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Article - Laura Knight-Jadczyk
Chapter 5 Frank's conscious memories of his abductions and torment at the hands of "aliens" as well as the fact that he did not "fight back" were all clues. But there were many more clues that developed over the next couple of years. There is, of course, in any such person, some sort of vestigial soul. It may be a soul that is "growing" and which will, at some point in the future - perhaps another lifetime - begin the process of "spiritualizaton" of its matter environment. On the other hand, it may be a soul that is "diminishing," or in the process of matterization, compaction, or subsumation of consciousness to the STS hierarchy. It's really hard to tell. My guess - and it's only a guess - is that at this point in history, the types of souls that will be incarnated are not so much the immature kind as they are those that are potentially at the point where this all-important choice is being made - to choose the wishful thinking, STS path of ultimate matter, or to choose the STO path of spiritualizing matter. The STS choice is, essentially, the default choice of this density. And, by being the choice that is presented as "natural" by the Controllers of the Matrix, it is generally the "easiest." It is the "path of least resistance," most especially in terms of giving ourselves up to our emotions or "intelligence of the heart," as it is being promoted nowadays. It is also, very often, the "obvious" choice, or the "sensible" choice or even the "logical" choice. This "obviousness" and "sensibleness" and "logicalness" are, of course, based on the rules of the Matrix that dominate our reality. The STO choices, on the other hand, are far more difficult to see, and thus, more challenging to make and follow. We have already looked at a couple of examples of this in our little exploration of what Christianity may or may not have originally taught, as well as the fact that many individuals lack the ability to comprehend the deeper meaning of "systematic harassment" as Castaneda explicated it. Thus it seems that one of the symptoms of those who consistently make STS choices, is that they develop a kind of semantic aphasia. They may be able to grasp a certain, limited, literal meaning of a word or a concept, but they are simply unable to think any higher than that. I have observed certain people who certainly had the intellectual capacity to do so, but they didn't have the "drive." This is the result of the fact that as the STS mind is fed, the person becomes less and less able to grasp the deeper meanings of things, the hidden reality that is exemplified by the alchemist Fulcanelli in his exposition on cabala, or the "language of the birds." At the same time, those who are making the STO choices become more and more able to reach into these higher realms of pure thought. What seems apparent to me is that this is not just a single choice, it is a daily choice, a moment by moment choice and that once an individual "wins" just one little battle against the mechanical nature of the STS reality and default choices, and moves even momentarily into that STO realm, it strengthens the ability, however incrementally, to make the next STO choice that is presented. And, for the most part, these choices have to do not only with seeing what IS, but in choosing how to respond to it: creatively or destructively, with truth or wishful thinking and narcissistic personal opinions. Thus it is that a person who chooses to understand Castaneda's term "systematic harassment" in a materialistic way, as opposed to the deeper perception of the Theological reality behind it and the example he gave, has effectively made the choice for the default mode of STS understanding or what is "obvious, sensible and logical," based on the rules of the Matrix reality language structure. Such choices of perception, made over and over again, result in a sort of "hardening of the categories," or being matterized. We will look at very specific examples of this process further on, but for now, the point is that as long as there is life, there is hope, and even if the surface appearance of the events would suggest that I had been victimized by a conscious psychopath in my interactions with Frank, I tend to think that we ought to give a certain amount of the "benefit of the doubt," within limitations, to anyone we encounter. There may, indeed, have been some part of him that was truly asking, and I was giving to that part as well as the part that was manipulating. In a very real sense, the psychic vampire, or the STS feeding machine, is very well described in terms of criminal psychology. The chief traits of the criminal personality are weakness, immaturity and self-delusion mixed with a strong desire to deceive other people. The "weakness" is an important factor because it seems to be the root of the inability to "think higher" beyond the Matrix reality. Such thinking requires great effort of a certain kind, and many individuals simply do not want to do it. It's "too much like work." Even people who can do enormous physical work, do not seem to have the ability to understand what work is truly valuable. They may spend days, weeks, months, looking up endless words and permutations in dictionaries, but the ability to push into the deeper reality, that comes from a certain strength of the soul, is simply not in them. Such individuals have amazing skills at self-justification and rationalization for what they do. They are also masters at appealing to the sympathies and emotional triggers of other people. They also, most definitely, have a well-developed ability to shut off what they do not want to see or admit to. They are generally cowards, but with a twist: their greatest fear is that others will see them as weak, so they create a persona of bombastic strength and power that simply does not exist. Criminals are also hypersensitive to what is said to THEM, and will become angry all out of proportion when they perceive that they are being "put down," but are also completely insensitive to the feelings of others to whom they may address great cruelty. Of course, when someone can be used by them, they take great pains to pretend sympathy. In the words of one criminologist, the criminal mind suffers from a series of "faulty blocking mechanisms." In other words, in the terms of the C's and the STS reality: Wishful Thinking. They are blind and deaf to anything that contradicts their view of themselves and the world. They literally SEE things differently. Now, it is obvious that we are all in this condition to one extent or another. And it is this very wishful thinking that keeps us in the Matrix. As strange as it may seem, studying the criminal mind has the same effect on us that the ghosts of Christmas had on Ebenezer Scrooge - it makes us more aware of the reality we ignore.
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