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Article - Laura Knight-Jadczyk
Chapter 25
What we seem to derive from all of this is that there is some kind of "law of gravity," so to say, in the hyperdimensional realms, and this law has to do with Free Will. The logical extension of this idea is that if the true Negative agenda is to "dominate" our reality, the only way they can really do it from those realms, where this law is the "law of gravity," is to manipulate the mass consciousness of our planet to choose this domination a la Stockholm Syndrome. This also explains clearly why there has not been an overt take-over or invasion - and never will be in the terms we think of it - up to this point in time. If the people of earth were to be fully aware of an "invasion" or a take-over in literal, physical terms, that would mean that the veil would be lifted and all people would see the "man behind the curtain" and would instantly reject the domination! In short, just as in the "Wizard of Oz," those Ruby Slippers have to be obtained VERY CAREFULLY! We now begin to see the agenda and mode of operation of the hyperdimensional Controllers of the Matrix. It is to create a completely controlled artificial environment composed of thoroughly predictable human behaviors - made predictable because they have been programmed to respond to cues of conditioning inculcated through centuries of lies and obfuscations presented in the form of religions, and all of this revolves around a 'story' that is actually untrue, and wholly misrepresentative of the real negative aim. For centuries these programming signals have been being set up - either because of time travel capabilities, or because of actual historical presence. Various prophets or religious leaders have been influenced to preach, or teach or prophesy philosophies designed to lay a foundation for later take-over - possibly in our present time. When people begin to get wise, the Negatives simply go back into the past, add something more to the soup to "cover up" the new awareness. This then act as a domino effect and influences our present. Time loops and all that. A lot of people think that the "alien invasion scenario" is a ruse concocted by the government to create the impression that there is a forming "threat," thereby enabling the institution of a New World Order. But, this idea is based on a misrepresentation of the process just described. The important thing to remember is this: there is NOT a "unified conspiratorial activity" going on here in the hierarchy of our visible governments. The "divide and conquer" effect is also manifest at this level and and suits the alien purposes to a "T." Such activity at ALL levels is consistent with their program, in which confusion and cross-purpose prevents a clear perception on the part of the Victims. Yet, at some deep level there IS a direct conspiratorial interaction between the "secret government" and the negative aliens... but it is unlikely that any name of those involved would be recognized by anyone, no matter how "in the know" regarding the subject. These "secret superiors" are just that: SECRET. Any organization you can name, or about which you are AWARE, are merely "outer circles." It seems that the process of this take-over is exactly that of Stockholm Syndrome. Little by little, different groups are consolidated into a "negative mode" which, on the surface, may seem to be very positive or STO,(i.e. save the world because it is "wrong" or flawed, or blighted with original sin or whatever). BUT, the very fact that it is formed in the "dominator" mode of perceiving salvation "outside," means that it can more easily be "taken over" body, mind and soul at a level that is "unseen and unseeable." In other words: Satan CAN and most often DOES appear as an Angel of Light! It is only at the lower levels of the power structure that many still believe they are playing out the basic 'antagonism' and 'self- protection' roles. They believe that "sending love and light" to those "in need" is appropriate, without realizing that this activity is predicated upon a deep belief that there is something wrong, in error, in rebellion, and thus becomes "us vs them." There is evidence that extensive implant technology may be used to ensure influenced obedience; yet, a degree of freedom must be conserved through the consciousness due to the essential fact that the valued commodity is consciousness. A totally drugged, surgically altered and thoroughly programmed psyche is only good for robotic slave-service (and this may also be going on also, by the way). It is in this understanding that we find our way out of the trap. It isn't easy, but it is a way. The primary mode of inducing Stockholm Syndrome is, obviously, to persuade through strongly influenced, but not robotic, behavior patterns, the Free Choice of the targeted consciousness to align with negative hyperdimensional existence. Because, in the Long Run, the ECONOMICS of dominating functioning units of consciousness by the negative hierarchy, is a major concern, because the defining element of true consciousness is the irreducible value of Free Will. Free Will is what distinguishes consciousnss as consciousness. A simple way of thinking about it is: what has more value, to achieve domination and control of an animal, or a human being? A pauper or a king? Thus, we can also see that the level of Free Will consciousness of the victim is also important. It is far more gratifying to hyperdimensional beings to coopt someone with greater will and positive potential, than someone who is weak. .Just remember Renfield in Bram Stoker's book Dracula. He was dominated so easily, and therefore, was contemptible in the eyes of the Count. However, the virtuous and noble Mina was seen as a highly desirable "target." And, those who give in so easily to such manipulations ought to notice the fate of Renfield - he was promised much in order to use him as a tool, but in the end, he was discarded like a used tissue.
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