Studies in Psychopathy

The Secret History of The World by Laura Knight-Jadczyk

Discover the Secret History of the World - and how to get out alive!


Political Ponerology: A Science on The Nature of Evil adjusted for Political Purposes by Andrew M. Lobaczewski, Ph.D.
with commentary and additional quoted material
by Laura Knight-Jadczyk
The Psychopath: The Mask of Sanity Special Research by Quantum Future School
Discussion of Psychopathy Traits From The Mask of Sanity by Hervey Cleckley
A Basic Hypothesis of Psychopathy From The Mask of Sanity by Hervey Cleckley
Official Culture - A Natural State of Psychopathy? by Laura Knight-Jadczyk
The Inner Landscape of the Psychopath - Hervey Cleckley
"Stanley," a chapter from Hervey M. Cleckley's classic study of psychopaths, The Mask of Sanity
How Psychopaths View Their World
Retreat from Zaca - (3 files)

Dr. Strange, New Age Grifter or COINTELPRO?

"Dr. Strange" - Psychotherapist or Hacker and Thief?

Is Truth Defamatory?

Maynerd Most's Rebuttal
"I am the webmaster for Zecharia Sitchin..."
The Psychopath As Physician The Mask of Sanity - Hervey Cleckley - Excerpts
The Bad Seed: The Fledgling Psychopath
Sam Vaknin Revisited
An In-Depth Look At Where Sam Vaknin is Leading NPD
The Ambassador of Narcissism: An Interview with Sam Vaknin
A Soul With No Footprints
Antisocial Personality, Sociopathy, and Psychopathy
Anatomy of Malignant Narcissim
The Socially Adept Psychopath
The Origins of Violence: Is Psychopathy an Adaptation?
Bush isn't a moron, he's a cunning sociopath
The Partial Psychopath
Adventures with Cassiopaea by Laura Knight-Jadczyk
Ark and Laura's Correspondence 1997 (8 files) Supplement to Adventures
Reader's Comments on Adventures With Cassiopaea
Mirror, Mirror On The Wall - Quantum Future School
Alvin Wiley's Letter
Alvin Wiley's subsequent letters to the public

the "Alvin Wiley" correspondence (10 files)

Letters from Readers About Jay Weidner
Dear Webmaster: - (2 files)
What is Laura Hiding? The Cassiopaeans Answer

Reader's Comments on "Is Laura Hiding Something?"

Transcript of direct channeling via "Frank Scott" on computer, July 22, 1994
Statement by Terry and Jan Rodemerk
Maynerd Most's post to the Cassiopaea Guestbook
Death Threat?
Organic Portals: The Other Race Quantum Future School (2 files) Disclaimer
Vincent Bridges, Jay Weidner: Magickal Mystery Tour Scam
Is Cassiopaea a Cult?
The French Connection by Laura Knight-Jadczyk Censored!
Mask of Sanity by Hervey Cleckley PDF - book download FREE!
Kubrick's Psychopaths Society and Human Nature in the Films of Stanley Kubrick
The common problem with psychopaths... “Is they don’t see a problem with their behavior.”
Psychopath Support Group
“Non-victims can’t understand this, but the psychopath really does suck the life out of a caring person. I try to think of them now as a slimy suckerfish right out of the swamp, vacuum-lips out and prowling for someone vibrant and attractive to con and eviscerate.”

If you are a good person you will meet many evil people in your life, you need to recognize them and their actions. More importantly you need to recognize which evil behaviors you have been conned into accepting as reasonable and to reject those behaviors - both in yourself and in others - as unacceptable.

The English language has a variety of terms for psychopaths, of which "bastard" is perhaps the most polite. They have always been with us, and despite their corrosiveness and rejection of social mores, they show no signs of going away.

Think you can spot one? Think again. In general, psychopaths aren’t the product of broken homes or the casualties of a materialistic society. Rather they come from all walks of life and there is little evidence that their upbringing affects them.
Most of the two million psychopaths in North America aren’t murderers. They’re our friends, lovers and co-workers. They’re outgoing and persuasive, dazzling you with charm and flattery. Often you aren’t even aware they’ve taken you for a ride – until it’s too late.
The problem of plausible lies is the most serious problem facing humanity today....Most good people are only aware of the least intelligent part of the evil distribution; those are the people who are obviously evil: criminals. The normal and intelligent ends of the evil distribution totally escape most good people's understanding.

Only as of late, with all the Enron scandals and related crimes, people are waking up to the fact that the most dangerous psychopath of all is the educated, socially adept psychopath, in fact, Dr. Hare recently said that he would probably be able to find many psychopaths involved in the stockmarket. It is time for American to "wake up" says Dr. Wolman, because we are being threatened by a serious epidemic of psychopathy.

The Psychopathic or Sociopathic Personality

Based on twenty-five years of groundbreaking research, WITHOUT CONSCIENCE is a fascinating journey into the minds of these dangerous individuals. Are they born unable to feel empathy, or are they created by circumstance? How and why do they get away with cheating, conning, and murdering? Are they mad or simply bad? In what Dr. Hare calls our "camouflage society," how can we recognize and steer clear of these predatory people?

WITHOUT CONSCIENCE explores their shocking patterns- and exposes one of the most frightening, often-hidden social problems affecting our lives today.


The Psychopath is much more successful than you and I because he is not hemmed in by all sorts of impediments or worries.

A discussion with Adolf Guggenbuhl-Craig & James Hillman

“We fall prey to the seduction, it is irresistible. Then the nightmare of horror begins. The shabby treatment, the avoidance. I couldn’t believe it was happening to me. He had been so sincere, so kind. It was Jekyl and Hyde.”
“They go for the strongest and the best, but preferably those who are something of rebels within the group...the LEAST controllable. Because if they can crush them, they crush most of the rest at the same time. If they start at the bottom, with the weakest, it’s a long way to work their way up…The ideal target is therefore, strong, smart, rebellious and vulnerable through previous abuse.”
“A favored technique is to debilitate your identity [personally, I hate the term self-esteem] by levelling false accusations and/or questioning your honesty, fidelity, trustworthiness, your “true” motivations, your “real” character, your sanity and judgement.”
“They are absolutely the world’s best manipulators, liars, and fabricators of truth. They do so convincingly because they believe their own lies. After all their life is nothing but a lie, a sham, how can we possibly assume they know anything different.”
“Others around me would get so tired of the whole thing and insinuate that I was perpetuating things. All I wanted was for him to leave me alone. Part of the hurt and damage was done because others could but would not see what was actually happening. He would always try to ingratiate himself to others it was sickening. Usually psychopaths put on the nicest act, and you look like the harpy and bitch, and so everyone takes their side, it is a horror story, a psychopath can be very charming, and manipulative and manipulate the smartest of people.”
“My biggest frustration and source of anger, is at those who have refused to take a stand when they see the abuse . No matter how outrageous his behavior others often stood by and inadvertently fuelled his grandiosity and denial... although denial is too mild a word for it.
“If a psychopath throws the “bad childhood” stuff at you, keep in mind he might be trying to get sympathy and make an excuse for his atrocious behavior towards you and/or others. If we let these people make us feel sorry for them, we ultimately end up in the submissive position again...just what they want. I can “pity” them yes...but I refuse to shed another tear over the tragedies suffered by who is now, only a shell of a person.”

Regarding a psychopath: Considering a longitudinal section of his life is hard to avoid the conclusion that here is the product of true madness - of madness in a sense quite as real as that conveyed to the imaginative layman by the terrible word lunatic.

With the further consideration that all this skein of apparent madness has been woven by a person of (technically) unimpaired and superior intellectual powers and universally regarded as sane, the surmise intrudes that we are confronted by a serious and unusual type of genuine abnormality.

Not merely a surmise but a strong conviction may arise that this apparent sanity is, in some important respects, a sanity in name only. We find instead a spectacle that suggests madness in excelsis, despite the absence of all those symptoms that enable us, in some degree, to account for irrational conduct in the psychotic.

Only very slowly and by a complex estimation or judgment based on multitudinous small impressions does the conviction come upon us that, despite these intact rational processes, these normal emotional affirmations, and their consistent application in all directions, we are dealing here not with a complete man at all but with something that suggests a subtly constructed reflex machine which can mimic the human personality perfectly.

So perfect is this reproduction of a whole and normal man that no one who examines him in a clinical setting can point out in scientific or objective terms why, or how, he is not real. And yet we eventually come to know or feel we know that reality, in the sense of full, healthy experiencing of life, is not here.


“Leaving is hard because of all that goes along with the going. It is not just the person you have to give up but your hopes and dreams and fantasies. It only happened for me in increments and I cried UNCLE often thinking if I gave it one more go I’d break through. It wasn’t until I really knew that no matter what I said or did or didn’t do this person could never love me or anyone.”
“The fantasy was exactly that, a FANTASY, that he created for himself, and presented to me as reality. My head said the fantasy wasn’t valid. I kept reminding myself: if the fantasy was real, I wouldn’t be treated like dirt, and feel like shit!”
“I have finally come to the conclusion that they cannot change, so all we can do is to refuse to participate in their sick drama and leave the stage.”

Cleckley: [T]he familiar tendency to disintegrate, against which life evolves, may be regarded as fundamental and comparable to gravity. The climbing man or animal must use force and purpose to ascend or to maintain himself at a given height. [...] Whether regression occurs primarily through something like gravity or through impulses more self-contained, the backward movement (or ebbing) is likely to prompt many sorts of secondary reactions, including behavior not adapted for ordinary human purposes but instead, for functioning in the other direction. The modes of such reactivity may vary, may fall into complex patterns, and may seek elaborate expression. [...] People with all the outer mechanisms of adaptation intact might, one would think, regress more complexly. [...] In a movement (or gravitational drift) from levels where life is vigorous and full to those where it is less so, the tactics of withdrawal predominate. [...] The psychopath as we conceive of him in such an interpretation seems to justify the high estimate of his technical abilities as we see them expressed in reverse movement.

Organic Portals: The Answer to Psychopathy?

"Alien reaction machines" in human form describes individuals with Anti-Social Personality Disorder (APD), Sociopaths, and Psychopaths.
The material presented in the linked articles does not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of the editors. Research on your own and if you can validate any of the articles, or if you discover deception and/or an obvious agenda, we will appreciate if you drop us a line! We often post such comments along with the article synopses for the benefit of other readers. As always, Caveat Lector!

The Jadczyk - Weidner Correspondence

From: Goldenflower@....
Subject: Re: Aethyrea

To: laura@cassiopaea

One more thing that I forgot to say. Robert Lawlor said that VB reminded him of John Dee!

Perhaps VB thinks that he really is Dr. Strange, the comic book charactor. We are the bad guys, especially you - because you have revealed his secret identity. This is the worst crime in comicdom.

Since Dr. Strange has superhuman powers (on the astral plane natch) he can defeat his enemies easily. Therefore he doesn't need the same things that normal people need. You know like honesty, copyrights and what else. In this mentality he will win. Dr. Strange always wins. Since he is fighting against extreme evil forces he is, an always will be, a loner. Like John Wayne he only fights back when the evil has finally revealed itself. Then he has to, reluctantly, go into the battle.

I imagine that every night VB is conjuring demons and other assorted entities to attack us in our dream states. I imagine that he goes through a lot of ritual to get himself worked up and into the proper state. He imagines that he is traveling to Fla or Zaca and 'beating us up' in classic Dr. Strange style.

What if VB is not a sociopath, not a psychopath but is a paranoid/schizophrenic? What if this is his fantasy? I know that he still buys comics which I find a bit (oops) strange.

Also the charactor of Dr. Strange fits him to a T. He is a real doctor in the daytime. (A psychotherapist). At night he battles the evil astral entites that are always attacking the poor and the defenseless. He has evil enemies that wish to reveal his secret identity to he world.

In this light VB becomes much more understandable.


From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk
To: Goldenflower@....
Subject: Re: Aethyrea
Send reply to: laura@cassiopaea
Date sent: Thu, 24 Jan 2002 12:34:33 -0500

On 24 Jan 2002, at 12:19, Goldenflower@....wrote:

> Also the charactor of Dr. Strange fits him to a T. He is a real doctor in the > daytime. (A psychotherapist). At night he battles the evil astral entites > that are always attacking the poor and the defenseless. He has evil enemies > that wish to reveal his secret identity to he world.

Hi, Only problem about that is: he is not even a real "psychotherapist." None of his training could be verified. None of his "teachers" and certifiers wrote a word in his favor. None of his "background" checked out in that way at all. Even THAT is a lie.


From: Goldenflower@....
Date sent: Fri, 8 Feb 2002 10:05:24 EST
Subject: (no subject)

To: laura@cassiopaea

To Those Concerned:

A newly revised edition of the book A Monument to the End of Time: Alchemy, Fulcanelli and the Great Cross by Jay Weidner will be released this coming fall. Aethyrea Books LLC North Carolina has just announced the newly revised edition of this book.

Anyone who claimes to be representing Aethyrea Books, besides myself, is committing fraud and I would appreciate being notified of this.

Sincerely, Jay Weidner President
Aethyrea Books LLC North Carolina

From: Goldenflower@....
Date sent: Fri, 8 Feb 2002 10:15:10 EST
Subject: (no subject)

To: laura@cassiopaea


As you can see I have purchased Aethyrea Book in NC. But what has happened to VB? His site is gone, his email is gone. Where is he? I need to send him a letter. Do you have an email that works?

He may be gone for good this time.


From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea
To: Goldenflower@...
Subject: Re: (no subject)

Date sent: Fri, 8 Feb 2002 10:42:55 -0500

On 8 Feb 2002, at 10:15, Goldenflower@... wrote:

> As you can see I have purchased Aethyrea Book in NC. But what has happened to
> VB? His site is gone, his email is gone. Where is he? I need to send him a
> letter. Do you have an email that works?
> He may be gone for good this time.

Hi, Well, you have certainly devised a novel way of solving the problem. Geez. That was clever.

I'm not sure about why his site is gone, but as I mentioned, several people wrote to tell me that it was, indeed gone, I had a look and the kind of notice they put up when you don't pay your bill was there, so I can only assume that this was the reason.

All I know that he has now is a site called which is so pathetic as to be sad. He went from a pretended scholar to a pretended "cult survivor." What a descent. At least, as a pretended scholar, those who believed him could admire and respect their illusion of him. As a pretended "cult survivor," he only looks pathetic and stupid.

So, my suggestion would be to have a look at his new site and see if there is an email there.

On the other hand, there is snail mail.

I guess that since you now own Aethyrea Books, all those books with that imprimatur are owned by you, eh? And I suppose that this means, unless he can show that he paid you for them, you can demand their return, or bill him for them. And if he doesn't pay, then you can slap a lien on him.

Are you going to notify amazon and other book stores?


From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea
To: Goldenflower@...
Subject: Re: (no subject)

Date sent: Fri, 8 Feb 2002 11:02:54 -0500

On 8 Feb 2002, at 10:15, Goldenflower@... wrote:

> As you can see I have purchased Aethyrea Book in NC. But what has happened to
> VB? His site is gone, his email is gone. Where is he? I need to send him a
> letter. Do you have an email that works?
> He may be gone for good this time.

I went back to re-read his "press release." Seems that his "new version" is going to be "re-written" solely by him based on the "original research?"

I watched Henry Fool again yesterday and the one thing about it is that this poor guy - Henry - is "honestly evil." That's the difference between him and VB. VB is far more evil and isn't even honest about it.

Glad to see that you are working your way through it. Once you have your new edition ready, we will put a link to it from the site. I will like to read it with VB's twists removed. Hope you put in some footnotes and so on.

I obtained a copy of that book with the Inca symbols (it's in Spanish so I'm having parts of it translated) and damned if it isn't bizarre that those symbols on the cross are there.

The question in my mind is: could there be some disinfo planted even that early?

The reason I ask this is not just casual. I came across some stuff in a 16th century chronicle by a Spanish priest published by the Hakluyt Society that sort of raised the hair on the back of my neck. I then noted that Graham Hancock had found a similar chronicle, by ANOTHER Spanish priest, published by the Hakluyt society, from about the same period... saying the EXACT SAME THING about a completely DIFFERENT area of the planet.

So, what I sort of realized was that there was somebody out there, THAT LONG AGO, going around planting false clues.

Now, either this was due to time travel capabilities, or it was because someone back then had a serious agenda.

Very strange.


From: Goldenflower@....
Date sent: Fri, 8 Feb 2002 10:52:31 EST
Subject: Re: (no subject)

To: laura@cassiopaea

I think is missing in action also. I will send him a snail mail.

Yes I have him by the you-know-what now. If he prints anything about Hendaye I will sue him. If he shows up in court I will prove fraud beyond any doubt.


Here is my letter to VB and Darlene:

To: Vincent Bridges Darlene
POB 877
Mount Gilead, NC 27306
From: Jay Weidner President Aethyrea Books LLC North Carolina

Dear Vincent and Darlene:

In 1996 Vincent Bridges told me that he had written a novel for DAW books. He told me that he had written articles for Rolling Stone, Crème and Newsweek Magazine. This was done clearly to show me that he had credentials and was not another fly-by-night bum looking for a hand out.

In 1997 I revealed the secrets of Hendaye to you two at my house in Colorado. Vincent and I decided to write the book on Hendaye together. I told him that the publisher should pay for our expenses and everyone agreed.

In 1999 I paid $7000 for a trip for you two plus Sharron and I to France for research. You both promised at the time to pay for your half of the trip. When we arrived you told us both that you didn't have the money to pay me. I used my credit card to pay for the rest of the trip. I have been paying more than $200 a month since April of 1999 on that credit card. So far I have paid about $7000 of the card without paying one dime of the debt. Needless to say you never even attempted to help me. Not once.

At first I thought that this was just a matter of you being broke and I forgave you.

We wrote the book in 1999 after the trip. The writing went way to fast and the hurried manuscript was sent off to several publishers. One publisher accepted the manuscript but Vincent nixed the deal because he said we could make more money by publishing the book ourselves.

In August 1999 I paid $1000 for the first 100 copies of the book published by the company you said you owned: Aethyrea Books LLC North Carolina. Indeed the published book had the logo and copyrights reserved for Aethyrea Books LLC North Carolina.

The book also clearly stated that Aethyrea Books LLC North Carolina owned the copyright to the book now titled: A Monument to the End of Time: Alchemy, Fulcanelli and the Great Cross.

In September 2000 Aethyrea Book LLC North Carolina published the second edition of the books. This time they (you) printed 3000 copies. Without a contract between you and I, you published these books and began selling them. At last count you had sold about 2000 of these copies.

In July 2001 I still had not received one penny from Aethyrea Books LLC North Carolina. Also I had still not received one penny of the money for the research trip to France. In fact I did not even have a contract with Aethyrea Books. I insisted on a contract being sent to me. Finally I received a contract from Aethyrea Books LLC North Carolina in August 2001. I was about to sign this contract when something very odd occurred.

In September 2001 it was revealed on the Cassopean Web site that Vincent Bridges had not written a novel for DAW books, had not written any articles for Rolling Stone. Crème or any other noted magazines or newspapers. They also noted that Vincent Bridges had claimed a pseudonym that was not his.

Fearing that the work on Hendaye was being destroyed by Vincent Bridges dishonesty and misrepresentations I proceeded to do my own investigation of Vincent Bridges. Much to my surprise I discovered that there was no Aethyrea Books LLC registered in North Carolina. I searched every state in the United States for a company registered with this name. None were found. Fearing that I had been frauded but mostly fearing that the work I had struggled with for fifteen years was being destroyed by this fraud I decided to form a company called Aethyrea Books LLC North Carolina. I did this with the intent purpose of saving the copyright from being taken by someone else.

This company (Aethyrea Books) still holds all of the copyrights to A Monument to the End of Time by Jay Weidner and Vincent Bridges. Anyone claiming that they represent this company is committing fraud. Any past representations of anyone concerning Aethyrea Books is also committing fraud.

Please turn over all funds gathered in the name of Aethyrea Book LLC North Carolina. Please also include all debt accrued by this misrepresentation. The evidence will then be taken to the proper authorities for their consideration.

No one is allowed to use any of the work copyrighted by Aethyrea Books LLC North Carolina. If one does use any of the work owned by this copyright they will be sued and, if possible, arrested. No books, articles or anything else can be used by anyone without permission from Aethyrea Books LLC North Carolina.

Vincent Bridges and Darlene committed fraud. Not just with me but with several other potential authors who considered having Aethyrea publish their works. It is obvious that you committed the fraud with me to gain credibility. Once that credibility had been gained you solicited other writer's works under the false premise that you owned a publishing company. These writers are being notified currently of this fraud.

Furthermore you committed fraud by placing Aethyrea Books LLC North Carolina on the 3000 books you printed. I still own several hundred copies. I know several people who also purchased this book. also has a contract with Aethyrea Books signed by Vincent Bridges. This is fraud. No way around it.

Furthermore you committed fraud by presenting a conference at Zaca Lake that was being produced by Aethyrea Books LLC North Carolina. This fraud was committed in the state of California and is covered by that state's laws. Zaca Lake Retreat is now preparing a suit against you for that misrepresentation.

If you continue to act as a representative of Aethyrea Books I will have you arrested. If you claim that you own the copyright I will sue you. If this goes to court I will prove fraudulence by both of you. Then I will sue you personally after I have proved this in a court of law.

I hope you understand the seriousness of this crime. If not I will be more than happy to prove it to you.

Also because of Vincent Bridges misrepresentations concerning his past his name will be taken off the title of A Monument to the End of Time when the next revised edition is printed this year. However he will be paid a sum commensurate with the work performed. I have no desire to commit the same fraud that was perpetrated on myself.

Any questions concerning Aethyrea Books LLC North Carolina should be sent to:

Aethyrea Books
POB 1853
Buellton, CA 93427.

Thank you for your time in this matter.

Jay Weidner President,
Aethyrea Books LLC North Carolina.

From: Goldenflower@...
Date sent: Fri, 8 Feb 2002 11:34:41 EST
Subject: Re: (no subject)

To: laura@cassiopaea

There was a French man who was in Peru soon after the conquest. He was an aristocrat who was also an alchemist. He became friends with the Quechua and learned their secrets. King Charles of Spain told Pizzarro to hold off on melting one particular pile of gold objects that the French man had found. This ship was sent to Spain with all of the Incan objects in tact. This happened before the construction of the Cross at Hendaye.

The French man also warned the Quechua to preserve their secrets and not tell the Euros. He is legendary in the area around Cusco. Blavatsky is alluding that she met this guy whom she refers to as 'an Italian'. Only she is trying to steal the info without understanding it. Truly counterfeit.

The Masters have moved to Peru because the Northern Hemisphere is about to be destroyed. That is what the chemtrails are about. Fulcanelli is telling us everything. We just have to listen without prejudice.

The Incan elders know the secret. They know that the end of the world is at hand.

The Inca are the last holders of the true ancient tradition.

Did you know the Hindenberg was headed to Peru to do a slow photographic mapping of the Eastern Andes before it exploded? Did you know that there are 'white' Indians in the eastern Andes? They claim that the world was destroyed 13000 years ago. They claim to know where a tunnel system is under the Andes. They say it was built a long time ago to protect them from dangers from the sky. The reporter who wrote this story was murdered about a year after publication.



From: Goldenflower@....
Date sent: Mon, 11 Feb 2002 18:03:14 EST
Subject: Re: ROTFLMAO!

To: laura@cassiopaea

I hope that you don't mind but I will need to use your site one more time in the very near future. I will bury his version of AMET. It will be a long and interesting article.

This thing is amazing. I feel like I am caught in a dream. I have been accused of being involved in a zionist plot, a thief, and everything else.

I do not get on the site where VB rants. Is anyone revealing his inconsistancies?


From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk <laura@cassiopaea
To: Goldenflower@...
Subject: Posted

Date sent: Fri, 8 Feb 2002 19:11:40 -0500

Hi, I've posted your announcement and letter. I hope you don't mind that I went through the letter and changed it all to third person since you had originally switched back and forth between first person and third... added a couple of notes.

It's getting read, I can tell you, and looking at the site hits, the word is spreading like wildfire.

From what some of our tech experts on the group have said it looks like VB's and Storm Bear's sites were hit by a hacker. My thought is that they did it themselves so they could claim that we had somebody do it to them.

I do think that you might want to send your info to the NC Attorney General and State Bureau of investigation. Several other folks have filed complaints there, so it may be that if enough are received by them, they will put it higher on the list of things to look into.

I've been sending everything to the FDLE so that they will have a complete file on him at any point in time that he does anything really stupid. Suffice it to say, they are starting to look at him with a bit more interest.

Geez, all I can say is that I am impressed as all get out with that maneuver you did. I would never have thought of it.


From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk <laura@cassiopaea
To: Goldenflower@...
Subject: (Fwd) for Jay, with love, Vincent....

Copies to: Stan Tenen
Date sent: Sun, 10 Feb 2002 13:26:31 -0500

Hi ya'll,

I couldn't read too far in the message that VB has now posted on the public Matrioshka list re: Jay's recent brilliant move... but maybe you will want to have a look at it.

This guy is the Energizer Bunny of psychopaths. He just keeps going and going and going and going....

SOMEBODY must be backing him up.



--- In matrioshka@y..., Vincent Bridges <.
> wrote:

Greetings and Salutations!

I have avoided saying much of anything about Jay Weidner and his involvement in all this because he was once a friend and I do understand the pressures to which the Cassiopaeanists have subjected him. Blackmail is an ugly word, but when you threaten someone with exposure of connections that might possibly get them killed, then I just don¹t know what else to call it. However, Jay seems at the moment to be completely consumed by the invasion of body snatching Cassiopaeanists, and this pod-Jay is apparently taking dictation directly from Mama Laura herself. Sad, but at least some of this is beginning to make a kind of sense.

For the record, here¹s the story of my involvement with Jay. We met in the fall of 1996 as Darlene and I were on our way back east from opening the Sekhmet Temple in Cactus Springs, Nevada, and the super Enochian working in Sedona Arizona. Dan Winter had once again, and not for the last time, pulled a fast one on money and left us high and dry in Boulder, Colorado. Dan introduced me to Jay, who was friendly and helpful. We hit it off right away, and after a weekend telling fortunes on Pearl Street in Boulder, Darlene and I made enough gas money to get home.

Dan Winter eventually went to work with Jay at Transecon, Gaiam, and Conscious Wave, sections of the same company, Corporate Express. The owner was attempting to buy up the New Age, and managed to gather a prodigious amount of talent and put it to work doing absolutely nothing. Jay and I remained friends and over the course of the next year, I became sort of his ace in the hole, the person he called up to get an objective reading on almost any strange subject that came up. The only problem was that the owner of the company wanted nothing to do with me personally.

(Much has been made about whether I have ever actually met this person. Officially, the answer is no. I never met him in Boulder or as much as laid eyes on him the entire time Jay worked for him. However, in discussing all of this with some folks who were there for the event, it appears that I met this person, introduced to me simply as ³George² which is the English equivalent of his real name, in the fall of 1995. This was at a meeting in NC, at Dan Winter¹s old place, The Bio-Dome. We were told only that this guy ³George² had money that he wanted to invest in good new age projects and we pitched him the new version of Dan Winter¹s book. He was sadly disappointed in our lack of vision, we didn¹t want to start any companies and we weren¹t asking for big bux. I left meeting feeling that I just had had a sit down with the devil. The people who were involved back then whom I can get in touch with, all remember the guy only as George from Colorado and that he was very rich. Six months later, Dan had a job offer in Boulder with Transecon and within a year was living in Boulder.)

We were back in Boulder in May of 1997 working on the Geomancy School with another group of folks and spent some time with Jay and his new lady friend, Sharron Rose. Darlene and Sharron hit it off immediately as they had connections to Robert Masters and the Goddess Sekhmet. We came back in November on 1997, and this time we stayed with Jay and Sharron at their new house up in Nederland, Colorado.

Now, for the last 13 months or so, Jay had been picking my brains on everything I knew about alchemy and Fulcanelli, without ever quite telling me what he was up to. But, during a thunderous snowstorm one night, he opened up and laid the whole problem, as he saw it, before me for my opinion. He had been hacking away at Fulcanelli¹s Mystery of the Cathedrals for over a decade, picking the brains for clues of everyone he ran into that might know anything, and he had, quite frankly, nothing, nada, zip, zilch, zero.

He had a text he didn¹t understand and couldn¹t read, an interpretation of that text, by Paul Mevryl, that matched some of his preconceptions and a curious piece of anagram that he had derived from something in Paul Mevryl¹s article. This anagram said: Inca Caves, Cusco Peru.

This was of course supposed to be the place of refuge in the coming double catastrophe, the secret at the core of Fulcanelli¹s Hendaye message. To me, it seemed like a dead end or a red herring, a very interesting detour perhaps from the main event and a small part of what Fulcanelli had to say about the Cross and what it meant.

Well, by morning we had worked out the basics of what the Hendaye Cross conveyed and how to use it to gauge the season of the double catastrophe. We were able to do this solely because of my background and the research I had been doing on other tracks for years. Ten years to a dead end, and in one night it¹s basically solved. What changed? Well, the only difference was my expertise. You decide.

We worked away at it until the next spring, May of 1998, when I came out to Boulder for an extended stay. At this point I had the problem of how to read Le Mystere solved and was actually making progress in putting the whole concept together. Jay at that point had barely heard of the kabbalah and was entirely ignorant of the The Bahir and the Islamic connection. Between May and November 1998, I wrote the core of the book as The Gnostic Science of Alchemy. Jay made suggestions and helped with resource material, but did no writing to speak of on this entire section.

By that winter, it was obvious to me that we had major problems that could only be resolved by going back to France and actually following a few of these threads that I had turned up. So in March of 1999 we headed off to France. This trip was enormously successful and allowed the book to go ahead.

Jay agreed to pay for the trip, as was only fair since I had been working full time on the book for 18 months at point. I had written almost 200,000 words in the five different versions we had gone through. Jay¹s word count, on all five versions, totalled barely 18,000. However, he has since decided that I, or someone, owe him for the trip, or at least my portion of it. Never mind who did the work of arranging the trip, me, or who did the research to find the locations we needed to investigate, me again, or who drove the van, negotiated with the locals, paid the tolls, bought train tickets, arranged taxis for our luggage, and so on. me once again.

After we returned, it was decided that we now had enough to put together the book, so I turned out the 6th and then the final 7th version, and Darlene illustrated it, between April and August. Jay added another 9,000 or so words, and did no editing or proof reading or any pre-production. In August we had 150 copies printed at Corporate Express, the parent company for Transecon, etc. so that we could use Jay¹s discount. Jay paid for it as he says, he wrote a check to the folks at Corporate Express so we could get the discount, but he was fully reimbursed by us, although he neglects to mention that. These copies were used as peer review freebies, but we did sell just enough to cover the printing costs. Jay was the only person who made any money on that print run as he claimed 30 out of the 150 copies for himself and sold them to his friends for $20 each. Since he was out no money for the printing, although he claims to have ³paid for it,² that $600 or so bucks was pure gravy.

In October, I sent him two contracts, one a personal agreement on how to legally handle all issues of our collaborative efforts and the other a standard letter of agreement contract from Aethyrea Books. Jay flatly refused to sign either one of them.

The reason why it came to that is very curious. We had been trying to sell various versions of the book all along through my agent, Stephanie Evans of the Imprint Agency. It had been looked at in proposal form and turned down by everybody in the publishing industry that could actually afford to do anything with it. So, we decided, Jay and I, that we would go ahead, get Darlene to illustrate it, print a few copies under Aethyrea Books, and see if we could get anyone interested that way. The deadline was a conference scheduled for August in Boulder.

I don¹t know if anyone is aware of what it takes to edit, design, lay out, illustrate and then do pre-production work necessary to get a book to print and get it back looking professional. (Much less writing it in the first place!) In big publishing houses it takes staff to do all of this. Darlene and I did it all, working sometimes that summer around the clock. And we made our deadline and it looked pretty damned good. Impressive you might say.

Well, the crap hit the ventilator with Jay. Suddenly, the book was a reality and it was better than he could have imagined doing on his own. It was, at a generous estimate, 80% mine, and that disturbed him even though it had been his choice to do as little as possible. Suddenly Darlene and I became the enemy.

An ugly scene ensued and Jay kicked us out in the middle of the night, being so loud and obnoxious about it that the neighbors called the cops. True story. We slept in the car and dropped off his 30 copies at Transecon on the way out. I thought: Well that¹s that, I¹ll never see that idiot again.

But, as the comments came in on the first edition of AMET, Jay found that he liked it better and better. And when people he really respected started noticing him because his name was on the book, well, that changed things.

So, apologies, and many angry recriminations later, it came down to signing those agreements.

He simply couldn¹t do it because in the back of his mind all along was the idea that if I gave him the slightest excuse in any way, he would step in and claim the whole thing. If he signed an agreement, that would not be as easy to do. So he didn¹t do it. And I let him get away with it.

The first edition went back through the round of publishers, and no one bit. Bear and Company strung us along from November 1999 to July 2000 with a promise of a deal when the company was sold to Inner Traditions. That fell through, and surprise, surprise, Barbara Hand Clow¹s new book Catastrophobia is full of swipes from AMET, most completely unattributed.

At that point, we made the decision to publish AMET in a new edition all our own. I did another round of extensive rewriting, based on the comments we had received in the last nine or so months and in October 2000, the second edition came out. I sent Jay a copy of our agreement from the year before and said that if I didn¹t hear from him, I would assume that he agreed and approved. He didn¹t sign or comment on the agreement, but in fact bought 200 copies for his own distribution company Sacred Mysteries. Legally this constitutes what is called tacit agreement. In other words his actions are proof of the prior verbal or non-written agreement.

The agreement was a simple 50/50 split of credit, with his name first, and royalties on the net proceeds of the books¹ sale. Nothing fancy and quite generous in terms. No attempt to steal his work, quite the contrary. Every effort was made to give him as equal a measure of money and credit as possible.

This tacit agreement has never been abrogated on my part. A few months ago, I offered him a new contract on even more generous terms. I was tired of him complaining about my half of the France trip and agreed to consider those expenses as Aethyrea Books¹ responsibility. He still refused to sign it.

Why? Well, I think we can now see why. He intends to steal my work and put his name on it. That is how pathetic it has gotten. The man has so little of his own that he has to steal what is obviously much more than 50% my work and puts his name on all of it. He is in fact claiming everything I or anyone else has written that was been copyrighted Aethyrea Books since August 1999!

He claims he never got paid for France. Well who do I expect to pay me for my years of research? He claims he never received anything from the book, yet he is the only one who has turned a profit. To date his company has purchased 400 copies of AMET. His profit margin is anywhere from 50% to 150% depending on retail. Again since he did nothing to produce the books, anything but their purchase cost is profit. Total: $1,600 to $4,800 possible profit.

I have to sell 2,500 copies to pay for the basic cost of printing and production. Then there¹s publicity, shipping, overhead, and so on. I begin to make money when I sell more than 5,000 copies, and when I make money the author gets his royalties. To date, we have almost paid the printing cost and that¹s about it. How can Jay expect to get paid before the actual costs of producing the book are paid back? An advance against those royalties, considered as a production cost, usually compensates the author. But since Jay was getting a good distribution deal, and I was the publisher, we waived our advance.

In addition to that, Darlene did all the publicity work, ads, posters, blurbs, for Jay¹s new company Sacred Mysteries as well as all of Sharron¹s posters and so on for her classes, video tapes, etc. Basically, we functioned as the advertising agency for his company, for which we have yet to receive any acknowledgement, much less payment for our services. Another good reason to try to pretend you are Aethyrea Books is too avoid getting sued by the real Aethyrea Books for non-payment of debts.

So let me continue by making a few direct comments on the new casscrap article:


An Open Letter From Jay Weidner

Special Announcement!

A newly revised edition of the book A Monument to the End of Time: Alchemy, Fulcanelli and the Great Cross by Jay Weidner will be released this coming fall.

Anyone who claimes (sic) to be representing Aethyrea Books, besides myself, is committing fraud and I would appreciate being notified of this. Sincerely, Jay Weidner President Aethyrea Books LLC, North Carolina

V: Since Aethyrea Books owns the copyright, Jay has decided to create his own version of Aethyrea Books and use that as a basis from which to claim prior ownership of the material. He hasn¹t the ability to write and publish, or get published, his own version of the material based on his own research. This attempt to steal my work just proves that he is incapable of doing anything remotely similar himself.

As many of you know, we here at The Perseus Foundation, Inc have recently been learning a lot about Internet Con-artists, cyber-stalkers, and just a whole host of interesting manifestations of the Self Serving manifestations of the Dark Forces lurking in our Virtual Reality. We aren't the only ones, of course, though some of the others who have contacted us behind the scenes are unable to come forward because there are investigations underway by Law Enforcement and we do not want to compromise their safety. In at least one case, there is even the threat of potential physical harm until the stalker is taken into custody. In our own case, the Stalkers are a very small coterie of "teensy weensy petty tyrants" who are merely irritating and aggravating once they are identified.

It is in when they go unidentified that they can create more serious problems, including financial losses, problems with IRS, and other difficulties that responsible and reputable researchers - and even just ordinary citizens - would wish to avoid. It is for that reason, and that reason alone that we decided to publish our report on Vincent Bridges and his proven false bio and credentials - and it is for this reason that we refused to be blackmailed into removing this factual report by Mr. Bridges and "Frank Scott"

V: You know you got to almost admire someone this twisted. If what they have on their site about me is anywhere near a factual report, then Hitler told the truth and nothing but the truth. Even when people have written to them with corrections and information that directly refute their accusations and so called ³facts² nothing is changed on the website. And the only the cyber-stalking case I know of is the numerous complaints I have filed about them.

Mr. Weidner has taken the steps to legally incorporate the name: Aethyrea Books, LLC in the State of North Carolina and has also given permission for us to publish his letter regarding his relations with Vincent Bridges, written to officially notify Vincent Bridges of his current stand on thematter:

To: Vincent Bridges Darlene POB 877 Mount Gilead, NC 27306 From: Jay Weidner President Aethyrea Books LLC North Carolina Dear Vincent and Darlene: In 1996 Vincent Bridges told me that he had written a novel for DAW books. He told me that he had written articles for Rolling Stone, Cream and Newsweek Magazine. This was done clearly to show me that he had credentials and was not another fly-by-night bum looking for a hand out.

V: God what a laugh! I never mentioned Newsweek (!) but I have had reviews in both Cream and Rolling Stone, as both he and the L¹arksters know well. I did however have an article in the Hollywood Reporter.

In 1997 I revealed the secrets of Hendaye to Vincent and Darlene at my house in Colorado. Vincent and I decided to write the book on Hendaye together. I told him that the publisher should pay for our expenses and everyone agreed.

V: Here we see Jay¹s truly wonderful tact and personality. He announced and everyone agreed, right? Who exactly is everyone? Me? I may have agreed in principle that it would be nice to get someone to pay for our research, which at that point was still in the future. Jay of course did get someone to pay for his research, Peru and a trip to France, and that was his boss, the George mentioned above. Our trip to France together was a year and a half in the future at that point, so why would we make any agreement on it before it happened?

In 1999 I paid $7000 for a trip for Vincent and Darlene plus myself and my companion, to France for research. Vincent and Darlene both promised at the time to pay for their half of the trip. When we arrived they told me that they didn't have the money to pay me. I used my credit card to pay for the rest of the trip. I have been paying more than $200 a month since April of 1999 on that credit card. So far I have paid about $7000 of the card without paying one dime of the debt. Needless to say Vincent and Darlene never even attempted to help me. Not once.

V: Well, I suppose free advertising work counts for nothing, as does organizing and arranging and leading the trip counts for nothing. How about writing the book? Oh yea, that¹s nothing as well. But of course, now Jay has reworked it into a long-suffering tale. Answer me this, four people, driving all over France for two weeks, hotels, meals, gas, tolls, van rental, train tickets, plane tickets. and all for $7,000 dollars? Not only do I not get any credit for it, now I have to pay for my half! On top of everything else! And of course, if he really wanted to get paid for the trip, with not just sign the agreement making Aethyrea Books liable for it?

At first I thought that this was just a matter of them being broke and I forgave them.

V: Lame attempt to cover why it didn¹t come up until two years after the trip. Wasn¹t even on the radar screen until he needed an issue.

We wrote the book in 1999 after the trip. The writing went way too fast and the hurried manuscript was sent off to several publishers. One publisher accepted the manuscript but Vincent nixed the deal because he said we could make more money by publishing the book ourselves.

V: I would like to ask Jay just whom he imagined this offer came from? Adventures Unlimited did say they would print 1,000 copies if we paid them $5,000 but I don¹t consider that a legitimate offer, although in his naivety and stupidity Jay may well have imagined that it was.

In August 1999 I paid $1000 for the first 100 copies of the book published by the company Vincent Bridges claimed to owned: Aethyrea Books, LLC North Carolina. Indeed the published book had the logo and copyrights reserved for Aethyrea Books LLC North Carolina. The book also clearly stated that Aethyrea Books LLC North Carolina owned the copyright to the book now titled: A Monument to the End of Time: Alchemy, Fulcanelli and the Great Cross. In September 2000 Aethyrea Books, LLC North Carolina published the second edition of the book. This time Vincent Bridges printed 3000 copies. Without a contract between us, Vincent Bridges published these books and began selling them. At last count he had sold about 2000 of these copies. (This amounts to gross receipts of around $60,000.00)

V: If anyone doubts that Jay is a real moron, just look at the above. He wants you to think that he paid in money that he didn¹t, a small swindle, and that a company with the same name as his company owns the copyright. A major swindle. (Sorry Elmer, but the company is Aethyrea Books llc, not Aethyrea Books LLC North Carolina as you well know since you couldn¹t register the exact same name as my company. It has been in existence since 1995 in one form or another and we have the tax records to prove it. And can you do your math in the future on a calculator? It will help you avoid such egregious errors as you display above. If I had sold all the copies you claim at retail, $19.95 that would only be $39,900. Of course, the publisher does not sell at retail or even wholesale. I get between 5 and 9 dollars a book, depending on volume. As I said above, my break-even point is 2,500 copies, roughly $23,000. So Elmer, I hope you learn a few things about the publishing business before you really lose your shirt. Oh and by the way, since you bought the new edition right off the press to resell, why didn¹t you call foul then? I think that is the logical question any court would want answered.)

In July 2001 I still had not received one penny from Aethyrea Books, LLC North Carolina. Also I had still not received one penny of the money for the research trip to France. In fact I still did not even have a contract with Aethyrea Books. I insisted on a contract being sent to me. Finally I received a contract from Aethyrea Books LLC, North Carolina in August 2001.

V: In July 2001, Aethyrea Books did not owe Jay a penny. We still had yet to pay off the publishing costs, and since he had refused to sign the contracts, but had given his tacit approval nonetheless, he would be paid according to that agreement. Royalties come out of net profits, not gross receipts, as the great business man seems not to know.

I was about to sign this contract when something very odd occurred. In September 2001 it was revealed on the Cassopaean Web site that Vincent Bridges had not written a novel for DAW books, had not written any articles for Rolling Stone. Cream or any other noted magazines or newspapers. They also noted that Vincent Bridges had claimed a pseudonym that was not his.

V: Getting your facts straight is a handy thing, in research and in other pursuits, such as attempting to steal another person¹s work. The libel and falsehoods about my past didn¹t go up on Cassiopaea until late November. And I used a name on one story, still undisputed by the way, that happened to be the real name of another writer. As I said, they all aware of the true nature of my claims and choose to ignore the truth for reasons of their own.

Fearing that the work on Hendaye was being destroyed by Vincent Bridges dishonesty and misrepresentations, I proceeded to do my own investigation of Vincent Bridges. Much to my surprise I discovered that there was no Aethyrea Books LLC registered in North Carolina. I searched every state in the United States for a company registered with this name. None were found. Fearing that I had been defrauded but mostly fearing that the work I had struggled with for fifteen years was being destroyed by this fraud I decided to incorporate Aethyrea Books, LLC North Carolina. I did this with the sole purpose of saving the copyright from being taken by someone else.

V: H did this for the sole reason of trying to steal my work and copyright out from under me andin addition to steal my established company and its brand name recognition. No other reason.

This company (Aethyrea Books) still holds all of the copyrights to A Monument to the End of Time by Jay Weidner and Vincent Bridges.

V: That is indeed true and the reason for his fraudulent attempt to steal Aethyrea Books.

Anyone claiming that they represent this company is committing fraud. Any past representations of anyone concerning Aethyrea Books is also committing fraud.

V: This ignores the fact that he is committing fraud by trying to steal the name of my company and then from that the copyright to all of my work. The only fraud here is that perpetrated by Jay Weidner is pursuit of his damaged ego as always.

Mr. Bridges, Please turn over all funds gathered in the name of Aethyrea Book LLC North Carolina. Please also include all debt accrued by this misrepresentation. The evidence will then be taken to the proper authorities for their consideration.

V: What a joke! He is trying to circumvent the suit Aethyrea Books has against him for non-payment of debts, so he demands the books from my company. I¹m sure that if I give him what he requests it will completely disappear. The proper authority is the State Attorney, and I¹m going to pass it all along as evidence of his fraudulent attempt to steal my work by registering a false corporation in the state of North Carolina.

No one is allowed to use any of the work copyrighted by Aethyrea Books, LLC North Carolina. If one does use any of the work owned by this copyright they will be sued and, if possible, arrested. No books, articles or anything else can be used by anyone without permission from Aethyrea Books LLC North Carolina. (Any and all proceeds from sales of A Monument to the End of Time due the publisher, must be forwarded to me.)

V: Aeathyrea Books LLC North Carolina, Jay¹s fraudulent company, owns nothing. Certainly not the copyrights to any of my work.

Vincent Bridges and Darlene committed fraud. Not just with me but with several other potential authors who considered having Aethyrea publish their works. It is obvious that Vincent Bridges and Darlene committed the fraud with me to gain credibility. Once that credibility had been gained they solicited other writer's works under the false pretense that they owned a publishing company. These writers are being notified currently of this fraud.

V: It ain¹t fraud just because he says so, just as it ain¹t necessarily true just because Laura says it is. But refusing to sign contracts for the later purpose of copyright theft can certainly be construed that way in court of law.

Furthermore Vincent Bridges and Darlene committed fraud by placing the words "Aethyrea Books, LLC North Carolina" on the 3000 books you printed. I still own several hundred copies. I know several people who also purchased this book. also has a contract with Aethyrea Books signed by Vincent Bridges. This is fraud. No way around it.

V: Somehow, my having a company named Aethyrea Books long before Jay decided to form his own version for the sole purpose of stealing my work is fraud. Hmmm. wonder what statute that falls under? Intentional obscuring of psychopathic entitlement, perhaps? Note also that he admits owning many copies purchased as I noted above by his company, Sacred Mysteries.

Furthermore Vincent Bridges committed fraud by presenting a conference at Zaca Lake that was being produced by Aethyrea Books LLC North Carolina. This fraud was committed in the state of California and is covered by that state's laws. Zaca Lake Retreat is now preparing a suit against Vincent Bridges and Darlene for that misrepresentation. If Vincent Bridges, or anyone else, continue to act as a representative of Aethyrea Books I will have them arrested. If Vincent Bridges claims that he owns the copyright I will sue him. If this goes to court I will prove fraudulence by both Vincent Bridges and Darlene. Then I will sue them personally after I have proved this in a court of law.

V: Well, so now Zaca Lake is going to sue me what for exactly? For misrepresenting myself as a company that didn¹t exist until Jay founded it in January, four months later? As usual with so much of this, it just fails to make sense.

I hope Vincent Bridges and Darlene understand the seriousness of this crime. If not I will be more than happy to prove it to them. Also because of Vincent Bridges misrepresentations concerning his past, his name will be taken off the title of A Monument to the End of Time when the next revised edition is printed this year. However he will be paid a sum commensurate with the work performed. I have no desire to commit the same fraud that was perpetrated on myself.

V: What¹s a crime? Getting involved with assholes such as Jay and Laura? It isn¹t a crime but you get punished just the same. At least he admits he owes me something. All he has to do is write his own book on the subject, actually do his own research and his own writing. The ideas are up for grabs - you can¹t copyright ideas. But you can copyright content and format, and if he uses a single line that I wrote, or a single illustration of Darlene¹s then it will be plagiarism pure and simple. But as I said before, he hasn¹t the skill to do this book or any other book on his own, so he elects to steal my work.

Any questions concerning Aethyrea Books LLC North Carolina should be sent to: Aethyrea Books POB 1853 Buellton, CA 93427. Thank you for your time in this matter. Jay Weidner President, Aethyrea Books LLC North Carolina.

Perseus Research Team You Can Help!

Mail your tax deductible donations to: Perseus Foundation, Inc. P.O. Box 2068 New Port Richey, FL 34656-2068

Please include your return address so that we can issue you a receipt if you request one.

V: Such garbage I¹m sure just make folks want to write the big check to Perseus Foundation.

So, let¹s sum it up for those who like to skip to the bottom line. Jay is pulling a sleazy attempt to steal the copyrights to my work on AMET so that he can claim it for himself by filing a fraudulent incorporation request in the state of North Carolina. Aethyrea Books is a real company and has been in existence since 1995 as shown by documents, including tax records. This company never in any way included Jay Weidner as one of its members, partners or owners in any other sense. He is and was my co-author, period. He has never offered or given any assistance in the nature of time, money or effort on the behalf of Aethyrea Books for which he was not immediately and fully compensated, and no such assistance, offered or accepted, should be construed as constituting any kind of partnership agreement. He refused, several times, to sign any agreement with Aethyrea Books. However, his many occasions of tacit agreement constitute proof of a legal and binding non-written agreement to split the credit and the royalties from the publishing of the book. This agreement has yet to be broken on my part, as can be proven in court. Mr. Weidner¹s attempts to abrogate this tacit agreement does constitute persuasive evidence of fraudulent intent, as does his filing a corporation in the state of North Carolina with the stated intent of defrauding a prior existing company, corporation or partnership doing business in the state of North Carolina.

In simpler, more direct terms than the legal opinion above, Jay Weidner is a thief, attempting to steal work that he was too stupid and incompetent to produce on his own. Let him write his own book, if he can, but the attempt to steal my work and claim it all as his is simply a disgusting and obvious theft.


------- End of forwarded message -------

From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea
To: Goldenflower@...,Stan Tenen
Subject: Re: ROTFLMAO!

Date sent: Sun, 10 Feb 2002 19:53:22 -0500

On 10 Feb 2002, at 16:37, Stan Tenen wrote:

> It's obviously all a conspiracy by us Jewish priests.
> Now, for the thunder and lightning bolts.
> Need I add that this is jest? <smile

What is so un-bodacious-believable is the fact that they have got to CONSTANTLY find someone to blame for virtually everything that happens to them, generally as a result of their own stupidity. I have never, ever, EVER heard a single remark that was anywhere close to saying "oops! I did something stupid!"

I am really, really, having a hard time believing that VB has an IQ of over 180 as he claims.

How could he be so stupid as to NOT incorporate??? Is it because he really lives so close to poverty level that he doesn't have the cash to do it?

From what one of the group members found today, he STILL hasn't incorporated - even his newly announced "publishing" ventures!

What I would like to know is how he managed to get a merchant account without an IRS tax ID number.


From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea
To: Goldenflower@...
Subject: Re: ROTFLMAO!

Date sent: Mon, 11 Feb 2002 18:43:50 -0500

On 11 Feb 2002, at 18:03, Goldenflower@... wrote:

> I hope that you don't mind but I will need to use your site one more time in the
> very near future. I will bury his version of AMET. It will be a long and
> interesting article.

Okey dokey.

> This thing is amazing. I feel like I am caught in a dream. I have been
> accused of being involved in a zionist plot, a thief, and everything else.

Welcome to our nightmare.

> I do not get on the site where VB rants. Is anyone revealing his
> inconsistancies?

At this point, most of them are so sick of him they just ignore him. He has about 6 loyal followers, and I think he is losing a couple of them. For such a small gang, he and Storm Bear sure do make a lot of dust, don't they?

You are about to see the vampire revealed.

Remember the movie where Dracula sees himself in the mirror and goes bazonkers?

Well, that's VB when you hold the mirror up to him to show him what he is. He starts foaming at the mouth and whoa! does he ever show his true nature!


From: Goldenflower@....
Date sent: Mon, 11 Feb 2002 18:25:28 EST
Subject: Re: ROTFLMAO!

To: laura@cassiopaea

He justs get weirder and weirder. His lies about the book are so silly. But now I have to prove that the book was all mine and what he added - didn't even belong. Now I will decimate him.


From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea
To: Goldenflower@...
Subject: Re: ROTFLMAO!

Date sent: Mon, 11 Feb 2002 19:24:36 -0500

On 11 Feb 2002, at 18:25, Goldenflower@... wrote:

> I agree with you. He justs get weirder and weirder. His lies about the book
> are so silly. But now I have to prove that the book was all mine and what he
> added - didn't even belong. Now I will decimate him.

One hint: don't argue with HIM. It serves no purpose, drains energy, and all he does is lie and twist. We have found that the ONLY way to deal with him is to just write good copy that tells the story, entertains the reader, and we post it on the site. Everything is in public that way. Nothing is hidden. What's more, we write it with the idea that what we have learned from these experiences can help others. And darned if it isn't so! We are getting lots of letters from folks who are just so happy that all this stuff is being talked about in the open and now they don't feel so alone for having been taken in by con artists and left to suffer in silence.

So, write away, but make it fun and exciting. It will make a great piece.

We note that they are busy as all get-out pulling down pages where VB had his "LLC" listed.

What is SO bizarre is that now they are accusing YOU of doing EXACTLY what they did to us - trying to pirate our copyrighted material! They are still distributing it and we have the date stamped papers from the Library of Congress, Office of Copyright! They claim "moral right!" Yeah... they wouldn't know a moral if it slapped them in the face.

Just remember: don't answer VB... speak to the public.


From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea
To: Goldenflower@...,Stan Tenen
Subject: Re: ROTFLMAO!
Date sent: Mon, 11 Feb 2002 19:36:58 -0500

On 11 Feb 2002, at 15:53, Stan Tenen wrote:

> Notice that Mr. Bridges wants me to know that Ark and Laura are
> _anti-semites_. And as mentioned above he's upset that they agree with you.
> So now, let me get this straight. According to the Flowers/Bridges
> reality, you must therefore be that rarest of zionists, the anti-semitic
> sort. Have I missed a point of logic here? Or perhaps the combined neural
> power of Mr. Flowers and Mr. Bridges has fallen below the "Ronald Reagan"
> threshold.

Gads Stan, I laughed so hard tears came!

> My point is that this is just another example of grifter mentality. These
> turkeyfurters want me to fight with you, they want you to fight with Ark and
> Laura, and they want me to fight with Ark and Laura. The problem is, there's
> too much on the record, and we're all learning who exactly it is that's saying
> to everyone else, "Why don't you two fight with each other?"

Seeing this happen in front of our eyes has been the most amazing thing I have ever witnessed. I know that Jay may still have a tiny shred of an idea that VB is some sort of "scholar" or something - I sure had that idea for a long time and regretted that he was so scummy. But as time has passed, as I have seen how those guys do their two-step, with no apparent realization that anybody on the planet ever notices their contradictions that generally occur somewhere in the same sentence.... well, I finally realized that even the image of VB as a "scholar" HAS to be "stolen" in some way.

It doesn't matter how many lies he has told, or how often he has been caught in the middle of them, he just keeps going and going and going... I wish I had a little animated image of the energizer bunny with VB's face on it and a little bubble that pops out over and over again that says "I'm a liar.. I keep lying and lying and lying" while it marches back and forth across the screen....



From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea
To: Goldenflower@...
Subject: (Fwd) Fwd: Copyright Piracy Alert: Part II

Copies to: Stan Tenen

Date sent: Tue, 12 Feb 2002 13:13:56 -0500

From what I understand, VB and Storm Bear were trying to whip up a frenzy in others by claiming that you were trying to steal all those other folk's copyrights. Your notice that you were not interested in other people's work took the wind out of their sails, but of course they are going to twist it and try to make you look "weak," as you will see below in VB's latest salvo fired on the M list.

You will also note below that it is NEVER a good idea to respond to ANY of these "grifters" personally.

And don't hold your breath over the lawsuit threat... he's been threatening us for months.


--- In matrioshka@y...,
Vincent Bridges <.
> wrote: Posted by Vincent Bridges on February 12, 2002 at 12:33:32:

Copyright Piracy Alert: Part II

Here¹s the latest from Mr. Weidner. Seems he has taken a step back, a long step back, from his blustering and bluffing position of trying to claim all of Aethyrea Books¹ copyrights. Seems that he is no longer claiming anything else of mine but the work on A Monument to the End of Time. Makes one wonder what happened to calm him down? Did some other folks complain? Perhaps Stan Tenen was curious why Mr. Weidner was attempting to steal Aethyrea¹s copyrights to Dan Winter¹s book, the one that I have promised never to publish. Mr. Weidner of course has never made such a promise.

But, oops, sorry, Mr. Weedner, uh, Weidner has now changed his mind and he is going after only my work on AMET.

From: Goldenflower@c...
Date: Mon, 11 Feb 2002 17:59:09 EST
To: stormbear@m... Subject: (no subject)

Dear Stormbear:

I heard that you think that I am trying to steal your stuff. I only purchased Aethyrea Books to protect my own copyright with the book A Monument to the End of Time.

You have the right to keep all of your material. Please copyright it under your own name so that you are in legal possession of it. Aethyrea Books does not wish you to think that we want your copyrighted material. It is yours and you should be able to keep it.

It is important for you to understand that your material was not copyrighted at all before I took over Aethyrea. Anyone could have stolen it. That is why I purchased the company - to protect my work. Vincent Bridges does not have a company called Aethyrea Books. It does not exist. Ask to see the incorporation papers.

Your copyrights are yours. Please feel free to take them back.


Jay Weidner President
Aethyrea Books LLc
North Carolina
POB 1853 Buellton, CA 93427

V: Excuse me? He heard that Stormy thought. What kind of bantha poodoo is he trying to sell here? On Friday he said:

From: Goldenflower@c...
Date: Fri, 8 Feb 2002 16:19:13 EST
To: stormbear@m...
Subject: (no subject)

No one is allowed to use any of the work copyrighted by Aethyrea Books LLC North Carolina. If one does use any of the work owned by this copyright they will be sued and, if possible, arrested. No books, articles or anything else can be used by anyone without permission from Aethyrea Books LLC North Carolina.

V: Now since this is what he sent to Stormy, how else did he think Stormy would understand it? But of course, now he takes it all back. He didn¹t really mean what he said on Friday when he threatened to have Stormy arrested if he published Orbis.

From: Goldenflower@c...
Date: Mon, 11 Feb 2002 18:14:15 EST
To: stormbear@m...
Subject: (no subject)

To all Concerned:

I had no idea how many people had copyrights under Aethyrea Books. I am terribly sorry to all of those who think that I am attempting to steal their copyrights. If you have a copyrighted material by Aethyrea Books LLc North Carolina, please feel free to take back your work as your owTo All Concerned:n. (sic)

Aethyrea Books has no desire to own any other copyright but the book A Monument to the End of Time by Jay Weidner and Vincent Bridges. Please copyright your material in your own name. I will honor all copyright changes from Aethyrea Books LLc North Carolina. All, that is, except for A Monument to the End of Time.

You should know, however, that your material was never really copyrighted by Aethyrea Books as it did not exist. Therefore you are protected now as you were not before.

Sincerely, Jay Weidner President,
Aethyrea Books LLc North Carolina
POB 1853 Buellton CA 93427

V: OK, just to be very clear, let¹s take this step by step. Aethyrea Books LLC North Carolina, Mr. Weidner¹s company, holds no copyrights whatsoever, and therefore has nothing to ³honor² or give away. Would you be so kind as to point me to any public venue where any material can be shown to have the copyright mark of Aethyrea Books LLC North Carolina? And, if any of that material is previously copyrighted by Aethyrea Books or, I will have ample grounds to sue Mr. Weidner for plagiarism and copyright infringement. Until such time as Mr. Weidner does establish such a copyright, and it is shown not be an infringement on any of mine or anyone else¹s pre-existing copyrights, then Aethyrea Books LLC North Carolina can not claim to own, honor or distribute any such rights. To continue making those claims in the face of the facts is simply fraud.

Note also that in two places in his reply to Stormy he claims to have ³purchased² Aethyrea Books, while in the second email he claims that Aethyrea Books doesn¹t exist. This is clearly an attempt to mislead or deceive as Mr. Weidner has merely filed for a corporation in the state of North Carolina. He has used a name similar to my company¹s name in an attempt to create confusion and steal the copyright to AMET, as he says above. Mr. Weidner has never in any way been a member, partner or owner of Aethyrea Books, nor has he in any way purchased any such partnership, etc. In fact, he claims that such a company doesn¹t exist. Then how can he claim to have ³purchased² it? Either it exists, as it demonstrably has since 1995, or it doesn¹t. To claim that he purchased a company that supposedly doesn¹t exist is plain fraud.

I have no problem whatsoever with Mr. Weidner taking his research and his draft work on AMET and producing his own original work. However, since 90% of the final draft work and all of the illustrations, diagrams, etc. (except for a few photos clearly labeled copyright Jay Weidner) are the work of either myself or Darlene, Mr. Weidner has absolutely no claim to use that material. A company in North Carolina with a similar name conveys no rights to any holdings or assets of any prior existing company or corporation doing business under that name. To claim otherwise is pure fraud.

So Mr. Weidner, I¹m calling your bluff. You will retract all claims of ownership on any copyrights held by Aethyrea Books, deactivate your specious company and publicly apologized for these actions, or I will file charges against you with the Attorney General of the State of North Carolina, under article 19, section 14-100 Obtaining Property under False Pretenses, a felony, and let the courts of North Carolina take the appropriate actions.

You have 24 hours. If I have not received a retraction, notice of deactivation and a public apology by the close of business tomorrow, February 13th, 2002, I will file charges against you, Mr. Weidner, and Laura Knight-Jadcyzk and Ark Jadcyzk as accessories to the commission of a felonious fraud, attempting to Obtain Property under False Pretenses.

You may email me direct, and I will post your retraction and apology on this message board. The compliance of Ms. Knight-Jadcyzk will be judged by the removal of the notice under from her website.

If these conditions are not met, I will have no other recourse but to pursue legal action as stated above.

Vincent Bridges

-- --- End forwarded message ---

From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea
To: Goldenflower@...
Subject: Guaman Poma

Date sent: Tue, 12 Feb 2002 12:45:25 -0500

You might want to have a look here:

'Guaman Poma de Ayala. The Colonial Art of an Andean Author.' Americas society NY 1992.

Where the evidence is presented that Guaman Poma copied his images from European Catholic sources. His education was Catholic, and based on the evidence, he knew very little about Inca traditions other than what was generally known, or even less. His entire book was devoted to promoting Catholicism.

It's sort of difficult to get this book, but I have a copy from the Uni library and am going to copy it. If you can't get it, I think we can make a pdf for you.

He wasn't one of Pizarro's Conquistadors. And the symbols were not "The symbols of the Incas."

In fact, you will find the symbols in Bayley's "the lost language of symbolism."


From: Goldenflower@...
Date sent: Tue, 12 Feb 2002 13:42:07 EST
Subject: Re: Guaman Poma

To: laura@cassiopaea

I agree that his entire book was promoting Catholicism, this does not retract from the fact that he was drawing real Incans and real symbols.

However if they came from a previous European source that is interesting also.


From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea
To: Goldenflower@...
Subject: Re: Guaman Poma

Date sent: Tue, 12 Feb 2002 16:04:00 -0500

On 12 Feb 2002, at 13:42, Goldenflower@... wrote:

> However if they came from a previous European source that is interesting also.

Well, you gotta see this book. Examples, side by side. It also refers to who he was probably working with... a priest (why oh why are we NOT surprised?) and that this priest wrote his own book, which is what I am going after next.


From: Goldenflower@...
Date sent: Tue, 12 Feb 2002 17:43:10 EST
Subject: Re: Guaman Poma

To: laura@cassiopaea

But why did they use these pictures and attribute them to the Inca? Also the caves actually exist, as I have been there, so why picture them if it is a fake? No. The real answer is something far deeper. It reveals that someone knows the great secret. Are they pawns of someone else - could be. The point being that the Great Secret is also revealed, in a very real way, in the Incan drawings.

You see the images on Hendaye do refer to the time of the Great Cross but they also refer to the Great Secret. In fact the proper interpetation of the images is really with the Great Secret. I never told VB this and I intend on making it the central point of the next book or revision. When the Great Secret is understood all of the other problems with Hendaye, Peru and alchemy itself vanish.

It would seem that no matter how much I try to stay quiet with the knowledge of the secret, forces keep pushing me towards revealing it. This entire affair with VB is inexorably pushing me towards the real book about Hendaye.

I was hoping that enough people could read between the lines in AMET and see what I was getting at. But VB muddied the water too much. The more I consider it, the more I think he was doing it on the orders of someone else.


From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea
To: Goldenflower@...
Subject: Re: Guaman Poma

Date sent: Tue, 12 Feb 2002 21:21:47 -0500

On 12 Feb 2002, at 17:43, Goldenflower@... wrote:

> But why did they use these pictures and attribute them to the Inca?

The book discusses this extensively. It seems that Guaman was something of an activist. His agenda was to prove that the Inca were "Christian" BEFORE the Conquistadores, even if they had different names for things. He hoped to convince the king of Spain thereby to give the Inca better treatment. It was a big "we're hermanos" routine.

So, he worked very hard to cover up the real Inca stuff, to whitewash everything with a Christian gloss, using images from Christian missals, even some from a German deck of Tarot cards, as models for his pictures.

The mountain symbol is straight from the imagery of Mt. Zion as depicted in certain Cathar symbol systems. He only added the caves since they were too well known to omit.

>Also the
> caves actually exist, as I have been there, so why picture them if it is a fake?

See above. But the form and shape of the mountain itself is drawn from Cathar imagery.

> No. The real answer is something far deeper. It reveals that someone knows
> the great secret. Are they pawns of someone else - could be. The point being
> that the Great Secret is also revealed, in a very real way, in the Incan
> drawings.

They aren't Inca drawings. He "created" a "coat of Arms" of the Incas based on European models.

My guess is that it is partly Guaman's own asserted (by him) agenda and revealed (by research) sources of images that simply operates as a red herring, though there are some significant clues that this was ALSO part of the agenda of the "others" to plant another set of false clues. Same thing was done re: Ethiopia which kept Graham Hancock busy for so long, and also w/the Canary Islands, the Virgin of Candelaria, the caves there, etc.

Thus the important thing seems to be to find out where Guaman saw these symbols all together, under whose influence he selected them, and then track the connections of THAT person ... and I think I have an idea who it was. I have some queries out to some experts on Guaman (how I got ahold of the present book) and will be going after the book of the guy who Guaman worked for, and who he did other illustrations for - the guy who "taught him everything he knew."

> You see the images on Hendaye do refer to the time of the Great Cross but
> they also refer to the Great Secret. In fact the proper interpetation of the
> images is really with the Great Secret. I never told VB this and I intend on
> making it the central point of the next book or revision. When the Great Secret
> is understood all of the other problems with Hendaye, Peru and alchemy itself
> vanish.
> It would seem that no matter how much I try to stay quiet with the knowledge of
> the secret, forces keep pushing me towards revealing it. This entire affair
> with VB is inexorably pushing me towards the real book about Hendaye.

Have you shared with others the VB fiasco? What do they think about it? In short, you may need some help and support through the process, and I can almost guarantee you that until VB is incarcerated, there will be no peace.

> I was hoping that enough people could read between the lines in AMET and see
> what I was getting at. But VB muddied the water too much. The more I consider
> it, the more I think he was doing it on the orders of someone else.

For being such trash with nothing but endless lies and hot air, he sure has made quite a few folks miserable. As Stan pointed out, it is clearly a conspiracy, and I tend to agree, though I am sort of on the fence about whether it is gov or other... I keep finding those little threads that lead back to things like Golden Dawn, Crowley, Enochian nonsense, and all those magickal mumbo jumbo folks, so my guess is that there is a connection of some sort. Even if Aquino and Hyatt disavowed any knowledge of VB, doesn't mean it is necessarily true. But what does seem to be true is that he is a "throwaway," and nobody is gonna help him.

Well, he's huffing and puffing and is gonna "blow our house down" in about 12 hours. Oughta be interesting.


From: Goldenflower@...
Date sent: Tue, 12 Feb 2002 21:54:09 EST
Subject: Re: Guaman Poma

To: laura@cassiopaea

I once wrote a book concerning Jack Parsons and the Golden Dawn's influence on NASA. Later I went through an absolutely jaw dropping experience with Richard Hoagland where we discovered the truth about what NASA is really up to.

One night, as I was finishing the first draft of the book I got a knock on my door. The man there was a former employee of NASA, a lawyer who worked for the big corps of Seattle. I had let him read my manuscript because I wanted his opinion. He told me to burn it because it was true and I would die for sure if I let the book out. Within one year I had Jirka and VB in my life.

What I am trying to say is that the men who run NASA are occultists. They have an agenda and they are doing it. Paul Mevryl was one of them but he wrote under a psuedonym because he is afraid also. Everything he says is true, but not in the way that you think.

As for Peru, you must understand that everything there is a shell game. The counterfeit tradition was in full swing by the time of the conquests. They were looking for info on the real tradition. Whoever influenced him to make that sign was trying to send a message across the water, or across time, or both. The fact that the picture comes from a cathar drawing is also interesting. However it does look like the caves Pacarictambo. An artist always models his works after what has influenced him. The statue on the top of the couple does also appear to be pachamama and pachapapa, the Incan holy couple. However the androgenous couple could also be the cathar/alchemist couple. But then you see all the threads are woven in the same way.

Don't forget the 'cocaine mummies' in Egypt. Hair samples analyzed by a toxicologist proved that the Egyptians were taking cocaine as well as tobacco. The cultures were blended together far later than we have been led to believe. Hebrew writing on a cave in the Grand Canyon, Egyptian heiroglyphs found deep in a cave in Australia, it is only in the Iron Age that consider the bifurcation of people as more important than what unites them. Once they all had the secret. Now we are lost.

The idea that the spanish are involved in this affair is on the right track. The Jesuits were the front line troops in the counterfeit tradition attempts to find out the Great Secret. Who followed the conquistedors in? The Jesuits?, the Dominicans? It's important.


Frankly I have always been suspicious of Pizzaro's account of the conquest. Did 168 men really kill all those warriors? Think about how many musket balls they must have been carrying. And gun powder also. When one considers that it seems odd that no one else ever brings it up.

The real answer is that the Inca just returned to the jungle. There they could hide from the Spanish and continue on in their old ways. The Spanish were not very good in the dense underbrush but the Inca were. Peru is so isolated that it is unbelievable. There are literally thousands of square miles without a city or a town. Anyone could be anywhere.

From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea
To: Goldenflower@...
Subject: Re: Guaman Poma

Date sent: Tue, 12 Feb 2002 22:52:01 -0500

On 12 Feb 2002, at 21:54, Goldenflower@... wrote:

> I once wrote a book concerning Jack Parsons and the Golden Dawn's influence on
> NASA. Later I went through an absolutely jaw dropping experience with Richard
> Hoagland where we discovered the truth about what NASA is really up to.

Yeah. Well, from all accounts, Hoaxland has been coopted or "replaced." All it takes is a trip to the hospital.

> One night, as I was finishing the first draft of the book I got a knock on my
> door. The man there was a former employee of NASA, a lawyer who worked for the
> big corps of Seattle. I had let him read my manuscript because I wanted his
> opinion. He told me to burn it because it was true and I would die for sure if
> I let the book out. Within one year I had Jirka and VB in my life.

Now, that's an interesting sentence. Maybe something like "good cop, bad cop?" How about double reverse psychology???

On the other hand, VB seems to really be poverty stricken... or maybe that's an act? I still can't get over how "clean" he is. Where was he all those years?

> What I am trying to say is that the men who run NASA are occultists. They have
> an agenda and they are doing it. Paul Mevryl was one of them but he wrote under
> a psuedonym because he is afraid also. Everything he says is true, but not in
> the way that you think.

Don't think I don't already know that.

> As for Peru, you must understand that everything there is a shell game.

Everything on the whole damn planet is a shell game!

> counterfeit tradition was in full swing by the time of the conquests.

It's been in full swing for a lot longer than that. Try about 5 o 6 thousand BC for the most recent "activation," and long, slow, programming process.

> They were
> looking for info on the real tradition.


>Whoever influenced him to make that
> sign was trying to send a message across the water, or across time, or both.

Very possible. I think it's worth tracking.

> The fact that the picture comes from a cathar drawing is also interesting.


> However it does look like the caves Pacarictambo.

Also looks like the caves on the Canaries.

> An artist always models his
> works after what has influenced him. The statue on the top of the couple does
> also appear to be pachamama and pachapapa, the Incan holy couple. However the
> androgenous couple could also be the cathar/alchemist couple. But then you see
> all the threads are woven in the same way.


> Don't forget the 'cocaine mummies' in Egypt. Hair samples analyzed by a
> toxicologist proved that the Egyptians were taking cocaine as well as
> tobacco. The cultures were blended together far later than we have been led to
> believe. Hebrew writing on a cave in the Grand Canyon, Egyptian heiroglyphs
> found deep in a cave in Australia, it is only in the Iron Age that consider the
> bifurcation of people as more important than what unites them. Once they all
> had the secret. Now we are lost.

But I have found evidence - GOOD evidence - that the Egyptian, Hebrew, Incan cultures - the whole swath of Southern hemisphere cultures were the "Evil Empire," of which the US is the present reincarnation, and we are about to do the Atlantean Two Step again. I've got 800 or so pages of sourced material on this. When Fulcanelli said "read Plato's story of the Flood" he meant it. And it's not just the "end of time," it's a Time Loop, and it's coming around to a nexus and the whole thing is just a repeat. As Fulcanelli pointed out, "as it was in the days of Noah..."

So, studying the matter, we see that the "Athenians" defeated the evil empire of Atlantis - i.e. Inca's etc. Remnants of them went to India and Egypt... Indus Valley civilization, etc. The slashing of the foreskin as a sacrifice to the god, the flaying of the sacrifice, the whole blood and gore thing filtered up and corrupted the Mesopotamian civilization which was where the northern Central Asian/European Cro Magnon Moon worshippers blended with the hybridized Southern contingent Sun worshippers.

Have you looked at the Ica skulls and compared them to the Egyptian "ruling elite" imagery? Same gang.

They weren't the good guys. That's the major deception of the shell game.

It is, of course, more complicated than all that...

And, by the way, the "Inca" who told his story that came to be written as the Chronicle of Akakor, turned out to be a German guy who ran off and abandoned his wife and kids and the reporter was killed to keep THAT revelation quiet... because they WANT everybody to think it is Peru.

For the same reason, all the "Peru/Inca" stuff of the past how ever many years.

> The idea that the spanish are involved in this affair is on the right track.
> The Jesuits were the front line troops in the counterfeit tradition attempts to
> find out the Great Secret. Who followed the conquistedors in? The Jesuits?,
> the Dominicans? It's important.

I'm going to read the book slowly and see what clues I can find. Of course, it is written with no esoteric agenda - it's a study of "art," so that makes it better in terms of being more likely to be truthful.

I'll let you know.

> Frankly I have always been suspicious of Pizzaro's account of the conquest. Did
> 168 men really kill all those warriors? Think about how many musket balls they
> must have been carrying. And gun powder also. When one considers that it seems
> odd that no one else ever brings it up.

There's a LOT of stuff that nobody ever talks about!

> The real answer is that the Inca just returned to the jungle. There they
> could hide from the Spanish and continue on in their old ways. The Spanish were
> not very good in the dense underbrush but the Inca were. Peru is so isolated
> that it is unbelievable. There are literally thousands of square miles without
> a city or a town. Anyone could be anywhere.


Well, think about it a bit and see if you get a "sign" that anything I am saying ought to be pursued.


From: Goldenflower@...
Date sent: Tue, 12 Feb 2002 23:40:05 EST
Subject: Re: Guaman Poma

To: laura@cassiopaea

I am not sure what you mean by 'good guys'? There is just the ages flowing downwards until all the good guys become bad guys. The trick is to avoid becoming a bad guy, which gets more difficult with each passing minute.

There is no account of Incan blood sacrifices from any sources that are good. Even Bill Sullivan is having a difficult time getting any good data on this. The Spanish and the Jesuits always make up stories like that. Maybe with the Aztecs it was true but with a many of the other native Americans the accusation just isn't true. They accused the Mayans, the Chumash, the Apaches, the Suquamish, and many other tribes of blood sacrifice but there is no data to support this.

I would bet that even the Aztec report is overblown. How can we believe anything that they write?

I do not think that Atlantis, if it really existed, was a high tech place. Technology does not rot very well, we would find bundles of evidence. Atlantis was just the first city-state, the first descent into the Bronze and the Iron Age, 13000 and 6500 years ago.


PS - Have you ever considered how difficult it would be for an alien species to land here on earth? It is bad enough just traveling from the United States to a place like Bali. The immune system is under a constant attack unless one gets the proper shots and these usually don't help. The immune system of any alien would be under attack almost immediately.

Consider this: How about the idea that it is impossible for a human or any organism to be far removed from its home planet for very long. The organism and the planet are in a symbiotic relationship with each other. When there is a seperation they die. Is it possible that human beings have been in space for far longer than we currently suspect? Absolutely. It is all a disneyland show out there to make sure that you are not looking in the right place. That's why the UFO's show up where people can see them. This is not to say that all UFO's are fake. Many are light bodies, the bodies of the luminous ones. One does not need a tin can to get around in time/space.


From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk
To: Goldenflower@....
Subject: (Fwd) Re:

Copies to: Stan Tenen
Date sent: Wed, 13 Feb 2002 23:49:29 -0500

This is on his website... he is denied access to ours:

Posted by Vincent Bridges on February 13, 2002 at 17:14:17:

To All Concerned:

As of 5:00 pm EST Wednesday, February 13th, 2002, I have not received any response from Mr. Weidner. The promotional article on the website has not changed, except to add a completely irrelevant diatribe concerning LLC companies. I take this as refusal, on both parts to deal with the problem in any meaningful way. Therefore I have no choice but to file a complaint on charges of Attempting to Obtain Property by False Pretenses, NC Legal Code, article 19, section 14-100, citing Mr. Weidner has the perpetrator of the fraudulent attempt to obtain property, Aethyrea Books' copyrights, name recognition and company assets, by false pretenses, forming a corporation with a similar name and then claiming to be the sole representative of the pre-existing company, and Ms. Knight- Jadcyzk and Perseus Foundation et. al. as accessories to this criminal endeavour by promoting both the attempted corporate hijacking and theft of copyrights by Mr. Weidner and attacking the original copyright holder in order to support Mr. Weidner's fraudulent claims.

Here are the facts;

On January 17th, 2002, I announced my intention to take my own personally copyrighted material and write my own version of what had formally been our co-authored, published material, A Monument to the End of Time: Alchemy, Fulcanelli and the Great Cross © Aethyrea Books 1999 and 2000 – LCN 107044. I have, as the primary author of the work in question, every right to reform, edit or rewrite my own original material in anyway I chose. I also have a right to use a version of the original title, as does Mr. Weidner.

On January 24th, 2002, Mr. Jay Weidner filed for a corporation in North Carolina called Aethyrea Books LLC North Carolina for the sole purpose of claiming all copyrights, nme recognition and company assets held by Aethyrea Books, a pre-existing company originally registered as Aleph Books LLC and DBA Aethyrea Books LLC.

On February 8th, 2002, Mr. Weidner emailed his intent to commit fraud by claiming copyrights and other assets belonging to Aethyrea Books to many of the people involved. These statements of intent to defraud were also posted at, making the owners of the site accessories to that stated intent.

On February 11th, 2002, Mr. Weidner retracted his statements concerning any other copyrights possibly held by Aethyrea Books, but continued to maintain his claim against the copyrights on A Monument to the End of Time, and by extension the assets of Aethyrea Books. Since Mr. Weidner owns his original draft work and his independent research, there can be no other point to his claim on Aethyrea Books' copyright than to steal the final draft work, illustrations and design of the book that are clearly the property of Aethyrea Books and its sole owners, and the originators of the material, Vincent Bridges and Darlene. There can be absolutely no reason for Mr. Weidner to claim the property or assets of a pre-existing company to which he has never, in any way, been a memeber, partner or owner.

This, in plain and simple language, is Obtaining Property, our copyrighted work and company assets, by False Pretenses, claiming some to be the only and sole legitimate representative of a pre- existing company. This is a felony in the state of North Carolina. Fortunately, Mr. Weidner's numerous emails and Ms. Knight-Jadcyzk's public support, make it very easy to demonstrate enough evidence that a crime has been committed.

Beyond that, it is up to the State of North Carolina…

Vincent Bridges

From: Goldenflower@....
Date sent: Thu, 14 Feb 2002 11:38:45 EST
Subject: Re: (Fwd) Re:

To: laura@cassiopaea

This is all bluster. For one thing - I have never been personally contacted about any thing. Putting something up on a site does not mean that I have seen it. He has to contact me.

What court? Where?



From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea
To: Goldenflower@...
Subject: Re: (Fwd) Re:

Date sent: Thu, 14 Feb 2002 12:56:55 -0500

On 14 Feb 2002, at 11:38, Goldenflower@... wrote:

> This is all bluster. For one thing - I have never been personally contacted
> about any thing. Putting something up on a site does not mean that I have seen
> it. He has to contact me.
> What court? Where?
> Sheesh!

Yup. It's called the BBW syndrome - you know "I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blowwwwwwwww your house down!!!"

My all time favorite is the 8 grand he claims to have spent on atty fees to sue us. If I spent 8 grand for an attorney and couldn't even get them to send a letter to the person I wanted to sue, I'd fire 'em!

He had something of an audience at one time. At this point, it is dwindling and I don't think anybody even listens to him anymore except Storm Bear and a small handfull of whacked out women.

It's just a good idea to warn others about him, though. You got taken for a few grand, and some serious time and energy and the hassle over the book and you are pretty much clear of him now - except that he's gonna try to irritate you to death.

We almost got taken for a few grand and our reputations, etc... and he's gonna try to do as much as he can to irritate us to death.

But, if we keep spreading the word about his Con, his huffing and puffing, he will be essentially defused, disarmed, and dead in the water.

Hopefully, no one else will get taken in - and if they do, they have no one to blame but themselves.

Notice how his "I'm gonna sue you" suddenly morphed into "I'm gonna tell on you and then it's up to the State of NC..." yeah - right.

Unless there really IS somebody behind him with some bux, I think it's safe to ignore him from here on out.


From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk <laura@cassiopaea>
To: Goldenflower@....
Subject: Laine Pomeroy
Send reply to: laura@cassiopaea
Date sent: Thu, 14 Feb 2002 18:51:24 -0500

Posted on

------- Forwarded message follows -------

Posted by Laine on February 14, 2002 at 17:05:07:

In Reply to: Jay Weidner on the Cs posted by Vincent Bridges on February 14, 2002 at 07:15:32:

Yikes! After reading the Weidner letters I can see that he's certainly unstable and irrational enough to turn on a dime! I found the letters to be way over-the-top, boarding on hysterical, and full of muddle-headed contradictions.

For instance, Jay writes, "How can you believe anything a bunch of spirits say?!" A paragraph or two later he confesses that he prayed to God (the biggest spirit of 'em all) "to help with my BS radar."

Jay hammers A&L for their paranoia and conspiracy-mongering, yet adds this ditty: "It's time to lay to rest all this alien BS, this channelled crap, and all the other lies that the NWO wants us to believe." Huh? Doesn't believing in the omnipresence of the NWO to control our lives, as Jay apparently does, fit into the realm of "paranoia" and "conspiratorial" thinking?

Then Jay closes his first letter with a fire and brimstone sermon on karma! Ouch! Yes, I can definately see how someone like this could swing 180 degrees!

From: Goldenflower@....
Date sent: Fri, 15 Feb 2002 10:55:22 EST
Subject: Re: Laine Pomeroy

To: laura@cassiopaea

that was wrtten by VB and signed by someone else.

More sh** is hitting the fan. You will see soon.


From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea
To: Goldenflower@...
Subject: Re: Laine Pomeroy

Date sent: Fri, 15 Feb 2002 13:23:25 -0500

On 15 Feb 2002, at 13:03, Goldenflower@... wrote:

> I don't want to sy anything until it happens but right now there is one
> pissed off dude in NC who VB owes A LOT of money. He is the primary investor in
> Aethyrea Books LLc (not mine but VB!)

Well, that sounds cool. I hope he can jack up the Attorney General there to go after VB. You see... seems that VB and SB may have been "using" someone else's internet account... to the tune of about 300 bux in extra charges to that person... and there is some evidence that he and SB may have been trying to steal that person's identity for financial reasons... plus, he has put through charges on someone else's credit card... fraudulently...

So, all of this info has gone to the NC atty general, the fbi, etc. I DO hope that you have added YOUR letter of complaint to the NC atty general

Mr. Roy Cooper,
Attorney General North Carolina
Department of Justice
P.O. Box 629
Raleigh, North Carolina 27602-0629

The more complaints they get, the sooner they are likely to just throw the book at him. Of course, as one person suggested, if they DON'T throw the book at him, that might suggest that he has gov support of some kind. So, we are just testing the waters in that respect.

Nevertheless, it is clearly a conspiracy to defraud a LOT of people.

The more people who wake up to this guy, the better. So, keep me posted if anything interesting happens.


From: Goldenflower@....
Date sent: Fri, 15 Feb 2002 13:30:47 EST
Subject: Re: Laine Pomeroy

To: laura@cassiopaea

It is on the down hill slide. It may soon be out of our hands completely.

Goodbye VB it was not nice knowing you.

But what a great experience. A real lesson in sociopathic personality. Now I don't trust anyone. Probably better this way.


See also:

Vincent Bridges Tells His Own Story

Vincent Bridges AKA "Dr. Strange"
New Age Grifter or COINTELPRO?

Vincent Bridges AKA "Dr. Strange"
Psychotherapist? Or Hacker and Thief?

Is Truth Defamatory?

The COINTELPRO Files: Vincent Bridges and Co. (photographic exhibit)

The Bridges - Jadczyk Correspondence

The Weidner - Jadczyk Correspondence

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