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Article - Laura Knight-Jadczyk
Chapter 16
At the present time, many physicists have suggested 'hyperspace" has explanatory value in terms of bridging the gap between the physical and ethereal worlds. The New Age market took such ideas up with fiendish glee, producing endless ignorant variations on "Sacred Science" of millions of words, few of which are comprehensible to the layperson, much less the scientist. Those who read this drivel and who say "oh, it sounds so true, but what is it saying?" are contemptuously told that only "initiated understanding" can grasp such lofty ideas! The fact is, the realities of our world in terms of any connecting principles between matter and consciousness are not helped by any such philosophical discussions; what we need is further empirical study and experimentation. And it needs to be done by those who are qualified to do it - not charlatans and con-artists. There are physical scientists of the highest caliber, who are open to the possibility of other forms of matter and other dimensions. They understand that such hypotheses would have explanatory value in their own fields as well as in parapsychology. Thus it is that, while the subject matter of parapsychology and physics is significantly different, their fundamental insights curiously coincide. There is similarity between the two basic paths of fundamental research in modern theoretical physics, and the two realities we are considering: matter and consciousness. Although serious attempts have been made during the past two decades to find a Unified Theory, no single theory which incorporates both has been successful as yet in either set of problems. Quantum mechanics deals primarily with the sub-microscopic world of elementary particles. It is based upon probabilities of events taking place non-deterministically, rather than a deterministically known state which can be calculated using the classical equations of motion. When you have an infinite number of possible states, any of which can be solutions within certain boundary conditions, you run into certain problems when you try to transfer these concepts to classical realities. The state vector is the collection of all possible pre-collapse states and represents the system in which the event exists in all states simultaneously. Once the event happens, or what is called "measurement" occurs, the system collapses the state vector into a single, probabilistically determined state. Until this collapse occurs, the system is specified collectively by the state vector that has developed in time deterministically. This interpretation of quantum mechanics is known as the Copenhagen Interpretation and is dominant, with minor variations, in the quantum mechanics used today. It is characterized by a direct break with classical physics where a cause leads to an effect. At the same time, field theory, (Einstein's general theory of relativity) plays the leading role when we are considering real world physical realities. Field theory seems to follow from the classical view of cause and effect and determinism. Classical mechanics deals with equations of motion that can be solved for specific events when initial conditions, such as position and velocity, or initial and final conditions, are known. So it is that the field represents a deterministic interrelation of mutually interacting forces between different events (i.e. particles) which can be found by substituting values into the field equations. Both the field and quantum theories have special characteristics which are useful in physical theories of psi. However the same problems pop up in trying to combine quantum theory with (relativistic) field theory: no such system has yet been devised which can account for all phenomena. At the present time, however, it seems that quantum field theory has been by far the most successful attempt at this endeavor. Most of the speculation on physical theories of psi deal with quantum or quantum field theory, rather than pure field theory. Whiteman notes: "It seems therefore that any attempt to unite parapsychology and physics should adhere, substantially at least, to the language of quantum field theory, in terms of 'as if' fields at a level of creative potentiality.[J.H.M. Whiteman, Parapsychology and Physics, in Wolman, Handbook, 1977] The older theories of psi described transfers of energy in several different manners, but newer ideas have gone beyond such approaches. One argument against the idea of psi and a physical theory of psi based on energy (or particle) transmission has been that the energies would be far too subtle to be received by the brain. John Eccles has shown that the cerebral cortex acts as a sensitive detector of small influences.[Adrian Dobbs, The Feasibility of a Physical Theory of ESP, in Smythies, Science and ESP: New York: Humanities Press, 1967] Using a probabilistic quantum mechanical argument it is possible for the neurons to be fired by these subtle influences, thus exciting the brain in a normal cascading effect of neurons. In this way, the brain may act as a receptor of small influences such as might be exhibited by carriers of psi. Among other attempts to unite biological functions with quantum theory, W. Elsasser has speculated on certain biotonic laws operating exclusively in living beings and drawing upon "accumulated quantum-mechanical and information theoretic uncertainties.[C.T.K. Chari, Precognition, Probability and Quantum Mechanics, Journal of the ASPR, 66 (1972): 193-207] All such approaches represent a convergence of bioelectronics and quantum theory to explain psi abilities, including PK. There are so many interpretations of quantum theory which may be relevant to psi and gaining an understanding of how consciousness interacts with matter. Most of the new theories are based upon the introduction of a new level of duality in nature in that consciousness has a separate and distinct wave function from that of the normal wave function representing matter and physical reality in quantum theory, a sort of three wave system like biorhythyms, where when all the lines cross, something happens. The issue I would like to emphasize here is that we desperately need a scientifically acceptable conceptual framework within which parapsychological phenomena make sense as part of nature and human life in its entirety. I believe that such ideas were known to an ancient civilization, that they did develop the "Holy Grail" of physics: The Grand Unified Theory, and that in point of fact, the Holy Grail of physics may have a great deal to do with the Holy Grail of legend. In considering the general theory of relativity science usually utilizes a four-dimensional space-time continuum. In classical general relativity, the metrical properties of the continuum are intrinsic to the continuum, but a fifth dimension in which our normally sensed space-time is embedded can also be used to account for the curvature and properties of physical space. In the space-time continuum one can say that all parts of the four-dimensional world exist simultaneously, in the sense of a mathematical formalism, and this would naturally lead to a complete collapse of the philosophical ideas of causality. However, many scientists who work with these ideas do not think that this continuum is 'real' in a physical sense, such that physical entities could move back and forth at will in and out of time as easily as changing direction in three-dimensional space. We, on the other hand, think that it is not only possible, but extremely likely based upon certain observations. In relativity theory, time intervals between events are not completely fixed relative to moving systems or frames of reference. This has led to some speculation that there may also be analogies between precognition and anomalies. However, "time dilation," the contraction of time intervals between moving reference frames, is too small to account for precognition and would still require any information transfer to travel faster than light, and the special theory of relativity, when narrowly interpreted, does not allow for physical travel backwards in time but relegates this concept to an imaginary mathematical formalism.
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