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The Bridges - Jadczyk Correspondence
From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk <lark2@ozline.net> To: Vincent & Darlene <abooks@ac.net> Subject: RE:Hendaye Send reply to: lark2@ozline.net Date sent: Sun, 9 May 1999 21:34:58 -0400
On 9 May 99, at 18:15, Vincent & Darlene wrote: > The stuff up on the web
is actually smoke and mirrors. We
> haven't released the
good stuff yet either. Very little on the web about
> some of our discoveries,
for obvious reasons.
Well, I figured that out. But it is still good work. I am still reading and making notes and the ole brain is clicking along.
I would like to reiterate the fact that I truly believe that it could be "unhealthy" to say too much. My experiences are such that I KNOW those guys are out there, that they have space/time manipulation capabilities, that they can do a LOT of things that are seemingly impossible... and about half of them are not friendly!!!
>Was very interested in
> Neyman letters, and yes
EVB is still alive and living in the town next to
> RLC, but her story is
truly bizare. She was Canseliet's lover, self
> identified, in the '60s
and he told her the whole story which became
> Refuge.
The odd thing about the whole place is is quality of "self reflection," I think. You know, Vallee's "Passport to Magonia" has recently been reissued along with a huge database of sightings... LOTS of stuff going on in France.
And, historically, there was a LOT of similar stuff going on during those particularly interesting time periods... when one can get the records, that is.
One thing I have noted in regard to the "time" factor is certain celestial phenomena have some sort of effect... mainly supernovae. I am working on a database that I think will help me to narrow down these cycles in a pretty scientific way.
> It gets stranger from
there. Let me know what you think and we
> will talk more.
Fulcanelli is hard to find, but Brotherhood of Light has
> now published both
Mystery and Dwellings of the Philosophers in English.
One of our sessions:
December 14, 1996
Q: (L) OK, let me jump over to this other subject of the number 33 and the number 11. Is there anything beyond what was given on 11-11-95, that you could add at this time, about any of the mathematics or the use of these numbers? A: Prime numbers are the dwellings of the mystics. Q: (L) What do you mean, "prime numbers are the dwellings of the mystics?" A: Self-explanatory, if you use the tools given you. Q: (L) How can a number be a dwelling? A: Figure of speech. [Planchette spirals several times, vigorously] And how interesting that we have a new "cell" phone company called: "Primeco." Q: (L) And how does a cell phone company called "Primeco" relate to prime numbers being dwellings of mystics? A: Not for us to answer.
[Word association by group: encryption, cells of monks, prisons, prime number divisible by one or self]
Q: (L) Is encryption the key? A: Oh, there is so much here. One example is: "Snake eyes" is not so good as 7,11, eh? Q: (T) They are all prime numbers, too; seven and eleven. (L) What kinds of documents or writings... or what would be applicable... A: No, Laura you are trying to focus, or limit the concept, my dear. Think of it, what is the Judaic Christian legend for the creation of a woman? Q: (L) That woman was taken from the rib of Adam. That Eve was created from the rib of Adam. A: Ever heard of a "prime rib?" Q: [Groans] (T) I hate being in kindergarten and not knowing what the subject is. Ok, prime rib. We have a prime rib, so... A: What happens in a "Primary." Q: (L) An election. You narrow down the candidates. What happens in a primary? A: Who gets "picked" to run? Q: (L) Ok, keep on... A: "Prime Directive?" Q: (L) OK. A: "Prime time?" Q: (L) The first, the best... and... A: Not point Q: (L) I know that's not the point! Is what we're saying here, is that we can use these prime numbers to derive something out of something else? A: We told you about the mystics. Q: (T) They're using prime numbers to... (L) Oh, ok, I get it. So, mystics... the mystics, the mystical secrets... dwell in the prime numbers if used as a code. A: Name the primary mystical organizations for key to clue system. Q: (L) ...key to clue system? A: Yes.
[We named: Catholicism, Christianity, Judaism, Cabalism, Sufism, The Koran, Mysteries. Laura realized that she had just set aside the book "Understanding Mysticism," it was next to a book on Cabala on the bookcase in the room. Jesuits, Masons, Knights Templar,Rosicrucians]
Q: (L) All right. With our little list that we're making, are we on to something, or are we completely off track? A: Yes, now check out those crop circles photos... any prime number combos there? Q: (L) Do you mean in terms of dimension, or do you mean in composition? A: Composition and dimensions... anything you can find.
[Discussion: Sacred geometries, all sects listed use prime numbers. John 3:16-19, Corinthians 13. Genesis, Ch.2, verse 22 "rib taken from the man and made woman" - 2 is the only even prime number. Ch 3, v5..."your eyes shall be opened and ye shall be as the gods." (Eating from the Tree of Knowledge)]
Q: (T) ...to find a way of decoding it to get an answer, to get something, to get a message, to get something from it... (L) Are we thinking in any of the lines of something we ought to follow, or are we drifting? A: All are lines you ought to follow. Now, look at the photos on the wall! [Referring to large photocopy of a number of crop circles we had pinned to the wall.] Q: (L) OK, we're looking at them: point out something... A: Count the large spheres in photo three. Q: (L) There are seven. A: Yes. Q: (L) And what does that photo represent? A: Not yet. Q: (T) OK, there are seven large circles; a large central one, and then six outer ones that are smaller. Each of the six smaller circles is connected to the larger circle by a shaft, or a line, or a conduit of some kind. A: Add large and small spheres. Q: (L) OK, there's seven. Add the large to the small and there's seven; add the little teeny ones, there's thirteen; and then even the little teeny-teeny, the little knobs on the ends, there would be six more, so that would be nineteen. A: Yes... Q: (T) So, that's another prime: nineteen is a prime number. (L) OK, they're prime numbers. And... (T) Are they... just as an offshoot here, do the six circles, the first set surrounding the large circle, are those the sixth density attached to the seventh density? A: No comment. Q: (T) OK now, and then, outside of that are smaller spheres, each one connected one to the next, in a line. We're looking at prime numbers here. What are we looking at? We've got a central one, six outer: large, six outside of that: smaller, six outside of that: tiny... Could, and I'm just thinking off the top of my head here, nothing cast in concrete, is this a representation of... a sphere, getting smaller and smaller... going that way. Or, coming in, this way. Or that way and this way. Like the infinity mirrors... A: If you three dimensionalize. Q: (L) It would be circles, like balls, like spheres. (T) Ohhh, it's an axis, an x-y-z axis! A three dimensional axis. Three-dimensionally, it would be like this [Holds up hand, forefinger pointed up, thumb pointed to himself, third finger at the horizontal] Larger, smaller, smaller... A three-dimensional axis. Are we going somewhere with this, or am I out in left field again? A: Yes. Q: (T) I'm going somewhere with this? A: Yes. Q: (T) Ahhhh, I now see this as a three-dimensional object as opposed to a flat circle. A: Do that to the others too. Q: (L) OK, we're trying to three-dimensionalize them. Now, tell us where we're supposed to be going here... (J) Well, this first one is a spiral going out... Or a DNA molecule... (T) There's got to be more to it... A: You do not have to figure this all out tonight, just some food for thought. Q: (L) Is there anything else for... A: Ark may be able to three-dimensionalize by computer program already. Q: (L) Yes, well, let us get back to this. The crop circles, as I understand, are related to the code or the mystical prime numbers, the mystical dwellings, and that somehow, putting all of these things together, these different pieces of this puzzle, from so many different directions, will enable us to perceive, or learn, or conceive something that will enable us to do something. Is that correct? A: Close. Q: (L) Is there anything more that we could look at on this subject tonight, because right now, I just need to think about it. You get so much, and you have to digest it. (J) Food for thought! A: Well, you have enough to play with for now, so goodbye.
From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk <lark2@ozline.net> To: Vincent & Darlene <abooks@ac.net> Subject: Brotherhood of Light Send reply to: lark2@ozline.net Date sent: Mon, 10 May 1999 10:11:47 -0400
On 9 May 99, at 18:15, Vincent & Darlene wrote:
>Brotherhood of Light has
> now published both
Mystery and Dwellings of the Philosophers in English.
Do they have a website where I can order?
From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk <lark2@ozline.net> To: Vincent & Darlene <abooks@ac.net> Subject: A couple of comments Send reply to: lark2@ozline.net Date sent: Mon, 10 May 1999 15:44:55 -0400
Dear Vincent and Darlene,
After crawling around the web, I now realize that I DID order the Fulcanelli book some months back... and this is the translation that the fellow from the "Brotherhood of Light" wrote me about last month saying the publication would be delayed for two more months. So, must wait.
I have also finished most of the website material.
There are a number of things that I can definitely add to the soup...
But, as you know, these things must be handled VERY delicately.
It is pretty strange that you have worked and come to many of the same places I have with the guidance of the "channeled" info for my research. MANY overlaps, dovetails, and literal "echoes." Amazing. I think I have worked as hard for what I have found as you have because the C's don't "give it away," but they surely must be part of this "free will party," as you describe it, because they have kept me from wasting time on dead ends.
And, by the way, the "alchemical transformation" is a lot more simple than all that convoluted nonsense put out there by Dan Winter. The guy is a nutcase. I can tell you in a paragraph how to "do it" and why it works and how - and believe me, it is NOT the mumbo-jumbo he rants about, nor the absurd mathematics he comes up with, (which, by the way, are mostly wrong as checked by my husband and a couple of other mathematicians of considerable standing, at my request).
Thing is, the results are dependent upon the bloodline. Not sure why, but seems to be so.
But, to make these points and back them up will take a lot of writing with citations and so forth. On the other hand, I may simply be able to just "shoot from the hip" and you will probably "get it" with all your background.
But, it is still pretty amazing that the Cassiopaean transcripts are, essentially, the "background" of the conclusions I can see you heading toward, only with some additional info that is very useful and some exclusions that are "dead ends."
I tell you, reading some of the things you wrote there sometimes made my hair stand up! Talk about deja vu!
Now, do you have the address of this Elizabeth Van Buren person? I would like to write to her and see if I can find out anything, or have you already done so?
Are you on the AW list lurking, or did someone send you my post?
Date sent: Tue, 11 May 1999 09:54:01 -0500 To: lark2@ozline.net From: Vincent & Darlene <abooks@ac.net> Subject: Re:hendaye, etc,
Dear Laura,
Had time to read your notes more carefully, and yep you are hot! In fact you are so close that I'm gonna tell you a couple of things that haven't left the "family" circle yet.
You are right on the money with the Hesbaye and Perceval, or Parzival, suggestions. The key is the strange region of the Pyrenees known as the Bearn. Hesbaye is related to the Grail family traditions. They weren't apparently part of the Grail family, but were the guardians, originally a group of renegade Templars on the run from Montsegur. They show up in the noble families of the Bearn in the late 13th century and served some sort of function in the 14th and 15th centuries connected to the houses of Lorraine, Aragon and Provence. The name seems to come from Ostabot, or in some sources Estsabot. This is very curious because this is the old name for the village near the present day Hendaye. It was notable as a pilgrim collection point and included the curiously named church "Our Lady of Revelation." All trace of the church and the village have long since vanished and there's no direct linguistic connection between Hendaye and Ostabot. The transposition into Hesbaye seems to be a later Frenchification of what was originally a title, Eastern Cross or Top, as in spinning top. This would appear to be reference to the 'eastern' cross, maltese or equal armed, of the Catherite Templars would fled with the Grail family into the Bearn in 1244.
Now Parzival, weel, here we could fill a book. Wolfram, with his earnest attempt at being simple and unlettered, tells us that it means pierced through the heart, from the Old French "perce a val." Every name in Wolfram contains a punning description of its character coded in the Green Language. Parzival is the most important name in the book and the true meaning of its significance is central to the tale itself.
When we put it through its Green Language homophonic process we come up with an interesting series of cognate meanings: "Heartfire;" "Place of the El;" "Through Isis' Veil;" "Through Truth (or Wisdom);" "The Middle Way;" "The Penetrating Light;" "Perfect Truth;" and so on. King Rene in the mid15th century knew these meanings so well that when he designed the tarot trumps, he dressed the Fool to look exactly like Parzival's description in Wolfram and thereby associated the Hebrew letter aleph, Greek Alpha, with the Grail hero and the letter Tau, or cross, with his goal, the Grail itself. Old King Rene was definitely onto something.
<<My "source" tells me: "From the Rose the cross arose..." Mean anything?>>
I was curious about your "source" but now I get it. To me this means from any point of radial expansion, a cross is the definition of its plane of expansion. Or, the rose at the center of the galaxy defines the axial motion of its ecliptic plane to create two constant and unmoving cosmic axis. This is the secret of the rose cross and rose anhk symbols used by the early gnostic Copts to symbolize the alchemy of a steady state universe. Heartfire indeed!
<<Did you ever ask yourself WHY PERCEVAL???? >>
As you can see, I have asked myself, and anyone else who might have a suggestion. I would be interested in hearing yours.
<<Did you ever hear about the "renewing of the land" or some such thing that was "accomplished" by the ancient Pharoah and his Queen? That they took some sort of object in a barge down the Nile, once a year, went to a temple and went in with the object alone (together) and performed some sort of secret ritual known only to those of the "blood," and passed down from king to king... etc... and that this ritual was the "thing" that kept everything going? Also, have you heard about the Sufi teaching of the "Poles of the world?" Is connected.>>
Such interesting questions! The ceremony you are referring to is the annual sacred marriage, Hieros Gamos, of the living Gods, Horus and Hathor, embodied by the Pharoah and his Queen and celebrated at the Great Temple at Edfu. This continued, as a symbolic ceremony at least, until the reign of the Roman Emperor Trajan, and is the ritual basis for the tantric alchemy of Egypt. The Poles of the world come from the Bahir, an ancient Hebrew illumination text, and in the Gnostic science of alchemy piece, chapters eight and nine, I go into it in detail. Much of our first book deals with these Poles, because of their relationship to the Hendaye astronomical code.
The key to understanding Wolfram's work, both Parzival and Willehalm, on the ground in southern France is the identification of the valley of Soltane, where Herzeloyde took the young Parzival. Now here's the deal. A variety of different sources from different time periods -- Nostradamus, Fulcanelli, Wolfram, etc. -- all left clues pointing to one particular place as Soltane. However, for this to be true, there would have to have been some sort of Catherite Templar survival down to at least the late 19th century. Frankly, when we went to France I doubted that we would ever find enough proof to make the identification. Was I wrong on that one!
There are only three places in France with the old word "Luz" or light in their names. One is a small village between Carcassone and Couiza near RLC, the other is the beach town St. John-de-Luz near Hendaye and the third is in the Pyrenees near Lourdes. That one, Luz St Savior, was the logical choice for Soltane, but until we got there we had no idea if there was anything left to find, even if we were right.
But it matched the description in Wolfram perfectly. And, wonder of unexplained wonders, there is an octagonal 13th century Templar church/prefectory there that contains the names of local Templars, including your Hesbayes, or Estabots, down to the early 20th century. There is also a mysterious 13th century castle, the Chateau Marie, and massive fortification blocking the only road or out of this mountain ringed valley. Officially though, it is as if this doesn't exist. Other than stones in the churchyard and local legends, I could find nothing at all on this place in the sources. It is even very rarely mentioned in works on Templars or their churches. I found one reference in a French text on Templar architecture, a note in T. E Lawrence's early work on Crusader castles, (yep, he's that Lawrence) and a mention in passing in Fulcanelli of a Templar church with an interesting tymphanum at Luz. And that's it. Turned out that, according to local legend, they were Cathers who had fled from Montsegur, and therefore were written out of history. To this day the locals maintain a "Garden of Bethany" spot at the foot of the hill on which Chateau Marie stands.
<<By the way... you know about the "Merovingian Birthmark?" (Until I read everything I don't know if you have hit this subject.) Any ideas? >>
How you do go on! No, we have published nothing on this so far. Too speculative, really, as it is based on very late interpretations of very marginal reports. And of course it flies in the face of genetics, as birthmarks are not inheritable as such. So a family distinguishing mark is just not likely. However, given that some of these folks left the Pyrenees to rule other lands, as far away as the Holy Lands, logic would suggest some kind of identifing mark, hence the idea of the birthmark. Given our hidden Hebrew/Semetic influences, I suspect that circumcision was the identifying mark.
Now, all this Martha Neyman stuff:
<<Don't despair, I am ruthless, but it is useful, as you will see.>>
You are so good, I like you already! But Siriusly folks. . .
<<Anyway, this will give you SOME idea of how I am looking at it. I am a strange mixture of "intuitive" and ruthlessly scientific - even toward myself. And, when I get emotionally attached to my ideas, my husband straightens me out pretty quick! >>
My point of view exactly. If you knew how many true believers of all kinds I infuriate, well, as the Sufis say you can't be a saint until 400 wise men have reviled you! I "believe" I am the center of the universe, but, if I seek to prove it ,then I am certifiable. Intuition must be backed up by rigorous analysis or it is just wishful thinking, like believing I'm the center of the universe.
<<Yes, but hopefully, you checked some of these things???? After all, the previous writers may have had an agenda... and it seems that they did not check things out as thorougly as one might wish.>>
Stop it! I'm laughing out loud now. Did you really think she had ever even done any original historical research? She has no room for the truth, she's full of her Truth. My only question is where did she get her "interpretation?"
Oh well, thanks for the amusment. I see now that you are truly one of the few who see the real mystery beyond all the foldarol of treasure and bloodlines. I was being very cagy before, but the basic facts are just as you outlined them to MN. The clues are in the dates, and are connected to the broader historical, political and spiritual movements of the time. It is obvious to an old investigative journalist that if there had been a secret that was worth a tinker's damn, that Mle. Marie would have converted it into cash between 1917 and her death. The old lady hypothesis is spot on, which makes all the later hopla very suspicious
But we do have evidence that Boudet found something involving antiquities near Rennes-le-Bain, and that Saunier was selling them in Paris in the mid-1890's, during those non-mysterious disappearances. Some these objects or manuscripts were of interest to the occult underground, but seems to have been even more interesting to a small group of reactionary royalists centered around St. Sulpice. Whether these guys were the Priory or not is another interesting question. Let us say that they probably believed they were, even if they weren't really. I call them PS3. This has been documented in French sources, and composes one of the few solid facts we have on Father Saunier.
From this, as you see from the timeline, all things flow. Boudet is the main figure in the story and what was found was found at Renes-le-Bains. RLC is the focus only because it was the personal keep or castle of the descendants of Sigisbert IV, and therefore makes a good strong connection to a part of the bigger mystery that some unknown group, PS3 and PS4, wants to emphasize.
So, even though I could go on for pages more, let's cut to the chase. The current Saunier derived vibe around RLC is very nasty and evil. It is indeed a terrible place. It's not just the tourists and the new agers, nope, the guys who put this hoax together are on the other side as far as I can tell. I think the whole thing was started, including back dated documents, as a vacuum cleaner operation to collect all the competant, and otherwise, researchers who might otherwise stumble on the bigger story. Unfortunately, it seems to have worked only too well. That's why there is no mention of the RLC mystery in our Hendaye material. Someday, it's low on the priority list at the moment , I'm gonna do a complete expose, but for now we are trying to wrench the public's attention back to real story.
Well, like Topsy, this has just grown and grown. One last thing however. Your Oak Island material, which Ray forwarded to me, is an important piece of the puzzle. OI is connected to a landscape geometry in New England known as Arkhom. This appears to be the Star of West in Templars sources and the destination of the lost Templar navy, last seen sailing out into the bay of Gascony from St. Jean-de-Luz, near Hendaye.
More later, and yes, we will eventually include source notes. If you want a citation ahead of schedule just ask.
Thanks, Vincent
Date sent: Tue, 11 May 1999 18:18:27 -0500 To: lark2@ozline.net From: Vincent & Darlene <abooks@ac.net> Subject: Re: A couple of comments
Dear Laura,
Wow, keeping up with you is a full time job! :)
OK, I'll admit it. You have me fascinated with your approach. I don't as a rule have much use for channeled material. For the obvious reasons. But the transcripts I have seen have been very rewarding, and you have a good handle on what I call ritual hygene. If you have read "Sharing the Secrets" then you have some idea of my opinions around the whole subject.
But that is my bias, and even within my own magickal and spiritual work I insist on controls. If that distances me from some sources of information, fine. It also distances me from the pernicious effects of the lower astral. So far, the free-will party has had no trouble communicating with me. It just forces both sides to be more creative.
But I am envious of the guidance. When my partner Jay and I started this two years ago, we agreed that other than the contacts and experiences that I already had among the occult community, we would accept no help or guidance that wasn't first discovered by us. We wanted no helpful spooks, incarnate or discarnate, muddying the waters. In many ways, this rule has been invaluable. At one point we were averageing one wacko a week with obscure suggestions and strange travel plans. God knows what we turned down, but we know that our information is solid, reliable and well documented, while the Priory has a very poor track record. Look what has happened to everyone researching in the field who has been taken in by one informative group or the other. EVB and Martha Neyman are good examples, as are the authors of HBHG.
But if the Cs or the free-will party mean what they say, then they can, and have, seen the value of our approach. What I think is truly of interest is that they have also used a rough and ready channeling approach with some very subtle backstopping and reality checking. I am more and more impressed with the degree of guidance.
Having said that, let me address your questions and suggestions.
Brotherhood of Light might publish one or both versions of our book. They have been getting things ready for an influx of interest in Fulcanelli for over a year now. Dwellings is in print now, in a large deluxe edition, and I thought they had some backcopies of Mystery left but apparently we have been generating some interest. This time time last year they had almost a thousands copies left of the 1986 printing. Kevin Townley, the publisher, is also the author of a great book, The Cube of Space, which describes the basic ideas of Bahiric astronomy. He's also a friend and co-conspirator of sorts, as is John Major Jenkins, whose book Mayan Cosmogenesis 20012 is a classic connection to a culture who still remembered the secret. Robert Lawlor joked last summer that we were starting a "mileu" of sorts. Try those while waiting for Fulcanelli.
<<There are a number of things that I can definitely add to the soup... But, as you know, these things must be handled VERY delicately.>>
Yes, I do believe you do. We just have to work out the recipe. I'm game.
<<And, by the way, the "alchemical transformation" is a lot more simple than all that convoluted nonsense put out there by Dan Winter. The guy is a nutcase. I can tell you in a paragraph how to "do it" and why it works and how - and believe me, it is NOT the mumbo-jumbo he rants about, nor the absurd mathematics he comes up with, (which, by the way, are mostly wrong as checked by my husband and a couple of other mathematicians of considerable standing, at my request).>>
Yes, yes, sweet Jesus how true! I enjoyed your husband's website as much as I did yours. Very solid and impressive work. As for Dan, well the politest way to put it is that his ideas run away with him. I had the pleasure/torture to edit Dan's work for a new version of his book. Two years later, after reworking his language, re-doing his drawing and trying to fix his math, we had a good version of his essentially poetic ideas. Then he shot the whole thing down with a truly stupid move. We, my wife the artist and I, ended up owning the copyright and plan to publish it some day. "Star Birth Bardo" in the background collection is an example of collaboration of ours. Dan wrote a version, which you can read on his website, and I turned it into something else in my article. Oh well, it was a lesson, karma undoubtedly.
Now about that alchemical paragraph. . .I would dearly love to read it!
Here's my version of the techno approach: The fixed salt, a sort of bio-electric recording medium, is exposed to the energy of seven heavy metals being heated, that is energized to the point where it is fluid, where its atoms are in motion, and it gives off light, radiation; photons are emitted. The order of the planetary exposure creates a symmetry set matrix from which geometric solids can be derived, primarily the tetrahedron and the icosahedron, which both have seven symmetry angles. Color is very important as signs of the right effect. These colors can be correlated to the tilt of the photon donut, as Richard Oldchurch have pointed out, as well as to certain letters of the Hebrew alphabet. And here it gets good. The importance of Stan's basic work is that he has discovered a lost (?) bit of the secret. Everything points to the importance of tetrahedronal geometry, and if Hebrew could be generated from a single mathematical source, such as a spiral off a torus in a tetrahedronal frame, then we have the unifying key. The frequency signature of each metal could be coded by sonic entrainment into the bio-electric field of the salt.
This is the actual procedure given, although without the geometrical explanation. When it works, the "sulpher" is considered as being in essence all "matter." In other words, it now has the frequency signatures of all elemental shapes, and therefore the ability to resonate with the entire periodic table What's missing at this point is the energy necessary to effect transmutation on a broad scale. This is supplied by the Philosopher's Stone. Under intense heat and pressure, the "matter" is energized by the projection of the Stone by the operator. The Stone is visualized as an embedded geometric structure containing letter generating spirals with the light coming from the center point. the structural sequence ends with the doeca, which forms gold. The powder which results is programmed to transmute metals into gold and release energy as a by-product. The energy released, which must be carefully controlled by its programming, seems to a type of fusion energy. With this is mind, much else begins to make sense.
Since this a little old, more than a year now, which is old the way have been moving, so I don't quite agree with it take any more. So, I shared, what's your take?
<<Thing is, the results are dependent upon the bloodline.>>
This one line tells me that you have indeed caught the right track! The question lingers around the edge of all these issues. Why were so many of the "Priory" involved in alchemy if it was all just about a royal bloodline, Christ's or not? Well, I think I have an answer, and I await yours.
As for EVB, well, she isn't talking to us at the moment. We do have indirect sources and are checking at the moment on what has happened to her. She wasn't answering her phone when we were in RLC in March. I'll keep you informed. She hasn't talked to us since we came up with the hypothesis that Fulcanelli and Schwaller de Lubiz are the same person. Her anger makes suspect we are close. See Vanderbroek's biography of Schwaller, Alchemie.
And no, I'm not lurking, Ray Flowers sent me your post.
Thanks, Vincent
From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk <lark2@ozline.net> To: Vincent & Darlene <abooks@ac.net> Subject: Re:hendaye, etc, Send reply to: lark2@ozline.net Date sent: Tue, 11 May 1999 20:41:44 -0400
On 11 May 99, at 9:54, Vincent & Darlene wrote:
Date sent: Tue,
11 May 1999 09:54:01 -0500
To: lark2@ozline.net
From: Vincent
& Darlene <abooks@ac.net>
>Subject: Re:hendaye, etc,
> Dear Laura,
> Had time to read your notes more carefully, and yep
you are hot! In fact
> you are so close that I'm gonna tell you a couple of
things that haven't
> left the "family" circle yet.
Speaking of "family circles," I am pasting in here the origins of at least one version of the "Hesbaye" line. The thing that kept striking me was that I kept following different lines back and they kept ending up with these Hesbaye folks. And, these are NOT the "pie in the sky" genealogies of Gardner and those PoS boys.
So, here is ten generations from one direction:
Generation 1
1. COLOGNE Clovis "The Riparian"
of, died 420.
He married .
Children by :
Childebert of
Generation 2
2. COLOGNE Childebert of, (son of COLOGNE
Clovis "The Riparian" of - 1) died 450.
He married .
Children by :
+3iCOLOGNE Sigebert
I "The Lame"
Generation 3
3. COLOGNE Sigebert I "The Lame",
(son of COLOGNE Childebert of - 2) died 509 in Murdered.
He married .
Children by :
+4iCOLOGNE Chloderic
"The Parricide" of
Generation 4
4. COLOGNE Chloderic "The Parricide"
of, (son of COLOGNE Sigebert I "The Lame" - 3) died 509 in
He married DE BURGUNDY Daughter .
Children by DE
BURGUNDY Daughter:
Blithilda (Bilhidis)
Munderic of born 500
Generation 5
5. DE COLOGNE Blithilda (Bilhidis), (daughter
of COLOGNE Chloderic "The Parricide" of and DE
BURGUNDY Daughter - 4).
She married FERREOLUS Ansbertus , (son of
FERREOLUS Tonanthus and CLODOREIUS Daughter).
Children by
FERREOLUS Ansbertus:
+7iDE METZ Arnoldus
6. VITRY EN PERTHOI Munderic of, (son of
COLOGNE Chloderic "The Parricide" of and DE BURGUNDY
Daughter - 4) born 500, died 532.
He married ____ Arthemia .
Children by ____
Gondolfus of
Generation 6
7. DE METZ Arnoldus Ferreolus, (son of
FERREOLUS Ansbertus and DE COLOGNE Blithilda (Bilhidis) - 5).
He married .
Children by :
St. Itte (Idulberga) of born 597
8. TONGES St. Gondolfus of, (son of VITRY EN
PERTHOI Munderic of and ____ Arthemia -
He married .
Children by :
+10iSAXONY Arnoldus
of born 550
Generation 7
9. AUSTRASIA St. Itte (Idulberga) of, (daughter of DE METZ Arnoldus Ferreolus - 7) born 597 in Landen,
Austrasia, France, died 652.
She married AUSTRASIA Pepin Mayor "the
Old" of , (son of AUSTRASIA Carloman of and ALARD Daughter
of) born 585 in Landen, Austrasia, France, died 639.
Children by
AUSTRASIA Pepin Mayor "the Old" of:
+11iAUSTRASIA St Beggue
(St. Begga) born 613
10. SAXONY Arnoldus of, (son of TONGES St.
Gondolfus of - 8) born 550, died 601.
He married SAXONY Oda "a Suevian"
of , born 562.
Children by SAXONY
Oda "a Suevian" of:
+12iDE METZ St
Arnoul Bishop born 13 Aug 582
Generation 8
11. AUSTRASIA St Beggue (St. Begga),
(daughter of AUSTRASIA Pepin Mayor "the Old" of and
AUSTRASIA St. Itte (Idulberga) of - 9) born 613 in Landen, Liege, Belgium, died 698.
She married AUSTRASIA Ansgise of , (son of DE
METZ St Arnoul Bishop and DE HERISTAL
Dode) 639
born 602, died 685.
Children by
AUSTRASIA Ansgise of:
+13iLAON Martin of
+14iiHERISTAL Pepin
II of born 635
12. DE METZ St Arnoul Bishop, (son of SAXONY
Arnoldus of and SAXONY Oda "a Suevian" of - 10) born
13 Aug 582 in Heristal, Austrasia, France, died 16 Aug 641, buried in Metz, Austrasia, France.
He married DE HERISTAL Dode , 596 born 586 in Old Saxony, died 612.
Children by DE
+15iAUSTRASIA Ansgise
of born 602
+16iiDE METZ St
Clodulphe born 615
Generation 9
13. LAON Martin of, (son of AUSTRASIA Ansgise
of and AUSTRASIA St Beggue (St. Begga)
- 11).
He married MEROVINGIA Bertha , (daughter of
Children by
+17iLAON Claribert
I born 690
14. HERISTAL Pepin II of, (son of AUSTRASIA
Ansgise of and AUSTRASIA St Beggue (St.
Begga) - 11)
born 635 in Heristal, Liege, Belgium, died 16 Dec 714 in Junille, Meuse, France.
He had a relationship with AUSTRASIA Alpaide
of (concubine) .
Children by
AUSTRASIA Alpaide of (concubine):
Childebrand "De Heristal" I born 678
Charles born 689
15. AUSTRASIA Ansgise of, (son of DE METZ St
Arnoul Bishop and DE HERISTAL Dode -
12) born 602,
died 685.
He married AUSTRASIA St Beggue (St. Begga) ,
(daughter of AUSTRASIA Pepin Mayor
"the Old" of and
AUSTRASIA St. Itte (Idulberga) of) 639
born 613 in Landen, Liege, Belgium, died 698.
Children by
AUSTRASIA St Beggue (St. Begga):
+13iLAON Martin of
+14iiHERISTAL Pepin
II of born 635
16. DE METZ St Clodulphe, (son of DE METZ St
Arnoul Bishop and DE HERISTAL Dode -
12) born 615,
died 690.
He married .
Children by :
+20i____ Kunza
Generation 10
17. LAON Claribert I, (son of LAON Martin of
and MEROVINGIA Bertha - 13) born 690,
died 747.
He married LAON Bertrada , born 695 in Laon, Aisne, France.
Children by LAON
iLAON Bertrada
"The Younger " born 720
18. AUSTRASIA Childebrand "De
Heristal" I, (son of HERISTAL Pepin II of and AUSTRASIA Alpaide of
(concubine) - 14) born 678 in Heristal, Liege, Belgium, died 751.
He married ____ Rolande , (daughter of
Children by ____
I "The Historian" of
iiROUERGUE Sigibert
19. MARTEL Charles, (son of HERISTAL Pepin II
of and AUSTRASIA Alpaide of (concubine)
- 14) born
689, died 741.
He married AUSTRASIA Rotrude (Chrotrude) ,
(daughter of DE TREVES St Leutwinus)
born 690 in
Austrasia, France, died 724.
Children by
AUSTRASIA Rotrude (Chrotrude):
iFRANKS Auda of
iiFRANKS Carloman of
iiiHESBAYE Landree
"The Short"
20. ____ Kunza (Gunza), (daughter of DE METZ
St Clodulphe - 16).
She married POITIERS Guerin of , (son of ____
Bodilon and ____ Sigrada) died 677.
Children by POITIERS
Guerin of:
i____ Doda
iiHESBAYE Lambert of
Leutwinus born 665
> You are right on the money with the Hesbaye and
Perceval, or Parzival,
> suggestions. The key is the strange region of the
Pyrenees known as the
> Bearn. Hesbaye is related to the Grail family
traditions. They weren't
> apparently part of the Grail family, but were the
guardians, originally a
> group of renegade Templars on the run from
Montsegur. They show up in the
> noble families of the Bearn in the late 13th century
and served some sort
> of function in the 14th and 15th centuries connected
to the houses of
> Lorraine, Aragon and Provence.
Well, the Hesbayes I've got are pretty interesting and a lot earlier.
The name seems to come from Ostabot, or in
> some sources Estsabot. This is very curious because
this is the old name
> for the village near the present day Hendaye.
Well, well, well.... I thought it was just too odd a name and just too close to "Hendaye" to not be connected in some way.
It was notable as a pilgrim
> collection point and included the curiously named
church "Our Lady of
> Revelation." All trace of the church and the
village have long since
> vanished and there's no direct linguistic connection
between Hendaye and
> Ostabot. The transposition into Hesbaye seems to be
a later
> Frenchification of what was originally a title,
Eastern Cross or Top, as
> in spinning top.
Hmmm.... spinning is an important "practice," to say the least... Dervishes and all that and you could say that my husband is a "spin doctor!"
> Now
Parzival, weel, here we could fill a book. Wolfram, with his earnest
> attempt at being simple and unlettered, tells us
that it means pierced
> through the heart, from the Old French "perce a
val." Every name in
> Wolfram contains a punning description of its
character coded in the Green
> Language. Parzival is the most important name in the
book and the true
> meaning of its significance is central to the tale
Perseus -> per zeus/Per-> zeus->val (strong for God) (and so on) And was not Perseus born of a virgin from an "immaculate conception?" Was he not one of the early archetypes of the "widow's son?" Is it not from Perseus that the Perseid dynasty sprang, later to combine with the Trojans? What about the Tuatha de Danaan, Danae being the mother of Perseus... and did not Perseus master the "transformation" by "cutting off the head of the Gorgon" from which "blood" sprang Pegasus? The "anti-gravity" horse... is not the legend of the creation of the megaliths that they were armies "turned to stone" by the Gorgon's head wielded by Perseus?
Have you noted the names of the stars in the constellation?
Did you know that the Zodiac of Dendera represented Cassiopaea as a torn off cow's leg - a JOINT... bent at the knee?
That the identification of Cassiopaea with Danae is discussed by John Rhys in "Celtic Folklore?"
What about the Percy family... and the peculiar connection to the Capetians? At the very time of the "downfall" of the Templars... Isabella of France, daughter of Philippe le Bel and her lover Roger de Mortimer... Mort de Mer... the Mortimers who carried the purest of Royal Welsh and Irish/Scottish blood? And I could go on. The Percys.... WHERE did they come from? WHY PERCY???? How does it relate to Perceval?
I would send you the bloodlines on Elizabeth Mortimer and Henry Percy, to make my point, and if you would like to see them, I will... but am trying to be short here. (Short as possible.)
> When we put it through its Green Language homophonic
process we come up
> with an interesting series of cognate meanings:
"Heartfire;" "Place of the
> El;" "Through Isis' Veil;"
"Through Truth (or Wisdom);" "The Middle Way;"
> "The Penetrating Light;" "Perfect
Truth;" and so on. King Rene in the
> mid15th century knew these meanings so well that
when he designed the
> tarot trumps, he dressed the Fool to look exactly
like Parzival's
> description in Wolfram and thereby associated the
Hebrew letter aleph,
> Greek Alpha, with the Grail hero and the letter Tau,
or cross, with his
> goal, the Grail itself. Old King Rene was definitely
onto something.
Yeah... and maybe it literally means the "House of Percy." By the way, all of them were done away with except for one line that snuck off to America... and changed their name to Pearce.
> <<My "source" tells me: "From the Rose the cross
arose..." Mean
> anything?>>
> I was curious about your "source" but now
I get it. To me this means from
> any point of radial expansion, a cross is the
definition of its plane of
> expansion. Or, the rose at the center of the galaxy
defines the axial
> motion of its ecliptic plane to create two constant
and unmoving cosmic
> axis. This is the secret of the rose cross and rose
anhk symbols used by
> the early gnostic Copts to symbolize the alchemy of
a steady state
> universe. Heartfire indeed!
Also: 10-04-97
Q: I have a few questions on the subject of Cassiopaea. On several occasions you have described Cassiopaea or the Cassiopaeans, the unified thought form light beings that transmit through Cassiopaea, as being the 'front line of the universe's system of natural balance.' On another occasion when Roxanne was here, she was asking questions about Isis and you said that Isis was a 'vanguard.' Now, it seems to me that something that is at the front line is also a vanguard - that the definitions are interchangeable, or similar. In reading through all the various myths and legends, it occurs to me that the similarity between the imagery of Queen Cassiopaea and Isis is quite striking. What is the relationship between Queen Cassiopaea, archetypally speaking, and Isis? A: Subliminal. Q: It is subliminal? The other thing I noticed about the word 'Isis' is that it can be slightly altered to make 'I Zeus.' And, Perseus can be 'per Zeus' and Persia can be made to say 'per ziu.' One of the oldest etymological roots for the word 'God' is 'ziu' from which we get 'deu.' These all represent the English traslation of 'for God,' with Perceval being 'per ziu val' or 'strong for God.' Could you comment on these relationships? A: Interconnected by trilingual learning curve. Q: Any further comments? A: No. Q: I also noticed that the word 'Osiris' could also be slightly modified to say 'of Sirius.' Comment, please. A: Sirius was regarded highly in your "past." Q: What was the foundation of this regard for Sirius? A: "From whence cometh, is seen that which knows no limitation." Q: Could you elaborate on that? A: Could, but will not. Q: Why? A: Because you can! Q: In reading the transcripts, I came across a reference to a 'pact' made by a group of STS individuals, and it was called 'Rosteem,' and that this was the origin of the Rosicrucians. In the book 'The Orion Mystery,' it talks about the fact that Giza was formerlay known as RosTau, which is 'Rose Cross.' Essentially, I would like to understand the symbology of the Rose affixed to the Cross. It seems to me that the imagery of Jesus nailed to the Cross is actually the Rose affixed to the Cross. How does Jesus relate to the Rose? A: No, it is from the Rose arose the Cross. Q: Oh.... I see... A: Said the blind man. Q: Elaborate, please. Are you saying that what I am seeing is not correct? A: No, mirth! Q: It is from the Rose that the Cross arose... and, therefore, the cross symbolizes... A: Ask. Q: What does the cross symbolize? A: The symbology is not the issue. It is the effect. Q: What is the effect of the cross? A: All that has followed it. Q: Could you list some of these to give me a clue? A: You know these. Q: In the same vein, I have noticed that there are two classes of arachnids. There are scorpions and there are spiders. The zodiac was changed by taking the pincers away from the Scorpion and creating out of them the sign of Libra. This image was one of a woman holding a balance scales, usually blindfolded. This was done within recorded history, but was probably formalized through the occult traditions of Kaballa. Now, in trying to figure out who has on what color hat, if there is such a thing, I have come to a tentative conclusion that the spider, or spinner of webs, is the Rosicrucian encampment, and that the Scorpion represents the seeker of wisdom... because, in fact, the word for Scorpio comes from the same root as that which means to pierce or unveil. Therefore, the Scorpion is also Perseus, per Ziu, or 'for God.' And the Rosicrucians are the 'other,' so to speak. Can you elaborate on this for me? Or comment? A: What a tangled web we spin, when we must not let you in. Q: So, the Rose is the Spider? A: Different objective. Q: So, the Rose, with its thorns... can you help me with this Rose image... is the Rose the Scorpion? A: No. Different objective... Rose is a stand alone symbol. Q: So, the Rose can be used by either side, is that it? A: Maybe. Q: Another derivation of the word root of Scorpio is 'skopos,' or 'to see.' You said that the human race was seeded on a planet in the constellation Scorpio, and, therefore, when the zodiac was set up and the clues were laid out, it seems to me that the insertion of the sign of Libra was designed to take power away from human beings, to take their hands away, to prevent them from seeing, to make them defenseless. Is this imagery close? A: On track. Q: And the Scorpion is represented in four ways: the scorpion, the lizard, the eagle and the dove. So, there are four levels of experience. Also, Minerva/Athena was the daughter of Zeus alone. She was known as the 'tamer of horses,' and was a Virgin Goddess. She was also known as 'Parthenos' meaning separation. Is this part of the imagery of the creation of Eve from the rib of Adam, so to speak, or the separation of knowledge from soul, or the veil between the world of 3rd density and 4th density? A: Close. Q: Along this same line, in the astrological symbology, the different stars are designated as being located on different parts of the body in a rather arbitrary way that does not seem to necessarily have a lot to do with the actual configuration of the stars themselves. King Cepheus in the sign of Aries, the consort of Cassiopaea, has a star in the right shoulder. The name of this star in Arabic means 'redeemer. In the imagery of the crucifixion, Jesus is depicted as carrying the cross on his shoulder as if to say that he is the old king who must die to make way for the new one... Additionally, many of us have been experiencing the pain in the shoulder, arm, and shoulder-blade for some time. You have, on occasion, related this to DNA changes. Is it that certain individuals are connected to other densities through the windows of the stars in certain constellations, and the clues are found in the location of the stars in the figures of the constellations relating to the areas of the body where pockets in the etheric field are points of activation of DNA, and that these relate to certain pains and discomforts? A: Okay. Q: Is that okay as in I am onto something? A: Maybe... Q: Can you help me out a little here? A: Too do so would compromise your discoveries. Q: Are the body pains in these areas related? A: To...? Q: Obviously this is a big one... it relates directly to the crossed shin bones, the skull, the shoulderblades, knees, elbows and a lot of other symbology... the exposed breast of the Masonic initiate. In the Bible where it says that Jesus was scourged, it is actually a word that usually means the pressing and squeezing that cause milk to express from the breast.
Also, have you
heard about the Sufi teaching of the
> "Poles of the world?" Is connected.>>
In the orient there is a belief that there are forty beings
who take care of the world and are unknown to each other and
who, at times, are even unknown to themselves. Therefore they greet each person with a bow and a smile for they are unaware of the station of the being they are addressing. They are called "Poles of the World."
A kutub (pole of his time) is an appointed being, entirely
spiritual of nature, who acts as a
divine agent of a sphere at a certain period in time. Each kutub has under him four
awtads (supports) and a number of abdals (substitutes) , who aid him in his work of preserving and maintaining
the world. Abdul Qadir Gilani was such a being. Before leaving Baghdad, Ibn 'Arabi was given
the sheikh's cloak.
> Such interesting questions! The ceremony you are
referring to is the
> annual sacred marriage, Hieros Gamos, of the living
Gods, Horus and
> Hathor, embodied by the Pharoah and his Queen and
celebrated at the Great
> Temple at Edfu. This continued, as a symbolic
ceremony at least, until the
> reign of the Roman Emperor Trajan, and is the ritual
basis for the tantric
> alchemy of Egypt. The Poles of the world come from
the Bahir, an ancient
> Hebrew illumination text, and in the Gnostic science
of alchemy piece,
> chapters eight and nine, I go into it in detail.
Much of our first book
> deals with these Poles, because of their
relationship to the Hendaye
> astronomical code.
See above and put the "pole of the world" idea together with the Hieros Gamos and the following:
A: Absolutely don't let others distract you. You have suffered many attempts at distraction away from truth. Now follow some proclamations: Pause. All there is is lessons. This is one infinite school. There is no other reason for anything to exist. Even inanimate matter learns it is all an "Illusion." Each individual possesses all of creation within their minds. Now, contemplate for a moment. Each soul is all powerful and can create or destroy all existence if know how. You and us and all others are interconnected by our mutual possession of all there is. You may create alternative universes if you wish and dwell within. You are all a duplicate of the universe within which you dwell. Your mind represents all that exists. It is "fun" to see how much you can access. Q: (L) It's fun for who to see how much we can access? A: All. Challenges are fun. Where do you think the limit of your mind is? Q: (L) Where? A: We asked you. Q: (L) Well, I guess there is no limit. A: If there is no limit, then what is the difference between your own mind and everything else? Q: (L) Well, I guess there is no difference if all is ultimately one. A: Right. And when two things each have absolutely no limits, they are precisely the same thing.
> Frankly, when we went to France I doubted that we would ever > find enough proof to make the identification. Was I
wrong on that one!
This is HUGELY interesting and I am just "clicking" away in the old noggin here! >
> There are only three places in France with the old
word "Luz" or light in
> their names. One is a small village between
Carcassone and Couiza near
> RLC, the other is the beach town St. John-de-Luz
near Hendaye and the
> third is in the Pyrenees near Lourdes. That one, Luz
St Savior, was the
> logical choice for Soltane, but until we got there
we had no idea if there
> was anything left to find, even if we were right.
Now, this really raised the hair on my head: 06-21-97
Q: Back in 1995 when we did a session with Roxanne present, I was re-reading this yesterday because Ark is in Dijon with Moshe just now, and the night of that session when you just threw out the name "Moshe," was also the night that I had that stunning vision of Ark's face, only I didn't know who he was.... this was also the same night I talked about my dream of getting married ... this was so bizarre an idea to me at that time. Roxanne was focused on her agenda about female gods and the Elohim, and it seems that she simply shut off any ability for you to communicate to her at all. So, in re-reading this session, it seems that you were talking on a completely different level, to me alone, and that it was almost in code. She wanted to talk about the French Revolution, and you were talking about my past life in Germany... and now Ark is in France... and there was the vision... and that was when you brought up Moshe... and Moshe is in France... and our last life together was in Germany... is there a connection? A: Maybe. Q: Am I correct that you were talking to me on a level that I was not even aware of at the time? A: Could be! Q: Can you help me out here? I would like to know about this Moshe thing. You not only brought up the name, but you brought up a lot of other things. And it seems that this was the opening of a door of moving me in a certain direction. I don't even know how to ask about this because it is so strange... A: Then it should be shelved. Q: Is this one of those things you are going to avoid? A: Alfalfa fields in Rhineland yield as of yet undreamed of treasures. Q: Where are these alfalfa fields? A: Near tracks well worn. Q: Another clue, please? A: Nope, that is enough for now!! Q: You guys are gonna drive me crazy! Do you mean Rhineland as in Germany proper? A: We do not mean Rhinelander, Wisconsin... Or do we?!? Who is to tell? Q: Who? A: The searcher, the sepulcher, the one who carries the staff in constant search for greener pastures. Q: Oh my! You are being VERY obscure tonight! Just the fun things I like, too! Now, I think I will be pretty busy this week on this, but is there anything that can be expanded, or any additional clues for me or Ark? A: Last clue for tonight: Look for the vibratory frequency light. Good Night.
> But it matched the description in Wolfram perfectly.
And, wonder of
> unexplained wonders, there is an octagonal 13th
century Templar
> church/prefectory there that contains the names of
local Templars,
> including your Hesbayes, or Estabots, down to the
early 20th century.
Hoo boy! Family!!! And, since you mentioned the octagon... have you ever looked at the Titian painting of Bacchus and Ariadne?
Also, did you realize that the original zodiac had 11 signs???
That the number nine, the "measurement" of our world, is the number of death, decay and endless recycling? The ennead represents a TIME LOOP that we MUST GET OUT OF!
> There is also a mysterious 13th century castle, the
Chateau Marie, and
> massive fortification blocking the only road or out
of this mountain
> ringed valley. Officially though, it is as if this
doesn't exist. Other
> than stones in the churchyard and local legends, I
could find nothing at
> all on this place in the sources. It is even very
rarely mentioned in
> works on Templars or their churches. I found one
reference in a French
> text on Templar architecture, a note in T. E
Lawrence's early work on
> Crusader castles, (yep, he's that Lawrence)
Funny, I just watche "Lawrence of Arabia" for the first time... missed it when it came around when I was a kid...
and a mention in passing in
> Fulcanelli of a Templar church with an interesting
tymphanum at Luz. And
> that's it. Turned out that, according to local
legend, they were Cathers
> who had fled from Montsegur, and therefore were
written out of history. To
> this day the locals maintain a "Garden of
Bethany" spot at the foot of the
> hill on which Chateau Marie stands.
A little bit about Montsegur:
Q: First question: okay, this book, The Key, by Cohane, is talking about a rock drawing in the Hoggar region of the Sahara; there is a figure of this man on these rock drawings surrounded by these various other figures; the man is pictured without a face. Where his face should be there are parallel brownish black lines that look like two things, the slats of a bed or the grill of a barbeque. Then, it says that "in the West Indies, and throughout North America, the indians had, as one of their most vital implements, a device that served as both bed and as a cooking utensil. It consisted of an oblong metal frame, three feet high, with slats or bars across the framework much like the slats of a modern bed. The indians cooked their meat on this grill over an open fire, and then, when the fire had died down, they wrapped themselves in their blankets and slept on the grill above the embers. To nomadic people, this object was the very center of their life. On this device, they not only cooked and slept, but also begot children. Out of this simple invention came what we today call a barbeque." Anyway, the thought that came to my mind as I read that was the idea of the magnetite in the brain and the representation of the darkened bars across the face of this god figure as being symbolic of iron magnetite, and some kind of energy transition going on in the head. Can you comment on this idea? A: We need you to be more specific, if you please. Q: Well, do the dark lines represent a)iron or b)the magnetite of the iron? A: Seldom are answers so readily obtainable as in the "key" book. Q: You got that right! It blew me away! So, in other words, the answer was very close to the description of the barbeque? A: Interesting that they should mention "barbeque," as the lines described could very well denote the effects of the "grill" after one's face had been pressed upon it, while the fires burned underneath! Q: What would be the source of such fires? The nature of the fires? A: Firewalkers could tell you that. Q: What is the nature of the grill? Is it an external iron object, or an internal effect of iron? A: Both. Q: Why would this be represented as dark lines across the face? A: When one is shamed, one is no longer seen, only sees... Q: Are you saying that this is a representation of hiding one's face in shame? A: More like being hidden. Q: What figure did this god represent that had these lines drawn across the face? A: The figure was more collective than individual. Q: So, it was a collective rather than an individual god... (C) How do you know it was a god? (L) Because it was... well, we don't. It was just that the size was so huge. Was it one of the Nephilim? A: When it comes to the Nephalim, references all point to a unified legend. Q: Was this figure the fertility god of the Hoggar region? A: Better study more material relating to Mediterranean region, particularly Malta. Q: Okay, that is at least the third time you have brought up Malta. I will look for something on Malta. Now, I have noticed in all this reading that certain dates are repeatedly associated with certain subjects as signs or markers... and that these dates are associated with particular rituals, with particular groups, secret societies, variou ancient matters - repeating over and over again. For example: the January 17th issue. It is like some sort of hugely important day. What I want to know is, is there some repeating relation between these dates and certain energy exchanges between densities? Are these dates indicative of some cycle of exchange between densities, or dates when the cycles create a situation wherein doorways are more easily opened? A: Dates provide marker only. Q: Are they a marker for the signalling to other people of their significance? A: If you did not have "dates," would you remember anything? Q: Well, I guess not. Okay, what are we supposed to remember from January 17th. Obviously this is some deep memory of an extremely significant event. A: Consult Maya. Q: (C) They had the 52 year cycles. Wonder what January 17th was. (L) Anything else about January 17th? A: Also 365 day cycles. Q: Yeah, they had several cycles. (C) Was that a beginning of a cycle? A: Measurement of what happened and when. Q: What happened on January 17th? A: Consult Maya. Q: But January 17th recurs repeatedly in the alchemical texts... A: And you may see the connection. Why do you suppose alchemists knew of the secrets brought "to the table" by the Maya/Egyptians? Q: They constructed a mathematical table of some sort and this fits into that table, is that it? Is that why it reveals a secret? A: It is a start. Q: So, there is a 'table' involved... hmmm... alright, now: for a long time I have been curious about the reason for the wearing of the cord around the waist, against the skin, that is a symbol of many secret societies. What was the meaning of the cord around the waist? A: Balance. Q: How can a cord symbolize balance? A: Body magnetic field. Q: I don't see how that relates to wearing a cord around the waist? Are you saying it balanced the body's magnetic field, or was supposed to? A: Symbolism. Q: There's gotta be something else to this cord around the waist... it was some big symbolic thing and it relates to the wearing of the Masonic apron... (C) Maybe it's a symbol of the larger garment? (L) Any comments? A: No need for any. Q: Alright then. {Later note: What came to mind as I was re-reading this is the Hermetic maxim "as above, so below, and the cord symbolizing this division between above and below in a physiological sense. This then would lend substance to the Chinese alchemical figure of the "three cauldrons," and the practice of Tantra where the sexual energy is conserved until it overflows into the middle cauldron, continued conservation would then cause it to overflow into the "upper cauldron," or the consciousness.] There is another thing: the five-fold bond. There is the very famous figure from the Maya of the guy who is tied up - they call it 'hog-tied.' The person is tied with feet and hands tied together and then to the head. Five parts of the body are tied together. This is seen as a ritual activity or symbol of same. What can this possibly mean? The Mason's have the remnant of this with the rope tied around the neck. A: You need to research the Masonic rites. Q: I have. And that is what I am talking about. All I can see is that they are re-enacting the 'opening of the mouth' ceremony of the Pyramid Texts. Why haven't they made that connection? That is clearly what they are doing. A: Who is? Q: The Masons, when they go through their initiation. I read a description of the rites, and this is what it seems they are going through. Is this a reenactment of the slaying of Hiram? No, that doesn't make sense... Anything else you want to say about it? A: We have already commented about the need for you to further research the Masonic rites. Q: It says in this 'Holy Blood, Holy Grail' book that, among the artifacts that were recovered from the Templars at the time of their arrest, was a woman's skull decorated with gold or silver with a sign on it that said 'Caput LVIIIm' which could either be 58 m or, if the m meant 1,000, then the 58 would be subtracted leaving 942, or it could be 58 and the Virgo symbol. Of these three ideas, is it one of them? A: 942. Q: What does 942 relate to? A: Use numerological data for suggestions there. Q: Well, that leaves 6. What does the number 6 lead us to? A: Rounded it shows you groupings of twos and threes. Q: Rounded? A: 2x3, 3x2. Q: Anything further about this skull? A: What does Kaput signify? Q: Well, head, or finished? The end of something. Who did the skull belong to? It was supposed to be some saint or martyr. A: You see Laura, you are on the right path, but you have a proclivity for side trips. Q: So, this isn't important enough to worry about. Okay, in January of 1244, nearly three months before the fall of the fortress of Montsegur, two of the Parfaits escaped. According to tradition, the bulk of the Cathar treasure went with them - that is, gold, silver etc. Supposedly it was taken to a cave in the mountains and then to a castle stronghold. After this, the treasure vanished and has never been heard of again. In March, three months later, Montsegur capitulated after with less than 400 defenders remaining. The defenders requested a two week truce. Now, these guys have been duking it out and slaughtering each other, yet they are granted a two week truce! This is quite amazing! They wanted to consider the terms of surrender. The terms were that all the fighting men were to receive a full pardon various crimes. They would be allowed to depart with all their baggage, gifts, and any money they received from their employers. The Parfaits were to be generously dealt with if they would renounce their beliefs and confess their sins to the Inquisition. They would be freed, and subjected only to light penances. This was COMPLETELY out of keeping with what the Inquisition was all about. Anyway, they asked for two weeks to consider the terms. In return, they offered hostages. Then, on March 15, the truce expired. The following day, 200 Parfaits were hauled out and burnt. There was no time to erect individual stakes, so they were all burned together in a wooden stockade at the foot of the mountain. Not one recanted. On the night of March 16 it says that four men, accompanied by a guide, made an escape by descending the sheer western face of the mountain, suspended by ropes. According to tradition, these men carried the 'true' treasure of the Cathars. Why was this not smuggled out with the bulk of the treasure three months earlier? Why was this retained in the fortress until the last moment? What was the delay for? Why did this item or items need to be retained until a specific date that coincided with the Spring Equinox? It is know that some sort of festival was held on March 14, the day before the truce expired. Apparently, this ceremony HAD to be held on March 14. From the reports, this ceremony or festival was quite impressive because some of the hired mercenaries, defying inevitable death, converted to the Cathar faith at this time. Could whatever was smuggled out have been necessary to the ceremony on the 14th? Was it necessary for them to retain something in their possession until a certain period of time had passed? A: If you understood the cycles, and more importantly, the forces directing them, then you would already have the answer to this. Q: Well, that is why I am asking. So, apparently these Cathars DID have something... A: Sometimes, your asking is merely for validation of your own hunches. Q: Well, darn it! A: And for growth and progress, one must learn to let the answer stand. Q: What was the head worshipped by the Templars that was supposed to have been called "Baphomet?" A: Seer of the passage. Q: What does that mean? A: Remember, secrets of Knights Templar were kept in caves guided by eternally burning lamps. Q: Okay, next question, is this Ophiuchus, the serpent holder, the same as what you have called 'the holder of Trent?' A: Close. Q: I guess that I am going to just have to accept that as a partial answer - why do I bother?! Okay, let me ask this, these guys who have researched this Holy Bloodline business have sort of focused all the attention on a particular line, purportedly the line of Jesus going into the Merovingian kings... This guy, Pierre Plantard, seems to have more or less created a geneology with their own validations... sort of like describing x in terms of y and y in terms of x. Now, is this Pierre Plantard a genuine carrier of the bloodline that we are concerned with? A: Partially. Q: Then, that makes me think that the significant thing that we are looking for is a convergence of the blood lines... These lines are symbolized by the god figures, the children of Odin, and what we are looking for is a place where these lines converge? A: Yes. Q: Well, what characteristics might an individual have who is a product of this convergence? A: Fair skinned and cleft chin. Q: Well, Ark and Freddie both have cleft chins, but Chloe and I don't! Does this mean... A: We aren't saying that all with these features are of that blood line! Q: So, you can have the bloodline and look quite different? A: Yes. Q: How many persons on the planet contain these 'convergant' bloodlines? A: 7367. Kites were used for cross communication between bloodline members. Q: Kites?! What do kites have to do with it? What the heck... you guys are driving me NUTS! Do you mean kites as in paper and string or kites as in the bird? A: Yes, paper wood and string. Q: (C) Like smoke signals? (L) Well, how is flying a kite... (C) Well, if it has a certain symbol on it... A: And shape. Q: What shape is that? A: No, not now. Q: (C) Well, maybe the shape of a cleft chin? [Laughter] (L) Fair skin, cleft chin... (C) Yeah, and how did they communicate when it was raining? (L) Yeah, and at night? Did they set them on fire? Kites. This is obviously something that... (C) This is implying that such people know they have the bloodline and keep in touch with each other? (L) Or, is this something for the future when those of the bloodline wake up? A: Yes. Q: All of the above? Or just the last part? A: Latter. Q: So, we need to go fly a kite... (C) With a particular shape and symbol... A: Research kites. Q: (C) The Japanese fly kites... and there are a lot of people who hang banners outside their houses all the time... A: Want revelations? Prepare for "Treasure" Hunt. Q: Thanks a lot! A: These quests energize you, Laura! Q: Yes, they do. When I start finding things that connect, it is like having little explosions of energy in the brain... (A) Well, I don't understand these kites. They don't fly by themselves, they are on a string. You cannot see them at great distances... only a few miles... what is the point of communicating this way with someone who is only a few miles away? A: Kites can be released, or left behind too!
> How you do go on! No, we have published nothing on
this so far. Too
> speculative, really, as it is based on very late
interpretations of very
> marginal reports. And of course it flies in the face
of genetics, as
> birthmarks are not inheritable as such. So a family
distinguishing mark is
> just not likely.
Oh, but it IS!
It is a red patch IN the hair on the occiput. It may extend slightly down to the actual neck, but is generally entirely hidden. It is not a "birthmark" per se, but additional blood vessels at the "Jade Gate." The "genetic" connection is the fact of the extra blood vessels and neuronal pathways from the brainstem that can activate and "connect" to the environment so that signals from the brain have a PK effect.
> However, given that some of these folks left the Pyrenees > to rule other lands, as far away as the Holy Lands,
logic would suggest
> some kind of identifing mark, hence the idea of the
birthmark. Given our
> hidden Hebrew/Semetic influences, I suspect that
circumcision was the
> identifying mark.
See above.
In fact, mine looks like a large rose.
> Now, all this Martha Neyman stuff:
> My point of view exactly. If you knew how many true
believers of all kinds
> I infuriate, well, as the Sufis say you can't be a
saint until 400 wise
> men have reviled you!
Thanks! I needed that. I am presently being reviled on the AW list because of the "channeling." By folks who know nothing about me nor have they read any of the stuff...
I "believe" I am the center of the universe,
but, if
> I seek to prove it ,then I am certifiable. Intuition
must be backed up by
> rigorous analysis or it is just wishful thinking,
like believing I'm the
> center of the universe.
Q: (BP) What is the Lizard's achilles heel? A: STS. As in "wishful thinking" which blocks knowledge. Q: (J) Their singular preoccupation with service to self blocks them from being able to move from 4th level. A: Yes. ***** Q: (L) Okay, it's cosmic, it's not coming from the planet itself. Okay, what is the greatest weakness of the Lizzies or the Grays in 4d? A: STS. Q: (T) Yes, that is their greatest weakness; Service to Self. (L) Is that in both densities? A: Yes.
> Stop it! I'm laughing out loud now. Did you really
think she had ever even
> done any original historical research?
Well, she CLAIMED she did! But, I discovered that she only looked in strictly "Christian" books...
She has no room for the truth,
> she's full of her Truth. My only question is where
did she get her
> "interpretation?"
Oh, God! I wish I knew. You should see what I have done to her book! My margin notes would send you into spasms!
> Oh well, thanks for the amusment. I see now that you
are truly one of the
> few who see the real mystery beyond all the foldarol
of treasure and
> bloodlines. I was being very cagy before, but the
basic facts are just as
> you outlined them to MN. The clues are in the dates,
and are connected to
> the broader historical, political and spiritual
movements of the time.
That is my thought... along with a LOT of other stuff... that's why I am thinking that this database will help to pin-point some stuff and show us just who is on first!
>It > is obvious to an old investigative journalist that
if there had been a
> secret that was worth a tinker's damn, that Mle.
Marie would have
> converted it into cash between 1917 and her death.
The old lady hypothesis
> is spot on, which makes all the later hopla very
But, here is a funny thing:
Q: Okay, in this relief painting done by Berenger Sauniere in the church at Rennes le Chateau, Mary Magdalene is depicted as gazing hopefully or reverently at a tree branch formed into a cross, stuck in the ground. What kind of tree is it? A: The "tree of life." Q: Well, I had a different idea... some people say it is an acacia tree. Are you saying it is not a genus, horticulturally? A: Genusis family tree. Q: And what family is it a family tree for? A: Check your Magna for lesson. Q: My magna? What in the world? Okay, "blue apples:" Stones or grapes? A: Why not both? Q: Okay! I can accept that! What was Berenger Sauniere collecting all those rocks for? A: What about conductor? Q: What do you mean? A: What conducts. Q: Was he building a little stonehenge? A: Have you researched the power of stonehenge, and how it relates... where it fits in? Q: Yes, we are bit by bit collecting things... A: Well? And crop circles? Amazing connections... And what of "The Rosy Cross?" Q: Well, this is what we are looking at! I have even discovered that Sir Francis Bacon's name is even derived from "beech," and that his Latin signature has the gematria number of 17 - and January 17 is the feast day of St. Anthony, who replaced St. Augustine in this affair somewhat... and I have connected the Rosicrucians all over the blasted planet, for crying out loud! And, who is who here? Just who are the good guys? A: Airports are used by both. Q: Well, what is THAT supposed to mean? A: Transdimensional Atomic Remolecularizer. Q: You mean there is a TDARM at the Denver Airport? A: Not that simple... and much, much deeper meaning. Did you catch the latest report about Neanderthals and DNA and how it relates to you? ********************
Q: (L) Okay, I stumbled across some information this week, quite by accident, about this Horsel business. What it says is: The moon-goddess, or Aphrodite, of the ancient Germans, was called Horsel, or Ursula... she is the pure Artemis; but, in accordance with her ancient character, she is likewise the sensual Aphrodite, who haunts the Venusberg; and this brings us to the story of Tannhauser. The Horselberg, or mountain of Venus, lies in Thuringia, between Eisenach and Gotha. High up on its slope yawns a cavern, the Horselloch, or cave of Venus within which is heard a muffled roar, as of subterranean water. From this cave, in old times, the frightened inhabitants of the neighbouring valley would hear at night wild moans and cries issuing, mingled with peals of demon-like laughter. Here it was believed that Venus held her court; "and there were not a few who declared that they had seen fair forms of female beauty beckoning them from the mouth of the chasm. Tannhauser was a Frankish knight and famous minnesinger, who, travelling at twilight past the Horselberg, "saw a white glimmering figure of matchless beauty standing before him and beckoning him to her." Leaving his horse, he went up to meet her, whom he knew to be none other than Venus. He descended to her palace in the heart of the mountain, and there passed seven years in careless revelry. Then, stricken with remorse and yearning for another glimpse of the pure light of day, he called in agony upon the Virgin Mother, who took compassion on him and released him. He sought a village church, and to priest after priest confessed his sin, without obtaining absolution, until finally he had recourse to the Pope. But the holy father, horrified at the enormity of his misdoing, declared that guilt such as his could never be remitted sooner should the staff in his hand grow green and blossom. "Then Tannhauser, full of despair and with his soul darkened, went away, and returned to the only asylum open to him, the Venusberg. But lo! three days after he had gone, Pope Urban discovered that his pastoral staff had put forth buds and had burst into flower. Then he sent messengers after Tannhauser, and they reached the Horsel vale to hear that a wayworn man, with haggard brow and bowed head, had Oust entered the Horselloch. Since then Tannhauser has not been seen. The curious thing about this "Horsel" is that it reminded me of the time that you said I needed to get a better 'handl' on the matter. You later gave the clue 'chevin,' which means a variation of 'horse,' and there has been the clue of the arms of Rene D'Anjou in the book The Tomb of God, which had the vine growing out of the split tree topped by the rock, through the 'handle' of the grail, then there was the book The Horse of God. One of the mythical stories repeated about this Abbe Berengar Sauniere, was that, on his deathbed, he made his confession and the priest who heard it refused him absolution and the last rites, and apparently fled from the house horrified. I don't know if that is true, but it is an interesting story in relation to this story about Tannhauser, particularly since Sauniere painted the decoration in his church of Mary Magdalene gazing at a stick with buds springing out of it, and she was depicted in a grotto, such as the Horselberg cave. Is this Horselberg something that we are looking for here? A: Ever feel as if you are dancing around in circles? Q: (L) Yes, but one of the unique things about this Horselberg business is that, the legend is that three 'fiery objects' landed on top of this mountain. And, if you draw a line from Horselberg, which is a 'big rock,' to the 'big rock' of Luxembourg, it crosses the Rhine exactly on the big rock of the Lorelei... A: Tritium. Q: (L) Well, Lorelei, translated from German, going back to the Saxon roots, is literally, 'Laura's rock.' I just thought that was VERY funny. You had said to look for the three, the 'triplicative connecting profile,' a rock, and you mentioned sirens. Lorelei later evolved into a story about sirens... A: Tritium mines. Q: (L)[To Ark] What is tritium? (A) In physics, it is an isotope of hydrogen. You have deuterium, and you have tritium, and you make fusion bombs out of tritium. (L) So, there are tritium mines there? (A) You cannot mine for tritium because it is a gas... A: But what does it emanate from? Q: (A) That's a good question. I don't know. We can find out. A: Look for clue! Q: (L) You say I am dancing around in circles... A: We are saying, as always, pay attention to the words. Q: (L) Well, this paper says also the following: the divining-rod itself is but one among a large class of things to which popular belief has ascribed, along with other talismanic properties, the power of opening the ground or cleaving rocks, in order to reveal hidden treasures. Leaving him in peace, then, with his bit of forked hazel, to seek for cooling springs in some future thirsty season, let us endeavour to elucidate the origin of this curious superstition.
The detection of subterranean water is by no means the only use to which the divining-rod has been put. Among the ancient Frisians it was regularly used for the detection of criminals; and the reputation of -acques Aymar was won by his discovery of the perpetrator of a horrible murder at Lyons. Throughout Europe it has been used from time immemorial by miners for ascertaining the position of veins of metal; and in the days when talents were wrapped in napkins and buried in the field, instead of being exposed to the risks of financial speculation, the divining-rod was employed by persons covetous of their neighbours' wealth. If Boulatruelle had lived in the sixteenth century, he would have taken a forked stick of hazel when he went to search for the buried treasures of -ean ValOean. It has also been applied to the cure of disease, and has been kept in households, like a wizard's charm, to insure general good-fortune and immunity from disaster.
As we follow the conception further into the elf-land of popular tradition, we come upon a rod which not only points out the situation of hidden treasure, but even splits open the ground and reveals the mineral wealth contained therein. In German legend, "a shepherd, who was driving his flock over the Ilsenstein, having stopped to rest, leaning on his staff, the mountain suddenly opened, for there was a springwort in his staff without his knowing it, and the princess [Ilse] stood before him. She bade him follow her, and when he was inside the mountain she told him to take as much gold as he pleased. The shepherd filled all his pockets, and was going away, when the princess called after him, 'Forget not the best.' So, thinking she meant that he had not taken enough, he filled his hat also; but what she meant was his staff with the springwort, which he had laid against the wall as soon as he stepped in. But now, Oust as he was going out at the opening, the rock suddenly slammed together and cut him in two. Here the rod derives its marvellous properties from the enclosed springwort, but in many cases a leaf or flower is itself competent to open the hillside. The little blue flower, forget-me-not, about which so many sentimental associations have clustered, owes its name to the legends told of its talismanic virtues. So, here we also have staffs and flowers and birds and all sorts of things that can 'open the ground,' something going on underground, 'rock-breaking' plants, such as 'saxifrage' which became sassafras. It says here: 'the further we penetrate into this charmed circle of traditions, the more evident does it appear that the power of cleaving rocks or shattering hard substances, enters as a primitive element into the conception of these treasure showing talismans.' Then it talks about the schamir, by which aid Solomon was said to have built his temple, and that it is like a 'worm no bigger than a barleycorn' that could split the hardest substance. The bottom line is, that some kind of power, rock breaking, ground-penetrating power... A: Does not gold conduct electricity, heat, etc.? Q: (L) Yes, and gold is also called a ferrophile metal, or 'iron loving,' because it binds easily with iron. A: And iron... Q: (L) Iron in the blood... iron in the ground... A: Magnetic... Q: (L) Exactly. Anyway, somehow, all this connects backward to something that Solomon used to build his temple, and you told us previously that the secret that the Templars discovered UNDER the temple, was something that related anti- gravity and that it was 'buried in Galle.' So, yes, we are going in circles. Can you comment on my comments? A: Circles, hmmm... Q: (L) Yes, they are circles. The next thing we come to is that I discovered that alfalfa, in fact, a very particular type of alfalfa, does, indeed, grow in the German highlands. And, in fact, this alfalfa was brought via a route that you described... as France, Spain, Canary Islands, Morocco. I was asking about this story of the purported travels of Mary Magdalene, and you said that the people were not important, that the message was. You then said that the 'artifacts hold the key' and listed this sequence of places. I found a paper on the subject of alfalfa which described this exact route of the spread of alfalfa and it's value in farming because it literally replenishes the ground it is grown in. So, it seems that you were describing the route of the alfalfa plant. Can you comment on this? A: Now that you have found this out, perhaps you should research the properties of this mineral richa alfalfa and what it does for the body of homo sapiens?!? Q: (L) That is an interesting thing. Alfalfa was named as the 'father of foods,' and was grown, primarily for, interestingly, horses! And, we have chevin and the 'Horse of God.' Anyway, one of the primary areas where this particular type of alfalfa was grown happens to be in Baden, right next door to this Horselberg... right off the banks of the Rhine. There is a valley there. Clover is, of course, a variation of alfalfa, and 'dale' is a depression in the groung. Could this be right there next to the location of the Lorelei rock off the Rhine? A: Closer, and what of the four leaves? Q: Yes, indeed. I will work on that. Now, one other thing I found was: here we have this legend of this Lorelei which became confused with mermaids. Now, the legend is that the house of D'Anjou was descended from the fairy-wife of Ingelgar, Melusine, who was a mermaid type creature. And, on the other side, we have the legend of the descent of the Merovingians from a 'Quinotaur' which was sort of described as a mer-man. I find it curious that both of these lines have legends of descending from these half-fish creatures, similar to the god Oannes of the Babylonians, and now we have the connection to the Lorelei which was confused with a mermaid. And, it is right there in the specific location along the Rhine where both of these families could be said to have 'emerged,' if not originated. Tannhauser was a form of the Frankish Odysseus, which connects us to the idea of the siren, and you mentioned the sirens as being a clue. Could you comment on that, please? A: Siren song? What of this? What have we alluded to before about sound? Q: (L) I was thinking that the 'siren song' is probably a mythical representation of anti-gravity. A: Close. Q: (L) Can you give me another clue? A: No, you do not need one. Q: (L) Okay, meanwhile back at Rennes-le-Chateau, there are these three priests and a bishop who have more money than they ought to have. Clearly, there is something going on there. My thought is, after analyzing it is, the purported 'parchments' found in the column of the altar in the church there, were never really found, that they and the purported code were both made up as a clever fraud; the whole thing was made up, yet there IS a mystery there. I also think that the connecting of the Shepherds of Arcadia painting to that church, that area of France, is fraudulent also. The smokescreen is being focused there to keep it from being directed elsewhere. Am I on the right track here? A: Well, quite simply we would say, where is Arcadia? Q: (L) Arcadia was Turkey. You have made many references to Turkey, to Troy, which was located in what is not Turkey. A lot of funny stuff tracks back there. And, Troy means 'three.' Interesting. A: Tis a clue for you, not a destination! Q: (L) Well, can you tell me just exactly what these guys, these priests, were getting paid to do or not do? What was the money changing hands for? It was a lot of bucks... A: Keepers of the guard. Q: (L) Guard of what? A: Whatever was going on there. Q: (L) It seems sort of significant to me that, when one of them was getting ready to retire, he was brutally murdered, and seemingly tortured before his death, and the following year this Abbe Sauniere purchased a large tract of land. Was there any connection between Sauniere and the death of Abbe Gelis? A: Not the point. What happens to those who "know too much?" Q: (L) Who was paying them? What was the source of the money? A: Not available to you yet. Q: (L) Was it true that, before he died, Sauniere made his confession and was refused absolution? A: Not right track. Q: (L) Were there ANY parchments found in the church there? A: Ditto. Q: (L) This gal, Martha Neyman, taking the story at face value, has walked around there and found all kinds of funny things, and she lines them up based on her formula, and they form 'amazing patterns' and so forth. Well, everybody has a different formula, everybody has a different theory and method, and they all seem to be finding things.... Their findings just seem to 'mesh' so synchronously with their theories and methods... it is totally amazing! It is like the UFO phenomenon. No matter what assumptions you start with, you can find evidence to prove your point! Things miraculously are THERE to support you! A: That is why we gently prod you upon your quest, all the while suggesting patience, and no anticipation. Q: (L) Okay. Mike had a couple of questions. (M) Rennes-le-Chateau is on one of six peaks that form a very regular pentagon with La Pique in the center. Is this a natural formation, or is it a construction, or is it altered? A: Not important. What is, is what is the effect? Q: (M) Is this formation significant to the mystery of the area? A: Most likely, eh? Q: (M) The churches and castles in the area follow a very regular pattern. Are they built upon the foundations of previous structures, or cities, like lost Visigothic cities? A: Best to refer to the 1954 UFO study done over the French countryside. Q: (M) What are the beehive huts in the area? A: Not germaine. Q: M) Is Horselberg related in any way to this area? A: No. Q: (L) You said at one point that I should transfer the search to the United States and quit messing around in Europe. I have pored over maps for days, I have examined the index in the Atlas, and, aside from Hot Springs, Arkansas, and Tempe, Arizona, and the Plains of San Augustin, Socorro, Roswell, Magdalena, etc., nothing has really caught my eye. None of those places configure in any way that makes sense to me. Can you help me out here? A: Horseheads, N.Y. Q: (L) Does this mean.... Horsehead, New York? A: Horseheads. Q: (A) In what way is this to be related? A: Is a key. Need lots of keys to unlock the house of gables. Q: (L) Seven. Seven keys. Aaaaah... there's Horsecave, Kentucky... A: Anywhere near Mammoth Cave? Q: (L) Yes, I believe so. Help me out here! A: We are. Q: (L) I feel like I just got picked up by the 'great Roc' and carried across the ocean and dropped, 'SPLAT' in the middle of another continent, without a clue about where to look! A: We did not say "quit messing around in Europe." Just do not limit it to that. Q: (L) Well, I STILL want to know what is at the root of the mystery of Rennes- le-Chateau, and why all this 'cottage industry' in treasure hunting is going on there... A: Treasure hunters lack patience in their quest. Q: (A) Is there something about these places, properties of certain minerals located at these sites around the world, is this an important factor? A: Partly. Q: (A) Okay, there are three possibilities. The first possibility is there are some important places because they are located in a special geo-magnetic position; second, these places are important because there are some natural resources there which make possible there something which is very difficult in other places. The third possibility is that these places have been used many, many years ago to bury some technological devices... and these three things can be related.... A: And all three can be true, in fact.
> But we do have evidence that Boudet found something
involving antiquities
> near Rennes-le-Bain, and that Saunier was selling
them in Paris in the
> mid-1890's, during those non-mysterious
disappearances. Some these objects
> or manuscripts were of interest to the occult
underground, but seems to
> have been even more interesting to a small group of
reactionary royalists
> centered around St. Sulpice. Whether these guys were
the Priory or not is
> another interesting question. Let us say that they
probably believed they
> were, even if they weren't really. I call them PS3.
This has been
> documented in French sources, and composes one of
the few solid facts we
> have on Father Saunier.
Well, I have to say that I am very relieved that there is somebody out there working on this business with a brain!!!!
> From this, as you see from the timeline, all things
flow. Boudet is the
> main figure in the story and what was found was
found at Renes-le-Bains.
> RLC is the focus only because it was the personal
keep or castle of the
> descendants of Sigisbert IV, and therefore makes a
good strong connection
> to a part of the bigger mystery that some unknown
group, PS3 and PS4,
> wants to emphasize.
Yup. All that is smoke and mirrors. I have a copy of Boudet's book in French, and am trying to translate it, but it is HUGELY tedious and I don't speak French!
> So, even though I could go on for pages more, let's
cut to the chase. The
> current Saunier derived vibe around RLC is very
nasty and evil. It is
> indeed a terrible place. It's not just the tourists
and the new agers,
> nope, the guys who put this hoax together are on the
other side as far as
> I can tell.
I rather think so. But, as Ark says, and as our experiences show, when the "opponent" tries to attack, they generally take the path of least resistance and suffer from "wishful thinking" in the extreme, and for those who are uncorruptible in their core, the result is only strengthening and positive "kickback." Like Aikido.
>I think the whole thing was started, including back dated > documents, as a vacuum cleaner operation to collect
all the competant, and
> otherwise, researchers who might otherwise stumble
on the bigger story.
That's an interesting idea. The old "bait and switch." But, did you ever think that the "opponent" has "supernatural" capabilities?
> Unfortunately, it seems to have worked only too
well. That's why there is
> no mention of the RLC mystery in our Hendaye
material. Someday, it's low
> on the priority list at the moment , I'm gonna do a
complete expose, but
> for now we are trying to wrench the public's
attention back to real story.
Yup. I just read Henry Lincoln's latest book and the poor guy is REALLY befuddled by the whole thing.
> Well, like Topsy, this has just grown and grown. One
last thing however.
> Your Oak Island material, which Ray forwarded to me,
is an important piece
> of the puzzle. OI is connected to a landscape
geometry in New England
> known as Arkhom.
Why am I not surprised????? Wonder if it has anything to do with "Horseheads, New York." I did some web crawling and could only find that the army put a lot of horses down there and that's why it has that name. Must be SOMETHING else there or the C's would not have brought it up.
Maybe we'll take a trip or something to see what we can find only we don't like to travel!!!
>This appears to be the Star of West in Templars sources > and the destination of the lost Templar navy, last
seen sailing out into
> the bay of Gascony from St. Jean-de-Luz, near
Hoo boy! Try this one:
Q: Okay, let's get to some of these questions... let's do some quick ones first. Would you comment on the fact that RhoChi is a mirror image of ChiRho, as though Rosy Cross were a mirror image of Christianity... added to this the fact that Dionysos, in the Titian painting, looks like he is stepping out of a mirror... also, the mirrors that showed up in the Etruscan book Ark sent, and the Well of Hagar which turned out to be Beer-lahai-roi, or the well of the living mirror... very funny things popping up after you mentioned the word mirror last week! Could you comment? A: Better check the "leaflets..." Q: Leaflet...? (T) Young leaf? A: Patch of Zion. Q: Okay, help me out here... A: We are... Q: Do you mean the 'budding olive tree?' A: If you explore the caverns to which the wanderers go in the sides of cliffs in order to seek refuge from deluge, you will know... Q: Obviously something will be discovered on this. I am taking it as a clue to work on. Do you mean the caves all along the cliffs on the Canary Islands where the Virgin of Candelaria was found? A: Yes. Page 33? Q: Could you comment on Paran Sikarios? Did I hit the jackpot on that one? A: Expect not to "hit the jackpot" so early in the quest, my dear. What would you do in such a retirement? Q: Well, I certainly don't think it is the ULTIMATE jackpot. I am just talking about a small coup here! A: Coup de etat? Q: Now, all these Masons are very hot on the Sinclair family and the Rosslyn Chapel. They are certain that their guys came to America, because in this chapel, built supposedly by a Master Mason, there are carvings of corn, as in maize, and aloe vera plants. This is evidence, to them, that Prince Henry the Navigator and all the Templars and all that... A: Nonsense! Q: Well, then, what IS the explanation for these carvings in Rosslyn Chapel? A: Visitors yes, but the Masonic creed is intertwined with ancient order of Essenes, arising out of ancient Egypt, from the secret knowledge stored at the base of the Sphinx, as left there by "Atlantean" survivors. Q: Does anybody in the Masonic order know anything? A: Yes. Q: Well, how high do you have to go to get to know anything? A: Page 33. Blond and blue-eyed, of course! Before genetic alteration, one branch stood eleven feet tall. Q: Speaking of these tall guys, William Wallace's life was sort of symbolic, in my mind, and he was supposed to have been over 6 and a half feet tall. During the time that all that mess was going on over in Scotland with Wallace and the Bruce, the Templars were being dissolved in France... A: Dissolved?!? We think not! They merely went "underground." Q: Is that literally or figuratively? A: Why not both? Q: Well, there are Templar organizations that some Mason's claim to be in contact with. A: And where do you suppose these are? Q: Underground? A: Bingo! Q: Okay. The Templars were formed in Jerusalem. They were there for quite a while with no record of doing any of the things that the group supposedly intended to do. There are a lot of rumors... what were they doing in Jerusalem? A: Templars held the secret of levitation. Q: Is this something... and I am talking about the 9 guys in Jerusalem... did they discover some document in Jerusalem that gave them this secret? A: Yes. Q: And is this how they were able to get so much support from certain royal houses and so forth? A: It is time for you to study Kaballah again, but be careful!! Q: Okay. I have several books on the subject. I will start tomorrow. Now, when the Templars were arrested, they were accused of worshipping a head, or skull, and also the god Baphomet. Were thes spurious accusations designed to defame them? A: Skull was of pure crystal. Q: What is the definition of the god 'Baphomet,' if they did, indeed, worship such? A: The holder of the Trent. Q: What is THAT? A: Seek. Q: What is the meaning of 'The Widow's Son?' The implication? A: Stalks path of wisdom incarnate. Q: Why is this described as a Widow's son? This was the appelation of Perceval... A: Perceval was knighted in the court of seven. Q: The court of seven what? A: Swords points signify crystal transmitter of truth beholden. Q: What is the relationship between Perceval, Paran Sikarios, the Assassini, and Ishmael, the son of Hagar, at the well of the mirror? A: Spear of Destiny. Q: Are the Ishmaelis the carriers of the true bloodline, and the line of Isaac and Jacob, the Supplanter, the carriers of the monothiestic covenant, are the false line? A: Close. Q: Are the Ishmaelis also the carriers of the knowledge of levitation, the cult of the head or the skull... A: Try to connect to the Templars. Q: Did the Templars discover the secrets of the Ishmaelis, the Assassini, and is this what they carried into Europe, and then underground? A: Buried in Galle. Q: Okay, discovered that one of the Percy estates was called 'Alnwick,' which startled me a bit after tracking wicks all over the place. But, what is the meaning of 'Alnwick?' A: Discover. Invert. Allan. Check Hebrew root of Allan. Q: The Counts of Flanders and Champagne were the sponsors of Chretien de Troyes who wrote the original Grail stories in which Perceval figures so prominently. These guys were also connected with the Templars. Well, it seems that the Templars were not the only ones getting picked on during certain periods. The Percy family has had much MORE than its share! Why? A: You will be "picked on" too, if you learn too many secrets!! Q: So, the Percys DID know something. I understand that the Percy family has a collection of 62 alchemical manuscripts... which is actually how I found out about Alnwick - I was tracking these alchemical texts.... A: But if you go there, do not ask for the key! Q: Does the current head of the family know the secret? A: Getting "warmer." Q: Has this person also been pursuing the secret? A: Pour suivant. Q: What does that mean, Freddie? (F) For, to follow. (T) Why did you say that in French? A: Look for clues, and do not have expectations!
[Break. Group watches video: Riverdance.]
Q: Hi guys! Did you like the movie? A: We do not need to have such presentations, since we have all presence awareness! Q: Well, gosh! Lighten up! (T) Well, they must be able to see the original! (L) Indeed. How close are these dances to the original Celtic dances? A: Half. Q: Considering everything, that is a lot. What about these dances would make them more original? A: Floating. Q: Holy Shi'ite Moslems! No wonder Caesar went bananas! But, why the stylized rigidity of the arms? A; Has to do with sound through chemical enzyme based utilization for power purposes. Q: How does the stiff-arm posture relate to sound? A: Chemical transmitter flow. Q: You mean that something flowed through their arms and out their hands to enhance levitation? A: Close. Q: Well, I just saw it! If you think about it, the Reiki energy, after initiation, produces a LOT of heat... and that tracks back to Sanskrit, which is IndoEuropean, and that is Celtic root. Also, the Celtic floklore talks about the enormous heat of certain heros who had to be plunged into very cold water several times so that they could cool down enough to put clothes on. Add to that the fact that the Celts went into battle naked because they would go into the 'furor' and produce so much heat that they could not tolerate clothing. And, what about the heat of the 'states' that I experience from time to time? The C's identified that as a 'reflection' of the connection to 4th density. That is a truly bizarre state because the heat is so intense it is almost unbearable, yet does not even show on a thermometer, and to anyone else who touches me, I am not hot. Yet the internal heat is unbelievable. So, yeah... the power flows through the hands... A: Close. Q: So, this 4th density energy flow makes us feel this tremendous heat that does not register physically? A: Reflection of it. Q: Is the watching of these dances or listening to this music helpful in unlocking ancient genetic memories? A: In person, not through reproduction. Wearing of silk will enhance the EM effect.
Now, let me see what I can do with the other e-mail.
This was easy... lots of cut and paste!
See also: Vincent Bridges Tells His Own Story Vincent Bridges AKA "Dr. Strange" Vincent Bridges AKA "Dr. Strange" Is Truth Defamatory?The COINTELPRO Files: Vincent Bridges and Co. (photographic exhibit) The Bridges - Jadczyk Correspondence The Weidner - Jadczyk Correspondence
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