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The Jadczyk - Weidner CorrespondenceTo: Goldenflower@... Subject: Re: STOP AMET NOW! Send reply to: laura@cassiopaea Date sent: Thu, 13 Dec 2001 20:58:10 -0500 On 13 Dec 2001, at 20:49, Goldenflower@... wrote: > Subj: STOP AMET NOW! Whoah! You weren't kidding, were you? Well, the merde is going to hit the fan now. Remind me when I am not so upset to try to remember the story VB told us about Debra Lawlor and her translation of that mystery volume that he was sure she was doing for parties unknown. I can't even remember who it was. Apparently she visited him (or so he claimed) in NC in late June or early July of this year. He claimed she was "spying" on him and trying to get OUR books away from him! What a laugh I see that as now! But O*** did write and indicate that he remembered the story about the purloined book and would be willing to say so on the record if need be. Geez, I have the idea you are going to be under a lot of fire - even if it starts off with the whining and "who, me? I never..." Oy vey. Laura From: Goldenflower@.... The whining has already begun. Soon it will turn to vitriol. How about some fun? If you want to laugh until you cry go rent the film 'Henry Fool'. It is a low budget film that nails this whole thing to the wall. And Henry Fool is a dead ringer for VB. In EVERY way! Watch out for Hoagland. He is exactly what you say he is and he is not nearly as ineffectual as VB. He is a hardened sociopath with the sugary charm of a southern gentleman. Bara is a no-holds-bar ass who is a fool, or an agent. I know the whole scene all to well. Sincerely Jay Weidner From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea> On 14 Dec 2001, at 12:50, Goldenflower@... wrote: > The whining has already begun. Soon it will turn to vitriol. How about some Well, about now I could use a movie, I tell ya. On the other side is C*** B*** (A***) who was taken for this same ride by Joe Matheny of Incunabula fame, and Peter Moon - some guy who promotes the whole PhilExp/Montauk thing. In her case, it was REALLY bizarre. He even faked the "double suicide" of his parents, for god's sake, to get sympathy and money. As it turned out later, she discovered that his creditors were hounding him. Well, she gave him the money... > "Walter", it is starting to look like the craziest and scariest thing I have ever seen. I even wonder if I would have pressed the issue with trying to verify VB if I had known it would lead out in so many directions. We kind of joke that he is the "Energizer bunny" of psychopaths - no matter how many lies you demonstrate with evidence are lies, he keeps going and going and going.... Even with the real G. Richard Bozarth waiting in the wings to give a statement, even with Asimov's magazine verifying repeatedly that VB was lying, even with repeated refutations of ANY association with DAW books (even the clincher about the firm being Jewish so they would NEVER have contracted such a book) he STILL tries to insist he wrote those things, they contracted for it, etc. Damndest thing I have ever in my life seen. We are moving our website offshore so we will have more "safety." I have no idea if it is necessary to be concerned about personal safety here. By the way, VB once said that the movie "Pi" (symbol) was about Dan Winter. Is that true (why am I even asking...) Hang in there, I think we are in for a rough ride. Laura From: Goldenflower@.... Actually 'Pi' was about Stan Tenen!!! Amazing, the way VB inverts everything. Soon we will hear that he introduced me to JR and was born in Hendaye!!! You see what is going on here is very simple. Once there was a great tradition. This tradition had been passed down from before history to Egypt and then to alchemical Europe via the Holy Family that lived in France. This tradition taught that humans, through certain practices could turn into 'light bodies'. The church destroyed this tradition, finishing the job with the destruction of the Templars. After this no one knows much of anything. The Family pulled away from history and the result was the crazy fads and faulty research of the Rosicrucians, The HBL, The Golden Dawn, Blavatsky, Crowely and all of the rest of the clap trap that came after the 1300's. Everything that is known is based on faulty research and tradition. It is, in fact, a counterfeit tradition. The result of these faulty initiations and research is the creation of light bodies that are only half way there, so to speak. They are also called vampires. Fulcanelli came to teach us that there was once a great and beautiful tradition. This tradition came from Egypt to Israel to France. They built the great cathedrals and were part of a glorious and incredible tradition - most of which is completely lost. Hoagland, VB and all of the rest are the bastard children of the counterfeit tradition. With no direction they stumble in the dark. With no morals they lie cheat and steal. There is a tradition and there are masters of light. They are the holy family that still exists even if they have withdrawn from history. They help us who stay on the path and refuse to lower ourselves to the darker powers of this world. In other words - this is serious shit. Sincerely Jay Weidner From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea> Hi, I thought you ought to see this. Since you mentioned the word "cointelpro," I went out and looked it up and found a book about it and shared some clips with the group since it sure does look like the same thing is going on here. Well, we have a really integrated mix of folks, and the woman who wrote this is a physics student at CUNY, has been here to visit with us, is from Jamaica, and VB sure did try to lure her into his operation. She was too busy with classes and a new baby, thankfully, but she is referring below to some private conversation she had with VB that she later shared with me via phone. Problem is, if he was in Jamaica during these times. what happened to his other stories??? I mean, what the heck was the guy REALLY doing?
From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea> On 15 Dec 2001, at 12:56, Goldenflower@... wrote: > Excuse me but did this lady say that VB claimed to be in Nicaragua and El Indeed. That is exactly what she is saying. Only this is a phone conversation. She called me (from New York, where she lives) right after and repeated it to me in some puzzlement, but at the time, we had NO idea that VB's story was going to turn out to be so bizarre. We still believed he was who he said he was and none of us had taken the time to examine his claims, or cross- check, or check his references. So, this item was lost in the shuffle until you mentioned the word "cointelpro," which I had never heard of (I spent my youth with my nose in books, so the real world was pretty much ignored!) Anyway, in response to you telling me what it was, and realizing that this sure sounded like what was going on here, I went on a web search. I found some articles, posted them to our group, and I**** reminded me of this conversation she had with VB. Well, NOW, of course, looking at the timeline of his activities (or lies about same) that we have tried to assemble, we can't figure out HOW he could have done all the things he claimed to have done, AND be in Jamaica huffing drugs with the locals. It just doesn't make any sense. BUT, since I**** grew up in Jamaica, and only recently moved to the U.S., she has inside info on the locale, and VB was apparently doing the "we're hermanos" routine with her about Jamaica to induce her support of his agenda at the time he was speaking to her. What is also quite alarming is VB's "inside knowledge" of a fellow down in Australia who was stalking another member of our group. This person, apparently known to VB, is a rich pedophile. I'm telling you, there is something very deep and scary in all this. And it relates to this Drunvalo guy and his buddy Holt, Dan Winter, and others where we have found threads of connections that we are still waiting to verify. A REAL serious "counter investigation" needs to be done here, somehow, some way, and we have no idea how to do it other than posting what we discover on the net and waiting for informants to send us further info. We have spent a bundle on background checks, public record searches, and so on. But without real "field experience," we are hampered somewhat. If there is, and it seems to be so, as you suggest, a cointelpro operation going on designed to discredit, embarrass, destroy, coopt, or whatever, legitimate scholars and people who are truly pursuing paths of investigation into our world, who runs it, and all of that, if it is not exposed - any of us can be the next victim. And once they have destroyed your reputation, nothing you say will ever matter again. This is what VB seems to specialize in. Member of the group mentioned that the Discovery show on Atlantis with VB on it claiming HIS book, and HIS research was run again last night somewhere. She pointed out that he never mentioned your name once. Well, that may be a good thing for YOU, but not a good thing for the book. Yes, I KNOW we have better things to do: like write books, do research, and expose the Matrix for what it is... but, damn it, we will accomplish nothing if we are marginalized and made laughing stocks! L From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea> I wrote and asked I**** specifically why she connected El Salvador and Nicaragua. Here is her reply. So, we don't have a conection. L
From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea> VB has sent the following. Funny that he thinks he can submit a 'bill' when he has no legal company (which he fraudulently misrepresented himself as having, which instantaneously invalidates any purported contract he thinks he had, oral or otherwise, never mind the fact that he defaulted on the purported oral agreement to begin with.) No point in wasting time pointing out the inaccuracies in his remarks - I'm writing today and have better things to do. But, indeed, we refused his package. Who wouldn't after discovering all his lies and hearing all the threats, implied or direct, and knowing that his associate, Storm Bear works for a pharmaceutical company. Do we look stupid? It's also strange that he hasn't realized that the "truth about enochian article" that he references, is a LINK TO ANOTHER SITE!!!! It opens in the frame window, but it is not even on our site!!! Also, his long "confession" that he is now claiming copyrighted, was posted to numerous discussion groups, by his own admission. It was posted to our group as well, long before we instituted the privacy policy, and he knew it. He posted it to 200 people at one point, on a public list. What is more, it is not a "cut and paste." It is the full monologue from a series of emails in a continuous thread, with only the names of the innocent removed. He is really worrying about his posts now because he knows that all his lies are detectable there. L
From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea> Hi, I was looking today through my email folders to try and discover when the first mention of the conference was and I found this email to a member of our group. So, I guess that this records my first awareness of it on Feb 8, since I have written here that this was the day VB called to ask if we would do it. Of course, it came with the thing about the books... so it was tied up in a "package," so to say. I admit I was lured by the fact that I didn't want to hassle with the publishing end of things. I just wanted to do the research and write, and somebody offering to take that load was a real temptation and I said yes... L From: Goldenflower@.... Date sent: Sat, 15 Dec 2001 18:31:11 EST Subject: Re: STOP AMET NOW! To: laura@cassiopaea Open letter from Jay Weidner: Dear Laura and Ark: I too was misled by Vincent Bridges. Although he is a brilliant scholar, he has misrepresented his past and his own contribution to the book we co-wrote 'A Monument to the End of Time'. First off - I was under the impression that the event at Zaca Lake was sponsered by you guys and Vincent . Via Mr. Bridges I thought that you had cut out on him leaving Zaca Lake with a completely open weekend in the late summer and screwing Zaca Lake Charity out of $8000. I now realize I was wrong on this and I completely apologize for my out-of line remarks concerning you in that instant. Vincent Bridges has claimed that he 'recieved' the Hendaye information in August 1996 while on vacation with Dan Winter. This is a complete fabrication. I had been working on the Hendaye puzzle since 1986. I had uncovered all of the important facts concerning the monument years before I met Vincent which was in September 1996. I did not convey any of my findings or tell him about the Cross at Hendaye until November 1997. I have witnesses to this event. He is out and out lying about 'recieving' the info in August 1996. The secret of Hendaye was not channeled or 'recieved'. It was the result of years of thankless research, most of it alone and unaided. It cost me my first marraige and Vincent Bridges owes me thousands of dollars, of my own money, that I lent him to help with the research near the end of the writing of the book. One can imagine my outrage when I hear that all of those years of research and hard work were actually accomplished from Vincent having a channeled session with the Enochian angels in the desert somewhere. Nope, I am sorry, it was just plain hard work and dedication that did it. No mystical revelations, no chance encounters with ghostly beings and no channeled messages from the Ophainim. While he did contribute to the book, which is why I let him share credit, the major and important findings on Hendaye were accomplished long before November 1997. Including: The mystery of Fulcanelli's identity, Canseliet's strange trip to the Pyrenees, the missing Hendaye chapter from the first printing of Cathedrals, the Family in France and how they understood the secret of time, the relationship of Hendaye to the Rennes Le Chateau mystery, the galactic alignment and the secret of the cross, the complete Peru part of the mystery and much more. One may disagree or agree with my findings but they are what makes up the book. My heart is saddened that Vincent Bridges continues to misrepresent himself so I have, reluctantly, asked him to cease publishing the book as he has damaged the credibility of the research. It is up to him to set his career, and life, back in order. To do this he must apologize to everyone publicly for his misrepresentations. Thanks to all for their time in this matter. I hope I have helped to straighten out this ugly mess. Sincerely, Jay Weidner From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea> Hi, I am still compiling documents on the "subject," and it is, indeed, looking like the "cointelpro" thing. What is pretty shocking is a recent event re: VB's last visit here in July which was the time he was chatting with our two friends about the book and other matters. At that point in time, a really unusual event happened which acted to expose VB's motivations and methods so clearly that it is shocking in retrospect. It was a "mirror session" with VB at the wheel driving. It was taped. As it happens, one of his "allies" went to a great deal of trouble to "invite herself" into our home for five days. That was fine because we thought she was a friend and a person in need of help. She presented herself as being extremely concerned about her findings re: VB. She was also VERY interested in this taped session. It was only AFTER she learned of its existence that she began angling to visit us. When she got here, she was MOST interested in listening to, and transcribing this tape into a notebook. So, we brought it out and all of us listened to it several times. (Another guest was present). Well, last week I was going to transcribe the tape, make a sound file, and post it on the website. I knew she had transcribed it into this notebook I had handed her for the purpose, so I took it down, and the transcription was missing. 17 pages from a 100 page notebook. Well, okay - I'll just do it over. I located the tape. Guess what? It was erased. I remembered how, when we had finished listening to it that she had taken the tape player and set it down on the floor on the other side of her chair, out of everyone's line of vision. A few minutes later, she "clumsily" dropped some books and papers in the same spot, and was down there picking them up and straightening the mess... all the while saying "oh, clumsy me..." So, what is on this tape? A muddy recording of the coversation between the four of us from that point on. She deliberately had used this "accident" to turn on the record function, to cover the sound of the clicking of the tape buttons. Because you have to push TWO buttons simultaneously to make it record. So, not only is the evidence of VB's real objectives now gone from the tape, the transcription is also gone. And who is this person? Geez, "Walter"... it gets weirder and weirder. She is a woman who barged into our group right around the time of the August- Sept debacle that VB described to us in one of his emails when he was talking about JR and JBR. She is a professor of English at a Uni in Wisconsin. She has quite a story to tell, so if you ever have the time, and want to look at this aspect of the possible links of cointelpro stuff that seems to be emerging here, let me know and I will forward the compilation of the paper trail. I save everything, so I do have a way of correlating these events by dates on emails. A very serious picture is emerging. Is VB cointelpro? Was he sent to infiltrate your work, and then later bring you down by being discredited himself? Was part of his job to connect your work to his Crowle magic? Was his next assignment to do the same with us? Is his handler really this Dr. Burns at Uni wisc? Heck, I don't know. You seem to be more familiar with all of it than I am. I do think, though, that something is building behind the scenes with all of this and it is not just ugly, it is dangerous. Meanwhile, we posted your letter on the Zaca page, the discussion page, and the VB page, and hundreds of people have read it by now, so they know that you were taken in also, and it will certainly go far to distance you from the Crowley/Enochian magic folks. I think that VB was counting on the fact that both of us are always busy and would never read the material on his website. Well, it was true until somebody forcibly brought it to my attention. Hope you are surviving the manipulations. I tried to get the movie you mentioned but will have to look a little further. I guess we are still a backwater here and everything is not always available. Again, thank you and we will help when and if we can. Just ask. Laura From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea> Hi "Walter", Are you saying now that we have blackmailed you as Vincent is claiming? L [Laura's note: I will add some comments in colored text to save later commentary.]
[Note: the above is another of Bridges outright lies. The reason for different groups is an attempt to satisfy the different interests of a very large group of people. Every member of the group is NOT interested in analyzing history or alchemy. Every member of the group is not interested in analyzing or sharing their personal experiences. This is a good example of the extremely bizarre perspective of Bridges.]
[Jojo Doyle seems to be suffering from the Vincent Bridges affliction. All of the posts of the research team are archived and Ms. Doyle has seriously twisted my remarks.]
[Again, Jojo Doyle has grossly misrepresented, and even outright lied in her above remarks. And again, the many posts of the research team are archived, and there are numerous witnesses to the extraordinary perfidy of Jojo Doyle.]
[Bridges asked me to please send him anything I could, and in exchange, he would share his results with me. This turned out to be a very one-sided affair. I was even surprised when AMET came out, to see a powerful reflection of the material I had sent him in spring of 1999 in the book. So, who stole what from whom?]
[Oh, does it ever get deeper. Bridges began trying to get me to call him in summer/fall of 1999. The many emails on file will demonstrate that he is the one who began "winding me up" to convince me that I needed his help as a hypnotherapist. In fact, we paid for his round-trip plane ticket to Florida, and even though he insisted that we not pay him, (a ploy to put us in his debt), I purchased a museum quality jade statuette of the Hindu god Ganesha as a thank you gift. What is more, the emails that were exchanged, many of them between a group, so it is not just "he said, vs. she said," will demonstrate that his description of our Belgian friend is a complete lie. His interest in the material was strictly as a publisher and distributor, a position that Mr. Bridges apparently wanted for himself.]
[Another casual lie. ]
Included long before we came up with the idea of the foundation was the fact that we needed some "official status" to investigate the backgrounds of various individuals. The reference to A*** above having joined several groups to get information was specifically in reference to "private investigating work." Again, all of this was openly discussed on the group forum. Jojo Doyle was "in the loop," and the only explanation I have for her lies is deliberate malice.]
[Maybe Bridges ought to look into the concept of "attorneys" and "accountants." His ignorance of business, however, is legendary, having claimed an LLC for years when none actually existed.]
[Again, Jojo Doyle is not merely lying, but grossly twisting yet again.]
[And again, Bridges is "playing to his clapper." Nothing of the kind ever did, or would exist. There are different groups simply because there are different people with different interests and different levels of committment to different ideas. No other reason.]
[Here, both Bridges and Doyle display their abysmal ignorance of the way things are done in scientific research and development. It is done exactly as they have described it, but their description puts a bizarre, "conspiratorial" slant on it, and their malicious aspersions about me simply have no explanation. There are many, many members of the said "groups, all of whome have participated in the many discussions, including a psysician and two psychologists, none of whom have ever formed the opinions about me or any of our work that are being propagated by Bridges in his delusional persona of a "psychotherapist."]
[Please note that Vincent Bridges is violating the privacy of numerous private individuals in public, including mis-identification, vicious innuendo, and malicious disparagement. He is sailing mighty close to the wind here.]
[What is truly bizarre about the above twisted description of a meeting held in our home - for the legitimate purpose of presenting a research proposal in the manner in which all such scientific research proposals are presented every day, is the fact that Bridges completely fails to mention the fact that it was HIS input that blew the entire effort. He KNEW that the gentleman who was interested in funding was a devout Mormon, and yet he took it upon himself to bring his Ophanic intelligences, his Kabballah, his magickal workings, into the discussion, completely confusing the guy as to what we were really doing.]
[What? The finished draft was sent to Bridges in March. It wasn't until July 22nd that Bridges wife informed us that the images she had asked for, which had been sent, were not adequate. In other words, even though the book was supposed to have been printed in July, until Bridges had been put on the spot for a contract at our house on July 5th, neither of them had even bothered to open the diskette and look at what we had sent. In short, there never was any intent to have the book ready for the conference. Also, why does a contract have to wait until the images are right? Illogical.]
[All lies. No other word for it. Bridges was, at the same period of time, trying to get his own funding from a group backed by the Nif family. They wanted to fund Christian Sacred Geometry research. He shot himself in the foot on that one, too, by sending them a copy of his and Dan Winter's plagiarized book which they immediately turned over to Stan Tenen's attorney to find out if it was legal for them to be involved with Bridges. After finding out that it was the plagiarized version, they dropped Bridges like a hot potatoe. He was thus, very anxious to get his own funding, and this desire for money made him try to go after the funding for the sacred geometry thing with the guy at our house, ending up just blowing the whole thing once again, not only for himself, but for Perseus Foundation. This was troubling enough in itself, but it wasn't until later that the full impact of his self-destruction hit us.]
From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea> On 17 Dec 2001, at 19:42, Vincent Bridges wrote: > From July 2000 to March 2001, Laura tried her best to get me to come for a Just want to comment on the above. I never throw anything away, or delete. I have a paper trail a mile long to refute everything he has said, as well as witnesses. So, if it is true, as he says, that you are now claiming that we have blackmailed you, I guess we will all go to court. I am not backing down from this spiritual terrorist. L From: Goldenflower@.... If you have blackmailed me I wish I knew what for. VB is clearly losing it with this stuff. Please keep this confidential but he wrote me an email on sunday calling me various names and saying I had betrayed him. Nevermind the truth. I wrote him back and told him to come clean, tell the truth and we all would probably forgive him. Who knows, I said, maybe Laura would even take down the nasty stuff on you. I told him that he was beginning to resemble Nixon. That he was blaming everyone instead of himself. I told him that the only way out is to say I'm sorry. I truly hoped that the email would do the trick. I can see that it hasn't. And that's too bad. We will see the total collapse now. There is nothing that can be done anymore. Sincerely, Jay Weidner From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea> Andy Rowland, who sort of feels it is his duty to be my "champion" has drawn this interesting comment from VB. Well, you and I both know that you have not forwarded any of VB's emails to me, so it would be impossible for me to share them with anyone. And I wouldn't anyway. But, oy, vey - can this guy ever push my buttons. Laura
From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea> Hi, Talk about synchronicity... Another victim of the VB type situation (a sort of high-profile case of her own) has just forwarded to us the info that an investigative journalist is interested in picking up the investigation into VB and friends and writing an expose for a magazine. We have tentatively agreed to turn over our dossiers and unpublished testimony for them to continue the investigation. That takes a load off my mind. Now somebody else can take care of it and I can get back to work. So, maybe we can all get back to normal. Laura
From: Goldenflower@.... The truth will out soon enough of that I am sure. What VB is, or is not, will soon become apparent. All I know is that ever since I started getting serious about Fulcanelli many people suddenly wanted to be my friend. VB was one of them. The research had reached a cresendo in early 1996 when JR promised to fund me. I met VB in sept 96. I thought VB was jealous because I always had support from people, I had discovered something of immense importance and I knew many 'famous' people involved with this kind of work. But now I am not so sure. The way he infiltrated was extremely disturbing. He began by 'counseling' my girlfriend Sharron (soon to be my wife). He worked his way under the radar until he and Darlene had become her 'best ' friends. That was when he began asking to visit me in Boulder. JR was clearly funding me and I was always alluding to my research without ever saying anything concrete. I took Fulcanelli's maxim 'keep silent' to heart and would not tell anyone what I was doing. Only JR and Sharron. As soon as VB entered into my life things got weirder and weirder. Their first visit ended with a complete flooding of my newly purchased house (they stayed in a bedroom in the basement - the flood originated in that room). The second and last time they came two of our favorite cats disappeared - never to be seen again!!!!!!!!!!!! Believe it or not, I kicked VB out of my house in Sept 99 and I have not seen his face since. Sharron started believing that he was doing black magic on her and she insisted on me asking him to leave. Only the tip ... Sincerely, Jay Weidner From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea> On 17 Dec 2001, at 23:14, Goldenflower@... wrote: > I truly hoped that the email would do the trick. I can see that it hasn't. And It's just getting worse. I've never seen anything like it before in my life except the antics of Ted Bundy in court. That is really the only thing I have ever seen that compares. And that is a hO***ble comparison to draw. Well, I'll keep you posted. There are about a dozen folks who are watching and send me what is pertinent. L From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea> On 17 Dec 2001, at 23:28, Goldenflower@... wrote: > As soon as VB entered into my life things got weirder and weirder. Their Now THAT is bizarre. I always watch the environment for symbols that "speak" to me... a dialogue with the universe, so to say. Well, during our interaction with VB, even though he was not in the house, we were just "connected" to his energy, I guess... we had REPEATED incidents with overflowing water... two of them were our "fault," in that we were so distracted we forgot that the tub was running, and it ran for an hour and a half... old claw foot, wooden floor, etc... what a MESS. But the real problem was our pool wall cracked on one side and began to collapse... this was really weird. We had to drain the pool half way (7.5 thousand gallons of water!) and do a fiberglass repair on it. It was a MESS. Then we kept getting leaks... two faucet handles came off in Ark's hand in one day... it was just crazy. So we KNEW that we had better sit up and pay attention. > Well, from some of the things we have heard, unprovable at this point, but witness testimony, he does a LOT of that. My baby did NOT like him and embarrassed me by asking point blank "when are you leaving?" So, to cover this up he took me aside and said he was "reading" all kinds of "fear" in her because she had been "exposed to frightening information too early." Well, later on I asked her why she didn't like VB... out of the mouths of babies... she said: "He reminds me of a vampire." I then asked her if she was worried about anything... you know, trying to find out if maybe we had been too open with the kids. Well, they call us "parental units" affectionately, and she said that no, indeed... the only thing that worried her was that the "parental units" were too trusting of other people and we really needed to get a grip and understand that there are people who are like the "agents" in the Matrix movie. I bet they are out there leaping in the moonlight, doing that mumbo jumbo right now. Probably sticking pins in dolls and everything. Well, he wanted to get famous, so maybe he will after all. Best, Laura From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea> On 18 Dec 2001, at 20:28, Goldenflower@... wrote: > I tried to go to the site but I kept getting a message from the server that it Sorry. We are in the process of moving our site because of VB's action on the owner of our server who believed him and not us. Didn't seem to matter that we are good customers for several years, pay our bills on time... VB worked his magic and has the guy eating out of his hand. If you can take file attachments, I can send the chapters one by one. They are pdf format. It will be a few days before the new site is up and running. Laura From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea> Hi, I tossed and turned all night because something was bugging me. I realized this morning what it was. On 17 Dec 2001, at 23:28, Goldenflower@... wrote:
I received an email from this investigative journalist guy who has some knowledge of these matters. I had mentioned that every time we had thought we had stopped VB by posting our research, he would get absolutely quiet for about three days, and then launch a new attack from another direction. Well, same thing happened with your open letter... three days of silence. So, of course I am thinking: "He is finally waking up... he will get it... the whole thing will come to an end, and we can all just kiss and make-up, etc." But then, boom! He starts off with a major salvo of lies, and makes the major thrust that obviously, we have "blackmailed" you, even writing it in such a way that it comes across that YOU have said this to him... Well, anyway, what this guy told me was that this three day delay is a BIG clue that it IS an COINTELPRO type operation (gee, I have you to thank for making me aware of the word and all it implies!) The guy says that it usually takes about three days for them to "assess" and create the new tactic. Well, where would VB come up with the idea of "blackmail," for God's sake? It was obviously designed, deliberately, to make us think that YOU had said it... and his words were carefully crafted in that sense. Okay, that's that. Next thing that was bugging me: The way he Now THIS is scary. VB, of course, is declaiming in public that I "begged him to come and help me because I was afraid I had been programmed." Well, guess what, he spent a year or more slowly planting and nurturing that idea, as well as presenting himself as the world's greatest deprogrammer. So, sure, I knew I had some weird experiences... maybe I needed to get them checked out? I can't figure out if he is after me and my book, or if he is after my husband and his research. He doesn't really attack Ark too much, but spends most of his time and effort just literally flaming me, libelling, slandering, everything you can imagine... some of it absolutely filthy - so as to get a rise out of Ark. I would sure like to compare stories with Sharron about what kinds of things he told her about her possible "abuse issues." >That was when he began asking to visit Yeah. Well, I shoulda listened to that part too! > This last really bothers me too. I have tried to avoid some of the uglier implications of the view of the tip of the iceberg, but there are things that just keep popping up, and I sort of shudder to think what is behind that facade. > What about the conference? I thought you were giving a presentation? What about Sharron? Wasn't she scheduled to give a presentation also??? L From: Goldenflower@.... One more thing, he stayed at another friends house in NY in 1998. Guess what happened? A pipe broke in the house and flooded everything!!!!! No kidding! Sincerely, Jay Weidner From: Goldenflower@.... We were not told that we were appearing until about six weeks before it was scheduled. I asked him what I was talking about and he didn't know. I figured that he would be in and out in 3 days and Zaca would make a bunch of money. He never offered to pay us (personally) and, frankly, we were doing it because he had made us feel bad about kicking him and Darlene out of our house in Sept 99. It is so obvious that he was manipilating both sides against the middle that I am angry at myself for being so stupid and blind. I believed him because I had never had cause to think he was a liar. Black magic maybe but not a liar. If I had to do it over again I would have had JR pay him for his research like Graham Hancock does with people. VB could have gone on his way with a few thousand bucks and I would be in peace. While Black Magic seems to work on Sharron it has hardly any affect on me. I don't know why but for some reason when people put curses on me they come back to haunt them immediately. if VB came to my house to do Black Magic on me in Sept 99 it backfired. Within a day or two he was dreadfully ill and couldn't come out of his room. If he was doing anything to me it never happened. Maybe he was coming to Zaca to pull something. I really don't know. You should understand something important though. The Masters of Light do everything for a reason. VB had to be cleared out of the picture because they think that it is time. They don't care if anyone knows about Hendaye - that is not the point. But listen up and listen good. The Illuminati wants to know where the Masters live so they can kill them. Get it? We will never be their willing slaves as long as the Masters are alive. They do not want VB to know about their whereabouts. Are you getting it yet? He was sent in to find them. He, and they, think that me, you, or someone will lead them to the Masters. But that will never happen with me. I will never lead anyone to them. Even if I knew I would never tell. You must beware of what you have told VB already. I do not know if you have ever discussed such subjects with VB but he pestered me about it constantly. Always wanting to know where I thought they lived and how we could get money to go there. No matter how much you yearn to find the truth - you must remember - those that do not deserve the truth are following your every move. At this point there can be no doubt about it. Take care and be careful, this is going to get weird, I just know it. Sincerely, Jay Weidner From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea> Okay, we need to discuss this further. You have made the hair on my head stand up... On 18 Dec 2001, at 16:05, Goldenflower@... wrote: snip> Same thing here. After he was here for the now infamous "mirror session," (will explain later), he nearly died of pneumonia, or so I was told. > Well, this was an insight I had. The first guy tried to get us to UK... but we refused. Too much risk. And then VB did the loooong manipulation to make us feel beholden, plus he was doing so much work for our book (not true...) so that we reluctantly agreed to appear at his seminar. When he let me know there was going to be a bunch of weird ritual type folks, I just braced myself and decided that I was gonna disabuse them of the notions, and if he didn't like it, tough.
Well, they sure cleared him out because it is because of C's that VB was exposed... I was really believing in him and they absolutely refused to comunicate with him here and just repeated "look in the mirror and see what is behind the mirage." Well, I was so damn dumb that I had NO IDEA what they were talking about. Well, he tried to use this event to demand over and over for me to "see" where certain things were hidden on the planet. When he asked, my heart nearly exploded and I knew that I was in danger. I will send you the testimony of the witnesses because this is the tape that was partly erased by VB's "agent," and the transcript of it was stolen. > Oh, yeah. Now a LOT of things C's have said make sense. Boy, was VB ever feeding me a line of hooey... > Well, I know that the instant I knew in my conscious mind, my life wouldn't be worth a plugged nickel. But I also know that I will know when the time is right. > This is what is making my hair stand up. Thank God the C's are more clever than I ever imagined. > Always wanting to know where I thought they lived and how we could get money to No kidding. > At this point there can be no doubt about it. I agree. > No doubt. Now, I will forward to you the witnesses of the "mirror session." Try to get the gist of it without a whole lot of background as I am cooking dinner and can't write right now. L
From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea> Here are the relevant descriptions of the "Mirror Session" with VB written close to the time.
From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea> On 18 Dec 2001, at 11:23, Goldenflower@... wrote: > One more thing, he stayed at another friends house in NY in 1998. Guess what I would really like to understand this symbology. Overflowing water... floods... (and it was a big joke here with my husband's name Ark..!) faucet handles coming off... cats disappearing, pool walls collapsing, pipes breaking... All (except the cats) relating to water "out of control." I think there is a clue to something here but I can't quite wrap my mind around it. Strange. Another thing, he writes in his bio about his "booming" psychotherapy business, and how he was there, in NC, hiding out from the bad guys all those years... but it seems that that isn't true at all. Was he living in NC and traveling back and forth to Colorado and Sedona? Has he really been to India and Tibet and all those other places? Did you download Babel and read it? It's a sleeper. I wonder if the guy even knew he was writing about the "green language?" L From: Goldenflower@.... I have no doubt that the masters use many methods of dispensation. What they all are, and what they consist of, is their mystery. I am a very practical person who really doesn't buy into the black magic scene. One can harm another only if you let them. Simply by asking for help, in the proper way, and it comes. Everytime. If they have chosen to communicate with you, then it shall be shown by your actions. If they have chosen you then you are in for a very rough, but interesting, time. Defend yourself with justice, lies and deception are the tools of the counterfeit tradition that now rules us. As Fulcanelli says: knowledge, power, courage, discretion. These are the four qualities that are needed to perform the Great Work. Credit is unimportant. Sincerely, Jay Weidner From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea> On 18 Dec 2001, at 20:37, Goldenflower@... wrote: > If they have chosen to communicate with you, then it shall be shown by your No kidding. I complained about the early attacks a couple of years ago. I had no idea how bad it would get. All they said was "You should rejoice! From the fire comes light." Easy for them to say. > I just didn't know how bad it was. Yes, I had a couple of experiences with friends betraying me when I was growing up, but I never dreamed that just trying to do what I am guided to do, because it is the thing to do, and trying to do it cleanly at all times, would bring such fire. But, I shouldn't complain. I think there are many who have suffered worse. > I think I need a bit more of the discretion part. Well - a LOT more. I have always been very open and willing to share everything I have learned. I am beginning to understand why there are some secret groups. In THIS world, it is necessary to survive. Re magick: it doesn't work on me either. I burst out laughing even thinking about it. I once saw some photos of early 20th century OTO types in their "magical" get up, and I couldn't believe that grown men would go to all that trouble to look so ridiculous and take themselves seriously. Well, I hope you can get Babel, if not, when we get the new site working smoothly... or I can send. It's an amazing little book. VB, by the way, didn't think too much of it. Too focused on his kaballah which is utter nonsense to me. I was later surprised to hear him describe it (Babel) completely backward from what it is and teaches. I was sort of amazed. Laura From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea> On 19 Dec 2001, at 12:32, Goldenflower@... wrote: > I can take pdf attachments. Sorry about VB. I wonder what he is going to do to Well, you are being included in a number of the really ugly flame posts, mostly having to do with the fact that you didn't have the guts or brains to withstand our terror tactics of blackmail... along that line. But, I decided that there is no point in just forwarding all that junk. I was getting so upset myself. Oh, it is pretty rich. There is a "team" effort, it seems. They will dialogue back and forth on this discussion board. I could spend all day taking everything apart, providing the evidence, witnesses, etc. and - as we have already seen, it makes no difference. I guess that's what convinced me it was a real intelligence operation. VB has absolutely no shame in being caught in an outright lie, he will just shift the subject, go on the attack again with another whole string of outright, bald-faced, outrageous lies. So, we are just watching him rant. L From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea> Hi, You wrote that things are going to get very weird. Well, yeah. (By the way, do let me know if you downloaded Babel or if you would prefer I send it as files. It's probably faster to download.) VB and his gang were over on the Matrioshka list just doing their mechanical energizer bunny lying, with some escalation of course, and with heavy emphasis on how innocent VB is and he never said or did anything you addressed in your letter, the implication being that you were either lying or the most naive guy in the world for being susceptible to our blackmail... or the ULTIMATE evil: that we are the cunning and clever of manipulators of all time to be able to twist your mind etc etc. Well, as I said, there is like a "team." They work as a group and escalate everything in their public dialogues back and forth and it's like having "clappers" in the audience. They will even say things like: "WOW! Yes, you are Soo right! Glad you brought that up!" amongst themselves, and it is SO obvious... but only to the person who knows it is all lies. Those who do NOT know it is all lies, is naturally engaged by it. Well, as I may have mentioned, C*** B*** who did several years research on Montauk and wrote a book about it, was taken in by a similar operation. She is sincere and really wants to get to the bottom of things (her uncle is head of the B*** clan, by the way). When she realized that her research and her book had been "co-opted," and now she was being flamed and marginalized in exactly the same pattern, she wrote to me and explained what had happened. Well, I knew all the time that she was writing the book that our correspondence revealed that she was really sincere and she had good instincts, so when she sent me one of the first copies, and I read what had happened between our discussions and what actually made it to print, I couldn't figure out what happened. But after we published our investigation on VB, and since she reads our site regularly, she wrote and said: "oh my God! you too??!!" Well, there are a couple others she knows in her circles in New York. One of them is the journalist I mentioned, who I talked with via phone day before yesterday and who wants to do a three part series on the deal. HE found a guy who specializes in unmasking disinfo agents and COINTELPRO operations. Guy named Sweeney, website: http://www.proparanoid.com Well, C*** wrote to Sweeney and he wrote back, and she forwarded the info to me and I wrote to him for his packet of info. I also read everything on his site, especially his "8 traits of the disinformationalist" and the 25 rules of disinformation. After reading all that, I knew we had been had for sure, no doubt, done and tied up. One of the interesting things he noted was a "three day delay" when the target does something "unexpected." Now, this is the strangest thing about VB that I had noticed, and I always attributed it to him needed three days to do some kind of mumbo jumbo or something. It is almost always exactly three days between the time we have posted something on the site, and his response... Well, this guy Sweeney says that this is because they have "profiles" on their targets, and when the target does NOT do what the profile predicts, they have to submit a report, it goes to the psych profiler who runs it through a computer or something, and all the parameters are adjusted and a new "tactic" is devised. Okay, now we get to the weird part (as if ALL this isn't weird enough!) On the Matrioshka list where this team has its main forum of clappers and staged activities... just about 3 days ago, when VB started this attack on you for being blackmailed (which started exactly three days AFTER we posted the letter on the site, by the way) and just outdid himself for scummy behavior, all of a sudden, this guy starts posting back to him EXACTLY according to the "set-up" of the Sweeney disinfo exposure plan. It was pretty awesome to see this guy, whoever he is, operate. Well, his name on the list is "Preston Singer." So, if it is Sweeney, he's using an alias. So, after slamming VB righteously, VB disappeared - (the three days will be up tomorrow), from the list and Preston got quiet. What I can't figure out is: if it is Sweeney or someone trained by him, who hired him? I mean, Sweeney is NOT cheap. We can't afford him, for sure. So, at first I thought that maybe you did it... that maybe you know a lot about this sort of thing and have connections. But I looked at the membership list, and Preston joined the list BEFORE you and I had even discussed anything about VB and cointelpro. So, that zilched THAT idea. So, who the heck hired this guy - IF he has been hired - to go out there and engage VB this way? Next thing was, I was thinking a lot about what this operation is designed to do. It is obviously not a big disinfo spreading type thing or they would be doing it differently. Also, if that was the case, then VB would have some "real credentials." No, it seems to be narrowly focused... One thing about it is that by having his stuff all through your work, and his name on it, when he is "embarrassed" for being such a fraud, it embarrasses you ... and the same would apply to us. Well, since the C's managed (via the mirror session I sent) to expose VB so that we did not take the final steps into THAT region of the trap, obviously, the plan was shifted. At this point, the activity seems to be focused to evoke a particular reaction in ME. And of course, that reaction is to just drive me to give everything up, throw in the towel, or embarrass myself in some way. It is also certainly designed to keep me so busy in defense that I don't get the book finished. As to how it is going to spread in your direction, I don't know. At present, it is limited to just trying to make you look like a schmuck with me as the Evil Dominatrix Manipulator and Black mail... heavy on the black mail part. I also now realize that those two years of discussions I had with VB were all phoney. Every answer he wrote me was from YOUR work, (except, of course, the endless arguments about Cabala vs. Kaballah etc) and he was pumping me like crazy for info. Also, it was exactly 6 days after Jon Cunnyngham was here that VB started the operation in ernest. Jon has some VERY strange connections, and one of them was with Drunvalo... and in recent times that connection has come to mean a lot more. Jon had a relatively high security clearance and did some major gov contracting at Wright pat in Ohio and did his Ph.D. under Milton Friedman (I think that's the right guy - economics). Meanwhile, Terri Burns, prof of English lit at Uni Wisc seems to be VB's "handler." The whole thing is sort of apparent by its shadows on the wall, though exactly who's behind it is hard to tell. Most of them seem to be "unconscious operators," but Burns seems to know what she is doing, and is well-placed for that type of activity. Her involvement in the situation is also dynamic from all angles... she is at the center of the web as far as we can see it. Well, we almost have the site moved and operational, so progress is being made. I am still very curious about this Preston Singer guy and where he came from, but I am not going to look a gift horse in the mouth. Somebody sent him... or he is just an angel of light or something. Weird, indeed. Laura Continue with the "Weidner" Correspondence See also: Vincent Bridges Tells His Own Story Vincent Bridges AKA "Dr. Strange" Vincent Bridges AKA "Dr. Strange" Is Truth Defamatory?The COINTELPRO Files: Vincent Bridges and Co. (photographic exhibit) The Bridges - Jadczyk Correspondence The Weidner - Jadczyk Correspondence
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