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Article - Laura Knight-Jadczyk
Chapter 25
Ark shared his journal entries with me almost immediately. These words were so like my own life-long search for the light that would show the way that they actually acted like "keys" unlocking something inside me. I understood that such light, if found, may never illuminate anything more than one's own family or friends; but in the grand scheme of things, even such a small effect can have long-term results over vast aeons of time. Ark and I both understood this, but we also understood that there was potential for some truly valuable contribution to humanity, if only in the realm of discovery and sharing those discoveries. With these thoughts in mind, I continued the questioning, trying not to reveal too much about our private discussions:
With every answer, the Cassiopaeans were confirming our private discussions on these things, this dream of leaving some legacy to others that would make some positive difference in the world. Perhaps the reader who is familiar with my own story in Amazing Grace, as well as some parts of Ark's story, and how he struggled against growing up under a suppressive political regime that threatened his career because he refused to cooperate with scientific controls and suppression, as well as a control-freak drama-queen wife at home, will have some idea of how amazing it was for us to finally meet our "other half,; and also how difficult and painful it was to realize that it needed slow and careful preparation in order to ensure that our future together would be stable. Neither of us could just jump on a plane and fly over to meet with the other. Neither of us was of a nature to abandon our responsibilities or to give into emotion without thinking and due caution. Since our main mode of contact was via the computer in Ark's office, when he went home at night, which was usually around nine o'clock his time, and three in the afternoon my time, both of us would experience a momentary loss of equilibrium at the apparent termination of communication. After so many long and painful years of being alone, we had so little - just words on a screen - and it never was easy to say goodnight. We developed strategies for "being together at a distance," including imagining that we were together throughout the day, each of us viewing our activities through the eyes of the other. When he went home at night, to ease the momentary panic, we would both pretend that I was there with him, walking home hand in hand. On one particular day, we discussed our ideas of possibilities; the questions to be answered, the research to be done, the contribution to humanity that we both had dreamed of making. We discussed the fact that we both had the same dreams, the same ideals, the same drive to serve others at the highest level of which we were capable. We analyzed why it had never been possible to achieve any of these things in the fullest way, and we realized that it was because of the fact that we were alone; our fundamental natures require total sharing to be fully functional. We had both given up hope, but now hope was renewed, and we thought that it was likely that all of our lives up to that point had been just the preparation for combining our energies, sharing the burden, symbolized by being "hand in hand." That night, at the session, the Cassiopaeans again brought up the "keys" issue with the "secret handshake" as if to confirm our private discussions:
It was quite awhile before the realization of these things began to dawn on me. Not only was Ark the "spin doctor," he was the "superhypnotherapist" with the keys:
Which, of course, brings us back to WHY the locks were put there to begin with, and what "specific" situation was in their awareness when they did this. If we speculate that there are "time traveling," mind marauding, controllers of our reality who exist at a "frequency" that is "blocked" from our perception via genetic manipulation of our "wave reading" faculities, i.e. our brains, and they have an agenda to produce a certain outcome at a certain point in "time," and there is something or someone whose activities or work acts in a nonlinear way to prevent that outcome, it would be only natural for them to attempt to manipulate events by traveling into the past and changing something in some way that "stacks" the cards in their favor. But time traveling is an iffy business, according to Ra. There are "rules" to the game. As I have been collecting together the "evidence" - or the chronological reminders from emails and such - for the events of the past few years, the one thing that stands out is that a lot of very strange people have been after us - contacting us repeatedly - for the primary purpose of obtaining information about "time travel." This started almost immediately as soon as we had gotten the C's site up and running. There were emails from "dabbler" types who were just curious, etc, and we didn't think too much about it, there were emails from folks who claimed that they had invented a time machine, and wanted some scientific support to get funding for their ideas; there were hot-shot physics students gunning for a showdown at high noon so they could prove they had figured the whole thing out, and then… then there was "Greg." Greg wrote to us, and worked very hard to present a major "case" for why we should work with him on time travel. I was bleeding all over myself in sympathy until Ark tracked his visits to an IP in Langley, VA. Well, based on the many glitches in the story, we just figured he was a minor spook. We also figured it was a "warning" of sorts. But, I patiently undertook to address replies to his emails, and they became part of the website, on some of the earlier discussion page archives. No sooner had we dealt with Greg, along came a couple from "South Africa" with a similar story. The whole set-up was designed to push all our sympathy buttons and get us to focus on the time travel issue. As we discussed their terrible story with them, (I was really sorry for this woman who claimed to have lost her two children in an auto accident), certain glitches began popping up and when we asked questions about these confusing elements, suddenly the correspondence stopped. We realized that we were being "toyed" with - that the story was "bait." Not long after this, Greg had another go at it under a different name, though it was the same IP he was posting from. The story was slightly different, but essentially it was designed to lure us into giving him information out of sympathy. You know "Oh, if I had only done thus and so, my beloved (girlfriend, wife, child, pet schnauzer) would be here today! Please help me go back in time and save a life!" Then, along came the above mentioned Economist, who came to visit us, and, during the course of two days talks, revealed that his agenda was time travel. He also revealed very interesting other connections, as we will discover further on. One after the other, an almost endless parade of folks trying one way or the other to wring from us, trick from us, coerce from us, manipulate or even force from us, the "secret" of time travel. A secret we don't have - at least not consciously. So, there we are trying to figure out what the heck is going on. Why are all these people interested in Time Travel? Why are they focusing their attention on us, one way or another? It took me a long time to put the pieces together. After all, we just assumed that they had all the Aces. But, apparently not. You see, it seems that they are all LOOKING FOR SOMETHING. The question then arises: Why, if they have time travel, are they looking for something? Did they "lose" something? The next thing we discussed was the issue of why they were so desperate that they were willing to physically kidnap me when I was four years old? Sure, all kinds of weird stories of "abductions" are out there, but apparently that was not the option here. And apparently, something was so important that they literally risked exposure by doing this. So, we came to the idea that the STS forces, lost in their wishful thinking, had somehow screwed up and lost the "artifact." Something that is crucial to their plans... something that they are desperately trying to retrieve... and maybe something that they are convinced I can "find" for them. And as it happens, during a recent session the C's said that realms are "Frequency Resonance Envelopes", which made total sense based on certain computer simulations the research team have done. And this leads us to "why me?" One hypothesis is that the Controllers, those who are deep in the STS Frequency Envelope, literally can't "see" the artifact due to frequency resonance problems. The simulations the research team have done with Ark's EEQT make this clear, since it seems a wave can be deconstructed into parts that may or may not be "in phase" (but this only becomes apparent if you view the wave using all available information about the wave, and Ark says that pretty much no one does that). If they are out of phase, resonance forces the parts to come into phase, seemingly because that's the only stable state of the system. "Standing waves" are the 2 dimensional projection of stable rotating spirals, i.e. the only motion is rotation. What this means is that only individuals who are "resonating" (literally, not the New Age concept) with it, can see it. And things finally began to make sense. They NEED me to find it, because they cannot SEE it. But note: as a member of the research team said: "This is one of the current ideas anyway, and I guess time will tell how on the mark we are." And so we come back to the circumstances surrounding the locks being "put on knowledge in my superconsciousness" by a "supremely powerful STS consortium," with full knowledge of the present circumstances. We begin to understand that it was crucial to lock it away from ME, and then, at some point in time to retrieve the information. Frank failed because the C's were too shrewd, and because of this failure, he was taken out of the project. Maynerd Most was sent in to make a more direct attempt to retrieve the information, as we will soon see, and an entire drama was set up to drive me into an emotional corral - a state of belief that he was part of the mission - and that it would be safe to allow him to attempt to retrieve the information about the object. And he damn near did it, except that, again, the C's "nudged" the situation sufficiently so that this attempt failed. Of course, we recall that STS always takes the path of least resistance, and rather than waste a couple of perfectly good agents, they just changed their programs, and voila! Energizer Bunny Attack-bots.
And we find ourself again considering kidnapping done by "Select division of economic legion under control of G5." What does economics have to do with it? I think the reader is going to be very interested in the next chapter where we discuss the Secret Games of the Gods.
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