking here. After a certain number of such interactions, after endless reading of the material that is little more than magical thinking using vague and metaphoric speech, I noticed that nearly every single Egyptologist I had encountered could be classified somewhere between Narcissistic and Schizotypal personality disorders. [An Egyptologist has a grandiose sense of self-importance (e.g., exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements); is preoccupied with fantasies of Egyptian, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love;believes that he or she is "special" and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other Egyptologists; requires excessive admiration from all other fields of study;.has a sense of entitlement, i.e., unreasonable expectations of adoration and acknowledgement from all other sciences, especially automatic compliance with his or her opinions;.is unwilling to recognize or identify with the facts of empirical science; is often envious of others or believes that others are envious of him or her and his expertise in Egyptology; shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes Egyptologists are also characterized by eccentric behaviour and anomalies of thinking. There is no dominant or typical disturbance, but any of the following may be present: inappropriate or constricted affect (the individual appears cold and aloof to anyone who cannot read heiroglyphics); poor rapport with others and a tendency to social withdrawal; odd beliefs or magical thinking about Egypt which have no basis in either fact or logic; the beliefs influence behavior and are inconsistent with the norms of other scientific studies; obsessive ruminations and writing of such ideas without inner resistance, often with dysmorphophobic, sexual or aggressive contents; these writings consist of vague, circumstantial, metaphorical, overelaborate, or stereotyped thinking, manifested by odd speech or in other ways, without gross incoherence] Not one of them was capable of answering a single question directly, though one of them did suggest to me in a roundabout way that he had a few mildly radical ideas. Obviously, he didn't want to say it too loudly for fear of being run out of Dodge.
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