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Article - Laura Knight-Jadczyk
Chapter 6
Getting back to the session. Ark was writing from Florence at the time. In the following segment from the session, the question about the "event" referred to a period of several hours on the 9th of July, when we experienced a break in computer communication, accompanied by several "glitches" in our own understanding of what the other was saying. It was as though the reality had shifted and something was not quite in sync. It had upset me and my first thought was that some sort of wave or frequency was being picked up by one or the other of us, leading to some confusion. There was a severe storm in Florence, and three mild earthquakes in the region. What we didn't know at the time was that a flood was beginning in Poland that was going to directly affect our own affairs. Since we were at the end of our questions, before stopping for the night, I tossed in the question about the "event" just to see if my idea about some frequency "in the air" was correct.
So, regarding Ark and his "Bird's Eye View," the C's had said: "If one has the will of a Lion, one does not have the fate of a mouse!"... Arkadiusz is strong willed. Must be to be seeker of worlds. "I am become ONE... Creator of worlds." All of which takes us back to the perpendicular realities converging and merging at the realm border, a group of seven, "packing a potent punch" to "pierce the spider," and Neo/Noah/New. Which brings us to this:
Returning now to the present situation, the "tempest in a teapot," so to say. As we are beginning to suspect, there are Theological dynamics being expressed in our world via the psychological expressions of human beings across the globe. Our own piece of the puzzle is only one part of it, which may or may not be significant in the sense that Ark has described it in his "Bird's Eye View" of the situation. Only time will tell. There are certainly "forces" acting to negate any such possibility of our small, local activity in the universe having any positive nonlinear effect. We are not the only ones experiencing such "attacks." We have received many emails from people who say that something very strange happened to our world on September 11. Many people feel that the universe "changed" in some way, exactly as it was described in the movie, The Matrix, where the Controllers "change the program." Many, many people are experiencing similar dynamics, or the struggle between forces at higher levels, manifested in their daily lives, their human interactions, their relationships, and so forth. What can all of this extreme "polarization" - these pockets of chaos - represent? Has the world gone mad? In this present small series, I don't intend to go through the entire transcripts to exhaustively examine each and every related reference. With what I have described thus far, the reader will probably have sufficient tools to do that themselves and draw some meaningful conclusions about the "behind the scenes" events that led to any particular series of questions. But, there is a small series of connections that I still must present before we move on to the present situation in some greater detail. This next excerpt, from June 9, 1995, was a sort of emergency session with just myself and Frank in order to ask about an exorcism I had just recently performed which literally would have peeled the chrome off a car bumper. What was also on my mind was the fact that Frank had become so lethargic and tired since the group had gone back to regular and frequent sessions. Before our "episode," Frank had always been charged up by the sessions, and now he was complaining regularly of being exhausted. I was concerned for his health.
Definition of status quo: the existing state of affairs. "Temporal," perhaps? Abridged: to lessen, reduce in scope; lessen or curtail rights or authority. As most of us realize, the status quo of the planet was "abridged" in a big way on September 11, 2001. It was a watershed event and our lives will never be the same again. National Guard units patrol airport terminals and our nation's Capitol, the Senate office building is closed because of the threat of anthrax. Barricades block streets leading to the White House. The FBI is detaining hundreds of suspects, the recently passed "Patriot Bill" (H.R. 3108) suspends important provisions of the Bill of Rights, the Office of Homeland Security has been established, and the The Model State Emergency Health Powers Act will soon become the law of the land. Most people accept what is happening because they've been told we must change our way of life and accept more government surveillance to preserve our liberty. Nothing could be further from the truth. The new measures are designed to restrict our freedom, undermine our Constitution, and usher in the New World Order. Why did the C's give a sort of "prediction" that Frank's "different karma" would not be evident until the environment on the planet was "abridged." My question as to whether Frank would "come into his own" at that point in time was answered with "Close." So why is it that Frank's life would change and become LESS difficult when the status quo is abridged? Could it be because, in some way, he is a part of the forces that are "abridging" the status quo? I couldn't figure it out. What's more, I also missed the clues about Frank's depression and "adjustment." The C's did not want to answer the question about what he was adjusting from and to, but it is obvious in retrospect. At this point in time, what Frank was "adjusting" to was the increased scrutiny of the group members regarding his claims to be The Channel, and a "higher being." With this added vigilance, he was obviously no longer able to use the sessions to drain energy from me. But there is a lot more in the above session than meets the eye and I am sure that the reader will catch it without me spelling it out. Looking back at events then and currently, it is rather amazing that the C's chose that exact word to describe Frank "coming into his own," so to say. "Abridged." A Bridge? "Most? Again, the phonetic cabala, the Language of the Birds, or the Language of the Gods is part of the clue system. As I noted previously, the combination of a "Grant and a Most" in my early life, (recounted in Amazing Grace) nearly drained all life force from me, resulting in my vulnerability to an attempt to take me out of the picture. This was, of course, after the attempt to remove me from the scene in many other ways had failed, including the incident in Tallahassee when I was 18. It is obvious in retrospect that all of these were deliberate set-ups of "interpersonal relations" designed to do just that. In the present moment, we seem to have another "Grant and Most" combo with a far more insidious purpose. There are several other places in the transcripts where the word "abridge" is used, and it is interesting to notice that it is in the context of "abridgement of Free Will." The C's say: "Free Will could not be abridged if you had not obliged," referring to the human race's "Fall from Eden." And as the C's pointed out:
And of course, we see that this relates directly to Frank's choice. The C's said that his life was hard, because his mind was a battle ground, and that the question was: would the dark or light forces win? And then, at a certain point, they mentioned that he was suffering depression - anger turned inwards - because he was having "adjustment" problems. They then said that his suffering would end when the status quo was "abridged," and we are now in that time. I am not certain that the C's were predicting that choice, though it seems that way. As always, any of us can change our minds at any moment in "time," as the C's pointed out to Terry. But there may be some factor involved in this "abridging" of the status quo that "locks" a person in to whatever choice is made in this, our present period of chaos which is an expression of the Cosmos asking the individual to MAKE THAT CHOICE. Everyon is currently facing this choice. The battle has been joined, it is taking place THROUGH us, at this point in time. And that brings us back to the more recent times when the following was said:
Question is: how does all of this fit together? The"abridged status quo," the karmic destiny of a soul that would only come into his own "comfort zone" when forces of darkness begin to rampage on the planet, the person with the "letter B" in the name, and conferences? As it happens, there are a number of people in the drama who have the letter "B" in their names. And just "who is on first" has been a subject of some discussion. The answers may be surprising. Knowledge Protects.
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