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The Secret History of The World by Laura Knight-Jadczyk

Discover the Secret History of the World - and how to get out alive!


Adventures with Cassiopaea









Adventures With Cassiopaea

Chapter 23


To the reader who is not familiar with these subjects, much of the Cassiopaean material will make no sense at all since many of my questions are related to this mystery. The reader familiar with alchemy will be interested to note the many alchemical suggestions in relation to our "mission," whatever it turns out to be:

08-31-96 We have helped you build your staircase one step at a time. Because you asked for it. And you asked for it because it was your destiny. We have put you in contact with those of rare ability in order for you to be able to communicate with us. Again, because you desired it, in order to realize your path. By now, you should recognize the signs... Those who display thinking patterns which in many ways deviate from that which is considered ordinary. The more unusual, the more telling. They have past lives on 3rd density earth, but not recently, but for this one. And they are not oriented to the earth frequency vibrations.

I, of course, assumed that the C's meant Frank when they said "we have put you in contact with those of rare ability in order for you to be able to communcate with us." But the C's not only did NOT confirm that assumption, they suggested quite otherwise.

Q: (L) Are we not talking about Frank in terms of being put in contact with someone who enables me to communicate with you, so you can put me on my path, which is building the staricase, etc, etc. ? Is that not what we've got going here?
A: He is one, but not the only one, just the one who awakened your sense of recognition.

In fact, it almost seems that they were suggesting that Terry was more important because, as was later revealed, without Terry's presence, according to the C's, Frank would have soon killed me with his draining. And, considering the fact that the further remarks of this session related to being "hand in hand" with Ark, and that this was just a little over a month after Ark found me, it is pretty obvious that the C's were also referring to him. In other words, the fullest communication would only occur with myself and Ark at the board. And that has proven to be stunningly correct as the reader will see when we present the as-yet-unpublished sessions in this series.

The "staircase" is an alchemical symbol. And it was to be brought up a time or two again, even in the symbolism of Jack and the Beanstalk, a ladder to heaven if ever there was one!

In the course of my searching of libraries and bookstores and the internet for every scrap of information I could find on the subject of Rennes-le-Chateau, I came across a book entitled "The Horse of God," by a Ms. Martha Neyman, a lady living in Belgium, who had devoted herself to the Rennes-le-Chateau mystery. She was so dedicated to it that she was even spending all her vacations there, and making friends with the residents so that they revealed to her things that might not be revealed to other people. Naturally, I was pretty excited, and inquired about her book right away. I discovered that it was only available on CD and that I would have to print it myself if I didn't want to read it online. I sent off the money to Belgium, and a short time later, the CD arrived. In the meantime, we had kept up a lively chat by email, and I restrained myself from asking questions about the material in the book until I had a chance to read it.

All of this was in the late fall of 1998, and I only bring it up now because immediately after Maynerd Most wrote to me, I decided that the clearest way I could explicate the development of my views on the subject of Rennes-le-Chateau would be to forward what I called the "Neyman Letters" to him. I figured this would save both of us time. If he thought my ideas were nuts, as Martha Neyman had, then there would simply be no further reason to discuss the matter. On the other hand, if he read the Neyman letters and thought what I had written was worth discussing, then on with the show!

So, here are the Neyman letters in order:

To Martha Neyman
Date sent: Tue, 3 Nov 1998 12:43:56 -0500

Dear Martha,

The CD arrived yesterday, but I didn't get it until this morning and it is still printing. I was reading as I was printing and am well through the first section and have sort of scanned through the other sections.

Having spent so many years studying mythology, symbolism, comparative religion, ancient history (particularly of the Celts and the Arabs because there IS a connection between these "sons of Hagar" and the "refugees from Troy"), philology and semiotics, I can appreciate all the work you have done.

But, for me, the most significant is the fact that you have gone about and observed things and noted them down. This is important, as you know, because one must go "in the field" to get the feel.

I realized a long time ago that this Rennes-le-Chateau "business" was an "engineered" archetype. Those who have played parts in it have done so for reasons, though, most often, they did not even realize that they were being manipulated to say and do what they did by the "hidden superiors." And, make no mistake about it, these beings DO exist and all the events of our lives and world are "managed" by them from behind the scenes. They create and destroy "secret societies" at will, including Templars, Priory of Sion, Masons, Rosicrucians, etc. These are all "covers" and "smoke screens." And, they have existed, in a continuous line, for many thousands of years.

For this reason, the sequence of events that you have so rationally described, regarding the main players in this "drama" is most important to me. It fit with some of my own assessments which I had already made about Saunier and Boudet and Bigou.

There is a "rule" of espionage which goes: observe the facts, ONLY the facts, and extrapolate backwards to discover WHO benefits from a given situation, and this will give you the key to the underlying truth.

Well, I have been doing this about the events of history and geography for most of my adult life. The world, in its broadest sense, is a projection, if you will, similar to the shadows on Plato's cave. We cannot know fully the origins of these "shadow" images unless we can overcome our fascination with the moving patterns and leave the cave. But, doing that implies that we must first be aware that we CAN leave the cave...

As I said, this business is an "engineered archetype." Rather, it is a holographic projection of a much larger drama. But, figuring out the small scale mystery is the key to projecting the template onto a larger landscape. It does not end, or even begin, in Southern France.

Now, there are certain "key points" on the planet which I have discovered... with strange names and numbers... and "temple" characteristics (in the original sense of the word) that are, apparently, veiled from the awareness of others thus far. There are symbolic and semiotic and philological connections of a substrata of "events" that stagger the mind.

The one thing that few people think about is "WHO IS DOING ALL THIS?" And, connected to this is: what are their capabilities? And this is most important. If I, for one instant, underestimate the capabilities of "them," I will surely be devoured.

It is in this lack of realization of who holds the secrets and the intellect behind it that causes most people to stumble and fall in their analysis.

And since I am convinced it is an EPOCHAL secret which involves the history of mankind, the moving and changing of large masses of energy on the planet itself, then I HAVE to think about the "figures" behind such a thing.

One example I will mention... you remember what you wrote about St. Anthony's day... January 17... and the number nine... and all that. It is reasonable based on what is available ... but there are meanings even older than that... and they pop up in Mayan constructs... I was in Mexico last year and came across a figure carved in what was once a bas relief of a Mayan temple... It was a figure of a man with the flesh removed from his thighs and skull... but with the rest of his body intact... and his legs were crossed... I have an excellent photo of it which I have shared with a few people. I'm sure you recognize the symbol...

And there is the ancient cult of Janus - guardian of the door - to whom January 17 was sacred... and there was the celebration of St. Augustine on the same day.... and there is the hermit in the grail stories... whose hero is Perceval... "he who pierces the valley," or "mummy with the long member," or "pour suivant..." and so on; take your pick.

Well, let me get back to having a look at this business.


Continue to page 193

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