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The Secret History of The World by Laura Knight-Jadczyk

Discover the Secret History of the World - and how to get out alive!


Adventures with Cassiopaea








Adventures With Cassiopaea

Chapter 27

The theme of the Quest for the Grail has several variations on a singular idea: that far back in the ancient past, there was knowledge, True Wisdom Technology. Further, there is the idea that this knowledge was widely known and applied in a Golden Age. The Ancient Technology is further thought to have survived, though perhaps broken up and obscured in "magical doctrines," myths and religious rituals that have long ago lost their meaning. It is also thought that the Ancient Technology has survived in esoteric schools, nurtured in secret, and given out to the world in measured doses from time to time via an elect few who feel sorry for mankind.

An example of how these secret teachings are thought to be transmitted and interpreted, is in the study of alchemy. Isaac Newton was fascinated by these themes and similar to my own thought processes, sought scientific interpretations of the analogies and metaphors. According to Newton, the Greek mystics who spoke of the "music of the spheres," were merely talking about gravity. His idea was that the strings of Apollo's lyre corresponded to the planet's distances from the sun.

Do we have any evidence that this Ancient Technology ever really existed? I think we do, and there are many interesting volumes devoted to this subject. The point of all of them is that something terrible happened. The infrastructure for the utilization of this knowledge was destroyed. And for a time, there were survivors who tried to pass on the knowledge to their children, in hopes that someday someone would understand the true meaning of the formulas and codes, and it is entirely likely that these are literally scientific formulas and codes that are at the core of religious myth and rituals. They were memorized by the children of the survivors, and in some cases were utilized to a limited extent. But, as time went by, even that limited use was lost and all that was left was the stories. Like some strange cargo cult, the scientific formulas and codes were chanted to invoke the gods of technology. And when nothing happened, it was thought that the god was angry and sacrifice began.

This terrible cataclysm and its resultant state of ignorance and loss of meaning laid the groundwork for a new technology to evolve; one which contained within its very core structure certain ideas that erected a fence around humanity and created a barrier to true progress at multiple levels. And this foundation of our science is linear Time - time that begins and ends once and forever.

John Philip Cohane tracked the evidence for this former civilization around the world. He noted that certain place names in widely divergent cultures gave evidence of ancient similarities of culture and language from place to place in a manner that simply could not be coincidence. And yet, these places were supposed to have never communicated with one another prior to a certain moment in history when our howling savage ancestors finally achieved the ability to circumnavigate the globe around the time of Christopher Columbus. An example of how such similarities exist could be given of the way English has become the scientific and cultural exchange medium all across the world today. Richard Rudgley writes in The Lost Civilizations of the Stone Age:

It is estimated that there are between 5,000 and 10,000 different languages in the world (the discrepancy between these two figures is due to the different criteria used by various linguists in defining a language as more than a local variant or dialect of another), a fact which echoes the Biblical story of the Tower of Babel. But, was there ever a single language in our remote past that preceded the confusion of tongues, and if so, is there any chance that we may be able to rediscover this Edenic state of communication? […]

Danish linguist Holger Pedersen had expressed the opinion that there was a definite relationship between the supposedly distinct and independent language families of Indo-European, Semitic, Uralic, Altaic and even Eskimo-Aleut. On the basis of these links he believed that all these language groups were in fact descended from a remote language ancestral to them all which he called Nostratic, from the Latin noster, meaning 'our.'

In Proto-Indo-European there are many words associated with agriculture and husbandry [suggesting a farming economy]. On the other hand, among the 2,000 roots of the Proto-Nostratic lexical stock, we do not find words suggesting acquaintance with agriculture or husbandry, but we do find many terms associated with hunting and food gathering. […]

We may suggest that Proto-Nostratic belongs to the period prior to the 'Neolithic revolution,' while most of its descendent languages belong to the Neolithic epoch of food-producing economy. […]

The most ancient centre of Neolithic economy in western Eurasia was situated in southwest Asia [which leads to] a preliminary hypothesis that Proto-Nostratic was spoken in southwest Asia at a period prior to the 'Neolithic revolution,' while most of its daughter-languages belong to the Neolithic epoch, and their spread over large territories of Eurasia and Africa was connected with the demographic explosion caused by the 'Neolithic revolution.'

[There is also an equally if not more controversial proposal.] This is the Dene-Sino-Caucasian language proposed by Starostin [Sergei Starostin of the Russian State University of the Humanities] and other linguists that includes languages as diverse as Basque, Chinese, Sumerian and Haida. If [this] is shown to be a genuine language group, then it must, like Nostratic and Eurasiatic, be of Upper Paleolithic age.

The relationship between the Chinese language and the Na-Dene linguistic group was recognised in the 1920's by one of the great linguists of Amerindian studies, Edward Sapir.

As speculative as the ideas of the great macro-families of languages such as Amerind, Dene-Sino-Caucasian and Eurasiatic are, some linguists, most conspicuously Merrit Ruhlen, believe that they can identify correspondence between even these vast groups and are seeking to reconstruct the primordial ancestor of all the world's languages, a language called either Proto-Global or Proto-World.

Ruhlen and his colleague John D. Bengtson have put forward some 45 global etymologies which they believe indicate a connection between all of the world's language families. ...These etymologies incorporate a correlation in respect not only of the meaning of the words but also of their sound. […]

Repeated accidental resemblance of both meaning and sound on a global scale is too unlikely to contemplate. That such parallels exist between language groups in distant parts of the world is striking and is hard to dismiss simply as mere coincidence.

Colin Renfrew, Disney Professor of Archaeology at the University of Cambridge, has pointed out that if it were shown that Proto-Amerind and Proto-Eurasiatic were in fact connected - a possibility that he does not reject outright but is highly skeptical of - this would take us back over 20,000 years to some time before these two macro-families must have split to go their separate ways.

There is still no general consensus among archaeologists as to the homeland of the Indo-Europeans nor even the dating of their migrations.

Renfrew suggest that the various proto-languages that are said to belong to the Nostratic group could have dispersed from the zone in which agriculture seems to have first developed, namely the Near East and Anatolia. In this scenario the expansion of these languages beyond the region would be directly associated with the spread of farming. The parent language, Proto-Nostratic would thus be located somewhere in the core region and obviously to a time preceding the origins of agriculture." [Rudgley, 1999]

Farmers vs. hunter gatherers. This event of "separation of the languages" seems to be intimately connected to the conflict between the Shepherd and the Farmer, the northern peoples and the southern peoples, the circle makers and the pyramid builders. As I was reading through all the myths, I was struck by this conflict and also how an older "shepherd" myth was often transformed into an "agriculture" myth with concomitant reversal of imagery and meaning.

Is there any "hard" evidence for this ancient, worldwide, high civilization? I don't want to spend too much time going over all of it and attempting to reproduce the fine efforts of other writers. But, just to cover the subject briefly, one of the most telling pieces of hard evidence is included in Charles Hapgood's book, Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings. Hapgood, a Professor of Anthropology included in his book a most interesting letter from a group of cartographers in the United States Air Force. The statements in this letter, to my knowledge, have never been challenged. In fact, the letter itself doesn't receive much attention, though Hapgood is certainly referred to as a crank often enough. The letter refers to a series of highly technical analyses of several maps that Dr. Hapgood presented to the cartographers. After their study, they wrote:

It is not very often that we have the opportunity to evaluate maps of ancient origin. The Piri Reis ( AD 1513 ) and theOronteus Fineaus [sic] ( AD 1531 ) maps sent to us by you, presented a delightful challenge for it was not readily conceivablethat they could be so accurate without being forged. With added enthusiasm we accepted this challenge and have expended many off duty hours evaluating your manuscript and the above maps. I am sure you will be pleased to know that we have concluded that both of these maps were compiled from accurate original source maps, irrespective of dates. The following is abrief summary of our findings:

A.     The solution of the portolano projection used by Admiral Piri Reis, developed by your class in Anthropology must be very nearly correct; for when known geographical locations are checked in relationship to the grid computed by Mr. Richard W.Strachan (MIT ), there, is remarkably close agreement. Piri Reis' use of the Portolano projection (centred on Syene, Egypt ) is an excellent choice, for it is a developable surface that would permit the relative size and shape of the earth at that ( lattitude ) to be retained. It is our opinion that those who compiled the original map had an excellent knowledge of the continents covered by this map.

B.     As stated by Colonel Harold Z. Ohlmeyer in his letter (July 6, 1960 ) to you, the Princess Martha Coast of Queen Maud Land, Antarctica, appears to be truly represented on the southern sector of the Piri Reis Map. The agreement of the Piri Reis map with the seismic profile of this area made by the Norwegian-British -Swedish Expedition of 1949, suported by your solution of the grid, places beyond a reasonable doubt the conclusion that the original source maps must have been made before the present Antarctic ice cap covered Queen Maud Land coasts.

C.     It is our opinion that the accuracy of the cartographic features shown in the Oronteus Fineaus [sic] Map (AD 1530 ) suggests, beyond a doubt, that it also was compiled from accurate source maps of Antarctica, but in this case of the entire continent. Close examination has proved the original source maps must have been compiled at a time when the land mass and inland waterways of the continent were relatively free of ice. This conclusion is further supported by a comparison of the Oronteus Finneaus [sic] Map with the results obtained by International Geophysical Year teams in their measurements of the subglacial topography. The comparison also suggests that the original source maps (compiled in remote antiquity ) were prepared when Antarctica was presumably free of ice. The Cordiform projection used by Oronteus Fineaus [sic] suggests the use of advanced mathematics. Further, the shape given to the Antarctic continent suggests the possibility, if not the probability, that the original source maps were compiled on a stereographic or gnomonic type of projection (involving the useof spherical trigonometry).

D.     We are convinced that the findings made by you and your associates are valid, and that they raise extremely important questions affecting geology and ancient history, questions which certainly require further investigation.

We thank you for extending us the opportunity to have participated in the study of these maps. The following officers and airmen vollunteered their time to assist Captain Lorenzo W.Burroughs in this evaluation: Captain Richard E. Covault, CWO Howard D.Minor, MSgt Clifton M.Dover, MSgt David C.Carter, TSgt James H.Hood, SSgt James L.Carroll, and AIC Don R.Vance."

Lorenzo W.BurroughsCaptain,
USAF Chief, Cartographic Section
8th Reconnaissance Technical Sqdn
(SAC )Westover, Mass. [Hapgood, Charles, Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings,Turnstone press London 1979.]

The Antarctic ice cover is supposed to be millions of years old. Who could have made a map of Antarctica when it was not covered by ice, and when?

Charles Hapgood heard about these maps at a particular point in his life when he was studying the ice ages. A copy of an ancient map had been found in the Topkapi Palace in Istanbul in 1929, and a Turkish naval officer had presented a copy of it to the US Navy Hydrographic Office. It was examined by scholars who noted that the map represented Antarctica before it was covered with ice. Yet, the map was painted on parchment and was dated to 1513, over 300 years before Antarctica was officially "discovered." Core samples taken by the Byrd Antarctic Expedition showed that the last warm period in the Antarctic ended around 4,000 BC. It began about 9,000 years before that. The only conclusion that could be drawn was that someone had mapped Antarctica at least 6,000 years ago.

And here we have another really, really serious problem. Above, an Air Force officer involved in Cartography, and presumably not a dummy, has said that the findings of Hapgood are believed to be valid. Next we learn that, at that point in time, the core samples taken by the Byrd Expedition showed that the last warm period in the Anarctice ended around 4,000 BC, and that Antarctica was ice-free prior to that. Yet we now have something called the WAISCORES project.

The WAISCORES project will recover and interpret two ice cores from the West Antarctic ice sheet. The information collected during this project will improve our ability to predict the significance of future climate changes to our society. As snow falls it traps samples of the cloud water, atmospheric gases and dust. When the snow lands in the accumulation zone of an ice sheet, it builds up in ice layers which can be several kilometers thick and can contain ice which fell as snow over 100,000 years ago. By analyzing the ice it is possible to estimate climate properties such as the temperature, the snow accumulation rate, general ocean and atmospheric circulation patterns, and the concentrations of greenhouse gases when the snow fell. Determining how these climate properties interacted in the past improves our ability to predict how they will interact in the future and control the climate our society will experience. It also improves our ability to predict how human activities will influence climate.

Now, what's the deal here? Is the ice on Antarctica 6,000 years old as the Byrd cores showed, or is it over 100,000 years old as we are NOW being told?

Hapgood discovered that there were more of these ancient maps - portolans, as they are called - and that some of them strongly indicate that the mapmaker had an aerial view of what he was mapping! Hapgood himself writes:

The evidence presented by the ancient maps appears to suggest the existence in remote times, before the rise of any known cultures, of a true civilisation, of an advanced kind, which either was localized in one area but had worldwide commerce, or was, in a real sense, a worldwide culture. This culture, at leas in some respects, was more advanced than the civilizations of Greece and Rome. In geodesy, nautical science, and mapmaking it was more advanced than any known culture before the 18th century of the Christian Era. It was only in the 18th century that we developed a practical means of finding longitude. It was in the 18th century that we first accurately measured the circimference of the earth. Not until the 19th century did we begin to send out ships for exploration into the Arctic or Antarctic Seas and only then did we begin the exploration of the bottom of the Atlantic. The maps indicate that some ancient people did all these things.[…]

When I was a youth I had a plain simple faith in progress. It seemed to me impossible that once man had passed a milestone of progress in one way that he could ever pass the same milestone again the other way. Once the telephone was invented, it would stay invented. If past civilizations had faded away it was just because they had not learned the secret of progress. But Science meant permanent progress, with no going back.[…]

S.R.K. Glanville writes in The Legacy of Egypt: "It may be, as some indeed suspect, that the science we see as the dawn of recorded history was not science at its dawn, but represents the remnants of the science of some great and as yet untraced civilization." [Ibid.]

By a series of analyses, Hapgood and others came to the conclusion that there was an ancient civilization whose center or "home base" was Antarctica itself. [Rand and Rose Flem-Ath, When the Sky Fell, 1995, St. Martins, Canada]The fact that it was a global society, just as our own is, was also evident from other clues. This was, to put it mildly, not an acceptable idea to the uniformitarian view of evolution.

Continue to page 243

The owners and publishers of these pages wish to state that the material presented here is the product of our research and experimentation in Superluminal Communication. We invite the reader to share in our seeking of Truth by reading with an Open, but skeptical mind. We do not encourage "devotee-ism" nor "True Belief." We DO encourage the seeking of Knowledge and Awareness in all fields of endeavor as the best way to be able to discern lies from truth. The one thing we can tell the reader is this: we work very hard, many hours a day, and have done so for many years, to discover the "bottom line" of our existence on Earth. It is our vocation, our quest, our job. We constantly seek to validate and/or refine what we understand to be either possible or probable or both. We do this in the sincere hope that all of mankind will benefit, if not now, then at some point in one of our probable futures.

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