Studies in Psychopathy

The Secret History of The World by Laura Knight-Jadczyk

Discover the Secret History of the World - and how to get out alive!


Political Ponerology: A Science on The Nature of Evil adjusted for Political Purposes by Andrew M. Lobaczewski, Ph.D.
with commentary and additional quoted material
by Laura Knight-Jadczyk
The Psychopath: The Mask of Sanity Special Research by Quantum Future School
Discussion of Psychopathy Traits From The Mask of Sanity by Hervey Cleckley
A Basic Hypothesis of Psychopathy From The Mask of Sanity by Hervey Cleckley
Official Culture - A Natural State of Psychopathy? by Laura Knight-Jadczyk
The Inner Landscape of the Psychopath - Hervey Cleckley
"Stanley," a chapter from Hervey M. Cleckley's classic study of psychopaths, The Mask of Sanity
How Psychopaths View Their World
Retreat from Zaca - (3 files)

Dr. Strange, New Age Grifter or COINTELPRO?

"Dr. Strange" - Psychotherapist or Hacker and Thief?

Is Truth Defamatory?

Maynerd Most's Rebuttal
"I am the webmaster for Zecharia Sitchin..."
The Psychopath As Physician The Mask of Sanity - Hervey Cleckley - Excerpts
The Bad Seed: The Fledgling Psychopath
Sam Vaknin Revisited
An In-Depth Look At Where Sam Vaknin is Leading NPD
The Ambassador of Narcissism: An Interview with Sam Vaknin
A Soul With No Footprints
Antisocial Personality, Sociopathy, and Psychopathy
Anatomy of Malignant Narcissim
The Socially Adept Psychopath
The Origins of Violence: Is Psychopathy an Adaptation?
Bush isn't a moron, he's a cunning sociopath
The Partial Psychopath
Adventures with Cassiopaea by Laura Knight-Jadczyk
Ark and Laura's Correspondence 1997 (8 files) Supplement to Adventures
Reader's Comments on Adventures With Cassiopaea
Mirror, Mirror On The Wall - Quantum Future School
Alvin Wiley's Letter
Alvin Wiley's subsequent letters to the public

the "Alvin Wiley" correspondence (10 files)

Letters from Readers About Jay Weidner
Dear Webmaster: - (2 files)
What is Laura Hiding? The Cassiopaeans Answer

Reader's Comments on "Is Laura Hiding Something?"

Transcript of direct channeling via "Frank Scott" on computer, July 22, 1994
Statement by Terry and Jan Rodemerk
Maynerd Most's post to the Cassiopaea Guestbook
Death Threat?
Organic Portals: The Other Race Quantum Future School (2 files) Disclaimer
Vincent Bridges, Jay Weidner: Magickal Mystery Tour Scam
Is Cassiopaea a Cult?
The French Connection by Laura Knight-Jadczyk Censored!
Mask of Sanity by Hervey Cleckley PDF - book download FREE!
Kubrick's Psychopaths Society and Human Nature in the Films of Stanley Kubrick
The common problem with psychopaths... “Is they don’t see a problem with their behavior.”
Psychopath Support Group
“Non-victims can’t understand this, but the psychopath really does suck the life out of a caring person. I try to think of them now as a slimy suckerfish right out of the swamp, vacuum-lips out and prowling for someone vibrant and attractive to con and eviscerate.”

If you are a good person you will meet many evil people in your life, you need to recognize them and their actions. More importantly you need to recognize which evil behaviors you have been conned into accepting as reasonable and to reject those behaviors - both in yourself and in others - as unacceptable.

The English language has a variety of terms for psychopaths, of which "bastard" is perhaps the most polite. They have always been with us, and despite their corrosiveness and rejection of social mores, they show no signs of going away.

Think you can spot one? Think again. In general, psychopaths aren’t the product of broken homes or the casualties of a materialistic society. Rather they come from all walks of life and there is little evidence that their upbringing affects them.
Most of the two million psychopaths in North America aren’t murderers. They’re our friends, lovers and co-workers. They’re outgoing and persuasive, dazzling you with charm and flattery. Often you aren’t even aware they’ve taken you for a ride – until it’s too late.
The problem of plausible lies is the most serious problem facing humanity today....Most good people are only aware of the least intelligent part of the evil distribution; those are the people who are obviously evil: criminals. The normal and intelligent ends of the evil distribution totally escape most good people's understanding.

Only as of late, with all the Enron scandals and related crimes, people are waking up to the fact that the most dangerous psychopath of all is the educated, socially adept psychopath, in fact, Dr. Hare recently said that he would probably be able to find many psychopaths involved in the stockmarket. It is time for American to "wake up" says Dr. Wolman, because we are being threatened by a serious epidemic of psychopathy.

The Psychopathic or Sociopathic Personality

Based on twenty-five years of groundbreaking research, WITHOUT CONSCIENCE is a fascinating journey into the minds of these dangerous individuals. Are they born unable to feel empathy, or are they created by circumstance? How and why do they get away with cheating, conning, and murdering? Are they mad or simply bad? In what Dr. Hare calls our "camouflage society," how can we recognize and steer clear of these predatory people?

WITHOUT CONSCIENCE explores their shocking patterns- and exposes one of the most frightening, often-hidden social problems affecting our lives today.


The Psychopath is much more successful than you and I because he is not hemmed in by all sorts of impediments or worries.

A discussion with Adolf Guggenbuhl-Craig & James Hillman

“We fall prey to the seduction, it is irresistible. Then the nightmare of horror begins. The shabby treatment, the avoidance. I couldn’t believe it was happening to me. He had been so sincere, so kind. It was Jekyl and Hyde.”
“They go for the strongest and the best, but preferably those who are something of rebels within the group...the LEAST controllable. Because if they can crush them, they crush most of the rest at the same time. If they start at the bottom, with the weakest, it’s a long way to work their way up…The ideal target is therefore, strong, smart, rebellious and vulnerable through previous abuse.”
“A favored technique is to debilitate your identity [personally, I hate the term self-esteem] by levelling false accusations and/or questioning your honesty, fidelity, trustworthiness, your “true” motivations, your “real” character, your sanity and judgement.”
“They are absolutely the world’s best manipulators, liars, and fabricators of truth. They do so convincingly because they believe their own lies. After all their life is nothing but a lie, a sham, how can we possibly assume they know anything different.”
“Others around me would get so tired of the whole thing and insinuate that I was perpetuating things. All I wanted was for him to leave me alone. Part of the hurt and damage was done because others could but would not see what was actually happening. He would always try to ingratiate himself to others it was sickening. Usually psychopaths put on the nicest act, and you look like the harpy and bitch, and so everyone takes their side, it is a horror story, a psychopath can be very charming, and manipulative and manipulate the smartest of people.”
“My biggest frustration and source of anger, is at those who have refused to take a stand when they see the abuse . No matter how outrageous his behavior others often stood by and inadvertently fuelled his grandiosity and denial... although denial is too mild a word for it.
“If a psychopath throws the “bad childhood” stuff at you, keep in mind he might be trying to get sympathy and make an excuse for his atrocious behavior towards you and/or others. If we let these people make us feel sorry for them, we ultimately end up in the submissive position again...just what they want. I can “pity” them yes...but I refuse to shed another tear over the tragedies suffered by who is now, only a shell of a person.”

Regarding a psychopath: Considering a longitudinal section of his life is hard to avoid the conclusion that here is the product of true madness - of madness in a sense quite as real as that conveyed to the imaginative layman by the terrible word lunatic.

With the further consideration that all this skein of apparent madness has been woven by a person of (technically) unimpaired and superior intellectual powers and universally regarded as sane, the surmise intrudes that we are confronted by a serious and unusual type of genuine abnormality.

Not merely a surmise but a strong conviction may arise that this apparent sanity is, in some important respects, a sanity in name only. We find instead a spectacle that suggests madness in excelsis, despite the absence of all those symptoms that enable us, in some degree, to account for irrational conduct in the psychotic.

Only very slowly and by a complex estimation or judgment based on multitudinous small impressions does the conviction come upon us that, despite these intact rational processes, these normal emotional affirmations, and their consistent application in all directions, we are dealing here not with a complete man at all but with something that suggests a subtly constructed reflex machine which can mimic the human personality perfectly.

So perfect is this reproduction of a whole and normal man that no one who examines him in a clinical setting can point out in scientific or objective terms why, or how, he is not real. And yet we eventually come to know or feel we know that reality, in the sense of full, healthy experiencing of life, is not here.


“Leaving is hard because of all that goes along with the going. It is not just the person you have to give up but your hopes and dreams and fantasies. It only happened for me in increments and I cried UNCLE often thinking if I gave it one more go I’d break through. It wasn’t until I really knew that no matter what I said or did or didn’t do this person could never love me or anyone.”
“The fantasy was exactly that, a FANTASY, that he created for himself, and presented to me as reality. My head said the fantasy wasn’t valid. I kept reminding myself: if the fantasy was real, I wouldn’t be treated like dirt, and feel like shit!”
“I have finally come to the conclusion that they cannot change, so all we can do is to refuse to participate in their sick drama and leave the stage.”

Cleckley: [T]he familiar tendency to disintegrate, against which life evolves, may be regarded as fundamental and comparable to gravity. The climbing man or animal must use force and purpose to ascend or to maintain himself at a given height. [...] Whether regression occurs primarily through something like gravity or through impulses more self-contained, the backward movement (or ebbing) is likely to prompt many sorts of secondary reactions, including behavior not adapted for ordinary human purposes but instead, for functioning in the other direction. The modes of such reactivity may vary, may fall into complex patterns, and may seek elaborate expression. [...] People with all the outer mechanisms of adaptation intact might, one would think, regress more complexly. [...] In a movement (or gravitational drift) from levels where life is vigorous and full to those where it is less so, the tactics of withdrawal predominate. [...] The psychopath as we conceive of him in such an interpretation seems to justify the high estimate of his technical abilities as we see them expressed in reverse movement.

Organic Portals: The Answer to Psychopathy?

"Alien reaction machines" in human form describes individuals with Anti-Social Personality Disorder (APD), Sociopaths, and Psychopaths.
The material presented in the linked articles does not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of the editors. Research on your own and if you can validate any of the articles, or if you discover deception and/or an obvious agenda, we will appreciate if you drop us a line! We often post such comments along with the article synopses for the benefit of other readers. As always, Caveat Lector!

The Jadczyk - Weidner Correspondence

From Laura to Jay - a forwarded message.
Subject: Devices, etc

Date sent: Tue, 26 Feb 2002 20:59:51 -0500

Further discussion about the artifact and present experimentation:

O**E** wrote:

> Now frequency is used in a lot of meanings in our discourse. The C's
> referred to breadth of frequency envelope' as a criterion of 4D
> harvestability, as in the marble having to be the right size for the slot. Now
> this can be understood as a range of the perceptual tuner. We tend to
> understand perception in a transactional sense, as some sort of exchange, or
> collapse of the wave, anyway an interactive event with a potentially
> significant observer influence. Adding phase and standing wave
> characteristics as criteria for said perceptual transaction, we get to
> understand how there can be effective occlusion between potential observer and
> observed.

R** writes: Yes, especially when you take quantum detectors into consideration, which is not a part of regular quantum theory but is a part of the extended QT Ark is working on and which I am simulating. There, detectors are used to precisely pinpoint the location of a wave with regard to both location and velocity (but without breaking the Heisenberg uncertainty principle), and these detectors have a couple of parameters where consciousness could be inserted as "helping things" in wanted directions. If the phase of the wave is important for those detectors, then it becomes clear that things can occopy the same space/time without disturbing each other at all.

> The question would then present itself, to what degree are these frequencies
> and phases characteristics of soul evolution and purity of alignment and to
> what degree are these configurable through the use of said device,
> specifically as applies to detectability, remembering that a certain degree of
> 'resonance' is needed for the 'perceptual transaction'?

That is indeed one of the main questions of the abovementioned theory/hypothesis.

> As for the 'natural or proper density of the being, it would appear that it is
> determined by tuner range, since quite naturally the entity binds to / is
> conscious / is interactive with frequencies in its range. On the other hand
> some artificial adjustment within some bounds seems possible, as evidenced by
> UFO phenomena.

Yes, as the C's mentioned during the last session, if two realms ("frequency resonance envelopes" as they said) are sufficiently similar/close, and the individuals frequency is capable of tuning into both, then a *quantum jump* is possible between the two. Note that if this is really how it works, then the "switch to 4D" is indeed going to be instantaneous, *but* it will also be possible to switch back and forth while the two realms are "near" each other. This back and forth thing could relate to the thousand year period that has been mentioned as acclimatization period.

These are all just ideas and thoughts for discussion, but it seems reasonable so far.

> Further, we can think of resonance and standing waves as stable, even self
> stabilizing,

From our simulations, it seems as though waves indeed stabilize themselves as they *bounce* against borders (no borders, no stabilization/phase shifting), but we're not yet sure whether it's just a numerical error artifact or whether it is actual.

> as an 'automatic frequency control' (AFC) built into reality,
> as Ark discusses in the Noah intro. This would provide a nice conceptual
> framework for understanding the discrete nature of the density levels.

Indeed it is so. The notion of quantum jumps seems to be one of the keys, and the C's have indeed hinted in this direction more than once. We were just going through old session transcripts and things that didn't make sense at all in -98 suddenly make total sense in light of these new developments.

> So
> the TDARM could be thought of, in much simplified terms, to be a variable
> oscillator that induces a phase/frequency change and manages the transition
> between two stable patterns by some sort of feedback loop without breaking the
> structure being transferred.

I see no problem with such an interpretation.

> Now of course, the very notion of frequency as cycles per unit of time or
> space may not be exactly right, just because it has time and space in its
> definition but at least it gives a great handle for discussing the
> phenomenology.

I agree, as the C's said last session "Remember the Benzene ring. Idea structure was seen first, then explication followed, when application was realized". We seem to be following the same pattern here.

> Anyway, there's great food for thought in the recent breakthroughs.

Absolutely. And I just finished the second simulation, which instead of showing propagating waves simulates probabilities of states in particles, a sort of quantum fractals. Turns out that our old friend the Mandelbrot fractal seems to be hiding in there (as far as we can see anyway)... bizarre.. and beutiful!


------- End of forwarded message -------

From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea
To: Goldenflower@...
Subject: site for complaints

Date sent: Wed, 27 Feb 2002 11:53:00 -0500

Here is the site for internet complaints. They have options for copyright theft, stalking, monetary losses, etc etc. Goes directly to the internet crimes division of the FBI.

It's a pretty thorough questionnaire, and you will find that there are options that fit your situation exactly. They also ask at one point if you know of others who have been "victims" of the perpetrator. Feel free to enter our names if you decide to pursue this option.

The end result is that when the FBI picks up your complaint, you don't have to get and pay an attorney. The government pays for the investigation and suit.

What is also interesting is: based on the questions they ask, you realize that VB, Storm Bear, and gang are really over the line.


From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea
To: Goldenflower@...
Subject: Re: Question

Date sent: Wed, 27 Feb 2002 20:22:20 -0500

On 27 Feb 2002, at 18:17, Goldenflower@... wrote:

> It is very curious. And there is more. Tell me about "Frank". Is he a fool?

The biggest problem with all of them seems to be massive egos that prevent them from seeing when they are digging pits into which they will fall. I spent years trying to "save" "Frank", probably the same way you did VB. You see something of "brilliance" in a person, and you want to "heal" all the broken parts so that brilliance can manifest. And then, you realize that they can't be fixed, and that most of the brilliance is just aping for the purpose of getting what they want without any real effort.

> Does he have money?

His mother is quite well off. One of the first events of our relationship was when "Frank" was caught embezzling from his employer. The employer was going to turn the info over to the state if "Frank" didn't pay ALL the money back. Well, of course, "Frank" didn't have it. But his father did. Only his father refused. Apparently, though I didn't realize it at the time, his father must have bailed him out of stuff before.

Well, "Frank" was going to commit suicide, and stupid me stepped in and said I'd talk to his father. So, I did and managed to persuade the guy that "Frank"'s version of the story was possibly correct. The only thing I could say for sure was that "Frank" would kill himself if he had to go to jail. So, his father paid the money back.

Less than a year later, he was dead by his own hand... probably from a broken heart.

"Frank"'s mom is now very well off, and "Frank" has sort of "replaced" his father as the "money manager." Even if he mis-manages her money, it would take awhile to lose it all.

Did VB know him before?


> I am getting worried about poor
> "Frank"'s future.

Well, "Frank"'s future is pretty grim, as you might suspect, based on your experiences and our experiences, and what we know now from hard experience.

But, another part of the problem is "Frank" himself: he has always been a sort of "loose cannon." At many points in time when I would jokingly say something about "well, if the "powers that be" knew what kind of info we are getting, they would be at the door making an offer we can't refuse." My intention being to "test" his attitude. Unfortunately, his attitude was "well, all I care about is the money! If they pay me money, I'll channel all day!"

"Frank" is actually very much like Vincent, delusions of grandeur, a sense of entitlement to what others have by virtue of their hard work, and that was why he was so easy to "hook." His greed and his craving for fame and publicity blind him to any moral considerations.

I have pretty well posted the "inside info" about "Frank" in the Adventures series, though I don't think you have read it from the beginning. It is actually a continuation of Amazing Grace, the autobiographical piece that is presently being published.

No, VB didn't know "Frank" before. He looked him up because, by virtue of what I had told VB about "Frank", VB knew that he could get "Frank" and pump him up with ego hooks, promises of money, and whatever, and get him to betray me.

Well, I really didn't think that "Frank" would do what he did, but obviously, it is part of a grand plan and even "Frank" was sent to try to vacuum the info out of me. That is one of the reasons the C's kept hinting that we were supposed to work with the psychomantium and more or less work without "Frank". Again, I have detailed this in the Adventures series...

I wouldn't worry about "Frank". I have done everything except stand on my head to point out that he is on a path to destruction. I have sent him emails, I have sent him urls with evidence, etc. It's like trying to talk to VB.

Will VB manage to get bux out of "Frank"? I don't know. You really need to read Grace and Adventures... and along the way you might even make some editorial comments that might be helpful, in addition to having some inside details that might answer a whole lot of questions.

It's hard to say who is doing whom with VB and "Frank". The one thing that comes to mind when I think of the two of them together is the Moors murderers, Myra Hindley and what's his face.

Bottom line is: don't worry about "Frank"'s future, worry about the rest of the world with the two of them plotting, with Storm Bear tossing in his input, and possibly with some of "Frank"'s mother's bux... it's a really scary picture.


From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea
To: Goldenflower@...
Subject: (Fwd) speshul announcement

Date sent: Fri, 1 Mar 2002 21:23:48 -0500

Forwarded by a listmember. I am just speechless! Is this guy for real? I mean, how can you declare something at an end that never began???

Too bad. Won't save him from the IRS. They are only interested in what he was doing before... if they pick up his case and go after him, they will ask for every slip of paper.

And, interestingly, rec. a copy of a letter to the NC atty general from bellsouth, and they have the time logs on when the "hacker" was using S***'s account and we will be submitting our logs so that they can compare them to the times VB was trying to access our site and post on our message board.

[Here are the pertinent excerpts from the letter:

On letterhead of State of North Carolina, Department of Justice,
Roy Cooper, Attorney General, Consumer Protection, etc.

Date: February 27, 2002

RE: File No. 0***

15K BellSouth Plaza
300 S Brevard Street
Charlotte, NC 28230-0188

Enclosed, was a copy of this long letter from Bellsouth to Thomas Meece:

Bellsouth letterhead
Mary Lib Parker
Assistant Manager
Executive Office

Dated February 25, 2002

Directed to Thomas E. Meece, etc. etc.

Re: File No. 020&&&
S*** F***

Dear Mr. Meece:

This is in response to your letter dated February 13, 2002 regarding

correspondence your office received from Ms. F***

Our records indicate that Mrs. F*** cancelled her user name and password on February 14, 2002. At this time she created a new user name and password. Ms. Priscilla Edmondson, Dot Net Specialist researched the records, and it appears that someone used Ms. F*** user name and password, and was connecting and surfing the web by utilizing an 800 roaming number.

Our usage system indicates that there is a total usage of 8.69 hours of roaming connection for the month of Novemer, 111.52 for the month of December and 144.43 for the month of January 2002. The roaming connection started on 11/28/2001 and our system only shows connections through the roaming number from 11/28/2001 through January 30, 2002. There is no indication that an attempt was made to connect utilizing a local dialing number instead during that timeframe.

On February 19th, Ms. Edmondson contacted the Mr. Mike Flammia in the Abuse Department. He advised that we have no way of identifying the person who is utilizing the customer's user name and password. Ms. Edmondson contacted the Network operation center that confirmed that we have no way to trace the phone number where the other user is connecting. In some instances if the customer receives a message indicating that the user name is already in use while trying to connect to the server, they are able to trace te other user only while utilizing a local dialing number. If the other user is connected via the roaming number, all they can do is disconnect the user's connection, but they would not be able to trace the telephone number where the user is connecting. It was recommended that the customer should change her user name and password. The Firewall often helps with blocking a hacker from trying to access the customer's computer information. It even provides an IP addrss to help identify the user but unfortunately we are not able to obtain an IP address unless the customer provides us with that information.

[Note: We have provided Bellsouth with that information.]

On February 19th, Ms. Edmondson contacted Ms. F*** at work. She advised that she was working with a patient and she would return her call once she is done with the patient. Mrs. F*** called back and stated she is aware that someone somehow got hold of her user name and password, and is surfing the web. Mrs. F*** stated that her friends Dr. and Mrs. Arkadiuz Jadczyk, run a business from home and have interacted before with a Mr. Vincent Bridges of Carolina.

Since Dr. and Mrs. Arkadiuz, have security firewalls on their entire computer, they were able to find him attempting to hack into their system on several occasions. On one occasion they tracked an IP address, which led them to Ms. F*** user name. Mrs. F*** was hoping that we were able to provide her with more information about the person who was utilizing her user name in order to confirm that Mr. Vincent Bridges was the hacker.

Ms. Edmondson advised her that we have no way of tracking the user since we do not have an IP address, and if an IP address was provided, it would reflect that she is the user. Priscilla also advised her that we have no way of obtaining the phone number where the calls are made since they were utilizing a roaming number. Mrs. F*** advised that the FBI is already involved.

Ms. F*** also changed her telephone number, and Priscilla switched the billing to the new number as well.

Mrs. F*** agrees to call is she experiences more troubles, and now that she has a firewall she would be able to keep a log. Ms. Edmondson advised she had submitted a credit to her account for the Roaming charges for a total of $795.74.

We value Ms. F*** as a BellSouth customer and trust her future dealings will be satisfactory ones. If additional information is needed, please advise.

Yours very truly,

(Mrs.) Mary Lib Parker
Appeals Manager

End letter from Bellsouth

One day closer to jail.

Anyway, here is the great announcement... drum rolll...... --

Special Announcement

Due to many financial setbacks, Aethyrea Books has gone out of business. As of March 1st, 2002, Aethyrea Books will cease to exist as any sort of book publishing or book production company and is currently in the process of liquidating its assets and settling claims and debts. As part of this process, Aethyrea Books hereby declares that any copyright to any material whatsoever held by Aethyrea Books from 1995 to 2001 will, as of March 1st, 2002, revert to the original creators, authors and copyright holders, without exception.

Please be advised that Aethyrea Books LLC North Carolina, owned by Jay Weidner of Buellton, California, is not and has never been, a partner, owner or any other form of member or participant in Aethyrea Books.

Thank you for your continued support Vincent Bridges Aethyrea Books

------- End of forwarded message -------

From: Goldenflower@....
Date sent: Sat, 2 Mar 2002 09:20:08 EST
Subject: Re: (Fwd) speshul announcement


He is such a crook that I cannot believe it. I will do something soon but we must wait.


From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea
To: Goldenflower@...
Subject: Re: (Fwd) speshul announcement

Date sent: Sat, 2 Mar 2002 10:10:51 -0500

On 2 Mar 2002, at 9:20, Goldenflower@... wrote:

> He is such a crook that I cannot believe it. I will do something soon but we
> must wait.

What is so bizarre is that he has posted a notice from "Frank" (written by VB, however, as it is clearly his thinking) claiming copyright on our material. I posted a response. I don't think they really get it. They do not really think that there are really any laws that can "get them."

And, of course, as I have already noted, we would just be going along leaving him alone if he ever learned how to do the same.

He posts that he is "moving on," and then follows this with the claim to our copyright. Well, actions speak louder than words. Had he actually "moved on," we would be happy to turn our attention to other matters.

However, as the C's have said, "give a lie what it asks for: the Truth." So, each and every lie he and his gang posts results in a public response of truth from us. It also results in a period of time applied to bringing his activities to the attention of the authorities. So, if he really wants his life back, he will take down all websites that defame us, will drop "Frank" like a hot potato, will stop pirating our work.

However, at this point, I'm not even sure if his ceasing of such activity would do any good since so much material has been compiled and provided to different authorities for their investigations, it may be futile for him to stop. The only thing is, he could certainly demonstrate "good will" and "lack of malice" if he and all his gang ceased all activity, removed libelous material, and stopped trying to promote the pirating of our material. In such a case, his "good intentions" MIGHT stand him in good stead when the trap finally shuts on him.

There are, at present, about a dozen people in the team searching public records for names, addresses, phone numbers of all his friends and associates - compiling lists of their assets, if any - names of their banks, and just basically tracking their activities for about the past 15 years. To say that we have found some very interesting things is an understatement. Sure, there is a "grifter" element here, but there is something bigger connected to it. I'm not even sure if VB is aware how he is being "played." On the one hand, he may certainly be "conscious," but it seems far more likely, because of all the suicidal moves he makes, that he is being "managed." It passes my understanding how somebody as bright as he claims to be cannot see the double psychology being used on him by certain of his "associates." I gave him one warning about it, and saw that he was simply not interested in listening, so that was that.

The net of people involved in the scrutiny is growing larger every day, too.

By the time we are done, we will have to write volume two of the Stargate Conspiracy!!!

As the attorney told us: it's a good thing that he did his copyright piracy AFTER August because that means it is covered under the new law that was passed which has much more "bite."

And it is utterly amazing that he continues to declare that he DID have a business, that it had assets, that he was engaged in publishing, etc, when the one thing he COULD have done to obviate scrutiny about his fraud would be to admit he had lied, admit he had defrauded people, and to declare that he was now going to really incorporate and do things legally.

But, nope! He just doesn't seem to be able to do the things that would haul his buns out of the fire, and get his life back. He's like a gambler who keeps losing, and keeps betting in hopes he will recoup his losses. Only thing is, he keeps using the same strategy that made him lose to begin with!!!

He is just simply addicted and cannot stop himself!!! It is amazing to watch!

Well, in another way, he's also like a bacteria in a petrie dish that we can observe and learn from. He is growing and multiplying in his isolated delusion which gives us a stunning example of the deterioration of a perfectly good mind when it has made the choice to follow evil.



From: Goldenflower@....
Date sent: Sat, 2 Mar 2002 16:21:31 EST
Subject: Re: (Fwd) speshul announcement


I could not have said it better. I have actually lost sleep trying to figure this out. The more I look the less sense it really makes. He somehow really believes that I am supposed to be afraid of him because he is the one who owns Aethyrea Books. He goes on and on. There is only one way to stop this. We need to prosecute him or we need to sue him in civil court.

I know that I can get a cheap lawyer in NC somewhere. AS soon as I cash his check (more on this later) we will act. Please be discreet for a few more days. But you are right - there doesn't seem to be anything that can be said. He really believes his own BS.

Still shocked after all this time.


From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea
To: Goldenflower@...
Subject: Re: (Fwd) speshul announcement

Date sent: Sat, 2 Mar 2002 16:27:48 -0500

On 2 Mar 2002, at 16:21, Goldenflower@... wrote:

> I could not have said it better. I have actually lost sleep trying to figure
> this out. The more I look the less sense it really makes. He somehow really
> believes that I am supposed to be afraid of him because he is the one who owns
> Aethyrea Books. He goes on and on. There is only one way to stop this.
> We need to prosecute him or we need to sue him in civil court.

Since the interest has already been stimulated in the NC state gov system (a group member received a letter from the atty general) I still think that the way to go would be to complain jointly to the NC atty general about VB's fraud.

That, along with the constant pressure from members of the group who have suffered some of his criminal activity MIGHT just get the ball rolling at NO COST to any of us!!!

Think about it. We could draft a really good complaint, citing the various people who have lost money by his fraud. He took one group member for over 700 bux in internet fees by hacking into her computer, stealing her user name and password, and logging onto the internet using her account. Bellsouth is MOST anxious to prevent publication of this "weakness" in their system, so I think they will play hardball for us.

He's sending you money? Be careful. If you cash it, it may come with an implied agreement that he will try to hold you to which may be illegal as heck.

At the same time, I wonder who gave him the money???


From: Goldenflower@....
Date sent: Sat, 2 Mar 2002 22:34:11 EST
Subject: Re: (Fwd) speshul announcement


He's is trying the implied agreement thing but it won't work. I have it worked out. The real question is, indeed, where is he getting the bucks. There are more interesting developments in that dept which I will hold until I actually see a check.

We can get him on fraud. Let's fill out a complaint. It is surely worth a try.


From: Goldenflower@....
Date sent: Sat, 2 Mar 2002 22:46:36 EST
Subject: Re: (Fwd) speshul announcement


I will write a more lengthy report entitled 'Vincent Abridged'. Coming soon! Let's go get 'em!


From: Goldenflower@...
Date sent: Mon, 11 Mar 2002 18:58:31 EST
Subject: (no subject)

To: laura@cassiopaea

I really enjoyed your article until I read the part concerning Dr. Paul LaViolette. He is not a friend of VBs, but of mine. He does not derive his science from Tarot cards, he is interested in how Tarot cards seem to be a description of a hidden science. He is definitely not a gov agent as he was fired by the patent office for approving technologies that they didn't like very much.

Outside of Beyond the Big Bang he has had to print his own books and they don't sell very well.

When I made a documentary on him I interviewed scores of famous scientists, and, while they were annoyed with the good doctor, not one had LaViolette's knowledge of so many different aspects of scientific work across the spectrum.

His theories have been proven. This is the final test.

You are doing a fellow scientist a great disservice by your tenuous associations. Remember it is up to us to always tell the truth and never insinuate without proof. Otherwise we are no better than the rest.


From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea
To: Goldenflower@...
Subject: Re: (no subject)

Date sent: Mon, 11 Mar 2002 21:16:01 -0500

On 11 Mar 2002, at 18:58, Goldenflower@... wrote:

> You are doing a fellow scientist a great disservice by your tenuous
> associations. Remember it is up to us to always tell the truth and never
> insinuate without proof. Otherwise we are no better than the rest.

Are we to think, then, that P L V has been taken in by the consortium as well?

Perhaps that is the case. The research team has created a flow chart sort of thing with all the different groups and links between them, and it's not a pretty picture at present. Perhaps PLV might want to look at some of these things?

At present, his association with Pappas and Marivov, considering the tragedy that occurred, AS WELL AS his associations on the other side with folks who are emerging as significant interface players, put him in a questionable position.

And, of course, Bridges' tacking his name onto all of it, with his connections to Drunvalo, and the other places that Drunvalo appears, and various threads that have been unraveled, make the whole thing highly suspicious.

But then, maybe that was the program?

Provide me with a clear, concise statement that I can include, even anonymously as info from an "informed insider," re: LV, and I will make an adjustment to neutralize. But, unless and until his position is more clear, his associations make him suspect. And based on what we have learned so far from all this mess... well... can't be too careful.


From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea
To: Goldenflower@...
Subject: Re: (no subject)

Date sent: Mon, 11 Mar 2002 21:17:20 -0500

On 11 Mar 2002, at 18:58, Goldenflower@... wrote:

> His theories have been proven. This is the final test.

Which theories? Proven by whom and how? This is one area where we could find no evidence at all that stood up. In one case, a claim of a "proven theory" turned out to be a chimera... the "proof" actually ended up proving the opposite.


From: Goldenflower@...
Date sent: Mon, 11 Mar 2002 22:03:25 EST
Subject: Re: (no subject)

To: laura@cassiopaea

His theory of Seyfert type explosions and the ice core samples have been verified by a number of outside scientists. Have ou seen my documentary Earth Under Fire? I interviewed three seperate scientists who verified his theories.


From: Goldenflower@...
Date sent: Mon, 11 Mar 2002 22:09:07 EST
Subject: Re: (no subject)

To: laura@cassiopaea

Please examine PLV's many posts concerning Drunvalo and his faulty science. He clearly cares not for Drun halo.

Actually he didn't care much for VB either.

Do I think that PLV is always correct? No. But there is evidence of his galactic explosions.

Are you starting to say that anyone who disagrees with the C's, or with your theories, is a member of a group of co-conspirators?


From: Goldenflower@...
Date sent: Mon, 11 Mar 2002 22:12:22 EST
Subject: Re: (no subject)

To: laura@cassiopaea

In a message dated 3/11/2002 6:19:40 PM Pacific Standard Time, laura@cassiopaea writes:

<< Provide me with a clear, concise statement that I can include, even anonymously as info from an "informed insider," re: LV, and I will make an adjustment to neutralize. But, unless and until his position is more clear, his associations make him suspect.

Isn't this a little bit like saying that he is already guilty, and unless he proves that he is innocent, you are not going to change your statement?


From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea
To: Goldenflower@...
Subject: Re: (no subject)

Date sent: Tue, 12 Mar 2002 09:02:46 -0500

On 11 Mar 2002, at 22:09, Goldenflower@... wrote:

> Are you starting to say that anyone who disagrees with the C's, or with your
> theories, is a member of a group of co-conspirators?

That sounds like something VB would say! Now really! Notice that the issue is the associations with Aviary types who there is a huge amount of material about.


From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea
To: Goldenflower@...
Subject: Re: (no subject)

Date sent: Tue, 12 Mar 2002 09:13:55 -0500

On 11 Mar 2002, at 22:12, Goldenflower@... wrote:

> Isn't this a little bit like saying that he is already guilty, and unless he
> proves that he is innocent, you are not going to change your statement?

Okay. I modified the statement to make no comment about his "science." He is still associated with Tom Bearden and the Disclosure project and members of the aviary, and that leaves him in some question.

Perhaps he is, as you say, merely a Useful Idiot.

But, as we dig deeper, we are finding that there is no lack of scientists who will "validate" certain "ideas" that are NOT validated by other scientists, so one or two validations doesn't mean a lot - especially when you consider the affilitations.

Again, who are the guys doing the validation, and what are their points?

Consider carefully that this idea could be another designed to mislead. At this point, having discovered so much deception - most of which we have not even published yet - finding the connections, finding who is "validating" who, seems to be rather important.


From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea
To: Goldenflower@...
Subject: Re: (no subject)

Date sent: Tue, 12 Mar 2002 09:45:22 -0500

On 11 Mar 2002, at 22:12, Goldenflower@... wrote:

> Isn't this a little bit like saying that he is already guilty, and unless he
> proves that he is innocent, you are not going to change your statement?

As noted, out of consideration for your belief in the guy, I modified the statement. Modified. What is left is strictly factual. He WAS hanging out with those guys when Marinov took the plunge. He is listed on the Disclosure project which is disinfo if ever there was any... he IS associated with Tom Bearden and other "zero point energy" disinfo folks.

One thing is: we have no evidence that P L V realizes what kind of activity his associates are up to, just as WE had no such idea, and YOU had no such idea. And this may be the key here.

It may also be important in considering the "source" of P L V's ideas, and the possibility that "validation" came along to confirm him in an idea that was actually NOT validated.

At this point, based on the research into Guaman Poma. I rather think that this is what was done to your own research. An idea was "floated," perhaps even directly "implanted," and then confirmation supplied. This is one thing we are constantly looking at, and attempting to discover ways and means of dealing with such factors.

What I have also done is pose the problem to the research group. They will take it, follow all the threads, find out who has "verified" his work, check THEM out, discover if there are any relationships there that suggest anything mysterious, and in the end, there will be a report.

The real bottom line is: anybody who does not take it as a given that we are operating in an environment that is set up to be very confusing and lead us astray, and who does not understand the capabilities of the "opponent," simply won't get through the maze.


From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea
To: Goldenflower@...
Subject: PLV

Date sent: Tue, 12 Mar 2002 10:04:07 -0500

A couple of impressions:

As far as La Violette, we have to seriously consider two things. Given the area of involvement, his contacts and associations raise red flags for us.

Having said that, if he is in fact the innocent, gifted renaissance mind that you suggest, then I would opine he is being manipulated and controlled unknowingly, but still controlled.

Control by nefarious forces can be exerted upon those who feel they have the best of intentions and that this control can be without conscious acknowledgement by the controlee. The normal ideals for being a good-guy are the ideals that have been foisted upon us by controlling energies to cloak the old "choice between two non-choices" routine.

On the other hand, if he is in fact something akin to what his associations and connections might indicate, then he would be just as "dangerous". Either way, definitely someone to observe carefully.

There are red flags all over the place.


From: Goldenflower@...
Date sent: Tue, 12 Mar 2002 11:43:37 EST
Subject: Re: (no subject)

To: laura@cassiopaea

Since I have gone silent I haven't even spoken to PLV for over a year and a half. I have told him to drop his association with Beardon. The guy has admitted that his military intell.


From: Goldenflower@...
Date sent: Tue, 12 Mar 2002 11:46:12 EST
Subject: Re: (no subject)

To: laura@cassiopaea

you haven't proven anything with your peru research. The sun, moon caves motif is found in temples in the jungle that was just discovered 3 years ago. Albert Villodo has told me that the sun, moon, star, cave motif is the center of higher Inca learning. And I know why.


From: Goldenflower@...
Date sent: Tue, 12 Mar 2002 11:49:41 EST
Subject: Re: PLV

To: laura@cassiopaea

Laura, anyone involved, good or bad, has a red flag. You included. You have admitted that Ark is a 'defense contractor'. Do you know what a selfserving paranoid would do with info like that? Soon you could be made into a puppet of the Military Industrial Complex.

Be careful.

Surface impressions, as I found out with you, are frequently wrong. Do the research. That is good. Publish your work, that is also good. But let us make sure of what we are saying.



From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea
To: Goldenflower@...
Subject: Re: PLV

Date sent: Tue, 12 Mar 2002 15:53:19 -0500

On 12 Mar 2002, at 11:49, Goldenflower@... wrote:

> Laura, anyone involved, good or bad, has a red flag. You included. You have
> admitted that Ark is a 'defense contractor'.

The big operative word there is "WAS." When we started making waves and refused to be "handled," our contract was not renewed.

Do you know what a selfserving
> paranoid would do with info like that? Soon you could be made into a puppet of
> the Military Industrial Complex.

Sure. And that's why we don't hide anything. And that's why we aren't affiliated with those guys anymore either. And that's also why, when we learned about VB's affiliations, his lies, etc, we first gave him the chance to back away from them himself, and when he refused, we cancelled any association with him.

Like Mr. Lawlor did with you when you decided you had to keep your word to VB - we understand that the instant we have new data, we can and ought to change our mind.

And this is what I am pointing out about PLV - yes, he could very well be completely innocent. We were sure innocent of any of VB's stuff, as you are also. But we knew that this association was deadly. PLV probably won't even see it. Ark did communicate with him on several occasions trying to get the bottom line on his ideas in math terms as well as suggesting that there was a big problem on the big blue marble, and maybe he ought to have a look at it. PLV declined to even look into it. It was like the Bishop and the telescope... he didn't want to look because then he might have to change his beliefs.

> Be careful.
> Surface impressions, as I found out with you, are frequently wrong. Do the
> research. That is good. Publish your work, that is also good. But let us make
> sure of what we are saying.

The team is going gung ho just now, creating files and flow charts and table showing links and idealogy and so on.

What really troubles me at the moment is the fact that there are several international "clubs" involved here, all giving lip service to great gnostic ideas.... BUT, at the present moment, when the NWO scenario is playing out, when they COULD do something in a big way to counteract the global political activity that's very likely going to get us all in hot water, they are singularly silent... not a peep out of any of them...

Even the Christian fundamentalists who were ranting for years about the "mark of the beast" and all that nonsense, at the present time, when it is actully happening, they are saying not a word ... just following like faithful robots behind the fearless Shrub as he leads us into the trap.

What's the deal here?


From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea
To: Goldenflower@...
Subject: Re: PLV

Date sent: Tue, 12 Mar 2002 16:26:10 -0500

One interesting item:

"While a researcher at Harvard in the early '70s, LaViolette designed revolutionary air-sampling equipment to measure the effectiveness of dust masks worn by coal miners. From there—his brain ever-churning—he developed cost-effective technology—irrigation pumps, desalinization systems—for use by Third World countries. And in his spare time, in 1975, he advised the Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Energy on matters relating to solid-waste recycling.

Then, in 1976, LaViolette was courted by noted Hungarian scholar Ervin Laszlo to serve as a consultant on solar energy and appropriate technology for the scientific think tank Club of Rome's annual report, Goals for Mankind. Quickly, LaViolette went from understudy to star: The United Nations was soon underwriting his study of the feasibility of building a solar power plant in the U.S. at a cost cheaper than that of an equivalent-sized nuclear plant."

In other words, he may have been "in pocket" for a very long time.


From: Goldenflower@...
Date sent: Thu, 14 Mar 2002 17:06:26 EST
Subject: Re: PLV

To: laura@cassiopaea

wow, that is weird. I just got back from the beach where I spent the last 2 days thinking about this very subject. Shrub is leading us to Armegettingouttahere and the world sits mute. I don't watch much TV, so while in the hotel room, I watched a few hours of the news and was completely horrified.

I have never seen the levers of control pressed so tightly before. This is the final test. Do you go along and shut up or do you say 'no' to the NWO? The fundys have proven their lack of moxey and they are now the willing slaves of the NWO. By the way, although I have no love for the Church, I find it an interesting coincidence that the church's pedophillia is being uncovered at this moment. It has been known for centuries, why is it being released now? The answer is that a new religion is about to take all of the others place. This new religion is a complete fraud. No other religions will be allowed to compete with this new religion. First you strip them of their values and traditions and then you apply the new ones.

You have been targeted because of your desire to discuss these ideas in the open. David Koresh was targeted for the very same reasons. I, also, had a radio show that discussed these ideas. I, like you, was targeted by them through silent agents like VB.

But remember, souls have different ages. Bush, VB and the rest of the idiots are in a conspiracy, but it is a conspiracy of ignorance. They are new souls incapable of understanding the matrix. They do not understand the older souls, who are in the process of learning to navigate the matrix, and they try to destroy them. This is why we are in the Iron Age. To many new souls are being born at once. Instilled in ignorance, they destroy the world. But the world must be destroyed. It is the only way for the older souls to become light. Light is the way that one moves through the matrix.


From: Goldenflower@...
Date sent: Thu, 14 Mar 2002 17:11:57 EST
Subject: Re: PLV

To: laura@cassiopaea

More likely, as you would probably think after meeting him, that they are using his ideas and encouraging him without funding him very much.

This is how they get us. We need funding and the ones with interesting ideas get funded. Not to research the work, but to bottle it up. Indeed, although the Club of Rome had PLV do research on solar energy, they did not use that research. They effectively bottled it all up. I know. I speak from experience. If I am not mistaken, if the VB attempt to destroy you fails, as I hope it does, then they will apply the funding approach. I do not have the five hundred hours necessary to recount the thousands of stories of 'dangerous' people being bought up and their work bottled up. But they are all true.


From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea
To: Goldenflower@...
Subject: Re: PLV

Date sent: Thu, 14 Mar 2002 17:46:32 -0500

On 14 Mar 2002, at 17:06, Goldenflower@... wrote:

> wow, that is weird. I just got back from the beach where I spent the last 2
> days thinking about this very subject. Shrub is leading us to
> Armegettingouttahere and the world sits mute. I don't watch much TV, so while
> in the hotel room, I watched a few hours of the news and was completely
> horrified.

Yeah. It's like the craziest damned thing I ever saw. After all these years of the different groups ranting and raving, NOW when all the pieces are making their play, nobody, NOBODY is saying anything!

> I have never seen the levers of control pressed so tightly before. This is the
> final test. Do you go along and shut up or do you say 'no' to the NWO? The
> fundys have proven their lack of moxey and they are now the willing slaves of
> the NWO. By the way, although I have no love for the Church, I find it an
> interesting coincidence that the church's pedophillia is being uncovered at this
> moment. It has been known for centuries, why is it being released now? The
> answer is that a new religion is about to take all of the others place. This
> new religion is a complete fraud. No other religions will be allowed to compete
> with this new religion. First you strip them of their values and traditions and
> then you apply the new ones.


> You have been targeted because of your desire to discuss these ideas in the
> open. David Koresh was targeted for the very same reasons. I, also, had a
> radio show that discussed these ideas. I, like you, was targeted by them
> through silent agents like VB.


> But remember, souls have different ages. Bush, VB and the rest of the idiots
> are in a conspiracy, but it is a conspiracy of ignorance. They are new souls
> incapable of understanding the matrix. They do not understand the older souls,
> who are in the process of learning to navigate the matrix, and they try to
> destroy them. This is why we are in the Iron Age. To many new souls are being
> born at once. Instilled in ignorance, they destroy the world. But the world
> must be destroyed. It is the only way for the older souls to become light.
> Light is the way that one moves through the matrix.

Indeed. C's say "sit back and enjoy the show" and "Changes will follow turmoil be patient." And yes, the dissolution is necessary. But it sure does give the flesh a difficult time. And as the C's have also said: "you will do what you will do." To discover what one IS, by virtue of fully manifesting being, and ACTING on that essential nature is the "test," so to say. As the old man told Mark Hedsel in the Zelator, the house is on fire, we can see it, they can't. Surely, as old fools who are committed, we will attempt to snatch one or two out of the fire? Or so I think.


From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea
To: Goldenflower@...
Subject: Re: PLV

Date sent: Thu, 14 Mar 2002 17:52:39 -0500

On 14 Mar 2002, at 17:11, Goldenflower@... wrote:

> More likely, as you would probably think after meeting him, that they are
> using his ideas and encouraging him without funding him very much.

Of that I have no doubt.

> This is how they get us. We need funding and the ones with interesting ideas
> get funded. Not to research the work, but to bottle it up. Indeed, although
> the Club of Rome had PLV do research on solar energy, they did not use that
> research. They effectively bottled it all up. I know. I speak from
> experience. If I am not mistaken, if the VB attempt to destroy you fails, as I
> hope it does, then they will apply the funding approach. I do not have the five
> hundred hours necessary to recount the thousands of stories of 'dangerous'
> people being bought up and their work bottled up. But they are all true.

At the same time, by doing this, by inducing the person into "associations," those associations can be VECTORS of thought and direction. Certain people can literally "activate" program triggers in us that cause us to go the wrong way and be convinced it is the right way. They can also "bottle" a person up for the purpose of using them to "trigger" other programs in other people... or to "spy" on them without the knowledge of either of them. I have experienced this directly and it is freaky beyond belief because the person being used is generally completely innocent!

But, if that person will not acknowledge the fact that they CAN be used in such ways, they are dangerous because they will not be on the look-out for such activity. It is almost crucial to have a network where you can bounce ideas around, check and cross-check your thinking and perceptions, and constantly scrutinize your research from many directions, and work on tearing it apart to see how it stands up to analysis.

PLV does not seem to be interested in considering these possibilities and therefore is vulnerable to being used, doubly so because of his associations.

When did you meet him, by the way?


From: Goldenflower@...
Date sent: Thu, 14 Mar 2002 20:43:45 EST
Subject: Re: PLV

To: laura@cassiopaea

PLV is not sophisticated enough to be obvious agent. Please don't tell him I said this. I like him.

Did you ever see 'The Lady from Shanghai'? What you are into now is similar to the hall of mirrors sequence at the end of the film. Rita Hayworth is caught in a house of mirrors with a man who is trying to shoot her. She sees him and he sees her, but what they see are all just reflections. No one is sure what is real and what isn't. This is the world that you are in now. As Kevin Costner said in JFK: 'everything is exactly the opposite of what you thinks it is. Black is white, up is down. Is what you are examining a reflection, or is it real?"

PLV was a wash out. His book 'Beyond the Big Bang' couldn't get published. Robert Lawlor read a copy of the manuscript and recommended it to ITI. That is how he was published. I met him in June 1997. He has a vast understanding of the physics that creates our world.

He has rejected the black hole at the center of the Milky Way because he understands that our galaxy is a fourth dimensional object. The center of our galaxy is a black hole, yes, but it is also a white hole. As it's real shape is that of a torus, it must be both. I can only conclude that PLV is absolutely right. Lawlor agrees. As PLV is the only astrophysicist who is even considering the hyperdimensional aspects of the make up of our galaxy, what can I say?

He was fired by the US Gov't Patents office because he was approving patents that they were suppressing. This fact is not going to go down well if he is a spy.

They liked him until he was published - then they didn't like him anymore. Again, this is exactly what happened to me. As long as my ideas were suppressed in any manner I was allright. But if I got them out in any way I would be suppressed. When they realized that I wasn't going to stop with the Hendaye research, when I quit giving monthly reports to my 'funders', when I finally spent my own money to finish the research and print the book I was finished. Even then they sent in VB to ruin everything.

What is a big blue marble?


From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea
To: Goldenflower@...
Subject: Re: PLV

Date sent: Thu, 14 Mar 2002 20:53:55 -0500

On 14 Mar 2002, at 20:43, Goldenflower@... wrote:

> What is a big blue marble?

Planet Earth.

And yeah, you're right about the mirrors, etc. The only thing that suggests any stability is the fact that the C's do provide enough info to keep me out of hot water. I was well on the way to being completely coopted by VB when they simply refused to communicate via the board and practically insisted on the mirror session where he showed his true colors, and where I SAW him for what he really was.

I can tell you (and you will understand) I REALLY liked VB! I was absolutely CRUSHED by his behavior. I did everything except back flips to give him chances to show that this view was NOT accurate... to prove himself otherwise... geez, we didn't even undertake the big investigation until OCTOBER - giving him three months to figure it out, work it out, or otherwise show some semblance of being the person we had initially thought he was! And the longer we waited, the nastier he got.

I wrote emails, begging him to "come to your senses! open your eyes! can't you see what you are doing?" and so forth. And all I got in reply was some of the nastiest writing I have ever had to read. It was like somebody who I had perceived to be a genteel, articulate, cultivated, scholarly, southern gentleman had transmogrified into a slavering, toothless, low life, scumbag gutter dweller. His language and conduct just simply clinched it, and I knew that he was nothing but trash putting on a front. Nobody with any breeding at all would EVER talk to a woman, or about a woman, the way he has and does. Nor would they talk that way to someone they disagreed with either. It just isn't done, is all I can say about it. When things are rough, breeding always makes itself evident.

And I am not saying it in a snobby, "bloodline" sort of way. There are people in very good families who are exactly like VB and there are people in very poor families, or from very disadvantaged backgrounds who have a lot of class. Class is something that belongs to the soul. And yes, it may be so that it runs in bloodlines to some extent, but it can pop up anywhere.

Don't know how I got off on that subject. Doesn't really matter to anyone but me nowadays.


From: Goldenflower@...
Date sent: Fri, 15 Mar 2002 19:23:55 EST
Subject: Re: Adventures 25

To: laura@cassiopaea

L Thanks for letting PLV and his naiveté off the hook.

I read your article and I have to confess I am constantly bewildered by all of the channeling. I find it very difficult to get through. It is still interesting how you are reaching similar conclusions as I have but through a completely different set of imprints. However, that said, I do want you to know something.

Since late October I have been writing a novel. And the plot of the novel has so many strange parallels to what you are saying that it is beginning to unnerve me. I set (bad pun) out to write this almost six months ago and I have not deviated at all from the original idea. Yet there is this strange synchronicity with what you are talking about. I don't want to say anymore because I have just finished writing it today and it will be published soon.

I didn't want to show to anyone, in it's early form, to anyone because it was so outrageous. But now ... I don't know.


From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea
To: Goldenflower@...
Subject: Re: Adventures 25

Date sent: Sat, 16 Mar 2002 12:47:23 -0500

On 15 Mar 2002, at 19:23, Goldenflower@... wrote:

> Thanks for letting PLV and his naiveté off the hook.

You know, it actually shocked me when I noticed him there - considering his interests - I do hope that he IS just naive - and I think it is so myself, considering our own naivete on so many occasions.

This is something that has to be fully explored. The fact that "forces" can "use" anybody withOUT their conscious knowledge is one of the big things I would like to communicate to others. Unless and until we are fully apprised of that, and the means by which it is accomplished, we are unable, except by instinct, to protect ourselves.

And we both know that instinct is very often shoved aside in favor of our programs.

> I read your article and I have to confess I am constantly bewildered by all of
> the channeling. I find it very difficult to get through.

I think it was intended that way. Though you also have not read the transcripts in order, which might be useful.

I was bewildered as all get out for a long time about all of it. It is the effort to understand, to "think with a hammer" and to learn the green language, with which the C's communicate, that builds the bridge to the superconsciousness, or so I think.

There is still much that I do not fully understand. And, frankly, for a bit, VB was trying to convince me that HE understood... it was only as matters proceeded that I realized that he did NOT.

It is still
> interesting how you are reaching similar conclusions as I have but through a
> completely different set of imprints.

Keep in mind also that the whole "quest" thing was as a RESULT of the channeling - and any conclusions are also a result of "hints" and "clues" and "green language" statements that required a great deal of application to finally decipher. I've only been working on this aspect of the thing for the past seven years. Others have spent their lives on it. And, for some reason, because of other factors, it seems that my "path" is very much assisted and accelerated.

However, that said, I do want you to know
> something.
> Since late October I have been writing a novel. And the plot of the novel has
> so many strange parallels to what you are saying that it is beginning to unnerve
> me. I set (bad pun) out to write this almost six months ago and I have not
> deviated at all from the original idea. Yet there is this strange synchronicity
> with what you are talking about. I don't want to say anymore because I have
> just finished writing it today and it will be published soon.
> I didn't want to show to anyone, in it's early form, to anyone because it was so
> outrageous. But now ... I don't know.

Well, get it published - who the heck knows what's going on. We sure only know what we are meant to know as we take each step. It's like walking on water, or "need to know" from one level to the next. In another sense, each step is like a "test." If you pass that one, then you are given the next clue - next step - next test.

If you screw up, you come to a standstill or you stop by a roadsign and think it is the destination.

My guess is that when the final step is made, something so stupendous is revealed that there is never any, ANY question about the fact that it is THE answer. In fact, I think that when the objective is attained, one instantly achieves the "present," as Fulcanelli says. Until that happens, we are all just making one step after another.

I have a question: did you go to Egypt with VB in 1995? What was the deal on that trip? Who else was there? What were the dates, etc?


From: Goldenflower@...
Date sent: Sat, 16 Mar 2002 13:58:07 EST
Subject: Re: Adventures 25

To: laura@cassiopaea

I didn't know VB in 95. I think he went with Moira Timms but I am not sure that he went at all anymore.


From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea
To: Goldenflower@...
Subject: Re: Adventures 25

Date sent: Sat, 16 Mar 2002 14:18:07 -0500

On 16 Mar 2002, at 13:58, Goldenflower@... wrote:

> I didn't know VB in 95. I think he went with Moira Timms but I am not sure that
> he went at all anymore.

WHEN did he go to Egypt? There are photos of him in his Vincent of Arabia outfit... do you know Timms well enough to inquire without exciting suspicion?

This is kind of important. There are two other folks who have "entered" our lives in strange ways who mentioned being in Egypt in 1995... and damned if it doesn't seem like they may all have been there at the same time for SOME reason that is beginning to look very suspicious.


From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea
To: Goldenflower@...
Subject: Re: Adventures 25

Date sent: Sat, 16 Mar 2002 14:40:07 -0500

On 16 Mar 2002, at 13:58, Goldenflower@... wrote:

> I didn't know VB in 95. I think he went with Moira Timms but I am not sure that
> he went at all anymore.

have a look here:

On this last page, Darlene says that she was in Egypt in 1991 - so was there more than one trip?

From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea
To: Goldenflower@...
Subject: VB in Egypt

Date sent: Sat, 16 Mar 2002 14:44:49 -0500

Here is an excerpt from an email VB sent to our group about Egypt... Do you know Barbara Marciniak well enough to ask her whether any of this is true or not?

"Back in 1988, BM and I were part of the same newage/magickal group called the Order of Melchizedek in NC. The group was about to start some save the world type project involving traveling to remote places and anchoring the Blue Light (K-Marts specials for everyone!). Egypt was the first stop and BM came to me for a Tarot reading on whether she should go or or not. The indicator of the reading was the death card, crossed by the devil. She freaked, and I must admit, I had no pleasant way to interpret that kind of sign. She wouldn't stay for the rest of the reading and left in a huff.

A couple of months later, we're in the Great Pyramid doing our hoodoo with the Great Guru, when BM starts to shake and passes out. She's sick the rest of the trip, having some truly bizarre episodes. [...]

The worst case of spirit possession I've seen happened in Egypt. A lady entered one of the newly opened tombs on the west bank in an angry and unsettled mood and one of the guardians possessed her.Two hours later, we found her on her way to die going the wrong way up the mountain above the Valley of the Kings.)"

From: Goldenflower@...
Date sent: Sat, 16 Mar 2002 18:04:11 EST
Subject: Re: VB in Egypt

To: laura@cassiopaea

where did you get this? What a hoot!


From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea
To: Goldenflower@...
Subject: Re: VB in Egypt

Date sent: Sat, 16 Mar 2002 18:33:22 -0500

On 16 Mar 2002, at 18:04, Goldenflower@... wrote:

> where did you get this? What a hoot!

From the silver pen - er - keyboard of Doc Strange...

I am finding a lot of real gems in his posts... most of which contradict one another.

Geez, to hear him tell it, he's been everywhere and done just about everything, with every famous person on the circuit... (depending on which group he is talking to, of course, in defining who is "famous.")

I am about finished with Robert Hare's book on psychopaths, and lordy, do they have VB types all through it. What is weird are the brain wave studies. Apparently, they really AREN'T like other people. They are like animal souls in a human body, with access to a brain that can accumulate a lot of stuff, but it is still dealt with basically as an animal would.

Strange... (pun intended)


From: Goldenflower@...
Date sent: Sat, 16 Mar 2002 18:55:57 EST
Subject: Re: VB in Egypt

To: laura@cassiopaea

They are also called 'new souls'. They are just as smart and physically able as anyone else, but they have an undeveloped 'psyche' or soul. That is why they latch onto the work of 'older' souls. They are desperate and they cling to any idea that makes sense to them. They also crave money and fame. This is because money and fame brings along with it much accumulated karma. The only way to go from new soul to older soul is through the accumulation of karma. Older souls have accumulated so much karma that they must redeem themselves. The only path to redemption is truth, beauty and forgiveness. One cannot help a young soul except to suffer under their attempts to accumulate karma. It is necessary to let the new souls abuse us to a certain degree. There are too many of them out there. Pearls before swine and all that.

I understand VB, JR and a lot more using this concept. I have also realized that the Hindu tradition holds a large degree of extremely important truths within it.

When older souls have accumulated so much karma they have a chance at graduation. Through the forgiveness of their enemies (the new souls) they are free. Of course it isn't that easy but one must remember that it is necessary to cleanse the soul of karma before it can make the leap to light. Without the cleansing, only vampires can be created.

Therefore the alchemist must be pure of heart before the lead can be changed to gold.


From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea
To: Goldenflower@...
Subject: Old souls/young souls

Date sent: Sat, 16 Mar 2002 20:52:36 -0500

On 16 Mar 2002, at 18:55, Goldenflower@... wrote:

> They are also called 'new souls'. They are just as smart and physically able as
> anyone else, but they have an undeveloped 'psyche' or soul. That is why they
> latch onto the work of 'older' souls. They are desperate and they cling to any
> idea that makes sense to them. They also crave money and fame. This is because
> money and fame brings along with it much accumulated karma. The only way to go
> from new soul to older soul is through the accumulation of karma. Older souls
> have accumulated so much karma that they must redeem themselves. The only path
> to redemption is truth, beauty and forgiveness.

I agree to a great extent. I also think that they are very often "manufactured" to be that way by higher density negative beings. In other words, it happens more or less naturally, but they are seen as a great resource to be tapped by the negatives.

At the same time, there are many of them that present this way and the reason they "feel" like animal souls, is because they are occupied by higher density negative souls which just happen to be very similar in nature to predators of our reality.

> One cannot help a young soul
> except to suffer under their attempts to accumulate karma. It is necessary to
> let the new souls abuse us to a certain degree. There are too many of them out
> there. Pearls before swine and all that.

I don't agree that it is necessary to let new souls abuse us. That is what we are programmed to think for "their" agenda. In hyperdimensional spheres, a consciousness that has acceded to domination, has agreed to be absorbed. This means that it is effectively "food" for the negative hierarchy. And it does not matter one whit if the agreement is a result of being lied to - if the agreement has come because a grand deception has been played out, such as a negative being appearing as the Virgin Mary and demanding that an altar be built, or penance be done, or it the chosen deception is the goddess Sekhmet. The instant compliance is given by the "worshipper," they are "eaten" as consciousness. It's that simple. And the same is true in our human relationships. When we allow another to manipulate us or deceive us into being dominated, no matter how subtly, we become part of the "chain" of domination to whoever, or whatever is dominating them, and on up the line.

And when we do this, we become open to the attacks of the higher level beings who operate through them, or use them in various ways.

> When older souls have accumulated so much karma they have a chance at
> graduation. Through the forgiveness of their enemies (the new souls) they are
> free. Of course it isn't that easy but one must remember that it is necessary
> to cleanse the soul of karma before it can make the leap to light. Without the
> cleansing, only vampires can be created.

For me, it is a lot easier to "forgive" by understanding the actual mechanics of the thing. I also have come to realize that "forgiveness" isn't even really necessary when one DOES understand the mechanics. When you know that this is the way it IS, that it is nature, then there is no rancor. There is just acceptance.

And acceptance of what IS also suggests the need to learn how NOT to be manipulated and used, to make sure that Free Will is preserved for that portion of God that manifests in us.

People think that "turning the other cheek" is noble. Would you stand and watch God get slapped and tell him "Oh, just turn the other cheek!"

Of course not. And the god within is what we strive to manifest and defend from the predations of the "other" face of god manifest in predators.

The problem with most religious and philosophical teachings is that they are true - but applicable to other levels of reality than our own. Bridges of them are obtained by accessing "higher levels" where the simple lessons of ABC's here have been long forgotten. It's like trying to do calculus when you haven't even learned to count. And the sources of such information KNOW this... because they are generally negative sources that will promulgate truth all the while knowing that attempts to implement such action at the wrong level will lead only to dissipation of energy, and further karmic entrapment.

Or so I think.


From: Goldenflower@...
Date sent: Sun, 17 Mar 2002 11:21:58 EST
Subject: Re: Old souls/young souls

To: laura@cassiopaea

Forgiveness does not mean that we have to a chump! I agree that giving into a deity (except for the one true creator) is not a very smart thing to do. That is how they will eat your light. Many new souls never get to be older souls because they are entrapped and eaten by the demiurge. The demiurge is called Lucifer because he seeks to bear all of the light that exists on this planet. He is a light eater.

The Gnostics didn't think bringing children into the world was necessarily wrong, they thought that if you didn't immediately teach that child about their role in the spiritual landscape - that child would be doomed. And it is true.

VB really thinks that he is doing the right thing. I kid you not. He thinks that you and I are the 2 most evil, horrible creatures on the planet. He is telling people that I have been caught in your mind control experiment and I am a member of your cult. Why does he think this? Because he is caught in a mind control experiment and is (probably) a member of a cult. That is the perimeter of his awareness. And it is impossible for him to think outside that perimeter.

New souls are clean slates and, yes, anyone can put anything inside their heads. It is the decision of what you let in and what you let out that matures the soul. That is if one is lucky enough to survive the many attempts of soul sucking that will occur though out ones life.

I think there is a very large difference between standing up for yourself and forgiveness. But I don't think that they are mutually exclusive. think that one has to do both.

But you must also understand that the young soul is never going to get what you are saying. In fact, they will lock you away if they hear it too much. You have to forgive them because they know not what they do. So standing up for yourself against a young soul, especially one that has been invaded by a demon, is not altogether wise. It may be the right thing to do, but it may not be the wise thing to do.

The Hermetic tradition is a silent tradition. Using quiet teachings, the Hermeticist fights a silent battle against the demiurge. Changing hearts is the first line of defense. The Troubadours, chivalry and many other courtly traditions from the middle ages were Hermetic attempts to change and alter the situation. Cathedrals, of course, were their single greatest achievement. Talk about quiet transmutation!

Right now you are in the in-between state of an older soul getting mare mature. But you still have a need to shout out the truth to others. This is a normal process in the development of the alchemical soul. This is the soul that has the ability to 'light' itself up and leave this place of the demiurge. That is why the secret protects itself. The young souls won't get it, no matter how clear, concise and articulate one becomes. They just look at you like you have lost your ever loving mind.

Don't give up and always fight for what is right. But remember, what is right may not be what is wise.


From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea
To: Goldenflower@...
Subject: Re: True alchemists?

Date sent: Mon, 18 Mar 2002 16:55:27 -0500

On 18 Mar 2002, at 16:37, Goldenflower@... wrote:

> The gold hat is doing a little more than just predicting the stars and
> planets. It is bringing a coherency to the wave form emitted by the pineal
> gland.

Tell me about the pineal gland, and the source of the information, please.


From: Goldenflower@...
Date sent: Tue, 19 Mar 2002 17:26:27 EST
Subject: Re: True alchemists?

To: laura@cassiopaea

I'm afraid that I can't tell you anything.

Remember that game you played as a kid, where someone would hide something, and as the seeker looked for the hidden object, the kid hiding the object would shout cold! warm! hot!



From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea
To: Goldenflower@...
Subject: Guenon

Date sent: Tue, 26 Mar 2002 21:14:45 -0500

Hi, Since you have read - studied, even - Guenon, can you tell me what his ideas were regarding catastrophes? Possibly even direction to a direct quote? It's important.


From: Goldenflower@...
Date sent: Tue, 26 Mar 2002 22:08:54 EST
Subject: Re: Guenon

To: laura@cassiopaea

Hmmm. Good question. I will re-examine his writings to see. I do know that he thought the end of the world was imminent.


From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea
To: Goldenflower@...
Subject: Re: Guenon

Date sent: Tue, 26 Mar 2002 22:58:14 -0500

On 26 Mar 2002, at 22:08, Goldenflower@... wrote:

> Good question. I will re-examine his writings to see. I do know that he
> thought the end of the world was imminent.

Well, help me out here. I'm researching in ten different directions for the next chapter and the group is digging up stuff too... but I don't think many or even any of them are familiar with Guenon in a way that would make their look- up fast ...


From: Goldenflower@...
Date sent: Wed, 27 Mar 2002 16:59:06 EST
Subject: Re: Guenon

To: laura@cassiopaea

He makes no mention of a specific catastrophe. However he says very clearly that world is ending soon. It would seem from his book 'Sacred Symbols' ,he reveals that he knows about the cross at Hendaye by his careful juxtaposition of symbols and associations. He is too careful to say anything concrete on the subject. at least that is my opinion.


From: Goldenflower@...
Date sent: Sun, 7 Apr 2002 11:01:39 EDT
Subject: (no subject)

To: laura@cassiopaea


I have read your article #33. VB has won. He is renting free space inside your head which means that he has won his passive/agressive war with you.

You call him a psychopath and you are probably right. However I much prefer the term passive/agressive. He wants to be inside you head. That is how P/A's work. When I read your tirade against VB I realized that he was smiling because he knew that he had free space inside your head. You need to ignore him from here on out. If you want to trash him then do it and get it over with and forget him. He is attempting to shape you through your aggresive reactions to his passive attacks. It is a typical P/A thing to do.

This is the best advice I can give you. Don't fall for his game!!!


From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea
To: Goldenflower@...
Subject: Re: (no subject)

Date sent: Sun, 7 Apr 2002 14:47:06 -0400

On 7 Apr 2002, at 11:01, Goldenflower@... wrote:

> When I read your tirade against VB I realized that he was smiling because
> he knew that he had free space inside your head. You need to ignore him from
> here on out. If you want to trash him then do it and get it over with and
> forget him.

Don't second guess. Re-read Don Juan's account of his "strategy."


From: Goldenflower@...
Date sent: Sun, 7 Apr 2002 18:40:06 EDT
Subject: Re: (no subject)

To: laura@cassiopaea

I have never read any of the don Juan books. However I did see a great short film recently called 'Tex: The passive/aggresive gunslinger'. Tex wins all of his gun battles without firing a shot. To cut a short story even shorter, Tex would get the other gun fighter so pissed off that he would shoot himself. That was how Tex won. By getting free space inside his opponent's head he could make them do what he wants without them ever knowing it.

VB wants you to concentrate on him until you look obsessive and whacky. A passive aggressive will do anything (in a passive way of course) to make you look like a fool. That is the key to their success.


From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea
To: Goldenflower@...
Subject: Re: (no subject)

Date sent: Sun, 7 Apr 2002 19:14:23 -0400

On 7 Apr 2002, at 18:40, Goldenflower@... wrote:

> VB wants you to concentrate on him until you look obsessive and whacky. A
> passive aggressive will do anything (in a passive way of course) to make you
> look like a fool. That is the key to their success.

Thing is, just the opposite is the case here. You see, I have to deliberatly remind myself to find some way to work him into the story... and the readers are loving it, too, by the way, because it's a "close to home" example.

The result is, of course, that VB is the one doing the concentrating on me...

He has run out of things of his own to write (we aren't surprised) and has been reduced to quoting huge segments of what I am writing with just a couple of comments of his own.

In short, he has nothing interesting to say. He can't even attract an intelligent audience. And our numbers of overall hits are going through the ROOF!

The castaneda strategy is right in the series - I forgot which page. I put it there because I wanted to be very upfront. I have told everyone what the series is about, what it is intended to do, and lord, it is surely working. Those poor critters are just absolutely unable to do anything. They have no lives at all.

Meanwhile, I'm having a great time writing, researching, digging up more stuff, learning - sheesh!

So, who is inside whose head???


From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea
To: Goldenflower@...
Subject: (Fwd) [cass] Stopping the Madness

Date sent: Wed, 17 Apr 2002 13:23:27 -0400

Note his remark about an "agreement" with you. What is he talking about?


------- Forwarded message follows -------

Hi everyone.

This was just too good to pass up. Somehow, VB manages to get every aspect of the psychopath into this short message--it wasn't really my fault, I was trying to help, I didn't do anything, BBBUUUTTT.....I'm heroically doing an honorable thing, so sorry, never meant to hurt anyone..... What a classic example of what Laura has been talking about. And note that they intend to delete all the evidence now on the board. Whatever you guys are doing, it looks like it might be working. Underneath all the bluster, it seems as though he's really worried.

****(a still deluded minion)

Posted by Vincent Bridges on April 17, 2002 at 09:31:11:

Stop the Madness, Now!

"Stop the Madness," now that's a resonant phrase…

OK, so how crazy is this?

In the past several months, I've had occasion to tell this story to a large cross section of people, from officials - lawyers, law enforcement, etc. – to friends and complete strangers who email me wanting to know what's going on. Invariably, at a certain point, everyone stops me and asks: "Now just why are these people so obsessed with you?"

And the next question is: "What did you do to them?" or "What do you have on them?"

Well, I didn't do anything to them. I got to know them, got involved in their activities, supported them and had one of their books ready to go to press. I didn't mislead them, cheat them, steal from them, say anything bad about them, or attack them in any way. In fact, to my chagrin now, I was more open and honest and forthcoming with them than with almost anyone else I had ever met. I told Laura things about me personally that I had told few others. In short, I trusted them with my vulnerabilities. And that trust was, quite frankly, betrayed in the most malicious and distorted manner in a conscious attempt at "systematic harassment," as Laura puts it. She is even proud of it.

So, if I didn't do anything to them, other than refuse to be harassed and betrayed, then it must be because they think I have something on them. What? The complete transcripts? I tried twice to send their CD of the complete transcripts back to them. They refused it both times. So it couldn't be that? Could it?

It may also be that I was privy to too many of their inner secrets, and that is what they feel I have on them. That's possible, because the amount of manipulation and cultic regimentation that goes on within the Cassiopaean inner circle is quite revealing. The fact that it must all be very private and dissent free tells us even more. Cults can only survive when access to information is controlled. The charismatic and unaccountable cult leader must be the sole authority on all matters of cultic belief and behaviour, otherwise control of the people in the cult can't be maintained. Ark will not allow anyone to say anything positive about me or my work on pain of banishment from a supposedly open e-group. The Cult in action…

But since the transcripts are out and the cultic elements are obvious for all to see, why keep the madness going? Why are they so obsessed with me?

It could be because, in a strange way, I'm everything that Laura is not, but tries desperately to pretend she is. I actually am an independent researcher in esoteric subjects who has done original and profound work. I've written books and articles, about a wide variety of subjects, and I have people interested in my work because of its value, not as part of an oppressive cultic dogma. I actually helped people as a therapist, instead of simply using my clients as public evidence for my own twisted beliefs. I was successfully consulted as a psychic on a murder case, and so on down to the "true love/soul mate" angle. In that sense, Laura and I are shadows of each other, cosmic light/dark twins whose contact resembles a matter-antimatter reaction…

Nice myth, but I'm not sure I buy it…

There is also the fact, as Laura herself pointed out in the original 13e of The Wave, that I seemed to have understood certain key portions of the Cassiopaean material better than anyone else. Indeed, my vilification and banishment followed hard on the heels of my presentation of what I thought this thread of the Cassiopaean material really meant. Keep in mind that 95% of the raw material in the transcripts is simply garbage, newage maundering and wish- fulfilment of the worst kind, but in that remaining 5% are some very interesting ideas and suggestive trains of research. Clues, in other words, not divine pronouncements…

However, all of this may in fact be on its way to being rendered moot. Under continuing legal pressure, and perhaps with the help of that emergency ouiji board session last Saturday night, the Cassiopaeanists have seen fit to change my name, and "Frank"'s name, in all Cassiopaeanist writings. The process is not complete (my name still appears in places, such as URL tags and school transcripts, and as part of my agreement with Mr. Weidner, they must take all reference to him and/or AMET down as well), but it is something…

As this was essentially what I was demanding back in December - I never asked for an explanation or an apology because I knew they were incapable of that - I think that it is indeed time to stop the madness.

For some time now I have had reservations about even defending myself against the deranged ranting of someone so obviously mentally ill. Laura is simply pathetic, and deserving of sympathy and even pity. Ark and Andy, indeed all the duped minions, are simply deluded, projecting their own dysfunction onto the drama presented for them in mythic terms by a very convincing and charismatic psychopath. That doesn't mean that they are absolved of all responsibility, far from it, but it does allow those of us outside the cult to understand their behaviour a little better. Even Laura is not freed from responsibility by her obvious and on-going mental illness, but it is time to disengage, to stop feeding the madness by pretending that her ramblings have any value at all, beyond that of the specialist in psychopathic literature, such as Manson's prison writings, which Laura's diatribe resembles quite uncomfortably in places. I would highly recommend this comparison to any still deluded minion…

And so, as an anniversary present on the 32nd anniversary of Laura's unfortunate incarceration, I hereby declare the conflict over. We will stop the madness, at least over here…

I will also apologize once again for getting involved, on any level, with anything Cassiopaean. I am truly sorry and filled with regret. I also apologize once again if my clumsiness in defending myself against the Cassiopaean attacks caused anyone any pain or distress what so ever. I am very sorry, and never meant to hurt anyone by simply wanting to be heard, have my side of the story told, redress the financial and emotional harm done to me by Laura and Ark's actions, and so on.

And Laura, I do apologize to you for not stopping the session and preventing the darkness from swallowing you at the mirror session back in July of 2001. For that, and all that has flowed from that in your psyche, I am truly sorry… but the responsibility, the gap that allowed the possession, is all yours…

Storm Bear Williams and I had already planned some changes for and the discussion board and as soon as they're ready, we'll announce them and take this board down for good. So folks, take your best shots, and make a copy of those you like, because soon it will be gone.


PS: Since the pseudonyms awarded us by the Cassiopaeanists actually do show a trace of wit, I hereby award the Disinformation Agent coffee cup to Laura and Ark and Perseus Foundation. You guys will be receiving it soon in the mail. Try to sign for this one, OK?

------- End of forwarded message -------

From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea
To: Goldenflower@...
Subject: Re: (Fwd) [cass] Stopping the Madness

Date sent: Thu, 18 Apr 2002 07:42:45 -0400

On 18 Apr 2002, at 1:37, Goldenflower@... wrote:

> VB sent me a certified letter about 2 months ago. After I signed for it, I read
> the letter and it was a 'contract'. Apparently his plug nickle lawyer told him
> that when I signed for the letter it was the same as signing the contract that
> was inside the envelope still unread. Absurd. One of the many items on the
> 'contract' was that I was to ask you to remove my open letters.

Ah! Now we understand what was included in the certified package that included the return of our CD which we did NOT sign for because we suspected something fishy - like anthr-x or something. However, he was also told that his other option was to destroy the CD, which he did not.

> Now I don't believe I have done that, have I?
> Although I think it is nice that he is ending this, whatever that means.

It means legal maneuvers that, once again, he is suggesting are his, but are not. But we can't say anything as yet.

Very, very interesting item about that letter.


From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea
To: Goldenflower@...
Subject: Re: (Fwd) [cass] Stopping the Madness

Date sent: Thu, 18 Apr 2002 07:55:16 -0400

On 18 Apr 2002, at 1:37, Goldenflower@... wrote:

> Although I think it is nice that he is ending this, whatever that means.

When has he ever done what he said he was going to do?


Comments From Readers

Continue with the Weidner Correspondence

The final page includes a recent "article" by Jay Weidner revealing his true "agenda" throughout this correspondence.

Update: Read HERE to discover that Jay Weidner NOW says that Vincent Bridges wrote the article and signed his name to it!

See also:

Vincent Bridges Tells His Own Story

Vincent Bridges AKA "Dr. Strange"
New Age Grifter or COINTELPRO?

Vincent Bridges AKA "Dr. Strange"
Psychotherapist? Or Hacker and Thief?

Is Truth Defamatory?

The COINTELPRO Files: Vincent Bridges and Co. (photographic exhibit)

The Bridges - Jadczyk Correspondence

The Weidner - Jadczyk Correspondence



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