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The Jadczyk - Weidner CorrespondenceFrom:
Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea> Hi, http://members.aol.com/BDelphin/Bi01000.htm [Note added: the page has disappeared. HERE is the webarchive link. The text is also reproduced at the end of this page.] Have a look here and read the article further down the page which talks about Drunvalo and some weird connections to stuff I am sure that he would not want talked about just now with the political situation as it is. I have to tell you that I have suspicions that there is a link to the WTC thing and all of this stuff we are dealing with. From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea> I was just reading Drunvalo's bio here: http://www.floweroflife.org/dabout.htm and it sounded a LOT like VB's schpiel. Very strange. And then I had a very strange insight... Having found this very small link on Bob Dratch's page between the guy who was training with the Mujahdeen, and Drunvalo... and the strange behavior of VB at the time of the WTC - when he ranted that the "ringing voice of the goddess was heard at last" in gleeful terms, as though he was "pround" of the WTC, it begins to make me wonder JUST WHAT IS GOING ON. [See: Vincent Bridges and the MOSSAD HappyDance ] Now, think about this: what IF these guys ARE connected to this sp**k organization that was behind WTC... and they are being set up to connect to OTHERS who are the real targets, so that - IF IT IS SEEN AS DESIRABLE - final links between the targets (i.e. you, me, JR, etc) can be forged and they would be "connected" to the attack on WTC and boom! Clean them all right up in one sweep. Yeah, I know it sounds nutzoid. But the whole world is already nutzoid, so what's a little more. Especially when, after you sit down and think about it, it makes some sense. L From: Goldenflower@... L All of our emails are somehow going out to hundreds of people on lists and in private. I have hundreds of complaints from people that I recieved today. They are demanding to be taken off of 'my list'. I have no list. Some of the emails that people are recieving (from me) are anti-semitic statements made from the Nationalist Socialists. This is outrageous. Someone is sending out emails that are antisemitic to hundreds of people with ...@cs.com as the address.!!!! I have sent none of these to anyone. I have kept everything quiet. I am getting very worried. This is serious. If you know what is going on here please stop it. If you don't - you should know that everything we have said is, very likely, public. J From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea> On 29 Dec 2001, at 15:35, Goldenflower@... wrote: >
I have sent none of these to anyone. I have kept everything quiet. I
am Did anyone send you any samples? I don't think that anything we are saying is public, but somebody is definitely playing the game on you that was played on us. Ask for the evidence. Ask them to send you the original email they received from you. Send it to me and we will analyze the headers and see what is going on. If you think it best that we cease any communication, I will certainly understand. But again, be on guard against these tactics. Do visit Sweeney's site: http://www.proparanoid.com/truth.htm for a look at how this operation works. L From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea> On 29 Dec 2001, at 15:35, Goldenflower@... wrote: >
Some of the emails that people are recieving (from me) are anti-semitic This is the same game the Sitchin guy (in cahoots with VB and Storm Bear) was playing on us. We responded to this game, as we have responded to every maneuver, by making it public. See: http://www.cassiopaea.com/perseus/eparker.htm KNOWLEDGE PROTECTS! And for it to protect, it has to be UTILIZED to bring LIGHT. These people only thrive in DARKNESS. L From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea> Hi, If you have any emotional triggers, expect them to try to hit every one of them in the days weeks and even months to come. Unless, of course, you choose to withdraw from the quest. So, calm down and let's look at what you have written. On 29 Dec 2001, at 15:35, Goldenflower@... wrote: >>
All of our emails are somehow going out to hundreds of people on lists
and in What evidence do you have that "OUR" emails are going out to hundreds of people??? > Send me the complaints. As noted, this is a tactic that has already been used on us. > That is not the subject of "our emails." Again, send me the emails. But first, read the page on parker. > Indeed, it is more serious than I was even thinking. They are most definitely sniffing around the perimeter looking for the "weak link." If it was ever a time for cool headed thinking, now is that time. Never forget that they have a very sophisticated psychological profile on you and will use your weaknesses mercilessly. > Why would you think that *I* know what is going on, or that I could stop it? Yes, there is ONE way to stop it right now. Call VB up, kiss his hands and feet and shuffle into the corral like a good little sheep. Retract your demand for an apology, repair his reputation, and get back with the program. Otherwise, you are just a little guy against a giant. But, remember David against Goliath, or Perseus against Medusa. They used STRATEGY and COOL THINKING. Most of all, they didn't collapse in terror at the displays of power of the opponent. Take your time. It's a tough choice. The red pill, or the blue pill. L From: Goldenflower@... Somehow my email name was used to send out hundreds of emails. The person responsible does not understand how it happened. They are a web production company in VA. I had to write to every person and tell them I had nothing to do with it. Thanksfully it seems to be over. One of the people who wrote me said that she had recieved email that was sent for me to Laura. I thought you were involved. Actually someone named Laura wrote to people complaining about the emails she was getting and I misunderstood. At least I think that this is what happened. J From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea> Geeze, you could substitute almost any one of a dozen names, including VB's and the story would still read the same. As I understand it, the next on the agenda for exposure is Drunvalo...
The really weird thing is that I know Bob Dratch, Drunvalo, Dan Winter, Stan and all the rest. I am beginning to think that all of them are spks except Dan Winter, who is a fool. J From: Goldenflower@... Wow this is great. If it wasn't for all of the personal crap around VB I would shouting from the mountains over this. Why doesn't someone go after Drunvalo, Bob Dratch, Art Bell, Richard Hoagland and all the rest of the phony cronies that are everywhere? I can help people out if anyone wants to do it. I know a lot. A lot. And most of it is shocking. Now that I have been ensnared in their trap I am getting quietly angry. This is not a good thing. It takes a long time for me to get this way. It starts as a slow boil and then it explodes. There is a great lesson here that could be translated into a fantastic article. If only I had the time... In Secret Teaching by Hall there is a diagram supposedly discovered by Kircher in the Vatican Library. It is called 'The 72 names of G*d.' It is based on a Kabbalah scheme that describes the icosa-dodeca foundation of geometry. So it is ,really, the 72 places of G*d. The 48th place of G*d is Zaca. Zaca is the original name for this place I live. It was the 'land of the dead' or ' the land of the ancestors' to the Chumash Indian nation. Their shamans came here for 10000 years. They had a school. It was called the school of the 7 gates. It was a school dedicated to achieving light body while still alive in this body. Legends say that people from all over the Pacific came here to study. I asked the masters to do with me what they will and the next day they gave me Zaca Lake. Now I am starting a new school here. The new school of the 7 gates. I haven't idea what I am doing. I am just following some weird kind of course that is hidden from me until it is revealed. Every day things get stranger around here. I am telling you this because this is the only way to build a responsible future. The rest is just ego. Perhaps they know about this school and it really is pissing them off. J PS I could not get the Schwaller article up on the site. You still have problems with the site. From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea> On 30 Dec 2001, at 14:11, Goldenflower@... wrote: > Wow this is great. Well, from what I understand, it is even better than what has been published so far... apparently this SDM plagiarized some stuff from Piers Anthony, fantasy writer. As it happens, Piers is an acquaintance of mine, and we have exchanged some considerable correspondence in the years before emails were the thing. In fact, in the early days of the C's experience, I wrote to him about every week to recount the blow by blow account of what was going on. Of all people, Piers had a front row seat to the phenomenon. I am not sure what Piers is going to do about it, but I wrote to him and pointed out our own little operation. His reply was classic:
> Well, Ark has already started on Hoagland and Bearden. We have a couple pages on it, and this chapter in Noah deals with some of it. It's only gonna keep on rolling. Once the lid starts coming off... and we can expect those who are being exposed to try to take everybody down with them that they can. In fact, as I have already said, this may be the plan to begin with.
Well, as I said, Drunvalo is next... and the team is already warming up. It's a lot easier when the different parts of the work are shared out. And then, when the time comes to write the article, one will start it, create a skeleton, pass it around for review and additions, and then a final edit. That's how the VB work was done. It was an entire team doing it, though he is certain that yours truly just did it all on her own. And you know what they say about the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil... for good men to do nothing. On the one hand, I am inclined to live and let live, but when they drag it up in my front yard, as VB has most certainly done, then we feel that we are justified to deal with it. > Yeah. Well, I'm incorporating a lot of it into the book - not the personal stuff, but the important lessons. I'll save the personal stuff for the second volume of the autobiography. > That is totally KEWL! > Yeah. We hear you. And it is going to get a lot stranger. > Yup. > >
PS I could not get the Schwaller article up on the site. You still have Probably I'll attach it to this email, you can open it with adobe. L Attachments: noahchap17.pdf
Hi, Having another look at AMET and another question comes up. On page 151, the statement is made: Hendaye is on the border of Basque country, with a people whose genetic make-up has proven to be unlike any other in Europe. Their language is also a strange mixture of Finno-Ugaric and unknown roots. ...A DNA study on the Basque in the early 1990's reported that they resembled no other genetic group on earth. The only close genetic relatives of the Basque were the Quechua of Peru. What are the sources for these remarks? I have consulted linguists and geneticists on both subjects, and either the remarks are incorrect, or I just haven't been able to find the "right" experts. I have Cavalli-Sforza's extensive language/genetic study, and there is nothing in there that confirms either of these claims. Help. L From: Goldenflower@... That is a problem. And you are not the first to question me on it. I had the article, I believe it was a Seattle Times article printed sometime in 1995, 1996, maybe 1994. Somehow I have lost it. I have to go to Seattle and search the library to find it. It is true, but I have not had the time to get there since I left in 96. I wish I hadn't used the info now. It doesn't help make the case that much. But I will find it and be vindicated. I have searched everywhere also and have not found another source. It is true. Or at least the article exists. My friend and writer and shaman, Albert Villodo has read AMET. He told me that there are caves in Peru that are filled with the ancient Quechua string books. They tell the history of the world going back to 13000 years ago. He says that I am more right than I realize about Peru. He teaches light body practices from the Incan. They know the secret and they are releasing it right now - through him! The buildings at Teohunoco are aligned to 15000 years ago. Albert says that the time will be right soon for the final illumination and that is when we will be ready for the final passage. This takes place in - 2012. With less than 11 years left before the main channel opens the race will only get more heated. I read your article on Fulcanelli. I agree with you completely. In fact I had written a long passgae in AMET that covered the same ground as you are. VB left it out of the final edition. I was really upset. I wanted to take on Vanderbroeken but he wouldn't do it. I think I know why. Do not underestimate Lallemant mansion and the text concerning it. You need to read Fulcanelli revealed. It is in French but it 'proves' that Fulcanelli was the drunk Champagne. It shows the drawing that Schwaller made of Fulcanelli. It was indeed Champagne. Fulcanelli did not write all of dwellings. Champagne took notes from his meetings with the master and concocted a book. Some actually were drafts and notes written by Fulcanelli but the rest is gibberish. One has to remember that, in 1919, John Woodruff translated the serpent power documents into english. He worked in France while translating this most rare of texts. The hindus were outraged that he had bribed someone to get the book. He took it to France and worked on it for years. Once this book was translated it broke the ice for the masters. They saw, or more likely they were behind, the release of this important book. It was now okay for them to release the western tradition that parrelelled this tradition so nicely. Finally there was a book, from another culture, that confirmed what the real teachings were and not the counterfeit teachings. Suddenly the truth was revealed. Fulcanelli showed us that there were many people, once, who knew the great secret. They built the cathedrals. He taught that we have nothing to be ashamed of, that we, also, once, understood our destiny. The two were released at near the same time to reveal an essential secret. It is astonishing that no one sees it. The nearest I ever got to having a channelled moment was when I suddenly had the idea, at 4 in the morning, to pick up Serpent Power. It fell open to the exact passage that blew the whole thing open. The whole thing is a pressure cooker that has been on the stove for a long time. The groundwork has been laid. The foundation has been poured. We have our master and he is our guide and teacher. The golden age will emerge, but only from the blackest of matter. Only when the age has become as dark as night and as heavy as iron will we emerge. Everything moves in the right direction. The Great Work is almost completed. There is nothing to fear because they can do nothing. (I especially like the fact that VB made up a story about how I stole a book and that is how I know everything. Just like Rene. The irony has not been lost on me. Just shows that someone has a real sense of humor.) J From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea> On 30 Dec 2001, at 19:53, Goldenflower@... wrote: >
You need to read Fulcanelli revealed. It is in French but it 'proves'
that Who wrote it? Schwaller is already extremely suspect. In his words, quoted in the article, he is talking exactly like VB. And, based on my experience, and reading other things VB has written about us, which are not just lies, but outrageous ones, I don't trust Schwaller any further than I can spit. So, how does it prove it? What other "testimony" is there? L From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk laura@cassiopaea> On 30 Dec 2001, at 19:53, Goldenflower@... wrote: >
That is a problem. And you are not the first to question me on it. I
had the If it was in a newspaper, it must have been a news item reporting a scientific study, correct? In that case, the scientific study ought to exist in the indexes. This is a huge problem with AMET and I told VB about it before it was published. It needs notes to carry any weight. > Well, I have some strong circumstantial evidence that the Inca traveled to India by way of Easter Island and were instrumental in creating the Indus Valley civilization... follow the art, the artifacts - and most especially the circumcised phalluses. Their religion - the sacrifices, the flayed bodies, etc, all are the underpinning of the Jewish religion, the Egyptian religion, etc. Evidence recently found of serious human sacrifice going on in Egypt in earliest times. Agriculturalists. The general trend seems to be a swath of violent sacrificers in the South, Sun worshippers, circumcision, etc, as opposed to the Moon worshipping, goddess oriented religions of the north - the shepherds. From Spain across Europe into Central Asia, to Japan - Jomon - to some of the unusual northern Indian tribes in N.A., and including Aztlan in Wisconsin, Isle Royale copper mines, etc. Call them the Atlanteans in the South, the Athenians in the north, as Plato designated them. There was blending in the Middle East. In general, they can be divided into the circle people and the triangle people. The triangle people are the people of the serpent. The circle people are the serpent slayers. > Question is: which group? Our spanish translator lives in Costa Rica and has been sending me some very strange reports from Peru. And never forget that Satan can appear as an angel of light. It is only by their fruits you can know them, and that is precisely what I am analyzing in Noah. The Southern swath doesn't seem to be the good guys. > Yup. > Guess what. 2009 is when we will start rocking and rolling. By the way, do you know who wrote the foreword in the archive edition of Dwellings? > Do you mean AON or Fulcanelli's commentary in Dwellings? You see, before I ever even knew about Dwellings, the C's brought it up... saying "Prime Numbers are the Dwellings of the Mystics..." It was a year or two before I was aware that there was book with almost this exact title... but that's a whole series of clues. > As noted, don't believe it. > Sez who? > Never heard of it. What's it about? > I wonder if the idea of "parallel" traditions is not just the reading of these similarities of Cosmic COINTELPRO as being evidence of something positive. One thing I noticed about VB was the curious fact that he was convinced that the god of this world was positive and had our best interests at heart, and that is okay, those folks who want to serve that god are entitled to. But that's not what the most ancient Sufi and Shamanic traditions teach. That is not what the gnostic traditions teach. And whenever I see them trying to slip the serpent in there as being positive, it's a big turn off. >Finally
there was a book, from another culture, that confirmed what Yeah. And they got themselves wiped out. >He
taught that we have nothing to Well, quote me the passage so I can have some idea of the possible source of it... that is, after all, my speciality. I didn't spend all those years doing spirit release and exorcisms for nothing. > Exactly. All the action happens in and through us. Our choices, our actions, our directions, our abilities to read the clues. If we fail, another will step into our shoes. The plan won't fail. But it is up to us as to whether we are part of it or not. And to do that, we have to survive. If you think this little bit with VB is rough, just wait. It's going to get really stinky. > Are you Jean Julien Champagne? L From: Goldenflower@... I read your article on Dwellings and I am sorry but you are running off with half the facts. As I am the only one to have AON I wish you would not quote VB. The book was NOT published in 1943. We don't know when it was published. VB made up this fact. He said that he had a source. He doesn't. The edition that I have does not give a date!!!!!!! Furthermore B. Donvez says that it was written in the 1850-1875. Way before Schwaller. It is written in the french of that time. Like James Fenimore Cooper wrote in his time. You are associating a book that you have not seen with Schwaller. Furthermore you have associated Schwaller with Nazis which is part of the program to get you to believe it. VanderBroeken is a leftist who hated the traditionalism movement. That is why he was sent after Schwaller. Was Schwaller lying? Yes! To cover up the trail behind the real Fulcanelli. You are way off. You are making conjectures on material that you have not seen. Hold your horses or you will look like a fool also. Jay
On 1 Jan 2002, at 13:33, Goldenflower@...wrote: > I read your article on Dwellings and I am sorry but you are running off with > half the facts. > > As I am the only one to have AON I wish you would not quote VB. Well, I don't want to quote YOU because I want to protect you. >The book was > NOT published in 1943. We don't know when it was published. VB made up this > fact. He said that he had a source. He doesn't. The edition that I have does > not give a date!!!!!!! Okay. I will add the detail that, since I have never seen it, and the only person talking about it is obvious COINTELPRO, that even those opinions are dubious. That will leave it open and protect you at the same time. > > Furthermore B. Donvez says that it was written in the 1850-1875. Way before > Schwaller. It is written in the french of that time. Like James Fenimore > Cooper wrote in his time. Well, I can't say that because I don't wish to suggest that I know anymore than I do. You are associating a book that you have not seen > with Schwaller. Furthermore you have associated Schwaller with Nazis which is > part of the program to get you to believe it. VanderBroeken is a leftist who > hated the traditionalism movement. Oh no! He is far right with Schwaller. Remember, I have read Schwaller. That is why he was sent after Schwaller. > Was Schwaller lying? Yes! To cover up the trail behind the real Fulcanelli. I think you are emotionally attached to Schwaller and Egypt. Egypt was the evil empire. There is a HUGE amount of other info that goes before and after these two chapters... > You are way off. You are making conjectures on material that you have not seen. > Hold your horses or you will look like a fool also. Well, I will add a caveat paragraph. L From: Goldenflower@... L Yes, Egypt of the first, and the rest of dynasties, was evil but not before. It wasn't until Set became the god that it fell into ruin. Egypt, is the end of a strain, not the beginning. Like all things, it fell into the Iron age and then into ruin. We are ruled by the Yugas because the quality of light dictates the quality of time. Anything evidence that is physical is a remnant of the Bronze and/or Iron Yuga. So it must be corrupt. I am not attached to Schwaller except to admit his genius. You are wrong about this. Dead wrong. Forget your imprints about right and left and listen: The counterfeit tradition hates the traditionalists because they are still carrying on the Great Work. The counterfeit tradition is behind communism. The traditionalists were anti-communist yes, but not pro-nazi. They hated the nazis. The national 'socialists' were the epitome of the counterfeit tradition, especially with the debt that they owed to Blavatsky and Crowely, the leaders of the counterfeit tradition. The nazis are a spinoff of the Theosophists. The traditionalists were at war with the theosophists. Vanderbroeken is a Jew who hated Nazis. And rightly so. He took remarks by Schwaller and concocted an entire Nazi scenerio without any evidence. Say what you want about Schwaller but let us judge him fairly on the evidence. Go read Schwaller's letter to the Jews and tell me that is antisemitic. No way Jose. Linking the Traditionalists with the Nazis is an old trick of the counterfeit tradition. Traditionalists would never go in for all of the magic crap. They are doing the Great Work. The first people that came after the Traditionalists were the Nazis. That is one of the main reasons why Schwaller moved to Egypt. He was afraid of the Nazis. Something odd happened in the years before Al Kemi was published. A group of liberal, wide eyed children of the sixties began investigating the traditionalists. Thinkers like Lambert, William Irwin Thompson, and especially my friend Robert Lawlor, brought forth these teachings. These intellectuals were stunned by the depth of the thinking and ease of conception that they found in the traditionalist culture of Schwaller, Guenon etc. (Interestingly these guys all bypassed Fulcanelli because he was out of their league.) I know all of the these above guys and was on the outer edge of their circle. I too was a wide eyed intellectual at the time. But Lawlor insisted that these men, who were imprinted with the 'liberal' ideals of 'democracy'', understand what traditionalism really meant. When they looked and they saw that these men believe in synarchy they were outraged. This ran against their imprints and they rebelled against Schwaller, Guenon etc., calling them 'fascists' and running Lawlor out of their club for agreeing with the 'fascism'. Vanderbroeken stepped into this millieu and proceded to convince everyone that Schwaller was , indeed a fascist. Is there any evidence that he did meet Schwaller? Lucy Lamy, Schwaller's step daughter, doesn't remember Vanderbroeken. Why would Schwaller let out all of this to a complete stranger? One of Schwaller's main ideas concerns the use of 'diabolique' in the musical scales. He had this idea in the thirties because I have seen the paper he wrote on it. Yet Vanderbroeken presents us with a story where he showed Schwaller the 'diabolique' scale while drinking wine one night in 1960. Vanderbroeken is trying to say that he showed Schwaller 'diabolique' for the first time in 1960 yet Schwaller talks about it in Temple of Man and even earlier. Pretty convienent that Temple wasn't in English so the emerging group of wide eyes could not find out about it. Pretty hairy when one realizes that Lawerence Rockefeller was later identified as the funder of this group of wide eyes. Naturally they took in Vanderbroeken into their club after AlKemi was published. Meanwhile Lawlor, who is one of the greatest minds alive on our planet, is banished to nowheresville. There is no such thing as equality. Everyone comes here with different gifts. We may be born equal, whatever that means, but we most assuredly are not equal. To create political and spiritual systems around such a lie was extremely offensive to the traditionalists. We know a lie when we see one. In the traditionalist view a snyarchy was there to advise. You and I are ruled by a synarchy right now and have been for hundreds of years. But they are men who are evil and greedy. What the traditionalists were proposing was that a group of people, who understood the Great Work, advise the politicians, business leaders and others. Eventually, they hoped, the people they were advising would see the value in doing the right thing and the world's spiritual crisis would cease.This was being proposed as an attempt to bring a halt to the iron age and give rise to a golden age. Whether you agree with this or not, it doesn't matter. They never won the right to even begin to create this synarchy. The synarchy that ruled already, the one that cares not for the Great Work, took care of the traditionalists as fast as they could. Now they are history also. Just a few whackos like me left to carry on. Schwaller was attempting to create Champagne as Fulcanelli to protect his good friend. Now everyone is chasing Champagne instead of looking at the real facts. The synarchy that we are currently ruled by is a walking, stalking nightmare. Picknett and Prince are fun to watch as they try to find the conspiracy, but they are way off when it comes to the traditionalists. When it comes to the moderns they are dead right. I can't let you go to the counterfeit tradition without a fight. If you can see through VB, DM, ST and the rest than you must be able to see, at least a little, about what I am saying. Remember the traditionalist movement was a direct result of 'Cathedrals' being published. Now we had a reason to look in our own backyard for the proof of who we are. Now we could be proud of our European Heritage. This is not fascism. This is a deep pride that all people feel. It is an outrage to say that, because we are European, we cannot admire our past without being called fascists. Come and join the Great Work. You don't have to be the first to get the word out. If there is anything that I have learned from this experience it is to get the word right and then, after a lot of thought, maybe, get it out. Stop trying to prove a past agenda. Open up to the possibility that you may have it a little wrong and you may need help here and there. You know that there is more to this, I know you do. You do not know, yet, what it is but you will soon. But only if you let it happen. I can say to you this much: Neither you nor the C's, as far as I can see, has the Great Secret. I am very interested in your development. I would like you to discover the secret on your own. I can tell you where to look and I can advise (no I am not a synarchist) but you must listen to me. I hope you can see that I have little, or nothing to gain, by this. That is not the reason I am helping you. And lastly, you must have seen the numerous errors in 'Dwellings'. There is no way in this world that the Master would have made those errors. B. Donvez has told me that there is a definate change in writing styles from chapter to chapter. She is comparing the style of Catherdals to Dwellings soon. Just one more thing to consider. Jay From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk <laura@cassiopaea> On 1 Jan 2002, at 17:00, Goldenflower@...wrote: > Yes, Egypt of the first, and the rest of dynasties, was evil but not before. It > wasn't until Set became the god that it fell into ruin. And here we have the difficulty of Set vs. AuSet.... Egypt, is the end of a > strain, not the beginning. Like all things, it fell into the Iron age and then > into ruin. We are ruled by the Yugas because the quality of light dictates the > quality of time. Anything evidence that is physical is a remnant of the Bronze > and/or Iron Yuga. So it must be corrupt. Which is why the AuSet problem. > > I am not attached to Schwaller except to admit his genius. He was a genius like VB. Anybody who follows his program will end up with Alzheimer's. > > You are wrong about this. Dead wrong. Forget your imprints about right and > left and listen: I may be. But I am guided by clues that say I am not wrong, many of which you don't know about - that no one of the public knows about because I have not yet published them. That will be fixed with Noah. There is stuff we have found doing this research that pretty much puts the kibosh on the whole Schwaller- Egypt thing. The counterfeit tradition hates the traditionalists because > they are still carrying on the Great Work. The counterfeit tradition is behind > communism. That's an old saw. So old and so phoney, in fact, I am surprised, Jay! The traditionalists were anti-communist yes, but not pro-nazi. They > hated the nazis. The national 'socialists' were the epitome of the counterfeit > tradition, especially with the debt that they owed to Blavatsky and Crowely, the > leaders of the counterfeit tradition. The nazis are a spinoff of the > Theosophists. The traditionalists were at war with the theosophists. Agreed. > > Vanderbroeken is a Jew who hated Nazis. And rightly so. He took remarks by > Schwaller and concocted an entire Nazi scenerio without any evidence. Say what > you want about Schwaller but let us judge him fairly on the evidence. Go read > Schwaller's letter to the Jews and tell me that is antisemitic. Well, I could go and read letters from VB and conclude that he wasn't an Enochian magician. But actions speak louder than words. And his teachings, his writings, fall far short of those of a master. No way Jose. > Linking the Traditionalists with the Nazis is an old trick of the counterfeit > tradition. Traditionalists would never go in for all of the magic crap. They > are doing the Great Work. Sure. Lump them all together and toss the baby out with the bathwater. But then, you have to be careful about which you determine is the baby and which the bathwater. I HAVE read Schwaller. CAREFULLY. And again I say: it's mumbo jumbo. The first people that came after the Traditionalists > were the Nazis. That is one of the main reasons why Schwaller moved to Egypt. > He was afraid of the Nazis. How do you know this? Have you written anything about it? Do you have sources? See? There are so many lies to wade through - and I am certain that you don't know how bad it is from a certain perspective - that if you want to say something, you have to give sources, you have to make a case. That's why we do the website the way we do it... it's not enough, IMHO, to just make a claim, one has to give the source, cite the study. That's just simple respect for the reader. Remember: the first sin was not the eating of the fruit, it was believing a lie. We have to be very careful what we adopt as "probable." > > Something odd happened in the years before Al Kemi was published. A group of > liberal, wide eyed children of the sixties began investigating the > traditionalists. Thinkers like Lambert, William Irwin Thompson, and especially > my friend Robert Lawlor, brought forth these teachings. These intellectuals > were stunned by the depth of the thinking and ease of conception that they found > in the traditionalist culture of Schwaller, Guenon etc. (Interestingly these > guys all bypassed Fulcanelli because he was out of their league.) I know all of > the these above guys and was on the outer edge of their circle. I too was a > wide eyed intellectual at the time. Well, PLEASE write about it and cite!!! If I am wrong, I want to know it. But I need to see the evidence and there is none in Schwaller's work because I know that his work is going in the WRONG direction. And I have demonstrated this in the Wave series. Citing sources and studies... > > But Lawlor insisted that these men, who were imprinted with the 'liberal' > ideals of 'democracy'', understand what traditionalism really meant. When they > looked and they saw that these men believe in synarchy they were outraged. This > ran against their imprints and they rebelled against Schwaller, Guenon etc., > calling them 'fascists' and running Lawlor out of their club for agreeing with > the 'fascism'. So far, so good. You are making a good case - but not for Schwaller - just the idea in general. But again, write it up! If it is as you say, it deserves to be available to others with sources and evidence. > > Vanderbroeken stepped into this millieu and proceded to convince everyone > that Schwaller was , indeed a fascist. Is there any evidence that he did > meet Schwaller? Lucy Lamy, Schwaller's step daughter, doesn't remember > Vanderbroeken. Why would Schwaller let out all of this to a complete > stranger? Good points. It suggests that Vanderbroeken may be the "VB" in this situation. It doesn't do much for Schwaller because, again I say, read the entire Wave series and you will see the difference between Fulcanelli's approach and Schwaller's and why one is the truth that is in plain sight... One of Schwaller's main ideas concerns the use of 'diabolique' in the > musical scales. He had this idea in the thirties because I have seen the paper > he wrote on it. Yet Vanderbroeken presents us with a story where he showed > Schwaller the 'diabolique' scale while drinking wine one night in 1960. > Vanderbroeken is trying to say that he showed Schwaller 'diabolique' for the > first time in 1960 yet Schwaller talks about it in Temple of Man and even > earlier. Pretty convienent that Temple wasn't in English so the emerging group > of wide eyes could not find out about it. Okay. Proves that Vanderbroeken is the coattail rider. But just do a websearch on Schwaller and Fulcanelli and see how often you find Vanderbroeken's lies being repeated now. If you know the truth, then YOU can fix it! These people need to be exposed. > > Pretty hairy when one realizes that Lawerence Rockefeller was later > identified as the funder of this group of wide eyes. Naturally they took in > Vanderbroeken into their club after AlKemi was published. Meanwhile Lawlor, > who is one of the greatest minds alive on our planet, is banished to > nowheresville. Again, write about it. If you want to write it anonymously, we will post it on our site and you can say what you like as long as it is sourced. > > There is no such thing as equality. Everyone comes here with different > gifts. We may be born equal, whatever that means, but we most assuredly are not > equal. We agree that everyone is equal in the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and that those who are "more equal" are deserving of the fruits of their labor and talents. Just like a body. The head may do all the thinking, but it cannot survive if the hand does not bring food to the mouth. And garbage collectors save as many lives (maybe more) than doctors. We could live a long time without doctors, but our society would collapse in a week without garbage collectors. To create political and spiritual systems around such a lie was > extremely offensive to the traditionalists. We know a lie when we see one. In > the traditionalist view a snyarchy was there to advise. You and I are ruled by > a synarchy right now and have been for hundreds of years. But they are men who > are evil and greedy. No doubt. > > What the traditionalists were proposing was that a group of people, who > understood the Great Work, advise the politicians, business leaders and > others. Eventually, they hoped, the people they were advising would see the > value in doing the right thing and the world's spiritual crisis would cease.This > was being proposed as an attempt to bring a halt to the iron age and give rise > to a golden age. > Hoo boy! Dream on! That is about the most unrealistic thing I've ever heard. Those folks were in lala land. It is necessary for the spiritual crisis to accelerate. People will not wake up otherwise. The very fact that they thought this suggests to me that they weren't connected to the Hidden masters who know this clearly. > Whether you agree with this or not, it doesn't matter. They never won the right > to even begin to create this synarchy. The synarchy that ruled already, the one > that cares not for the Great Work, took care of the traditionalists as fast as > they could. Now they are history also. Just a few whackos like me left to > carry on. Schwaller was attempting to create Champagne as Fulcanelli to protect > his good friend. Now everyone is chasing Champagne instead of looking at the > real facts. Yeah. And nobody is reading Fulcanelli and they are all reading Schwaller. Doesn't sound like a very protective maneuver to me. I can agree with some of your points, but it would take a lot to demonstrate any real genius on Schwaller's part, or any usefulness of his teaching. I have already written on these subjects (though not specifically directed at Schwaller, just the teachings in general) in the Wave series. The first secret of the great work is to produce a certain neurochemical which "sets" the foundation stone. All else follows from that. None of Schwaller's teachings are useful in this respect. In fact, as I said above, they will only give you Alzheimer's!!! > > The synarchy that we are currently ruled by is a walking, stalking nightmare. > Picknett and Prince are fun to watch as they try to find the conspiracy, but > they are way off when it comes to the traditionalists. When it comes to the > moderns they are dead right. I think that it would be very useful to track all the ideas and see how they connect. Maybe you could do this? > > I can't let you go to the counterfeit tradition without a fight. If you can see > through VB, DM, ST and the rest than you must be able to see, at least a little, > about what I am saying. I can. But I don't agree about Schwaller, and I think that once you read the Wave series, and see the process by which I was taught, you might move slightly in my direction also. > > Remember the traditionalist movement was a direct result of 'Cathedrals' > being published. But none of them understood it. If they had, they would have accomplished the work also... Now we had a reason to look in our own backyard for the > proof of who we are. Now we could be proud of our European Heritage. This is > not fascism. This is a deep pride that all people feel. It is an outrage to > say that, because we are European, we cannot admire our past without being > called fascists. Well sure... wait until you read the research I have done on that in Noah... goes deeper than anything you will have ever read anywhere else. > > Come and join the Great Work. You don't have to be the first to get the word > out. If there is anything that I have learned from this experience it is to get > the word right and then, after a lot of thought, maybe, get it out. Stop trying > to prove a past agenda. Open up to the possibility that you may have it a > little wrong and you may need help here and there. You know that there is more > to this, I know you do. You do not know, yet, what it is but you will soon. > But only if you let it happen. Of course. But on Schwaller, do read the Wave series on the site. At the end, you will see what I mean... > > I can say to you this much: Neither you nor the C's, as far as I can see, has > the Great Secret. I am very interested in your development. I would like you > to discover the secret on your own. I can tell you where to look and I can > advise (no I am not a synarchist) but you must listen to me. I hope you can > see that I have little, or nothing to gain, by this. That is not the reason I > am helping you. Indeed. And it is appreciated. But it will be more fruitful if you read what I have written thus far, know where I have been... what I have been taught and how. > > And lastly, you must have seen the numerous errors in 'Dwellings'. There is no > way in this world that the Master would have made those errors. B. Donvez has > told me that there is a definate change in writing styles from chapter to > chapter. She is comparing the style of Catherdals to Dwellings soon. Of course. But notice that it says in the intro that it is a labyrinth... that the whole process was broken into fragments and scattered throughout the book.... I'm telling you, Dwellings gives the whole secret away... everything is right there. After you read the Wave series, you will read Dwellings with a whole different perspective. Fulcanelli achieved the great work. That is: he graduated to 4th Density. At that level, he was able to see the "Present." In that realm of hyperspace, it is possible to move back and forth. He did. He had Canseliet write new intros to both books with messages in them ... second editions... because he saw some MORE things at that point that he had not seen until the transition. The 2nd introductions to both books are loaded statements. The fact is: the "Dwellings of the Mystics" is a hyperspace "time-lock." It is the "Ark." And again: who wrote the first intro to the english edition of Dwellings published by Archive press? It's an important question. L From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk <laura@cassiopaea> I have been reading alternately Guenon and Schwaller this a.m. and have found so many instances where Guenon is right on the money, as far as he was able to go, and Schwaller didn't have a clue and contradicted (aside from the fact that Schwaller was a Theosophist at one point, and Guenon treated Theosophy the way I am treating Schwaller) that later on, when I am back from my errands, if you like, I will quote the paragraphs that show that Schwaller was NOT a traditionalist like Guenon. If he was associated at all, it was because he associated himself as VB does... riding someone else's coattails. There are deep and fundamental differences between them... and Schwaller gives himself away as a promoter of degeneration. I am trying to be very careful about this since you have raised the issue, and I think that, once I point out these differences that you will see that Schwaller was not just a puffer, but a real cosmic agent of the anti-tradition. L
My friend Bill Van Doren wrote the intro. Why? Yes I have VERY GOOD sources on Schwaller. I happen to be friends with one of the last people connected to him. I know more about Schwaller than anyone you will ever meet in your entire life. I have sat for hours and listened to the stories about him. Many you would find to be very interesting. Please clear up what you mean by mumbo jumbo. Schwaller doesn't do magic. He thought that those people were out of their minds. He was attempting to create a commune based on the Master's teachings, he did emulate the Master in his writing style and he did tell lies about the Master. But these are all for different reasons. Was he a flawed individual? Yes. Was he arrogant and an elitist? Yes. But he was not a Nazi. I will give you this much info. It is important. Schwaller was living in his commune in the 30's when a Sufi master showed up one night. Schwaller seemed to recognize him. They quickly went into a back room where the Sufi and Schwaller talked all night. The Sufi left early the next morning never to be seen again. A few hours later Schwaller announced that the Community of Light was to be disbanded and he and Isha and Lucy headed off to Luxor. My speculation: I know, for sure, that the constructs in Egypt are just the tops of very large stone buildings. The Nile has swept a lot of dirt and rocks into the delta and onto its sides over the centuries. This has covered up the buildings for the most part. Schwaller used the idea of studying the Temple at Luxor as a reason for him to explore these underground dwellings. He had a peculiar genius for geometry and he was needed by someone to help figure out something important. Again, my speculation would say that the real language of nature is a form of geometry. There is a link between words and geometric forms. This is the secret of Temple of Man and of Egypt. Is Egypt important? In one aspect it is assuredly important - and that is the fact that the information was encoded into stone. It is still there. If there are buildings covered up with Nile mud, what do they have to tell us? And why is it being kept secret. Schwaller is throwing everyone off track on purpose. He doesn't want anyone to see what he is really doing. The students of the Master were doing one thing in public and another one in private. It is the way of the Great Work. Of course if one does a web search you will find the link of Schwaller and Fulcanelli. The two men could not be happier about this. The Master does not want credit. He wants us to think that he is Champagne. This is one of the last tests. Can you see through the hall of mirrors? Each is a trap designed to stop you. It is only through careful consideration of the real facts that the truth comes forth. And this how he performs his 'magic'. By screwing with your head in this hall of mirrors the seeker is being subconsciously guided to a new way of thinking. Yes the idea of a snyarchy stopping the iron age is ridiculous. But if someone came to you and asked you what we could do to stop the current crisis I am sure that you would 'advise' that person. Maybe you would be hoping that your advice might do some good. That is the extent of the traditionalists snyarchy. Remember this is a hall of mirrors. What do they really mean by synarchy? I am interested in something you said. The counterfeit tradition started with the Rosicrucians and Masons and later became the Illuminati and then the Theosophists, Crowley and the rest. Are you saying that the Illuminati is not behind Communism? Wieshaupt certainly started the movement. Where are you getting this? Marx was an 'Illumined One' as was Hegel and Engels. Why do you think England let Marx live there? You are wrong. All modern systems come from the counterfeit tradition. Naziism, Communism, Fascism, Theory of Relativity, Evolution, all have their base in the counterfeit tradition. Jay
I am so happy that you are reading Guenon. He is the one we should be talking about. Yes, compared to his fellow student Schwaller Guenon shone like a bright light. He was clearly Fulcanelli's greatest accomplishment aside from completing the Great Work. But he had a mission that was much different than Schwaller. Guenon was to be the attack dog because of his great gifts of insight and articulation. Schwaller was doing some kind of deep research that required him to look like the counterfeit tradition. It is the Hall of Mirrors. Both ended up in Egypt, both were highly influenced by Sufis . Whether they accomplished the Great Work - who knows? Al Kemi sounds like Schwaller trying to throw everyone off track before he goes. Guenon disappeared completely right before he died. If you are reading Guenon then there is great hope in this world. Jay
Continue with the Weidner Correspondence
See also: Vincent Bridges Tells His Own Story Vincent Bridges AKA "Dr. Strange" Vincent Bridges AKA "Dr. Strange" Is Truth Defamatory?The COINTELPRO Files: Vincent Bridges and Co. (photographic exhibit) The Bridges - Jadczyk Correspondence The Weidner - Jadczyk Correspondence
Added: Bob Dratch Commentary:Spooks, Mystery and Intrigue - how this started...I created the GODBOX™ as a very gentle method of holoform alignment and alteration. The original design is supposed to be worked "open ended" without any form of feedback closing the loop. My newer designs have feedback and sensory input provision for adjusting the stimulus signal based upon the input characteristics. My newer designs close the feedback loop and allow for precise phase and mode lock. The technology has generated interest in various circles. This technology is breakthrough lightfield technology capable of handling many forms of "pollution" in our personal spaces. In the late 80's I met someone who calls himself "drunvalo" (at that time, he had not changed his name yet to Melchezidek, but kept his natural name of Bernard Perona, although he used to call himself as AKBAR {or GOD in the Mid Eastern practices - that didn't sell you know...people wouldn't "believe" THAT} before his "drunvalo incarnation") - I was introduced to him by Bruce Mace of Aspen Colorado - Bruce had told me that he really thought I should meet drunvalo. I met Bruce at a show and tell that I participated in while in Aspen - I showed Bruce I could find spots on his body with my scanning system in a non-invasive manner that looked like they needed a chiropractic adjustment - such is how I got involved with these people... Bruce had later revealed some background of himself to me after a while after he thought he had figured me out and proceeded to share with me the "plan" they had. He told me after living for a while in Aspen in his earlier years he was basically forced to "leave the country", as he felt that he was treated as an outcast... So he told me that he traveled the world as a young man and ended up living in Afghanistan, trained by the Mujahadeen "types" in various skills... (see references: http://www.policestudies.eku.edu/POTTER/crj325_11.htm section article "CIA in SouthWest Asia", http://www.bullatomsci.org/issues/1997/nd97/nd96wessells.html "Child Soldiers" - see the section on the Mujahadeen training of children - I seems to me that it is important to understand the underlying psychology in the depth of what has been happening) Bruce showed me what those skills were in the next ten years... frankly very amazing, this "network" is and how it is setup and what it intends to do... Now drunvalo after a while had insisted we all open our hearts (put away our logical minds) and give all the controllers and manipulators of the world, the benefit of the doubt - that reaching the children of the world is important (see reference 2 above). To this day he says he says he continues to "keep his heart open" and still does not discriminate at all whom he provides his acquired data to... I wonder at what cost? I should have realized back in one of my early workshops where I had found out that he had invited a representative of the C.I.A. and a representative of the security service of the People's Republic of Red China. I asked both the Chinese spy agency and their counterpart in the US why they were at my workshop - both said drunvalo told them he wanted funding, his school wanted funding, and that he could convince me to cooperate. I guess I was a commodity... These "agents" told me during a lunch break they wanted ways to control people better... I told both of them, sorry, get yourself another stooge... Now why would drunvalo have wanted these controllers in my workshop in the first place!? My workshop was about showing people how to heal themselves!? Of course this workshop talked about "completing" the feedback scanning loop. He and the others over the years constantly clamoured for a FULL BODY energy visualizing analyzer... They wanted me to provide it or if I wouldn't they would put people in my midst who they thought I would reveal such to. (hahahahah) It was not until the early 90's that I was able to fully see what drunvalo meant by his actions which I saw were quite different from his words. You can also see much of my data being used (without permission and without citing my ownership or discovery of such) and that of others in his presentations he makes to people. I hope on this website you can get the missing pieces to the full picture of what has transpired over these many years. It amazes me to see how gullible good hearted people can be when presented with "soft" sounding words... I think the only earlier time I talked about the reasons for "closing the feedback loop" was during a featured presentation I made to the Society of Electrical and Electronic Engineers called the IEEE back in 1983. This presentation was held in April at the International Electro Conference. I was personally sponsored by Texas Instruments who is based out of Texas. I was a session speaker and my presentation was on using the TMS320 Digital Signal Processor (DSP). My presentation covered twofold applications. The first one was rather mundane - a modem design using that DSP. The other application was for neural cortical stimulation and sensory reconstruction and monitoring. I found how the nervous system created signals and how the brain and the various nerve ganglia processed these signals. I noted there were various circulating signals (64 groups to be exact) that constantly vibrated throughout the body. These signal paths were like conduits carrying many signals simultaneously to the brain and back out to the myriad’s of muscles and glands distributed in the body. I found only a system that worked in the frequency domain would account for how the body was able to handle all the data. I called for in my presentation that scientists and engineers switch over from stupid but highly complex serial computers and move over into frequency domain parallel array signal processing methods. I showed the engineers these methods were superbly faster and capable of handing billions of times more data per signal processing element than any normal "serial" computer would ever handle. I described in a very loving way they should use "fuzzy logic" and neural networks if they were to get on with making tools for analyzing complex signals and building computer systems which developed their own intelligence’s capable of adaptive "reasoning." I had a packed house. The room could hold about 150 people and I was told after the presentation we had well over 400 engineers present. I find when I speak anywhere I usually pack them in and this time was no exception. I try to evolve consciousness and show we don’t have to be cold engineers building better weapons systems. When the presentation was over, a person from the Department of Defense came up to me and said, "You know, we are working with a particular airplane and we have been looking to solve the control problem dealing with human to computer interface. It looks like you’ve solved that." He said he would look me up as they needed help. That was back in 1983. Someone even made a movie called "Firefox." I haven’t heard a word since from these spooks. I do hear that drunvalo every now and then tells people I am a paid agent of the government (hahahahah) - so where is my paycheck, drunvalo? ( oh sorry, guess I am not behaving right, correct? ) Another tidbit - When I submitted my paper to the IEEE back in January of ‘83 extracts of it were published in various trade journals as teasers to get folks to sign up for the conference. Also another movie was rushed onto the screen to hit the theaters just when the conference opened. The movie was entitled "Brainstorm." It seems somebody needed to cover their tracks and get folks to think back in science fiction terms instead of practical reality. The movie took about 3 months from start to finish - a Hollywood first. How about that! Why did they make such a movie - Did my IEEE article strike a nerve? Since that time three engineers have inquired more about closing the feedback loop. Two were at M.I.T. labs based in Massachusetts and one out of Wright Patterson Airforce base, Armstrong Medical Labs based out of Dayton, Ohio. All were concerned with creating some type of neural synchronization pulse train to drive the nervous system in an orderly manner. They eventually agreed a flashing light would work to trigger optical cortex firing so their DSP’s could track the brain’s signals (that is "closing the feedback loop". As an aside, the ex-Soviets used pulsed magnetics to cause brain entrainment. They used to do it to unsuspecting persons attending their Moscow Circus in the early 80's. The "Circus" circulated all around the world and continued for quite a while until someone told the spooks the Soviets were zapping our circus goers with brain control signals...isn't that odd? So at this point in 1997 as I sit here in my Lab typing the contents of this book basically on the eve of a period of Global domination by parties who want only the "best" for the population of Planet Earth, I wonder. My paper that I presented to the IEEE ended with the words "With the advent of the digital signal processor "information age" my belief is the blind will see and the lame will walk and we will be able to communicate further than ever before possible..." I am feeling spiritually sad as I think back reviewing all of the times we as a species came so close. Why does man need to control man? Why is the dominance factor such a point that must be pushed to the extreme? It seems the reason for that lies in the controller. My IEEE paper was to show we could finally put an end to suffering from paralysis, deafness and blindness. I did a TV show over NBC’s "All Night Live" on this before the show was taken off the air, for lack of "ratings"... It was scheduled as a brief New Year’s spot that I went on with a couple of Psychics. We were supposed to "predict" the upcoming years’ events. I talked about my developments in neural prosthetics and the DSP and how it would come into every aspect of human endeavor. That was in 1983. The show was scheduled for about 1 hour tops. Due to the caller response all other shows for 4 hours were pre-empted so we could continue our discussion. More people than ever before called in from all over North America to hear what we were talking about. (Thank you George.) I over the years have tried to make my research known when it could be released in a safely, controlled and responsible manner. Being the inventor of such I feel it is my right to say how my research will be released, how those will be instructed in its use, and how will ethics be maintained. Sometimes I wonder how those of the Manhattan Project felt. All that surfaced when I presented the tools behind understanding how matter is built and shaped were those who wanted to be able to control others. Those who had the "heart" didn’t have the backing to help get this type of technology established in the world. Often we tried and failed. But in failure always arises the Phoenix of hope. It is a sad fact that many who "control the gold" despise and consider the creators of technology an evil to be scorned. There are "angels" out there who are different. Call them "God’s ace in the hole." Some are all too willing to "take" and the creators are all to eager to provide. Some are good people who have given up. I say to those who design - Know thyself and Know God. In the end ALL are equal. And that equalness equates to vibrational patterns, which can be disassociated, or re-assembled or molded into whatever form is desired. This book was written to show a path taken over the years. Some observations, developments and discoveries were made. Many technical insights I believe can save many lives and improve the quality of life planet-wide. I am presenting some of these important KEYS to those who can see. I can assure those who read these notes and understand utilizing the "Word" in a way that is non-conducive to ALL life will only result in personal tragedy. As Source Creator showed me in the Great Pyramid - the world about is but a mirror and a reflection. If we seek to control, beam and influence those about us, we ourselves are to be controlled to that extent cause that is the energy flow that we induce into others to emulate. As we "inflow a feeling of love, stability, peace" so are we sent that to ourselves from the Source and all others around us likewise pick up the flow. What’s it going to be this time? In 1991 I am told, we, "as a planet" entered what was called the heart of the Dark Light Spiral. Drunvalo talks about this in his presentations. In 1989 he and I discussed what this would mean to the planet. We also talked about each in our own ways helping to facilitate a solution to help the planet come out of the "learning curve". At that time, I am told, a spherical object had entered our solar system from afar. I am told this spheroid contained worlds within worlds all layered together just like the skins of an onion. I am told right smack in the center of this spheroid was something called the "Throne" and on such resided a being known as YHWH, pronounced "Ya-Wey." I am told people on this planet were polled by those on this spheroid on December 24th, 1990 to see if they were as a group ready to move into the newer enlightened consciousness planes. I am told the polling showed about 60% desired to continue to have their "tooth and claw" - that barbarism, sloth and decay were perfectly OK ways of life. Such was what people told me - what do you think? At that time I was doing research with the Dolphin from the Florida Keys. I was co-developing the Livingness Process technique with them. I was alone with them when theso called "polling" came. I experienced a feeling what seemed like an emotional "heart break" with the Cetaceans as it seemed that so much was possible if only mankind would open their hearts and get out of egoistic head games. The stake of all was hanging in the balance. Well, I am told with the "planetary decision" made the way it was, those on the spheroid felt mankind would be given a chance to experience once again what the results of "tooth and claw" would be except this time mankind would feel as a group what that darkness was like. Operation Desert Storm ended up being what was to provide that darkness to the world. So in the name of freedom so many were killed, not to mention the psychic impulse of death and destruction which was wrought over our planet. What do you think? While during research studies, I previously had scanned the neural ganglia of Drunvalo at a time prior to what he says was the "Entrance of the Dark Light Spiral" - I also have scans of after he entered the dark light spiral. This information is believed to have contained the neural pathways of a way back to the light - we can also see quite clearly the dark light spiral. I’ve now finally processed that data and I understand what transpired - it's been an interesting analysis. Maybe we can try looking at continuing research, analyzing the darkness and the lightness to see what happened, and to get workable solutions where those "learning" on this planet don't destroy everything in the "learning curve" to find themselves and others. Where do we from this point in time go - do we act as baboons with more tooth and claw furthered by system enforced ignorance or do we seek more light? Can we BE or will we control others? I think now in 1999 that the doorways are open for more positive change. Do we as a race have the courage to go through that doorway? I can see we could fall backwards - I also see we can rise upwards...
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