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Article - Laura Knight-Jadczyk
Chapter 20
On the other hand, we CAN take these existential clues and apply the Adult Dictionary to them and utilize them as stepping stones to higher knowledge! We can see them as part of the clue system. We can understand them as part of a wider semiotic content plane. The scientific/psychological theories do, of course, have "favored states" of mind that are considered to be "inwardly superior" to others and which reveal to us more truth than others. Unfortunately, there is no physiological theory of the production of these favored states - such as a peripatetic pancreas, a limpid liver, a static stomach, or genial genitals. How often do we hear it said that a scientist won a Nobel prize because he was neurotic as all get? Or that an Enochian magician is successful due to the fact that his sexual desire is sublimated in reaction to the fact that his first girlfriend laughed at the miniscule size of his genitalia? Do we dare to suggest that the author of the SETI article cited above suffers from Stockholm Syndrome? And, of course, it could all be due to the fact that he has suffered all his life from the heartbreak of psoriasis! The point is: the value of the theory of the scientist and the value of the ideas of those who are "alienated" can ONLY be evaluated based upon philosophical reasonableness, moral helpfulness, and immediate luminosity. Saint Paul could have been an Olympic Ironman champion and it wouldnÍt mean a thing if his ideas were beneath contempt. In the end, we are thrown back again to the fact that any and all ideas about truth must be evaluated based on principles, and principles can only be discerned by thinking as objectively as possible, and by gathering as much data as possible. We would all like to be insured against making mistakes in evaluating what we take as true or not. We would like to have some basic criteria that will protect us immediately from such errors. We would like to know the ORIGIN of an idea, and thereby be able to accept it or discard it either because we have decided the origin is intuition, the authority of the pope, supernatural revelation, direct communication via a spirit, or any of several sources that are variously determined to be "true sources." And in this sense, the materialists who attempt to reduce any such phenomena to pathological states simply invalidates their own position by using origin as a destructive criterion.
In other words: "By their fruits you shall know them." The roots of a person's virtue are inaccessible to us. The alienated person has extraordinary emotional susceptibility. His conceptions tend to pass immediately into action; and when he gets a new idea, he has no rest until he either tells it, or "works it off." The ordinary person asks "what shall I think of this?" The alienated person asks "What must I DO about it?" Such people are not critics and commentators; their ideas take hold of them, and they DO something. In the alienated person, we find the emotionality that is the condito sine qua non of moral perception; there is intensity and a tendency to emphasis which are the essence of moral vigor and virtue; and we find the love of mysticism and metaphysics that lift the person beyond the surface of the ordinary world of the five senses. In short, the alienated temperament furnishes the chief condition of receptivity to higher states of being.
Charles Fort was an eccentric, alienated personality. After receiving an inheritance from his family which meant he didn't have to work for a living, he devoted his life to an idea: he traveled to the major metropolitan libraries of his day where he would read through the various scientific journals of the day, looking for "damned data." "Damned Data" includes strange phenomena and experiences which included reports of falls of strange things from the sky, strange things seen in the heavens, and strange disappearances. Fort was not just critical of the efforts of science to explain our reality, he was downright contemptuous of it. He would gleefully and fiendishly mock astronomers, meteorologists, and other scientists and their efforts to either deny or explain away anomalous occurrences. He derided their pompous attempts to deny what they could neither understand nor explain. His notes were published as The Book of the Damned.
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