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The Secret History of The World by Laura Knight-Jadczyk

Discover the Secret History of the World - and how to get out alive!


Adventures with Cassiopaea









Adventures With Cassiopaea

Chapter 15


This process began when Ark arrived. It received a major jump start with the "Three Dominos" dream. And the dreams continued to bring up the keys.

On the night of April 15-16, eight days after Ark had returned to Poland, I had a dream. I wrote as soon as I awakened:

Date sent: Wed, 16 Apr 97 16:07:47
To: ajad@physik...."

Had a dream about the Frankenstein monster as depicted on the funny movie... he was drinking whiskey and mowing the grass!!!! It was funny!And when he was done, he hid his whiskey bottle next to another bottle, on a ledge over a window under the eaves of the roof of a bank!!! He told me "I hide it in plain view so no one will find it. This way, after many centuries, I will return and retrieve it."

The reference to the "funny movie"we had watched just before Ark had left was Young Frankenstein, one of my favorites. The symbolism of Frankenstein was almost transparent: putting a body together from different parts, reassembling clues. And as we began to assemble the clues, the forces of the Matrix heaved into action like a great juggernaut of destruction.

I already had a notebook full of scientific notes about genetics, and another full of notes about Bran, Brahna, the Holy Grail, the cult of the head, and so forth. I just didn't know where to go at that point.


Q: Am I on the right track with the "bloodline" research?
A: Sure.
Q: Am I going to discover some more startling things with this "bloodline"research?
A: Discovery is the fruit of inquiry.
Q: Am I correct in my assessment that the origin of the Grail stories was the story of the Head of Bran?
A: But what was the "origin" of Brahna?
Q: Well, from the way I am interpreting what I have found, I have two possibilities: One is the Celts from Kantek, and two: a Nephilim hybrid.
A: Could be one and the same.
Q: Well, from what you have said in prior sessions, these bloodlines can be of positive or negative orientation, a duality, and that they lead to super-secret power sources. Is that correct?
A: Well, the duality is existent concomitantly through all bloodlines, but in the so-called Celts, it is more pronounced, therefore, there are more vivid power cells and centers.
Q: Are these cells and centers that you talk about, are they something that is located in the body or a part of the spirit-body connection...
A: The extant body.
Q: What do you mean by "extant" body?
A: Existent/external.
Q: Okay, I will keep digging. How can I find if there is going to be a connection between the Aryan/Jewish bloodline of Jesus and the Merovingian/Plantagenet bloodline? Does it exist? [As was widely promulgated]
A: Only to the extent of the shared origins of the Essenes and the Celts.
Q: Ark mentioned that he used to think that he was Jewish. Is he, or half?
A: If you are going to find anything, you need not be foretold.
Q: Am I going to find anything?
A: Just do it.

Since I was learning about the importance of words, the one thing that kept bugging me was why was the Grail Hero named Perceval?

During our time in Gainesville, I had received an email from an old school friend I had not seen or talked to in over 25 years. She wrote a long chatty letter about her life and her interests, which included genealogy. She described how much fun she was having and I just thought well "get a life! Who wants to know about a bunch of dead people?" I had some little personal genealogy information in a book about the settlers of the county in which I was born, and it went all the way back to 1843. I was satisfied with that. I knew who I was, why would I want to know more than that?

So, there I was, stymied about the bloodline, stymied about the Grail stories, muttering over and over again to myself: "Why Perceval?" and thinking that I really needed a break to get past the deadlock in my brain. I suddenly remembered my school friend and her genealogy as well as the fact that she had mentioned several websites where one could search genealogy databases.That would be the perfect, mindless diversion I needed! I logged onto the site, typed in a query on my father's name, and was delighted to see my great grandfather right there in cyberspace! Gee! It was almost like being related to somebody famous! I was so tickled that I started clicking back to see how far the line went. It ended, predictably, at the American Revolution.

Okay, how about the other side of the family? Nothing. I was disappointed. I then tried the maiden names of my grandmothers. Nothing. Having had a taste of so quickly finding one line that did go back a few hundred years, I wanted that little "thrill" of discovery again, so I moved to the great-grandparents. Well, I hit a hot one there. I almost immediately found the line of my Pearce great-grandmother, and kept clicking on the parents of whoever, and it kept going and going and going until suddenly there was a guy on the screen named Henry "Hotspur" Percy." Well, wow! That was a familiar name from Shakespeare. I have to admit to being so dumb that I didn't even know the character was a real historical person!

This was, indeed, exciting! And a new hobby was born in that instant. I started tracking these bloodlines to see who was connected to who, and pretty soon I noticed a strange thing: this Percy bloodline seems to have been deliberately targeted for destruction. At first when I had this thought, I shook my head and decided I was just imagining things. So I started taking notes and following lines until they ended with "died young, no issue." Generally that meant that the individual had been killed in some nefarious way like in a battle, poisoned, strangled, starved to death in the Tower, or something. I noticed other strange things about this line, one of which was that it had one of the strongest connections to the ancient Welsh kings than any other line. And then I thought of the funny appellation of Perceval of Wales. This line came through the Mortimers, and I just thought that it was funny that "Mortimer" breaks down into "death by the sea, " and there was the "Fisher King" in the Grail stories.

Continue to Page 103


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