Studies in Psychopathy

The Secret History of The World by Laura Knight-Jadczyk

Discover the Secret History of the World - and how to get out alive!


Political Ponerology: A Science on The Nature of Evil adjusted for Political Purposes by Andrew M. Lobaczewski, Ph.D.
with commentary and additional quoted material
by Laura Knight-Jadczyk
The Psychopath: The Mask of Sanity Special Research by Quantum Future School
Discussion of Psychopathy Traits From The Mask of Sanity by Hervey Cleckley
A Basic Hypothesis of Psychopathy From The Mask of Sanity by Hervey Cleckley
Official Culture - A Natural State of Psychopathy? by Laura Knight-Jadczyk
The Inner Landscape of the Psychopath - Hervey Cleckley
"Stanley," a chapter from Hervey M. Cleckley's classic study of psychopaths, The Mask of Sanity
How Psychopaths View Their World
Retreat from Zaca - (3 files)

Dr. Strange, New Age Grifter or COINTELPRO?

"Dr. Strange" - Psychotherapist or Hacker and Thief?

Is Truth Defamatory?

Maynerd Most's Rebuttal
"I am the webmaster for Zecharia Sitchin..."
The Psychopath As Physician The Mask of Sanity - Hervey Cleckley - Excerpts
The Bad Seed: The Fledgling Psychopath
Sam Vaknin Revisited
An In-Depth Look At Where Sam Vaknin is Leading NPD
The Ambassador of Narcissism: An Interview with Sam Vaknin
A Soul With No Footprints
Antisocial Personality, Sociopathy, and Psychopathy
Anatomy of Malignant Narcissim
The Socially Adept Psychopath
The Origins of Violence: Is Psychopathy an Adaptation?
Bush isn't a moron, he's a cunning sociopath
The Partial Psychopath
Adventures with Cassiopaea by Laura Knight-Jadczyk
Ark and Laura's Correspondence 1997 (8 files) Supplement to Adventures
Reader's Comments on Adventures With Cassiopaea
Mirror, Mirror On The Wall - Quantum Future School
Alvin Wiley's Letter
Alvin Wiley's subsequent letters to the public

the "Alvin Wiley" correspondence (10 files)

Letters from Readers About Jay Weidner
Dear Webmaster: - (2 files)
What is Laura Hiding? The Cassiopaeans Answer

Reader's Comments on "Is Laura Hiding Something?"

Transcript of direct channeling via "Frank Scott" on computer, July 22, 1994
Statement by Terry and Jan Rodemerk
Maynerd Most's post to the Cassiopaea Guestbook
Death Threat?
Organic Portals: The Other Race Quantum Future School (2 files) Disclaimer
Vincent Bridges, Jay Weidner: Magickal Mystery Tour Scam
Is Cassiopaea a Cult?
The French Connection by Laura Knight-Jadczyk Censored!
Mask of Sanity by Hervey Cleckley PDF - book download FREE!
Kubrick's Psychopaths Society and Human Nature in the Films of Stanley Kubrick
The common problem with psychopaths... “Is they don’t see a problem with their behavior.”
Psychopath Support Group
“Non-victims can’t understand this, but the psychopath really does suck the life out of a caring person. I try to think of them now as a slimy suckerfish right out of the swamp, vacuum-lips out and prowling for someone vibrant and attractive to con and eviscerate.”

If you are a good person you will meet many evil people in your life, you need to recognize them and their actions. More importantly you need to recognize which evil behaviors you have been conned into accepting as reasonable and to reject those behaviors - both in yourself and in others - as unacceptable.

The English language has a variety of terms for psychopaths, of which "bastard" is perhaps the most polite. They have always been with us, and despite their corrosiveness and rejection of social mores, they show no signs of going away.

Think you can spot one? Think again. In general, psychopaths aren’t the product of broken homes or the casualties of a materialistic society. Rather they come from all walks of life and there is little evidence that their upbringing affects them.
Most of the two million psychopaths in North America aren’t murderers. They’re our friends, lovers and co-workers. They’re outgoing and persuasive, dazzling you with charm and flattery. Often you aren’t even aware they’ve taken you for a ride – until it’s too late.
The problem of plausible lies is the most serious problem facing humanity today....Most good people are only aware of the least intelligent part of the evil distribution; those are the people who are obviously evil: criminals. The normal and intelligent ends of the evil distribution totally escape most good people's understanding.

Only as of late, with all the Enron scandals and related crimes, people are waking up to the fact that the most dangerous psychopath of all is the educated, socially adept psychopath, in fact, Dr. Hare recently said that he would probably be able to find many psychopaths involved in the stockmarket. It is time for American to "wake up" says Dr. Wolman, because we are being threatened by a serious epidemic of psychopathy.

The Psychopathic or Sociopathic Personality

Based on twenty-five years of groundbreaking research, WITHOUT CONSCIENCE is a fascinating journey into the minds of these dangerous individuals. Are they born unable to feel empathy, or are they created by circumstance? How and why do they get away with cheating, conning, and murdering? Are they mad or simply bad? In what Dr. Hare calls our "camouflage society," how can we recognize and steer clear of these predatory people?

WITHOUT CONSCIENCE explores their shocking patterns- and exposes one of the most frightening, often-hidden social problems affecting our lives today.


The Psychopath is much more successful than you and I because he is not hemmed in by all sorts of impediments or worries.

A discussion with Adolf Guggenbuhl-Craig & James Hillman

“We fall prey to the seduction, it is irresistible. Then the nightmare of horror begins. The shabby treatment, the avoidance. I couldn’t believe it was happening to me. He had been so sincere, so kind. It was Jekyl and Hyde.”
“They go for the strongest and the best, but preferably those who are something of rebels within the group...the LEAST controllable. Because if they can crush them, they crush most of the rest at the same time. If they start at the bottom, with the weakest, it’s a long way to work their way up…The ideal target is therefore, strong, smart, rebellious and vulnerable through previous abuse.”
“A favored technique is to debilitate your identity [personally, I hate the term self-esteem] by levelling false accusations and/or questioning your honesty, fidelity, trustworthiness, your “true” motivations, your “real” character, your sanity and judgement.”
“They are absolutely the world’s best manipulators, liars, and fabricators of truth. They do so convincingly because they believe their own lies. After all their life is nothing but a lie, a sham, how can we possibly assume they know anything different.”
“Others around me would get so tired of the whole thing and insinuate that I was perpetuating things. All I wanted was for him to leave me alone. Part of the hurt and damage was done because others could but would not see what was actually happening. He would always try to ingratiate himself to others it was sickening. Usually psychopaths put on the nicest act, and you look like the harpy and bitch, and so everyone takes their side, it is a horror story, a psychopath can be very charming, and manipulative and manipulate the smartest of people.”
“My biggest frustration and source of anger, is at those who have refused to take a stand when they see the abuse . No matter how outrageous his behavior others often stood by and inadvertently fuelled his grandiosity and denial... although denial is too mild a word for it.
“If a psychopath throws the “bad childhood” stuff at you, keep in mind he might be trying to get sympathy and make an excuse for his atrocious behavior towards you and/or others. If we let these people make us feel sorry for them, we ultimately end up in the submissive position again...just what they want. I can “pity” them yes...but I refuse to shed another tear over the tragedies suffered by who is now, only a shell of a person.”

Regarding a psychopath: Considering a longitudinal section of his life is hard to avoid the conclusion that here is the product of true madness - of madness in a sense quite as real as that conveyed to the imaginative layman by the terrible word lunatic.

With the further consideration that all this skein of apparent madness has been woven by a person of (technically) unimpaired and superior intellectual powers and universally regarded as sane, the surmise intrudes that we are confronted by a serious and unusual type of genuine abnormality.

Not merely a surmise but a strong conviction may arise that this apparent sanity is, in some important respects, a sanity in name only. We find instead a spectacle that suggests madness in excelsis, despite the absence of all those symptoms that enable us, in some degree, to account for irrational conduct in the psychotic.

Only very slowly and by a complex estimation or judgment based on multitudinous small impressions does the conviction come upon us that, despite these intact rational processes, these normal emotional affirmations, and their consistent application in all directions, we are dealing here not with a complete man at all but with something that suggests a subtly constructed reflex machine which can mimic the human personality perfectly.

So perfect is this reproduction of a whole and normal man that no one who examines him in a clinical setting can point out in scientific or objective terms why, or how, he is not real. And yet we eventually come to know or feel we know that reality, in the sense of full, healthy experiencing of life, is not here.


“Leaving is hard because of all that goes along with the going. It is not just the person you have to give up but your hopes and dreams and fantasies. It only happened for me in increments and I cried UNCLE often thinking if I gave it one more go I’d break through. It wasn’t until I really knew that no matter what I said or did or didn’t do this person could never love me or anyone.”
“The fantasy was exactly that, a FANTASY, that he created for himself, and presented to me as reality. My head said the fantasy wasn’t valid. I kept reminding myself: if the fantasy was real, I wouldn’t be treated like dirt, and feel like shit!”
“I have finally come to the conclusion that they cannot change, so all we can do is to refuse to participate in their sick drama and leave the stage.”

Cleckley: [T]he familiar tendency to disintegrate, against which life evolves, may be regarded as fundamental and comparable to gravity. The climbing man or animal must use force and purpose to ascend or to maintain himself at a given height. [...] Whether regression occurs primarily through something like gravity or through impulses more self-contained, the backward movement (or ebbing) is likely to prompt many sorts of secondary reactions, including behavior not adapted for ordinary human purposes but instead, for functioning in the other direction. The modes of such reactivity may vary, may fall into complex patterns, and may seek elaborate expression. [...] People with all the outer mechanisms of adaptation intact might, one would think, regress more complexly. [...] In a movement (or gravitational drift) from levels where life is vigorous and full to those where it is less so, the tactics of withdrawal predominate. [...] The psychopath as we conceive of him in such an interpretation seems to justify the high estimate of his technical abilities as we see them expressed in reverse movement.

Organic Portals: The Answer to Psychopathy?

"Alien reaction machines" in human form describes individuals with Anti-Social Personality Disorder (APD), Sociopaths, and Psychopaths.
The material presented in the linked articles does not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of the editors. Research on your own and if you can validate any of the articles, or if you discover deception and/or an obvious agenda, we will appreciate if you drop us a line! We often post such comments along with the article synopses for the benefit of other readers. As always, Caveat Lector!

The Jadczyk - Weidner Correspondence

From: Goldenflower@...
Date sent: Wed, 8 Aug 2001 10:38:09 EDT
Subject: (no subject)

I thank you for proving that my suspicions were correct. I told Vincent that you 2 weren't sophisitcated enough to understand what we were saying in our book, I told him that neither of you was coming from a tradition, therefore you had no training, I told him that channeling is an open door to evil and pernicious spirits. I told him that you 2 would take every thing he said, twist it all up and then throw it out to the public without a care for the ramifications. I told him that you weren't sensitive enough to understand Pythagorian geometry. I told him that Ark just another crack pot who calls himself (constantly I might add just in case we forget!!!) a 'Physicist'. Like that means anything. I told him that the 'C's' were the worst historians imaginable and that they had missed large and important, but secret, aspects of history. I told him that one could tell that she (Laura) was getting everything from books that she was reading and that not one, not one, original idea ever came from her material and that she had frankly gotten much very wrong. What can I say? I mean she's talking to spirits for crying out loud - how can we believe anything a bunch of spirits say? But no he wouldn't listen. I told him who you really are and who you are really working for. He said 'no' you're wrong Jay. And I said to him 'then we will see by what happens. If they use your words against you publicly, if they say things that endanger your life, then we will know who is who.'

Thank you so much for proving me right. I asked God to help me with my BS radar and I called the shots on you 2 over a year ago. Jus ask Steve Oakly who also foolishly fell for your very intelligent operation. Vincent is not lying when he says that he has lost $2000 on the Zaca deal. As Director of the lake I can confirm that his $2000 check has been cashed and deposited. (Please call Adina, the Zaca Lake Business Manager 805 688 5699.) I cannot give him his money back without breaking serious ethical rules. I will not break those rules as I have given my word to follow them. You owe him that money. This has nothing to do with me anymore. All I know is that you gave your word. If you break your word you should at least help him out financially. (I know you won't because destroying Vincent was the entire point of the operation. ) (Read Fastwalker by Jacques Vallee, you and all of the others are pawns of an operation to destroy the old Gods and replace them with aliens and channelled beings, now the NWO will have gods that they can control).

I warned Vincent and he didn't listen to me. I know who you are. I know what you are doing. You will eventually get someone killed with your foolishness. If you have an ounce of mercy, or free will, please stop your irresponsible words and think about what you are saying. Every thought that you place in someone's head is now directly related to your karma. When one goes public they take on a lot of karmic responsibility. You are not using your public responsibility in a good way.

Jay Weidner

PS - I need to say this because it is proof of how sloppy the 'C's' really are: Knowledge doesn't protect anything. Knowledge in the hands of fools is the most dangerous thing that there is. WISDOM protects. Wisdom is knowledge coupled with intuition. It is the intuitive part that protects, the knowledge part is actually the aspect of being that places us in great danger. Quit reading trashy conspiracy books and cheap psuedo science and try a little Rene Guenon. You will find out how wrong you are. Geez.

Date sent: Fri, 10 Aug 2001 04:53:29 -0700
From: ...@...
Subject: Channeled Lies

alvin wiley - ( | wrote : Why do you lie when you say that others have backed out of the conference. This is not true. Not one has backed out except you (thank God for that!!!)

You are a liar which somehow doesn't surprise me. You are also lying about the entities no doubt. Thank you for all the great material you are giving me for my article that I am writing about you. Each one of your indescretions will be noted. I know what you are and I will tell the world who you are working for. All of your bullshit 6th and 7th density beings and you call yourself a Physicist. You couldn't get a job as a janitor.

I am telling VB to do the right thing and sue your asses into the ground. He needs to let the boys who are running your show know that we will not be trifled with. You should be sued for slander and I am telling Jirka Rysavy to do it as your claims are without merit. You have shown yourselves to be the perfect dupes. And your information is so full of crap it hurts. That's why you don't lis! t your sessions chronologicaly. You are back dating material as you find out what is right and what isn't. You are a classic intelligence operation and I intend to wipe you out. I am not afraid of you at all. I know that the devil runs as fast as he can whenever he is confronted. It is time to lay to rest all of this alien BS, this channeled crap and all the other lies that the NWO wants us to believe. If you expect anyone to believe that using a Ouja board is not Satanism then you should be attempting to get that fool into your organization. I told VB who you were, I said that time would tell.


To: ...@...
Subject: Re: Channeled Lies
Date sent: Fri, 10 Aug 2001 09:18:48 -0400

On 10 Aug 2001, at 4:53, wrote: > Why do you lie when you say that others have backed out of the > conference. This is not true. Not one has backed out except you > (thank God for that!!!)

Jay, You are evidently uninformed: From VB email of August 6:

"The other speakers began backing out soon after word spread about your defection. If you didn't want to attend, because you didn't like the sponsor or the program agenda, the thing to do would have been to withdraw then. NOT wait until you are the only one left and then withdraw."

From VB of August 7:

"Which means that the conference is all yours. I'll handle the folks who were interested in the other parts of the program, and it will be a weekend with Laura and the cassiopaeans, exclusively."

WE didn't invent the above The only info we had was from VB. If you are interested in the truth, we can make all the emails available to you exactly as they came.


From: Goldenflower@...
Date sent: Sat, 11 Aug 2001 13:29:41 EDT
Subject: (no subject)
To: ark@cassiopaea

When I write 'BS' please do not use the word .'bullshit'. You did this to make me look bad. [Note: Jay used the word and we have the original email as evidence.]

Thank you for kind confirmation. I look forward to much more of your disinformation campaign. As you have been exposed to the world it is time to begin the slow work to destroy us.

Was it the Jon Benet piece that got you involved? I knew that it would attract an upper level situation. I guess I should be thrilled but I know that you will take every word and stretch it out until you have confused everything. I have seen your work up close and I know who you are. The sad part is that you actually think that you are acting on your own. What dupes. What pawns. Oh wait I have to leave, the Arkturians are calling from the stars!!! They have much information to impart! Where's my Ouija Board when I need it!!!

Channelingly yours

"Jay Weidner"

From: Arkadiusz Jadczyk
To: Goldenflower@...
Subject: Re: (no subject)
Date sent: Sat, 11 Aug 2001 13:57:08 -0400

On 11 Aug 2001, at 13:29, wrote: > When I write 'BS' please do not use the word .'bullshit'. You did > this to make me look bad.

Here is a VERBATIM opy from your email: """"All of your bullshit 6th and 7th density beings and you call yourself" Remember, every e-mail has an ID number, and copies are always stored on ISP servers. So we did not use the word "bullshit" to make you look bad - it is you who used it.

People who live in glass houses should not throw stones.


From: Goldenflower@...
Date sent: Sun, 12 Aug 2001 15:47:29 EDT
Subject: Re: (no subject)
To: ark@cassiopaea

I know who you are and I know what you are doing. Shame on you.


Date sent: Mon, 15 Oct 2001 18:02:01 -0700
From: ...@...
Subject: truth

bob roberts - From : iron ( | wrote :

To correct another of your many and continuous mis statements - Jirka Rysavy does not, and has never, owned Zaca Lake. We are a US non profit corporation and you can look us up at the IRS. Just thought I would give a little help to you 'investigators'. Also you could have called our business office and they would have also told you the correct information. I guess when you can't find something on someone then you have to make it up.

I really do suggest you read all books by Rene Guenon. You will see that you ( and Vincent and Stan) are part of a counter tradition. It is one that is born at the end of time, it is ruled by darkness and ignorance. It has no traditions and it attempts to shed light for the masses to understand. Instead you only spread more hate and negativity. Please quit being so paranoid and do what all good investigators do - pick up the phone and or go to the library. Not everything can be found on the internet. Sometimes you have to get off you f! at asses and do something physical.


Date sent: Wed, 5 Dec 2001 10:38:14 -0800
From: ...@….
Subject: J R

"Jay Weidner" - ...@… From : USA wrote :

To Those Concerned (both human and alien): (Please print my complete response or do not print any of it)

I, Jay Weidner, have never made any connections between the Jon Benet murder and Jirka Rysavy. Anyone who claims that I have made any connections, or indeed made any insinuations, is lying. I believe that any public statements stating such are libelous and I will send them on to the proper authorities.

Jay Weidner

Date sent: Sun, 9 Dec 2001 17:12:52 -0800
From: ...@…
Subject: Partner

alvin wiley - ...@… From : usa wrote :

To Those Concerned (Ouija spirits and humans alike):

(Please print all or none - thanks JW) I researched the book A Monument to the End of Time for ten years before Vincent Bridges came on board to help me write the finished product. Other than that we wrote one article "Innocent Murdered" and that is it. I have also written vast amounts of catalog copy, articles, film scripts, books and instructional videos without Vincent. To equate someone, who once helped me write, as my 'partner' is a misnomer. Vincent is someone who helped me, on occasion, because of my very busy schedule.

The Zaca affair was initiated by you guys. You screwed our charity out of a prime weekend and $8000. You could have called me before you let it get out of hand and we could have rescheduled something more to your liking. Instead you took the wrong way out and didn't care who you screwed in the process. That is why I am mad at you. We use the money we make here for a charity that creates free summer camps for inner city children.

I still believe that you are what you are and you have proven it more than ever now. I didn't know of Vincent's many claims to fame. I liked him and still like him because he is a very good scholar. If he has lied about his past - then shame on him. However he is not, nor has he ever been, my 'partner'.

Sincerely, Jay Weidner

From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk
To: ...@...
Subject: Re: Partner
Date sent: Mon, 10 Dec 2001 12:08:43 -0500

On 9 Dec 2001, at 17:12, ...@... wrote:
> To Those Concerned (Ouija spirits and humans alike):
> > (Please print all or none - thanks JW)

Hello Jay, Laura here:

While I understand your concerns and evident wish to distance yourself from the fall-out surrounding Mr. "Bridges", as well as any future legal action, and the resultant process of discovery which might include obtaining depositions from yourself, his many "references" including his "teachers" and former partners in the practice of "therapy," not to mention his claims about your employer/benefactor which figured so prominently in his "story," etc etc, I don't think that what you have written about the conference is something that you would want posted at present.

Here's why: Mr. "Bridges" has repeatedly claimed the following (his own words):

"Last January, a group of us decided to have a conference this fall, to celebrate the 13th year of Fifth Way and provide a chance for some of our more far-flung folks to get together and brain storm on all of their different perspectives on the approaching cosmic event. We had a lovely spot in southern California to hold it, with room for a large but still comfortable group of folks to gather for the weekend. It was priced to break even on 2/3 occupancy. No one, not the organizers nor the speakers, thought of it as a way to make money. Speakers received their airfare and expenses. If we did make any money, it was agreed to split it among the non-organizer speakers."

The conference was NEVER advertised as a "charitable" event either on Mr. "Bridges" website, nor in any of the public postings he has made about it, before or after.

In our particular case, the ONLY reason for agreement to attend, based on a "plan" formulated by Mr. "Bridges", was to present our books. That was it. The whole deal. As a rule, we don't DO conferences, and he knew it. But, as a favor TO HIM, to help his "business" sell the books, we reluctantly agreed on the proviso that 1) the books were on the table and 2)we could make arrangments for our children since he made it clear that he could not cover their air-fare or lodging.

(He has later claimed that he had already purchased tickets for all of us, but this is not true, or if it is, we were never notified and he knew that when and if the day came, we planned to rent a van and drive out so that we would not have to leave the children.)

So, you see the problem? If we publish your claims about a "charitable event" NOW, it will look like YOU are making things up to cast us in a bad light and to justify Mr. "Bridges" bad behavior. No one will EVER believe it. What is more, you are making claims that contradict Mr. "Bridges" repeated statements, as known to hundreds of people.

Now, in the event that what you are NOW saying is true, that it was a "charitable" event, that presents a further problem. You see, since it contradicts what Mr. "Bridges" has said, it will become an item at issue legally, and will require further "discovery." If he is shown to have misrepresented this event, as you suggest he did, it will be even more damning to him, and I get the impression that you are trying to help him.

So, please let us know if you wish us to publish your comments. We will, of course, have to publish them side by side with Mr. "Bridges" OWN remarks about the conference (of which there are numerous versions, none of which mention a charity), along with his original advertisement on his website, which also failed to mention said charitable nature of the event.

In either case, the reader will only conclude that somebody is lying and they will wonder if it is you trying to both justify Mr. "Bridges", and CYOA at the same time, or it will further confirm Mr. "Bridges" now evident habitual loose handling of the truth (to put it generously).

In all cases, we ARE interested in the truth. Can you provide us with evidence that it was a charitable event and that Mr. "Bridges" failed to inform both us and the public of that fact? That would be very useful legally.

Further, your remarks that he is not your "partner" will have to be juxtaposed against a dozen statements he has made that you ARE. Again, this is not helpful to Mr. "Bridges", and again I infer that you are trying to help him.

As noted, there are many people who will be involved in the event of any further action by Mr. "Bridges". Unlike Mr. "Bridges", we are not publishing anything about him or the situation that we can't back up with hard evidence or multiple witnesses.

I would also like to note the fact that, at ANY point in time, the entire process could have been avoided. In fact, we almost BEGGED Mr. "Bridges" to NOT post what were clearly twisted statements before he made his initial "spam" post that set the whole ball rolling. (Again, with witnesses.) Not because there was anything to hide, but because I could see, even at that moment, that if he posted lies, we would be obliged to respond to them and at that moment in time, we had NO wish to be placed in an adversarial position. We merely wanted to divorce ourselves from association for the stated reasons. That was all. It was necessary for us to explain to our private egroup why, but we had NO intention of announcing to the public and the readers this "why."

At that moment, Mr. "Bridges" had the option of just accepting our decision, which was legally sound and legitimate, (again, we did it with legal advice), finding a speaker to replace us, handling the matter in a professional way (speakers cancel all the time, and the organizers constantly find replacements and no blame is cast on anyone) and carrying on with his life and leaving us to ours. It was REALLY that simple.

His reasons for doing otherwise, and engaging you to think whatever you have thought about the situation, which we can only surmise based on your numerous comments, and engaging as many others as he could to libel us, slander, stalk, and otherwise do us intentional harm, may only be revealed in a courtroom. And again, that will be HIS choice, not ours. We do not attack anyone. But we do feel that we have a right to our own choices, and even to change our minds when we decide that we have made a mistake. And we do think that we have the right to defend ourselves when we are unjustly attacked, as is the case in this situation.

So, try to imagine a scenario in which Mr. "Bridges" did not start this ball rolling. Imagine we cancelled, and he accepted it, and found someone else, and an announcement was made that "for personal reasons, so and so have had to cancel, and we have been fortunate to replace them with so-and so!"

Imagine that Mr. "Bridges" had NOT spammed over 150 people with an email telling them that if they wanted to cancel, they would have to blame US, and WE were responsible for their refunds (completely illegal, by the way.)

Well, that is what he did.

But imagine that he didn't do it. Imagine how none of that which has followed would then EVER have occurred.

That would have been that. No fuss, no bother, no stalking, no defense, nothing.

And you will understand why we begged him NOT to make that choice.

Thank you,

Laura Knight-Jadczyk

From: Goldenflower@….
Date sent: Mon, 10 Dec 2001 14:59:31 EST
Subject: Re: Partner

Laura: I am not surprised at Vincent's misuse of your name. He is one terrible business man - of that I am sure.

Let me state for the record that Zaca Lake Retreat was not putting on the event in September. We were merely renting the space to Vincent's company. Yes I was charging a reduced rate for the rent. The money that Zaca Lake would have recieved for the rental goes to Zaca Charity which provides summer camps, with the funds, for inner city children. That money did not come because of the screw up. You see, from my point of view, $8000 was taken away from this program and that really irritated me. It still does.

I have no idea what Vincent was planning nor do I care. I don't think that he was planning some kind of occult event because he knew that I would be dead set against any such activity happening on this sacred soil. He left me in the dark concerning the event and that also irritates me.

In the end the poor kids were the one who were ultimately screwed over in this silliness. And that's really too bad.

Jay Weidner

From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea>
To: Goldenflower@...
Subject: Re: Partner

Date sent: Mon, 10 Dec 2001 16:09:19 -0500

On 10 Dec 2001, at 14:59, Goldenflower@... wrote:

> Laura:
> I am not surprised at Vincent's misuse of your name. He is one terrible
> business man - of that I am sure.

You are probably right. But there is more than that here. Let me explain in response to what you have written regarding your own perspective:

> Let me state for the record that Zaca Lake Retreat was not putting on the
> event in September. We were merely renting the space to Vincent's company.

Well, here is problem number one: this is not the way it was presented. It was essentially that his "partner is in good with the owner. He just gave it to Jay to run, and we can do whatever we like!"

>Yes I was charging a reduced rate for the rent.

See above. The presentation we got was that You and V were the movers and shakers of the whole thing... together... and, the fact is, as we have discovered, V has no company!

>The money that Zaca Lake would have
> recieved for the rental goes to Zaca Charity which provides summer camps, with
> the funds, for inner city children. That money did not come because of the
> screw up. You see, from my point of view, $8000 was taken away from this
> program and that really irritated me. It still does.

Understandably. However, I can guarantee to you that the presentation of the circumstances, the conditions, the 'deals' and everything else about it - to our entire group - was quite different.

So you can see why we were pretty shocked when you wrote and said "I can't refund his money," because from what we were told, there was NO money being paid to you by him, because you were PARTNERS in the affair. See how it looked? And that is how these 200 other people saw it as well... In fact, you were the one who ended up looking bad because you were jerking your partner around! You looked like a "co-conspirator."

> I have no idea what Vincent was planning nor do I care.

I think I would care when the results are that you are made to look sort of "conspiratorial" and, if what you are saying is true - well that's how it ended up looking.

>I don't think that he
> was planning some kind of occult event because he knew that I would be dead set
> against any such activity happening on this sacred soil.

We didn't care whether or not he was planning any weird things. We were getting a LOT of emails from readers who were concerned about our public association with FWMS. And the truth is, I hadn't paid too much attention to all that. The only time I had ever visited V's site was several months, or a year, before, when all the research work on AMET was there and I downloaded and printed all of it to put in a notebook to study. At that point in time, IF there were magical mumbo jumbo pages there, I didn't see them. But our readers sure were and they were very upset. So, I went and had a look for myself on the urls they were sending me.

I was a little upset. To calm down our readers, we posted the disclaimer about our appearance at this conference sponsored by FWMS - as well as galactic alignment etc. None of which is unheard of in conference matters - since my husband has attended many of them over his 30 year career as a physicist. He has also organized several and was one of the organizers of the 10th Max Born Symposium, a large conference, and the details of conference managment, what is okay and not okay, how they operate, is a big part of his knowledge base. We thought that would be enough.

It was when I read the post about his "Equinox working" - in conjunction with the issues on one of the physics lists about "anti-semitism" and it's connection to black magic, that we realized that we were sitting ducks just waiting to be picked off because of our association with a group of "Enochian magicians" who were doing Golden Dawn type rituals. You see, most of Ark's colleagues are Jewish... the ones he works with on a day to day basis, our livelihood.... and they were, at that very moment, on a major information gathering rant about anti-semitists who were into black magic, enochian magic, golden dawn stuff, etc.

And would V give up his rituals or his FWMS or his mumbo-jumbo or take down those pages on his site or whatever to protect us? Of course not. He had the option, though we would never have asked him to. But he COULD have offered. He knew the situation. He knew we were on the edge of the cliff being associated with him. And he did nothing.

So, you see, we had NO CHOICE.

Oh, sure... if we had been confirmed Enochians or believers in all that stuff, we might have thumbed our noses at all of Ark's Jewish colleagues who were on the rampage about evil magicians and their anti-semitic stuff.

But we weren't. We are averse, against, whatever, all that sort of thing on principle to begin with, and we were really upset that V could NOT figure out that he was asking us to take so great a risk ... that he was busily posting more and more magical stuff on his site... heating the water day by day.

Well, Hells' bells! What were we supposed to do?

Were we supposed to show up at a conference we didn't want to do from the start, which we were doing only as a favor to begin with, costing us time, money, and hassle... just to "honor friendship" or whatever? When it was clear that this "friend" had no concern whatsoever about US, our reputation, our work, our risks that we were taking by being in association with him?


For several days, I posted repeatedly to the group on the subject, giving V ample time and opportunity to show himself friend or foe... Did he do anything? Did he not see that he needed to do something?

Well, apparently not. And with friends like that, who needs enemies.

The decision had to be made, we got legal advice, gave him a deadline in writing, he defaulted, and that was that.

> He left me in the dark
> concerning the event and that also irritates me.

Well, there is more than irritation going on here. V is a very charismatic person. We and many others believed in him and were taken in by him. And if he hadn't acted so unprofessional about this whole thing, he would still be "under cover."

But if you could read the public posts he has made about us, the continual stream of lies that comes out of his head, - well, like those who haven't checked the facts, you might believe him. But when the facts are checked, the lies are exposed. And as hard as it was for us to believe, well, there it was. The clear and evident proof that he almost never speaks the truth about anything. Even when he does, he twists it just slightly.

Hells Bells, Jay! We could have solved the whole problem by telling a lie! I could have suddenly become "sick" - what an easy out!

But we could not do it that way. It had to be the truth, even if we had to admit we had made a mistake agreeing to do the conference in association with FWMS, (which, again, was ONLY for the sake of the publishing!!!!), that we had egg on our face for making a bad decision that we now had to change, and we had to tell the truth about why.

I hope that you read the series of reports on VB, including all that material he used to convince 200 people they were probably experimented on by the Gov, or raped by Satanists - and if it goes to court, a number of the women who were persuaded to pour out all their intimate lives to him for "therapy" are ready to come forward and testify... and keep in mind that he is now claiming it was all just a "novelization," or "a joke."

I'm sorry. I must have missed the punch line.

Jay, the plain fact is: he used us. He used you. He uses everybody. It's that simple.

> In the end the poor kids were the one who were ultimately screwed over in
> this silliness. And that's really too bad.

It is a shame. But I can show you the hard evidence that this was NEVER mentioned until you just brought it up.

It is one of the hardest things in the world to admit youv'e been deceived by someone you really like. And believe, me, right up until a few weeks ago, I still hung onto the hope that we were wrong - it was all a silly misunderstanding... it was all a lack of communication... or maybe even the actions of outside forces acting on any of the parties, maybe even including ourselves. I held out that hope because we LIKED V.

But we see now, after all the evidence is in, that his talent for engendering feelings of "we're hermanos" or warm fuzzies, or convivial scholarship, or whatever, is his "trade." That's how he survives. That's what he does. He's good at it. Damn good. That is how he used your ten years of work, and some very clever parroting of scholarship, to ride on your coattails with AMET. That's how he persuaded us to forgo due diligence and not check up on him. That's how he was going to use Ark and his credentials and our work to climb up another step... he had a book that was in print due to YOUR work, he had credentials on the Laura Lee show that nobody would think of questioning because, after all, there IS a real book here in font of your face... he had an appearance on the Discovery channel as an "expert" on Atlantis, based on YOUR work and book with his name attached to it... And now he was gonna have a real live, prize winning physicist with a 30 year career in his stable of credentials.

He's so good at what he does that YOU were threatening to "wipe us out" on his behalf - and he was nothing but a con artist.

See how good he is? One of the best, I would say.

I can't say I am surprised to learn that it was your work and not his on AMET. It's becoming pretty standard to discover that nothing he has ever said was true. And that is the hardest thing of all to face.

And I guess we wouldn't have learned any of it if it hadn't been for the fact that we were stubborn about sticking to our principles. We weren't going to play that game, and we weren't going to lie about it either.

Sorry for the kids. Sorry for you. Sorry for us. Sorry for all the other people who were hurt. But not sorry for having learned a bit more about how people can lie, and how careful we must be.


From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea>
To: Goldenflower@...
Subject: Re: Partner

Send reply to: laura@cassiopaea
Date sent: Mon, 10 Dec 2001 16:22:47 -0500

On 10 Dec 2001, at 14:59, Goldenflower@... wrote:

> In the end the poor kids were the one who were ultimately screwed over in
> this silliness. And that's really too bad.

P.S. Since V made a HUGE issue of the fact that he was barely breaking even on the conference after paying for the food, transportation, etc etc, and there would be little left over for the presenters, how was it that 8 grand was lost to charity?

I'm trying to do the numbers here, and it just isn't working out. Help me out here.


From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea>
To: Goldenflower@...
Subject: Re: Partner

Send reply to: laura@cassiopaea
Date sent: Mon, 10 Dec 2001 19:33:47 -0500

On 10 Dec 2001, at 19:22, Goldenflower@... wrote:

> I didn't know that V was making such claims. All I know is that we were owed
> $8000 for renting the place. As it stands I am beginning to wonder just what
> the hell was happening.

Join the club of the shell-shocked. I never understood how V could say such terrible things about Mr. Rysavy, or how you could agree with them, and continue to have relations with him.

If I were Mr. Rysavy, I would be very hostile about V's claims that he (JR) was a Satanist and a pedophile.

And even though you will pooh-pooh this next remark, we asked C's and they said that it was untrue, that Mr. R. was innocent of any such terrible things. So, even if you DO believe it, I don't.


From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea>
To: Goldenflower@...
Subject: Comments on Zaca

Send reply to: laura@cassiopaea
Date sent: Mon, 10 Dec 2001 22:41:09 -0500

Just so you will have some idea of the commentary on my news to the group that the Zaca Lake thing was supposed to benefit a charity, about which no one was informed, here is an exchange between two members who had planned on attending...

Date sent: Tue, 11 Dec 2001 03:31:18 -0000
Subject: Re: [cass] VB

> Well, obviously no charity benefit was intended by Vincent.
Regardless, if it had been an event for charity, part of the cost of the
ticket (normally the cost minus the cost of food and lodging and maybe a few
> other incidental things) would have been tax-deductible. I don't remember
> anything about any part of the cost being tax deductible.
> L***

Right. The whole group knows that not one word was mentioned about any kid's charity. Frankly, if that was the case, many folks would have forfeited their deposit, or at least got a tax write off on it. Who's scamming who here now?


From: Goldenflower@…
Date sent: Mon, 10 Dec 2001 19:52:15 EST
Subject: Re: Partner


To be honest with you I don't - and I didn't - have the time to follow all of this. I am a very busy guy with running a video company, a major catalogue, a book I am writing, and running my favorite charity - Zaca Lake Retreat.

I have been remiss in not watching what was happening. After I finished Amet, and 13 years of research, I was frankly, tired. I didn't meet VB until 1996 when he was hanging out in Boulder with Dan Winter. I told him about Hendaye and the Cross and my visits to France. He was egomanical, dismissing much of what I said. I recognized that he was heavily invested in his ego. But he was also a scholar. So I funded (with my own money) a research trip to France. He told me that he would pay me back for the trip but that was 3 years ago and I have yet to recieve a cent. The same goes with the book. I have not recieved a penny for it. But that was not why I wrote it. I did it because I owed the future the telling of the message of Hendaye. VB begged me to help me and I let him. My major regret with the book is it was obvious that VB had no traditions from which he was getting inspiration. So he is constantly alluding to the 'great' black magicians. VB got such an ego charge out of being associated with AMET that I quit having the large amounts of contact time (usually on the phone at Jirka's expense!) with him.

I have heard other rumors and I was certainly familiar with the Stan Tenen/Dan Winter affair.

I don't understand what you mean by anti-semitism at the conference. Are you saying that you have proof that there is a link between VB and Nazi Magic? Please forward all info to me asap, if possible as I am very interested in this.

There is much here of which I was not aware. All I can say is that I am shocked.

They shall reap what they sow and VB is certainly getting reaped.


"Jay Weidner"

From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea>
To: Goldenflower@...
Subject: Enochian Nazis - attached doc file

Send reply to: laura@cassiopaea
Date sent: Mon, 10 Dec 2001 21:31:46 -0500

On 10 Dec 2001, at 19:52, Goldenflower@... wrote:

> I don't understand what you mean by anti-semitism at the conference. Are you
> saying that you have proof that there is a link between VB and Nazi Magic?
> Please forward all info to me asap, if possible as I am very interested in this.

The situation was that a big discusson was going on among a number of physicists.... colleagues of my husband, on the subject of a growing awareness of th nature of the rise of Hitler and its connection to Magick (with a k, or the spells don't work I guess), and many present day "magickal" groups with anti-semitic agendas.

In other words a DIRECT connection has already been drawn between the two in certain circles, most definitely among folks like the ADL, etc.

Vincent KNEW this. We forwarded the posts to him about it.

Is there a link between VB and Nazi Magic? Well, read the attached excerpts that I have posted on our website and you be the judge. Keep in mind that VB's main "tradition" is that of MacGregor Mathers (Golden Dawn) interpretation of the "calls to the aethyrs based on the work of Dr. John Dee.

I have read the channeled material of Dee and it is 99 percent negative entities with an agenda.

VB told me that he believed he was the reincarnation of Dr. Dee and it was HIS job to finish Dee's work, which Crowley was unable to do, and Mathers failed also.

So, read the attached and see what you think. There is, of course, a great deal more that I have put together, but it is lengthy and requires a huge amount of background material to see the connections. This little set of excerpts boils it all down.


Attachments: enochian.doc

From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea>
To: Goldenflower@...
Subject: Hendaye and Ophanic Intelligences.

Date sent: Mon, 10 Dec 2001 22:07:07 -0500


The snips of info in the attached doc are right off VB's website, as we speak. I have just pulled bits here and there, and included at the top his bibliography so that you will see where it is all coming from... who is behind the ideas, and who the ideals belong to.

I have extracted one particular paragraph and pasted it here. Notice how the claim is made that the Enochian workings and the Ophanic Intelligences of Dr. Dee are given credit for the implied idea that VB was empowered to accomplish the "complete unraveling of Hendaye's message."

"Kicked off by Enochian Apocalypse Working in Sedona in September of 1996, which formed the etheric structure of a multidimensional geometry of intelligence. The Apocalypse working completed, perhaps for the first time since its transmission in the 16th century, the Enochian or Ophanic astral communication device. This structure included the basic forms necessary to harmonize the on-coming galactic alignments. Nick showed up for the working, and helped align it to galactic center. He was the first to make a major point of the Great Cross, but had the dates wrong. Many other major problems with Nick, but his presence is a factor in the mix. A little more than a year later, the Ophanic Intelligences announced that projecting the Tree of Life on the Celestial sphere on the equinox for the next ten equinoxes was the simplest way to align with the energy shift of the Great Cross. At the time they announced this, I was still unaware of how the Tree of Life related to our discoveries about Hendaye. It was indeed the OI angels that gave me the clue. From this realization came the idea of the Gnosis Gnomon and its connection with the labyrinth. That basic idea led to a complete unraveling of Hendaye's message. Not just the moment of celestial alignment, but a hidden indication of the process itself."

Attachments: VB\Ophanic.doc

From: Goldenflower@….
Date sent: Tue, 11 Dec 2001 13:25:45 EST
Subject: Re: Hendaye and Ophanic Intelligences.

I have never read VB's site. But I am now!!!!!!!


"Jay Weidner"

From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea>
To: Goldenflower@...
Subject: Essential info

Date sent: Tue, 11 Dec 2001 11:06:19 -0500


In case you didn't see them, here are the announcements of two events at Zaca, none of which mention anything about any of it benefitting charity. We have been unable to find any mention of this anywhere, so again, a lot of folks might get irate that they were not informed that their conference payments were possibly tax deductible.

You are figured so prominently in these advertisments, that anyone will think you participated in their composition.

If VB was in charge of all of this, promotion and so on, and your failure to pay attention to what he was doing because you were busy and trusted him to manage it is the reason behind it, many people will not understand this, and/or will expect action to be taken by you.

Several members of the group have written to me that they remember VB telling them that the reason you were able to get the use of the Zaca facility was because you were the janitor, so when you fired your shot about Ark being unable to get a job as a janitor, this was read by many as a protest from your own position as a REAL janitor.

Did VB suggest that line?

So, the problem here is that there is such a complete "story" that has been created about you, your position in all this, that there really isn't a whole lot you can say at this point to correct it without sounding like you were part of VB's conspiracy then or now.

(Well, maybe a complete public declaration or something.)

What is more, there are a number of folks who have written to me who are looking at VB's interest in children and Satanic Abuse - which is his big rant - who have suggested that he operates as a "procurer" by his interactions with children's camps.

Charges of pedophilia or interacting with what has been suggested as a "ring of international pedophiles" is not an accusation with which you - or any innocent person - would wish to be associated. And, since that is a possible future eruption over which I have no control since it is not even an idea that I contemplated, you might also find that you have been "set-up" to bring up the issue of a charity to benefit children's camps just now. Even if it is the truth, it's probably not a good time to suddenly reveal it. In other words, if you are truly innocent, you have been set-up in an almost unbelievable way.

I am reminded of the McMartin pre-school thing and how that went out of control. I don't know what I think about it, whether anything was really going on or not, but I do know that once such ideas are bruited in public, it is almost impossible to avoid the backlash. You are in a very vulnerable position just now.

As it happens, several people have suggested that VB accuses others of what he does himself, and this does, indeed, seem to be his Modus Operandi. And his accusations toward your employer, Mr. R., are of just such a nature. So, one wonders about his own role in such things. If such charges are ever made by any of the folks who have suggested it, or if any connections are found between VB and such activities, even if only circumstantial, it could have far reaching effects on his many associates then and now.

Since he has been making these suggestions, whispering them as the "big secret," to the extent that even the physics list I mentioned discussed the possibility that Mr. R was behind a ring of Satanic pedophiles connected to Nazi black magic, (and I recognized the hand of VB there, for sure), and your position as an employee of Mr. R, - well, do you see?

It is a hugely ugly situation.

It's a tough spot to be in. And we realize that it could go way further than it has.

We only have wished to defend ourselves against slander, libel and his vicious twisting of facts. We never, ever, dreamed that we would discover such a history as we have about him. And now, the speculations about what is REALLY behind his deceptions is running wild. I can't stop the snowball that he, himself, set in motion.

So, be aware. What you don't know about CAN hurt you.


From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea>
To: Goldenflower@...
Subject: Re: Partner

Send reply to: laura@cassiopaea
Date sent: Tue, 11 Dec 2001 11:42:20 -0500

On 11 Dec 2001, at 11:34, Goldenflower@... wrote:

> I do not believe that JR ever did anything like you are saying that VB said.
> When no one else would support my research, long before I knew VB, Dan
> Winters, Stan Tenen and all of that crowd, Mr. Rysavy gave me money, sent me
> all around the world and much moral support in my search for the truth of
> Hendaye.
> That someone who has never even met JR to say that he is a pedophile and a
> satanist is deeply troubling.

Are you saying that VB has NEVER MET JR??????


From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea>
To: Goldenflower@...
Subject: Re: Partner

Send reply to: laura@cassiopaea
Date sent: Tue, 11 Dec 2001 11:47:12 -0500

On 11 Dec 2001, at 11:34, Goldenflower@... wrote:

> That someone who has never even met JR to say that he is a pedophile and a
> satanist is deeply troubling.
> Shocked and dismayed

Okay. So you are saying that VB never met JR. (I am anticipating your answer.)

So, next question is: Did you purloin a copy of a rare book entitled "The Architecture of Nature" from Mr. R's offices, and make a copy of it to give to VB, as he claims?


From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea>
To: Goldenflower@...
Subject: Re: Hendaye and Ophanic Intelligences.

Send reply to: laura@cassiopaea
Date sent: Tue, 11 Dec 2001 11:52:23 -0500

On 11 Dec 2001, at 11:39, Goldenflower@... wrote:

> What a bunch of shit. The event he is talking about, I believe was in Aug. 96.
> VB didn't even know about the Cross at Hendaye until Nov 97 when I told him (I
> have witnesses).

Well, he will say that it is the truth, and you knew it was the truth, because it has been on his website all this time, and how could you NOT know it?

You see, when I pointed out that I was not aware of all his magickal nonsense, his rebuttal was that I couldn't NOT know it because it was out in plain view on his site. I must be lying that I hadn't read it.

But, the fact is, I HADN'T read it. I was only interested in AMET research, and I followed that link, downloaded the pages, printed them, punched holes in all of it (it was a lot) and put it in a notebook to read in comfort.

I NEVER knew he was into all that other stuff because the titles of the links to those pages did not INTEREST me.

Well, there it is. There is more of it, of course, and the more I learn, the more horrified I am at the very, VERY clever series of traps that have been laid for any number of people.

I wish I could think that it was just unconscious, but it is looking less and less like that could be possible.


From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea>
To: Goldenflower@...
Subject: Re: Essential info [private]

Send reply to: laura@cassiopaea
Date sent: Tue, 11 Dec 2001 13:03:03 -0500

On 11 Dec 2001, at 11:57, Goldenflower@... wrote:

> If I have done something - then my crime was to be more interested in my own
> work then the silly antics of VB.

> I am
> already irritated by how much time this silly business has cost me.

Again, join the club. But in this case, you may just want to take time out to look at what is going on, take protective measures.

We didn't for a long time. We were so busy with our work, and paid so little attention to what he was doing, until somebody wrote to us and said "Hey, you BETTER look at this because it's getting ready to bite you." And we looked, and sure enough...

It took a lot more of our time to dig out of the pit than it would have to have avoided it to begin with - assuming we had been paying attention.

There is an old Sufi principle of "awareness" that applies here.

But, as you say, enough time has been wasted on it. You have some idea of what the deal is, we have some idea of what is going down, a lot of other people are becoming aware of it, but I don't think that any of us really know the whole story.

So, let's just leave the next move to VB. If he files suit, we will file for discovery. I can guarantee you that he will drag you and everybody else into it, and, according to the rules of discovery, that means that all the claims he has made about all the many people involved will be part of the discovery process, and all of them will have to be deposed.

And, as you may recall, the fact that we were telling the truth, that we were operating from a position of defense, meant nothing to you, either - because all you knew was what VB told you.

How many people will feel the same about you, as you felt about us, if it comes to that?

How many people are already convinced that you and your employer are involved in something really dark because that is what he is telling people?

He told it to Stan Tenen. It was repeated to a physics discussion group of a couple hundred folks... scientists and professionals.

Yeah, it's a silly business, and it is taking time to deal with it. But, as the C's say "knowledge protects." You might want to apply this and find out what is going on. I know that the lies he posts on his site are only the tip of the iceberg of what he has said in emails and in conversations.

Let me mention also, this rumor has spread to other discussion groups. A reader forwarded an email to me yesterday where it was being said that "Dan Winter's publisher is suing the Cassiopaean people over 'content."

Well, that is not true. It's already a twist. But, the fact is, we had over 15000 visitors to our site yesterday from people coming to check out the rumor.

If we hadn't posted the information that is there, they would have no basis upon which to make an evaluation.

Think about that: 15000 - that's fifteen thousand. Each one of those 15000 people will repeat something to at least 5 other individuals, with greater or lesser accuracy. That means that by tomorrow, 75,000 people will have heard a 1st generation version of the story.

By two days from now, maybe 375,000 people will have heard a 2nd generation version with twists and embellishments...

So, just scale that down to VB's activities... he doesn't have as large a readership as we do, but still, the same principle works. It also works with things that are repeated personally.

So, the 200 people on the physics list (Sarfatti's list) who have heard the "rumor" about your employer... which was going around back in July, by now, it has really traveled.

It is a seed in the minds of many people.

So, if later, VB declares that HE was just a dupe of others - which seems to be his M.O. - and that seed is already planted, though no one can remember exactly where or how they heard it, they will be inclined to believe it is true just because they already "heard it somewhere."

In short, he is playing the oldest game in the world. And like it or not, he has made you one of the playing pieces.

But, again, let's just see what his next move is.

Relax, get some work done, as I intend to do as well.

Thanks for clearing up some things for me.


From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea>
To: Goldenflower@...
Subject: Warning Will Smith!

Date sent: Tue, 11 Dec 2001 14:02:23 -0500

Here is the first message on the theme that was going around in late July, early August.

Please note the recipents. I expect that you will recognize some of these names...

Kochav ben Yehuda who responds to this is a member of the ADL, a big Zionist, and the axe he was grinding was to lump all of us together into a big Nazi conspiracy of Black Magicians a la "Stargate Conspiracy." I guess that, because my husband is from Poland, and Mr. R is from Europe also, that the both of them are being painted with some kind of KGB/Satanist/ political agenda (read anti-American) brush.

I can guarantee you that there was NOTHING on our site that was anti-semitic. We have many Jewish readers and members of our e-group.

In times like these, this is VERY dangerous. Do NOT underestimate the danger here.

Please read our page on this:

I later pinned Stan Tenen down about this "rumor" which I recognized as originating with VB.

I realized that the whole deal with Stan and Dan was a MAJOR manipulation by VB who was playing both sides against the middle in a big way here. Stan is as much VB's victim as anybody who interacts with VB and stands up to his ego.

So, don't go tearing after Stan on this one. He got it straight from VB. In all these things, we keep coming back to VB. "Warning Will Smith! Danger! Danger!"

My opinion of Hurtak (who Stan is defending) is that he is either deliberately evil, or he is just a tool.

Same with Drunvalo, et al.

------- Forwarded message follows -------
Date sent: Sun, 05 Aug 2001 09:38:58 -0700
From: "Dr. Jack Sarfatti">
Subject: In Defense of Jim Hurtak

To: Stan Tenen>
Copies to: alan parker
Allen Cohen
Alpha 10
Arkadiusz Jadczyk
Bruce Maccabee
"Bruce D. Curtis"
"C.B. Scott Jones"
Carol Rosin
David Gladstone
Dick Farley
Wes Thomas
"Vicki J. Ecker"
Uri Geller
Steve Bassett
Scott Littleton
Saul-Paul Sirag
Ron Pandolfi
Robert Alan Wolf
"Remy C."
Nick Hubris
Mike Coyle
Marcello Truzzi
Kim Burrafato
John Alexander
Joe Firmage
Jeffrey Griffith
Jeff Mishlove
Hank Harrison
Glen Lindenstadt
George Weissmann
Eldon Byrd
"Dr. Crammer"
Don Ecker
Dan Smith
Kochav ben Yehuda
Zoya Klebanov
"Hudson, Ray (Santa Monica)"
Pamela Stonebrooke
Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea
John Petersen>
Organization:Internet Wissenschaft Ausbildung Projekt

Thanks about Hurtak.:-)

Stan Tenen wrote:

> For the record, I met Jim Hurtak in Jerusalem in 1983. He offered to
> provide an affidavit and deposition in my lawsuit against Mr. Winter
> because he was an eyewitness to the development of my work, and because he has
> serious academic credentials. I've only had occasional contact with Jim over
> the years. It's always been cordial. I've never detected anything beyond the
> obvious, and the up-front, in dealing with Jim, so I can in no way confirim
> any of the statements that have appeared here about him. From my point of
> view, Jim Hurtak was one of the few "stand-up" people who were willing to go
> on record and get involved when I needed help.
> I never quote Jim because I'm trying to reach Orthodox Jewish scholars, and
> techie-types, who would find any reference to channeled information
> discrediting. It's my understanding that most of Jim's stuff is channeled.
> It's been my experience that he is a sincere person, and that he does his own
> work. What else can I say?
> deleted
> I asked permission of Nick Herbert to use the quote from Quantum Reality, and
> he gave permission. Other than that, I've only met Nick on one or two
> occasions, and I've only spoken with him briefly.
> I have no personal knowledge of anything involving Ira, because I wasn't
> part of the scene when it all happened. I've communicated with Ira via
> email a few times, and I sent him a video of a TV smear job on him. But I
> have no personal knowledge of what happened.
> What else can I say? Anybody can write anything they please. I have
> noticed that a good deal of the slander and disinformation seems to be
> coming towards me from the same source -- people living in the former
> Communist Czechoslovakia and/or Poland. The Melchizedek-Flower of Life
> cult, Mr. Winter whom I sued, and several other new-age lunatics have all been
> funded to the tune of several million dollars by Mr. Jirka Rysavy, the former
> CEO of Corporate Express, a Fortune 500 monolith. Rysavy was trained by the
> Czech Communist government for Olympic competition, and as I recall, part of
> his training was in Poland. (There is an old Business Week article that I'm
> sure is available.) Rysavy threatened me, and attempted to extort me into
> turning my work over to Mr. Winter, even though he knew Mr. Winter was
> involved in satanism, and even though he knew Mr. Winter was fascinated with
> nazism and was willing to use its antisemitic methods. Rysavy is now running
> a company called Gaiam, which is buying up health food and "new age"
> independents. Gaiam bought Real Goods in Ukiah CA., for example. I hear from
> people who are business acquaintances of Mr. Rysavy that he's planning an
> international Cable TV and/or Internet network that he intends to use to
> corner the market for public communication on new-age lunacy. He plans to
> salt his program schedule with innocent serious people for credibility, but to
> load it up with his loony tune friends. I've personally met Mr. Rysavy. He
> was in my house. This is a very dangerous person. It's my suspicion that Mr.
> Rysavy is fronting for something else. Internet speculation includes claims
> of KGB, Nazi gold, and just about every other ill source you can imagine. I
> haven't a clue. All I know is that these guys are all bad news.
> Bridges of what I'm writing is confirmed in sworn affidavits and
> depositions. Some of it is based on discussion with Mr. Winter's family
> members, and with former friends and former associates of Mr. Rysavy and
> Mr. Melchizedek.
> That's my story, and I'm sticking to it. big smile>
> Best,
> Stan
Jack writes: I have never once saw any channelled ET material that was not vague Macroshift psycho-babble like you read in Gary Zukav's "Seat of the Soul" for example. I have seen a lot of this stuff from Esalen's "Jenny and The Nine" promoted by Werner Erhard, to "The Course in Miracles", "Seth" the "30 Thousand Year Old Man" channelled by that woman in Pacific North West etc. A lot of this New Age macroshift has penetrated US Mil Intell BTW. It was a way for KGB to infiltrate. The memes are still out there with a life of their own now on the World Wide Web like computer viruses - they are psychotronic unexploded land mines that "clear" the mind of the gullible leaving it blank for cultish manipulation for Fifth Column Trojan Horse sabotage that not only "weakens American Science" (Ed Teller) but also weakens American Foreign Policy and American Defense Policy. The Clinton Administration was very susceptible in those New Age Fests on that island. Gore seemed quite susceptible. I would be surprised if Clinton really fell for it, he is too intelligent, but I am sure he enjoyed the beautiful women who are always at these things. I know from personal experience back in the 70's and early 80's.:-)

From: "Kochav ben Yehuda">
To:, Copies to: [Same list of recipients] BCC to: [God only knows how many others...]
Subject: Re: In Defense of Jim Hurtak
Date sent: Sun, 05 Aug 2001 19:02:27 +0200

Well as it happens, Laura and Ark Jadczyk are selling such vague Macroshift psycho-babble. They must have seen too many sci-fi movies, and got stuck on the Matrix.

Now I do not want to deprive a hard working person, like Ark Jadczyk of engaging in this kind of fanatsy world for the purpose of relaxation. However he has seen it fit to include in their phantasy world ancient anti-Semitic crap, like the Jews that are set out to manipulate the world (by not sharing their precious genes in this particular psycho-babble drag).

Ark, who felt threatened, then found it necessary to lash at Stan, who answered that he had experienced that "a good deal of the slander and disinformation seems to be coming towards me from the same source -- people living in the former Communist Czechoslovakia and/or Poland".

So what do we have here? A Polish scientist, whose wife "channels" aliens who tell her all kind of garbage about the Jewish people, About Torah and about G-d.

Instead of them keeping this inside their house, they have chosen to spread this anti-Semitic crap over the internet.

I find it important that fellow scientists, and people who detest anti-Semitism are aware of their dark hobby, and will try to stop these people from spreading this garbage further.


------- End of forwarded message -------

From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea>
To: Goldenflower@...
Subject: Re: Partner

Send reply to: laura@cassiopaea
Date sent: Tue, 11 Dec 2001 14:20:35 -0500

On 11 Dec 2001, at 13:19, Goldenflower@... wrote:

> VB has never met JR. Not ever. If he says they have met then he is lying. I
> am getting very pissed off now.

He not only has said he met him, he has said that he "saw right through him" and that is why JR was "afraid of him" and "fired him" and kept you on... you being the "weak link," as he wrote in his post that is on the website. (with Mr. R's name removed as I have no wish to help VB spread his lies.)

Jay, do NOT get pissed off. Do not go off like a firecracker here. That will just give him ammo. You have to think very cool here now.

It does no good when you are in a foxhole to suddenly get fired up, jump up and run screaming onto the battlefield because you are mad at the enemy whose presence has just been revealed. All you will do is get yourself shot up.

This is a serious situation. It is NOT a joke. There is some kind of spider web being spun all around, and VB is clearly not working on his own. It would be impossible, as far as I can see.

We have discovered hard, incontrovertible evidence of his lies. I have all the addresses of the individuals who have refuted his claims. They are real people who, if necessary for proof, can be contacted and validated.

That he has been engaged in this for a long time, that he leaves a trail of destroyed lives and destruction, and stolen material everywhere he is identified is pretty much a given at this point.

He manipulated you to think things about us. He manipulated Stan Tenen to think things about Mr. R. He manipulated Dan Winter. He has been involved with Drunvalo, someone about whom I know some things that I had better not say just yet. I need the evidence and don't have it though it has been promised.

Again, let's wait and see what his next move is. I do not for a moment think that he has given up.

By the way, here is a private email he sent to me. I have it with all the headers so it can be validated if necessary and our server keeps copies, so he can never deny having written it.

I had shared Stan Tenen's responses to my questions about where he heard the info about Mr. R with someone who, apparently, was under VB's influence, and this person forwarded it to VB and VB thought it had come from Stan, which it did not.

We wrote to Stan, as I said, AFTER that post was sent around to the Sarfatti list. We wanted to know where he heard all this info about JR, since it was almost word-for-word what VB was saying.

Please note what VB says about JR in the following, calling him "the devil himself.":

Date sent: Sun, 07 Oct 2001 08:45:58 -0400
Subject: Re: notice

From: Vincent Bridges>
To: laura@cassiopaea>

Dear Laura and Ark,

Isn't it interesting how things play out?

Yesterday for instance I received an email apparently from Stan Tenen (But, knowing how you like to play with that forward-without-editing button, it could have come from you. Is this the response you intended to elicit?) sharing some snippets from a lengthy email correspondence he conducted with you over a month ago. So, you guys are going to gang up on me, huh? Birds of a feather...

Look, you just go ahead and get in bed with slimy Stan and see how you like it. He certainly is litigious, isn't he? Be sure he doesn't end up trying to sue you. I know he doesn't know your true opinions about Jews and Yaweh, or he wouldn't be trying to use you as an ally.

Frankly however, you deserve each other...

Do you really want in the middle of this? Partnered with Stan Tenen? And funded, as most of Stan's legal work has been funded, by Mr. Rysavy himself? I suppose it would solve all those money issues you keep asking the Cs about, just get a check for 10K a month from the Devil himself... heh, it would save wear and tear on all of us...

And I see that you are going ahead with the publication of Noah, really running up those credit cards aren't we? Well, since that's the case, it's time we sent you the bill for design and editing work on the original Noah. We had a verbal agreement, tacitly agreed to by your public statements and actions, to produce your work for publication. Since you chose to break that agreement without any valid reason, you are liable for the cost incurred. If you won't or can't pay, we'll have to sue you, and get a lien and/or an injunction against the new version of Noah.

Since we have now repaid everyone for the conference, and I have their certified letters following your published pattern of harassment on the issue, it might also be time to sue you for the damages incurred in that little fiasco. I'd really like to hear you tell the judge how you came to make that decision. Let's hope he's open minded about 6D disembodied sources...

I'll be returning the Cs transcripts along with the bill. I've finished mining it for insight. My next book, well under way, is The Pathology of Channeling and guess who the main character will be? Don't worry, I didn't use any of the transcripts themselves, "Who needs it?" as P&P said, just selections from the website. I did however use my personal experience of you and your "work" to draw some clinical conclusions. Who knows, maybe this is the book that will finally put channeling in the DSM where it belongs, right between Narcissism and Schizo-affective disorder...

So maybe you'll be famous after all...


PS - Don't you need a license to practice hypnotherapy in Florida?

From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea>
To: Goldenflower@...
Subject: Re: Partner

Date sent: Tue, 11 Dec 2001 14:23:37 -0500

On 11 Dec 2001, at 13:24, Goldenflower@... wrote:

> VB does not have a copy of Architecture and he never has. No I did not
> purloin, steal or borrow anything ever from Jirka Rysavy's office. Are you
> kidding me? Is this a joke?

Jay, I am NOT kidding you. He told this story in my house, to me, a guest from Amsterdam, a guest from Orlando, and my husband.

> I have a copy of Architecture. I borrowed it from the library at our offices
> near Boulder. I did copy it and I still have that copy. Now that the whole
> world knows this I suppose that I am not very safe anymore. Thanks to all of
> you for letting everyone know about my private research.

Jay, nobody has mentioned this from OUR side. VB is the one telling the story.

Please stay calm here. It is crucial.

> VB has only once glanced at Architecure. I would NEVER give a book like that to
> someone like VB. I am having it translated.

Well, I don't even know what it is except that he says it is very important and that he got, from you, a copy.

> This is serious bullshit. If he said this then he is a liar. Again, I have
> witnesses to all of the above.

Well, I am believing you or I would not be telling you the "rest of the story."

I keep telling you: this is not a joke. It is serious.


From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea>
To: Goldenflower@...
Subject: Re: Hendaye and Ophanic Intelligences.

Date sent: Tue, 11 Dec 2001 14:25:50 -0500

On 11 Dec 2001, at 13:25, Goldenflower@... wrote:

> I have never read VB's site. But I am now!!!!!!!

Bless your heart. We have to wake up here. It's NOT a joke.

I have been very scared to share some of these things with you, but I took the chance that you were as deceived as we were.


From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea>
To: Goldenflower@...
Subject: Re: Essential info [private]

Date sent: Tue, 11 Dec 2001 14:34:27 -0500

On 11 Dec 2001, at 13:29, Goldenflower@... wrote:

> Please send me anything that was said about JR. I will send it on to him and
> have him sue VB into the next century. This is very serious crap and I am
> having a very difficult time believeing what you are saying.

The first time he told the story to me was on the phone on about the 7th or 8th of August , 2000. He was trying to convince me that I had been messed with by this extended network of Satanists, of whom Mr. R was the "head man." He told me that he wrote the Jon Benet article and discovered the "link between the Satanists" and this murder, and that Mr. R was implicated in it. He suggested that the TWO of you made this discovery, but that you were still working for Mr. R. He was trying to convince me that I needed his "therapy."

He then followed it up with the following email, in which he explains why he is unable to come down. He is saying that you were fired from your job by Mr. R for talking with VB on the phone about the JonBenet murder... and all the other things that followed in this email. The idea was, I guess, to "wind me up" into a state of fear or something.

Well, sure, I was scared. I was afraid to tell anybody!

so, read the email now - I have included all the headers for validation purposes since you are having trouble believeing what I am telling you.

Received: from ( []) by ns1.ozline with SMTP (Microsoft Exchange Internet Mail Service Version 5.5.2650.21) id P916730Z; Thu, 10 Aug 2000 22:59:32 -0400 Received: from [] [] by with ESMTP (SMTPD32-4.06) id AC2817800D6; Thu, 10 Aug 2000 22:59:52 EDT User-Agent: Microsoft Outlook Express Macintosh Edition - 5.01 (1630)
Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2000 22:59:40 -0400
Subject: Re: Visit, accidents and disasters
From: Vincent Bridges>
To: laura@cassiopaea> Message-ID:> In-Reply-To: 39928139.18417.3DCE03@localhost> Mime-version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit X-PMFLAGS: 35127424 0 1 P4A700.CNM

Dear Laura,

Yep, you are quite right. I was merely pointing out there was a sharp increase in weirdness, above and beyond normal. Timing is everything. I, personally, am an old hand at staying shielded. The attacks came toward weak links. Jay, in fact, worked for a key figure in all this, Jirka Resavy, mystery Yugoslavian business man. We had talked about everything under the sun, including Jon Benet Ramsey, on the company phone line. We start talking seriously about your piece of the puzzle, and boom, the buy-out is over!

What could be worse than implicating JR himself in JBR's murder? Duh, I don't know, talking to a channeler in Florida? Something very strange is going on, indeed!

Key point: for something to happen to all our computer systems, someone had to come in the house, turn on and download. Darlene works half a block away, and I am home all the time. We haven't had this kind of personal care since the 1995 Egypt trip's aftermath! We are shielded against anything but a direct physical assault, and even that to a great degree. In our very small town, the police force are our friends, Darlene designed their official arm patches, and strangers are noticed. A quick in and out, hit and run means that they, whoever, are desperate. Why?

You got it, knowledge protects, but knowledge of what exactly?

More later after I read and cogitate on attachments and such.


From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea>
To: Goldenflower@...
Subject: Re: Warning Will Smith! [private]

Date sent: Tue, 11 Dec 2001 14:59:58 -0500

On 11 Dec 2001, at 14:42, Goldenflower@... wrote:

> It is time for cooler heads to prevail. This has an air of cointelpro.

Well, while I keep seeing little hints of that, I can't be sure. I know that I am in over my head on this one, and that somebody is behind VB... and yeah, maybe we are just the Polish cavalry charging the german tanks...

But it may be that VB is just a psychopathic Jay Weidner type. We have to keep that as an alternative explanation.

> I need to see proof about VB. If what you say is true I will sue him
> immediately. I will probably need you as witnesses.

I have sent you the two emails where he says right out that Mr. R was implicated in the JonBenet case... and that you were the "weak link," whatever that meant, which I am not sure anymore.

And then the other email where he says that Mr. R is "the devil himself."

He is very careful to not write about this very much, but to only say it in conversation. But those two emails are where he really slipped up because they are evidence.

OOOOPS! Ark is running a search on his computer... he just found another one will send it separately.

As to the remarks about that book - which I don't even know what it is except that he says there are very few copies - as I said, he recounted this story to four of us. I have to say that my husband, despite the fact that you were convince that he was a liar and not fit to be a janitor, has an excellent reputation. The other two individuals also are business men with excellent reputations, so I hardly think they could be accused of lying, even if you were convinced by VB that we were. We were not and, like you, we have proof and witnesses.

O***, one of the guests who heard the story, lives in Amsterdam and flies over to stay with us occasionally and was here at the time.

> Everything I have said to you is true and I have witnesses to prove it. Mr.
> "Bridges", if he did say any or all of the things you said, is lying. He is
> lying on his website if he said that he 'recieved' the Hendaye knowledge in Aug
> 96. I didn't even know him in Aug. 96!

As I said, what is seen is only the tip of the iceberg. But his ego makes him commit these stupid errors that indicate all the rest that is beneath the surface.

> Since I had already told JR, and many others, about my discoveries years
> before I met VB - I cannot understand where VB is getting this from.

Where he gets everything.. right out of his head... or instructions from somewhere else, but we don't know that. Again, he could just be a very sick Jay Weidner type.

> I can see
> that he was glomming onto my work. He helped, I am not saying that, but most of
> the work had been done before he even came on board which was Nov 97 (Again I
> have witnesses). For instance, I had already wrote and directed the documentary
> 'Earth Under Fire' by Oct 97. This was a month before I told VB at my house in
> the Rockies (which I didn't buy until Aug 97). JR financed the Earth under Fire
> film because he saw how it coincided with the Hendaye material I had dug up. He
> and I made the film to show people the catastrophic double nature of a galactic
> explosion. Just like Fulcanelli, and the cross said. I had done all of this
> before I told VB. So you can understand my being a little pissed off when he
> tries to steal my work.

Again, join the club.

> I have been through many trials. Many people had tried to destroy my
> credibility. I stayed out of the Dan Winter/ Stan thing. I guarentee you this.
> Stan Tenen told me that JR was the only guy who could really understand his
> work. Someone manipulated Stan into Hating JR. And I have no idea why.

Do we see a reflection in that event in you hating us????? Mr. "Weidner", I think we have all been "had."

> gave Stan a lot of money to finance his research. Until Stan and Hoagland
> burned JR he was a very generous man. Not very discerning perhaps, but generous
> - to a fault.

That is what the C's said. Even if you don't believe in them, they believe in you and Mr. R and told us that VB was lying about all of you.

> Again, I am the only person who knows the inside story about JR. I was one of
> the first people hired at Gaiam. I created catalogues, directed films, and
> developed projects for them. There is no satanic activity going on at Gaiam.
> Capitalist maybe but not satanic. The idea is ridiculous. Someone is trying to
> destroy him.

Not only him, but us too... and you... and God knows who else.

> If it is VB then I will go after him. But I need to see proof.

Gonna send a big one in just a sec.

> Also I would appreciate any documents that state I 'purloined' anything from
> JR's office. This guy has hundreds of millions of dollars. Why wouldn't he
> have fired me if he caught me purloining anything from his office. The fact is
> that he knew that I had copied the book and He was not vbery happy with that
> fact. That was the extent of the affair.

That item was told in conversation, though I am sure that the witnesses will be happy to confirm it.

> Maybe someone doesn't like it when a rich guy hands out money for research?
> Maybe someone is attempting to destroy JR?

Maybe somebody just wants to destroy anything that is the result of honest work?

Okay, let me send this and will then send the email Ark found in his folders.


From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea>
To: Goldenflower@...
Subject: (Fwd) Re: censorship and other issues

Send reply to: laura@cassiopaea
Date sent: Tue, 11 Dec 2001 15:22:30 -0500

Here is the email Ark found in his folders.

When VB was removed from our list, he sent his "rebuttal" to the list of recipients that I have left on the email so that you can see who also witnessed these remarks.

VB was responding to our private announcment to our private group, that we were going to cancel our attendance at the conference, along with our reasons why, all of which had to do with the discovered connection to magic, nazis, satanism, etc. , the threats from Stan Tenen on the physics list, the ranting of Kochav and the ADL, etc. The storm was building and we could clearly see where the lightning was going to strike, and that we had been set-up.

VB's response, following my comments, are typical. Bridges telling he says that he never gave me permission to repeat his story about Mr. R - which is a backward way of saying that what I recounted as his "story" was accurate, because he did not deny that he ever said any of it.

He also makes some remarks about you, but I don't know how accurate they are.


------- Forwarded message follows -------

Date sent: Tue, 07 Aug 2001 12:50:56 -0400
Subject: Re: censorship and other issues
From: Vincent Bridges>
To: aethyrea [CC recipient emails deleted for privacy]

I don't know how you guys feel about censorship, but if you've been reading the cassiopaean list, and my apologies to those who are no longer connected, and don't have a clue what is going on, well, these censored emails should have fill you in. I would appreciate it someone would see that everyone not included in this mailing get a chance to see it as well. maybe someone will one brave enough to re-post on the list.



And here's the censored email to the big list:

Greetings group,

My previous announcement of a return was unfortunately premature. My thanks to all for the good vibes...

Thought I would start with the backed up comments on AMET, as we call it for short. Bruce's summary was very interesting indeed, but not the whole story. Of course, if an intelligent reader can get that much out of, well, guess we did as good as could be expected.

Keep in mind that AMET is meant to be a general reader kind of book, one that presents the basic concepts to people who probably haven't heard of any of it before as well as the more advanced reader in search of new ideas. That's a delicate balance and in places, such as the lack of footnotes, we erred on the side of simplicity. Also, while I am responsible for the final draft of the book, the Dr. LaViolette chapter and most of all the Peru chapter is the work of my co-author, Jay Weidner.

Not passing the buck though. I think that Dr. LaViolette has very interesting ideas, even though he's off in places. The Peru connection is however more problematic.

When Jay brought the project to me, he had already "decoded" the inscription on the Hendaye Cross and had the Cuzco/Urcos connection. Investigation on the ground revealed that there was probably some connection in Peru to the Atlantian culture and even possible survivals from the last catastrophe. The Nazis however had been there long before, and in an earlier version of AMET we covered this part of the story in detail. However we were advised to leave that part out as detracting from the thrust of our argument.

However, I came away from the whole Peru thing convinced that it was at best a half correct red herring designed to lead the materially inclined investigator on a dead end, such as all the Nazis in Peru. Hence chapter ten of AMET, which while simplistic, is at least attempting to address the basic issue of cosmology and immortality.

But a curious thing happened while we were driving madly around southern France. I glimpsed a second interpretation of the Hendaye Cross. At a conference that August, another friend, David Tresemer, the guy who first spotted the crossing comets on the Gorgon's head, spontaneously hit on the solution that I had roughed out in France. Originally, as seen by our very inconclusive conclusion, we planned to plunge on with this second interpretation right to the heart of RLC business and beyond.

Many things have intervened since. Including my protracted involvement with all things Cassiopaean. From which I have learned: Trust No One.

And on that note:

[Laura's note: here, the description of the problem is based exclusively on Mr. "Bridges" "insider information" as shared with members of this group. The comments relate to Stan Tenen's post on the Sarfatti list.]

Because, the fact is, we are vulnerable here and Stan is moving very close to that point of vulnerability - the fact that we agreed to appear at the Fifth Way Mystery School conference in September - which would connect us almost directly to his[Stan's] "satanist/nazi" conspiracy.

Stan undoubtedly knows of the long relationship between Dan Winter and our own Doc Strange, Vincent Bridges. He probably also knows that Vincent is no friend of Jirka's because Vincent [has told all of us that he] knew about Jirka's connection to the Ramsey's and that is how he "saw" beneath the surface of the Ramsey case. [According to Vincent] Jirka and his pals REALLY ARE into Satanism. It's not a joke. And Vincent wrote about it as plainly as he could without risking going on a hit-list. [According to Vincent] It's clear that Vincent is NOT one of them, but who will care? He does "enochian magic."

The fact is, [according to Vincent] Jirka tried to "buy" Dan Winter, and couldn't. The fact is, Stan knows that Dan was connected to Vincent, that Vincent was supposed to publish Dan's book. So, the thread is leading to denounce us here as Satanists, Nazis and funded by Jirka [the head Satanist according to Vincent].

[According to Vincent] his own dabbling in things enochian are intended in quite another direction, however, that doesn't matter. A connection is a connection. And it is, in this case, a serious weakness in our defenses.

So it is, with regret, that Ark and I have decided that, for the safety of the group, for the preservation of all we have worked so hard for, for so many years, that we must cancel our appearance at the conference in Zaca Lake.

We have walked a careful path, attempting to build a bridge between science and mysticism. We have made tremendous progress. And, we are certain that Vincent will understand the necessity for this move, and will agreeably refund the pre- paid reservations for all of you who were going to attend simply to hang out with us.

And to make it up to all of you, we will arrange our own "symposium" in the very near future. I am sure that there is enough talent here on the group that we could have a nice series of lectures on varous topics from some of you!


Vincent responds: Well isn't that just grand! Things get rough and you decide to dump the person working overtime to get your material in print, to get you an income for your efforts and to give you a venue, a credible venue, in which to present your ideas...

Sorry, but I don't understand. First you trash the conference with your disclaimer on the site, and then when its too late for a refund on the deposit and you're the only speaker left, you decide not to do it. So, you have your symposium, already scheduled, booked and paid for entirely by people who came to hear you guys anyway. Might be a good idea to take advantage of it. Don't worry, there won't be any one else there but the staff. Perhaps you'd care to explain why that's not acceptable?

As for the rest of the above, well, let me say directly that I never asked, suggested or encouraged you in any way to write anything on Stan Tenen, nor did I give you permission to use my research on the case in your article, although I can't stop you because it is in the public domain as part of the court proceedings. If you had asked, I would have told you that it was a bad idea for the reasons you have just experienced.

And I have never said anything on the record, or given permission for any private communications to be shared, concerning Mr. Jirka Rysavy and "satanism" or the JonBenet Ramsey case.

Having said that, and I hope everyone understands why, I do wish Laura and Ark all the best, as I do think that the Cs material has much of vital interest to us all.

I will continue lurking unless I am purged completely, in which I case I take this opportunity to say good bye to you all.


------- End of forwarded message -------

From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea>
To: Goldenflower@...
Subject: (Fwd) [matrioshka] Re: dan stan and [Vincent] from

Send reply to: laura@cassiopaea
Date sent: Wed, 12 Dec 2001 14:02:40 -0500

Just FYI...

This from a public discussion board on which VB has posted a great deal of his lies and disinfo... apparently, there is someone there who claims to know something. But, again, it sounds more like what they "know" is partly what they have witnessed, and partly what they have been told.

Again and again, it tracks back to VB. What is interesting about this is that there is a claim that Dan Winter/Drunvalo engaged VB and wife to attempt some sort of Death Magic against Stan Tenen.

It just gets uglier and uglier.


------- Forwarded message follows -------

From: "wiolawa72">
Date sent: Wed, 12 Dec 2001 18:24:47 -0000
Subject: [matrioshka] Re: dan stan and [Vincent] from

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--- In matrioshka@y..., Wiolawa wrote:
> "well it wasnt till a little later that dan brought holt to
> my house.. and holt set up an assassination plot.. headed my way with
> drunvalo...then dan had [Vincent] and his wife do a ritual with sekmet
> at bell rock in sedona. all nite and a crowley exericise in futility
> to the ophanim.... i didnt like that they were using my
> timeshare...."
Andy asks:
> I've been doing some checking and can find nothing on holt without
> first names.
> I'm waiting to see VB's spin on this, that should be entertaining.
> Are you serious about an "assassination plot?" Who wanted to
> assassinate who? Who is "holt?"
> Was this the famous "Sedona Working?" And it was an "assassination
> plot?" That's all I can think of.
> Have you heard any of the rumors about Drunvalo being a Satanist?
> What about that Bulgarian or Czech or Rumanian guy who was backing
> Stan and Drunvalo and Dan? I heard he was mixed up in something
> strange? What's the scoop on that?
> Andy......

well andy you seem to be a knowledgeable student of the more esoteric...ron holt was drunvalos major jackass assistant.. and he is married to lyssssa royal.. yerka..was the czech.. who funded drunvalo.bought him a million $$$ house temple.whatever in prescott..drug money king.. also funded hoagy... all that is a long story.... i got out of the assassination attempt thanx to dennis banks of aim.. police also trying to get drunvalo.. coca...etc..yes he is a snake....sedona is headquartersfor much nwo dan..... hmmmm.. i do feel some sorrow for him.. he worked both sides.. for info..thanx for your astute questions. take a look at you have time wio

From: Goldenflower@…..
Date sent: Tue, 11 Dec 2001 14:42:56 EST
Subject: Re: Warning



It is time for cooler heads to prevail. This has an air of cointelpro.

I need to see proof about VB. If what you say is true I will sue him immediately. I will probably need you as witnesses.

Everything I have said to you is true and I have witnesses to prove it. Mr. "Bridges", if he did say any or all of the things you said, is lying. He is lying on his website if he said that he 'recieved' the Hendaye knowledge in Aug 96. I didn't even know him in Aug. 96!

Since I had already told JR, and many others, about my discoveries years before I met VB - I cannot understand where VB is getting this from. I can see that he was glomming onto my work. He helped, I am not saying that, but most of the work had been done before he even came on board which was Nov 97 (Again I have witnesses). For instance, I had already wrote and directed the documentary 'Earth Under Fire' by Oct 97. This was a month before I told VB at my house in the Rockies (which I didn't buy until Aug 97). JR financed the Earth under Fire film because he saw how it coincided with the Hendaye material I had dug up. He and I made the film to show people the catastrophic double nature of a galactic explosion. Just like Fulcanelli, and the cross said. I had done all of this before I told VB. So you can understand my being a little pissed off when he tries to steal my work.

I have been through many trials. Many people had tried to destroy my credibility. I stayed out of the Dan Winter/ Stan thing. I guarentee you this. Stan Tenen told me that JR was the only guy who could really understand his work. Someone manipulated Stan into Hating JR. And I have no idea why. JR gave Stan a lot of money to finance his research. Until Stan and Hoagland burned JR he was a very generous man. Not very discerning perhaps, but generous - to a fault.

Again, I am the only person who knows the inside story about JR. I was one of the first people hired at Gaiam. I created catalogues, directed films, and developed projects for them. There is no satanic activity going on at Gaiam. Capitalist maybe but not satanic. The idea is ridiculous. Someone is trying to destroy him.

If it is VB then I will go after him. But I need to see proof.

Also I would appreciate any documents that state I 'purloined' anything from JR's office. This guy has hundreds of millions of dollars. Why wouldn't he have fired me if he caught me purloining anything from his office. The fact is that he knew that I had copied the book and He was not vbery happy with that fact. That was the extent of the affair.

Maybe someone doesn't like it when a rich guy hands out money for research? Maybe someone is attempting to destroy JR?


"Jay Weidner"

From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea>
To: Goldenflower@...
Subject: Question

Send reply to: laura@cassiopaea
Date sent: Thu, 13 Dec 2001 10:51:05 -0500


After receiving a number of emails from readers about VB and activities, including the one that was forwarded to me yesterday from the Matrioshka discussion group, and which I forwarded to you about VB and some sort of bizarre "assassination" deal, I have begun to think that maybe there is something to your remark about "cointelpro" whatever that is.

Another strange connection was mentioned by a reader in Austrailia who claims that VB knows a local, wealthy pedophile far too well for it to be accidental.

Put that together with VB's "Sekhmet" post right after the WTC attack wherein it was stated about the attack itself "The ringing voice of the goddess has been heard at last..." yak yak...

And all of his remarks about drug running, gun running, and now this other person mentioning drug activities etc (though I do NOT for a MOMENT think that it has anything to do with Mr. R, becaus I think that part of this operation is designed to bring Mr. R down through associations with such as Drunvalo, Holt, etc... it is looking VERY ugly and very scary) There are also VB's claims to have Puharich's papers, etc... and on and on and on.

At this point, VB and Storm Bear are hassling our server and the server owners don't want a hassle and are threatening to dump our site.

So, we are tired of dealing with him and his continued ongoing attacks, libel, slander, hassle etc etc. We have had enough and we have enough bits and pieces of evidence and claims that maybe it is time to just send it all to the FBI and let them handle it.

Somebody needs to put this guy and his gang, whoever they are - whether they are Satanists or what - out of action. If you and your boss think you can do it, be my guest. Otherwise, it all goes out of our hands.


From: Goldenflower@…..
Date sent: Thu, 13 Dec 2001 18:03:05 EST
Subject: Re: Question



I left town for 2 days to think this whole thing over.

For one thing Jirka Rysavy and I have gone our seperate ways in Aug 2000. I haven't talked to him, even once, in that time. I am loyal to a fault and I will send him the emails however that prove that VB is connecting JBR to JR. I need VB's post to the physicists.

If I go after VB it will have to be on my own. I have to go where it hurts which means I have to squash the publication of AMET - which I suspect is the cause of this whole nasty business. I don't want to do this because of all my hard work but it is the only way to hurt VB.

Cointellpro is counter intelligence program, a program started by certain agencies in the 60's to root our radicals and disrupt organizations. It usually consists of a 'he said - she said' manipulation until everything is thrown into chaos and everyone looks like fools.

The most difficult aspect of this entire affair, for me, is that I unknowingly defended VB and attacked people , like you, who obviously didn't deserve it. For that I'm truly sorry. I thought that you and VB were organizing the event at Zaca and that you screwed me by backing out at the last minute, without caring about the ramifications of your actions. I am very good at attacking because of my long years on the radio. I was attacked from all quarters then and became very good at attacking back. It is a purely defensive position from someone who has a right to be paranoid.

From what you have shown me I suspect that they may infiltrated me with VB. This does not exonerate me from responsibility however. I should have been more discerning. I will do whatever has to be done to rectify the situation.

Thank you for your time and keep updated on all events concerning VB. I will be writing him instructing him stop selling AMET or I will sue him. It is the only thing that I can do to stop him outside of suing him, which I will have to do, probably, anyway.


"Jay Weidner"

From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea>
To: Goldenflower@...
Subject: Re: Question

Send reply to: laura@cassiopaea
Date sent: Thu, 13 Dec 2001 19:12:27 -0500

On 13 Dec 2001, at 18:03, Goldenflower@... wrote:

> I left town for 2 days to think this whole thing over.

Hi, I don't blame you. I have stayed upset for the past 4 months.

> For one thing Jirka Rysavy and I have gone our seperate ways in Aug 2000. I
> haven't talked to him, even once, in that time. I am loyal to a fault and I
> will send him the emails however that prove that VB is connecting JBR to JR. I
> need VB's post to the physicists.

The post to the physicists was the one I sent by Stan in which I recognized, almost word for word, VB's story. It was at that moment that I "woke up." I knew that Stan was sincere, but that he had been manipulated too, because I did not for a minute believe Mr.R was guilty.

> If I go after VB it will have to be on my own. I have to go where it hurts
> which means I have to squash the publication of AMET - which I suspect is the
> cause of this whole nasty business. I don't want to do this because of all my
> hard work but it is the only way to hurt VB.

Perhaps you can go another route with it? I was rereading his whole story which I, by the way, posted on the site yesterday - and over and over again he was saying "my book, my work, my research." Well, back when, everyone believed him. You were just the "behind the scenes flunky who wrote two chapters." So, re-reading that nonsense, after you have said that you did all that work (which I so much admired, and which was what convinced me that VB was a scholar, by the way) -anyway, I was just sick.

As for anything else, well... VB is very clever.. he doesn't own anything. Even though he claims that sales of AMET have "spiked," what does it mean when he doesn't even have a legal company to do the accounting?

> Cointellpro is counter intelligence program, a program started by certain
> agencies in the 60's to root our radicals and disrupt organizations. It usually
> consists of a 'he said - she said' manipulation until everything is thrown into
> chaos and everyone looks like fools.

Oy. Now I DO think I'm going to be sick. That is EXACTLY what this is like. And we aren't the only ones. A*** B*** , in New York, who did a whole raft of research on Montauk, etc, has been caught in the exact same trap.

> The most difficult aspect of this entire affair, for me, is that I
> unknowingly defended VB and attacked people , like you, who obviously didn't
> deserve it.

Well, I feel the same way about you and a number of other people who I also thought were "the enemy." Now, what do I do? There is almost nothing I can say to excuse the fact that I allowed VB to convince me that they were doing things that they obviously (now) were never doing. One is that poor guy who just wanted to promote books and VB had to get rid of him so he convinced everyone that the guy was spying on him because he, VB that is, was talking to us.

> For that I'm truly sorry. I thought that you and VB were
> organizing the event at Zaca and that you screwed me by backing out at the last
> minute, without caring about the ramifications of your actions.

It's almost comical if it didn't hurt so much. WE though YOU and VB were organizing the event, and that you were his "partner" in all things - or really, his "sidekick."

Another really sick thing he did was subscribe me to his FWMS discussion group without even asking me. I had no idea what it was all about - damn it! I was working! I didn't have time to pay attention to all his maneuvers! And I tried to be polite about it and wrote a couple of posts to what I perceived as some abysmally ignorant people. After 3 or 4 posts, the whole thing gave me the creeps and I didn't even bother reading it anymore.

Well, guess what? NOW the fact that I was on that list is being touted as proof that I was on a "ritual magick list!"

Geez. Never mind the fact that I can prove to anybody who wants to look at my mail folders that I never opened or read the messages after January.

> I am very good
> at attacking because of my long years on the radio. I was attacked from all
> quarters then and became very good at attacking back. It is a purely defensive
> position from someone who has a right to be paranoid.

Well, just because you are paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get you!

Yeah, I know it's a sick joke, but darned if it isn't true in this case.

What's the body count by now? How much death and destruction has this guy left in his wake? Why has he targeted Mr. R? Why us? Why Stan Tenen? Why Dan Winter (who is probably whacky, but harmless without VB pulling the strings from all I could tell - though I could be wrong again on that.)

> From what you have shown me I suspect that they may infiltrated me with VB.

Yup. Question is: why?

> This does not exonerate me from responsibility however. I should have been more
> discerning. I will do whatever has to be done to rectify the situation.

Jay, I don't know if ANYTHING can be done. VB doesn't own anything so you can't threaten him financially. He and his friend Storm Bear are having a great time defaming us all over the web as a cult and calling my husband a Nazi infiltrator. Never mind that my husband's family lost everything they had to the Nazi's during WWII and survived, (and only a few of them at that) barely with the clothes on their backs. I stay upset day after day. I cry a lot. I spend time I ought to be working on my book (which you would like, by the way), writing web pages to defend these vicious attacks.

He had his computer pal Storm Bear falsify a message from my husband to another person who was ready to jump on us. The only thing is, since English is not Ark's first language, I was able to convince people that Ark didn't write it because he is not familiar with American slang and the email was so colloquial that anybody could see that.

Now, they have threatened our host server with legal action and the guy has told us we have to move our site...

And it just never ends.

If you can think of anything that we haven't thought of, please let us know. These guys are literally spiritual terrorists.

> Thank you for your time and keep updated on all events concerning VB. I will be
> writing him instructing him stop selling AMET or I will sue him. It is the only
> thing that I can do to stop him outside of suing him, which I will have to do,
> probably, anyway.

See above. Sueing him won't stop him. I don't think anything will.

I will keep my eyes open, and when people send me stuff (which they do) I will let you know.

Do NOT expect it to be easy to deal with. Telling the guy "no" and meaning it will bring the wrath of Hell down on your head because he has a new covy of folks who believe everything he tells them.

Best, and good luck. You'll need it.


From: Goldenflower@....
Date sent: Thu, 13 Dec 2001 20:45:09 EST

Copies to:


After much thought and investigation I have determined that your reputation, and your many untruths, have cost us so much in credibility that I feel that I must, reluctantly, demand that Aeytheria Books please stop selling, distributing or in any way promoting the book 'A Monument to the End of Time' by Jay Weidner and Vincent Bridges.

As I have no contract, and it is obvious, by now, that you misrepresented yourself to me, that I have no choice but to break all contacts between you and I.

I also want you, and your web site, to state specifically that you did not hear about my research on the Cross at Hendaye until November 1997. You have consistantly misrepresented your research into the matter that I no longer wish for the association to be made at all. If you write any books on the research of Hendaye I will sue you to stop publication of any and all books that you write concerning the subject.

I have ample proof that you lied repeatedly about your relationship with Jirka Rysavy and myself. You have told people that you met him and he knew that you 'saw through him'. Vincent you never met JR. NEVER! Not in NC , Not in Boulder, not anywhere on planet Earth.

You have trashed me and lied about me on numerous occasions. It is obvious that you are and ego out of control - or worse. I wish to have nothing to do with you any longer.

With the lies you have told others about how I 'stole' 'Architecture of Nature' from Jirka's office and GAVE it to you. What a lie. What a 'fuck-you' to someone who was your friend. Absolutely nothing about the statement is the truth. I took nothing from JR's office and you know it. I certainly never gave such a valuable book to you. By the way, the reason that RL was so upset about this incident was that he thought you would get the book. He thought that you were definately part of the counterfeit intiation and indeed he was right - much to my chagrin.

I have offically apologized to Laura and Ark for my believing your many lies. I look forward to working with them to uncover everything else about you that can be discovered. Perhaps you are the reason for the fight between Dan and Stan. I had never thought of it before - but, dangit, you seem to be everywhere that trouble errupts. Why is that VB?

How many more of your stories are lies and fabrications? You see that is why I must insist on withdrawing AMET from publication. I don't know how many lies are carefully concealed within its pages.

If you don't withdraw the book from publication I will sue you for personal and financial damages. I know that you do not have any money but I feel that I must win in court to protect my own credibility.

Thanks for destroying all my research on the secret of Hendaye. Thanks for claiming credit where you deserved none. Thanks for stealing and lieing behind my back. Thanks for your many insults concerning me. They will not be forgotten.


Jay Weidner

Continue with the Weidner Correspondence


See also:

Vincent Bridges Tells His Own Story

Vincent Bridges AKA "Dr. Strange"
New Age Grifter or COINTELPRO?

Vincent Bridges AKA "Dr. Strange"
Psychotherapist? Or Hacker and Thief?

Is Truth Defamatory?

The COINTELPRO Files: Vincent Bridges and Co. (photographic exhibit)

The Bridges - Jadczyk Correspondence

The Weidner - Jadczyk Correspondence



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